207 research outputs found

    Significance of Public Space in the Fragmented City: Designing Strategies for Urban Opportunities in Informal Settlements of Buenos Aires City

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    This article surveys the problem of urban marginalization by one of its more critical expressions in the contemporary city: the slums. The aim is to define an urban design strategy for the integration of those settlements as part of the city context, which enables to find solutions for the conflict improving these communities quality of life.slum, marginality, stigma, integration, public space, quality of life

    Detecting Interplanetary Dust Particles with Radars to Study the Dynamics at the Edge of the Space

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    The Earth's mesosphere is the region of the atmosphere between approximately 60-120 km altitude, where the transition from hydrodynamic flow to molecular diffusion occurs. It is highly dynamic region where turbulence by wave braking is produced and energy is deposited from sources from both, below and above this altitude range. Because aircraft and nearly all balloons reach altitudes below approximately 50 km and orbital spacecrafts are well above approximately 400 km, the mesosphere has only been accessed through the use of sounding rockets or remote sensing techniques, and as a result, it is the most poorly understood part of the atmosphere. In addition, millions of Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) enter the atmosphere. Within the mesosphere most of these IDPs melt or vaporize as a result of collisions with the air particles producing meteors that can be detected with radars. This provides a mean to study the dynamics of this region. In this lecture the basic principles of the utilization of meteor radars to study the dynamics of the mesosphere will be presented. A system overview of these systems will be provided as well as discuss the advantages/disadvantages of these systems, provide details of the data processing methodology and give a brief overview of the current status of the field as well as the vision for the next decade

    Interferometric Meteor Head Echo Observations using the Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar (SAAMER)

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    A radar meteor echo is the radar scattering signature from the free-electrons in a plasma trail generated by entry of extraterrestrial particles into the atmosphere. Three categories of scattering mechanisms exist: specular, nonspecular trails, and head-echoes. Generally, there are two types of radars utilized to detect meteors. Traditional VHF meteor radars (often called all-sky1radars) primarily detect the specular reflection of meteor trails traveling perpendicular to the line of sight of the scattering trail, while High Power and Large Aperture (HPLA) radars efficiently detect meteor head-echoes and, in some cases, non-specular trails. The fact that head-echo measurements can be performed only with HPLA radars limits these studies in several ways. HPLA radars are very sensitive instruments constraining the studies to the lower masses, and these observations cannot be performed continuously because they take place at national observatories with limited allocated observing time. These drawbacks can be addressed by developing head echo observing techniques with modified all-sky meteor radars. In addition, the fact that the simultaneous detection of all different scattering mechanisms can be made with the same instrument, rather than requiring assorted different classes of radars, can help clarify observed differences between the different methodologies. In this study, we demonstrate that such concurrent observations are now possible, enabled by the enhanced design of the Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar (SAAMER) deployed at the Estacion Astronomica Rio Grande (EARG) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The results presented here are derived from observations performed over a period of 12 days in August 2011, and include meteoroid dynamical parameter distributions, radiants and estimated masses. Overall, the SAAMER's head echo detections appear to be produced by larger particles than those which have been studied thus far using this technique

    AIRES and RAPEAS on the Move

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    We report on this presentation an update on two closely related projects with relevance to LISN: AIRES (Argentina Ionospheric Radar Experiment Station) and RAPEAS (Spanish acronym for Argentina Network for Upper Atmosphere Research). AIRES' main goal is the deployment and long term operation of a face of the Afvance Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) close to La Plata city, in Argentina, where it is possible to perform ionospheric measurements of the geomagnetic conjugate point of the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The initial construction of 16 AMISR panels and the infrastructure for the their deployment in Argentina have been initiated in March 2011, in the framework of a memorandum of understanding agreed between the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Argentina National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). In addition, in August 2011, CONICET created RAPEAS, which main objective is to maximize the benefits of AIRES as well as other networks and instruments in Argentina dedicated to Upper Atmosphere research. Over forty scientist and engineers from fifteen scientific and academic institutions are currently part of RAPE AS. Both, RAPEAS and AIRES will create a great synergy within the Argentina Upper Atmosphere community and will open new opportunities for international collaborations among which, the LISN project should play a relevant role

    Aspect sensitivity of VHF echoes from field aligned irregularities in meteor trails and thin ionization layers

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    International audienceThe aspect sensitivity of VHF echoes from field aligned irregularities (FAI) within meteor trails and thin ionization layers is studied using numerical models. Although the maximum power is obtained when a radar is pointed perpendicular to the field line (B), substantial power can be obtained off the B direction if the ionization trail/layer is thin. When the FAI length along B is 20 m, the power observed 6° off B is about 10 db below that perpendicular to the B direction. Meteoric FAI echoes can potentially be used to determine the diffusion rate in the mesopause region. Based on the aspect sensitivity analysis, we conclude that the range spread trail echoes far off B observed by powerful VHF radars are likely due to overdense meteors. Our simulation also shows that ionospheric FAI echoes can have an altitude smearing effect of about 4 km if the vertical extension of a FAI-layer is around 100 m, which has often been observed at Arecibo. The altitude smearing effect can account for the fact that the Es-layers observed by the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar are typically much narrower than FAI-layers and the occurrence of double spectral peaks around the Es-layer altitude in FAI echoes

    Measurements of the vertical fluxes of atomic Fe and Na at the mesopause: implications for the velocity of cosmic dust entering the atmosphere

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    The downward fluxes of Fe and Na, measured near the mesopause with the University of Colorado lidars near Boulder, and a chemical ablation model developed at the University of Leeds, are used to constrain the velocity/mass distribution of the meteoroids entering the atmosphere and to derive an improved estimate for the global influx of cosmic dust. We find that the particles responsible for injecting a large fraction of the ablated material into the Earth's upper atmosphere enter at relatively slow speeds and originate primarily from the Jupiter Family of Comets. The global mean Na influx is 17,200 ± 2800 atoms/cm2/s, which equals 298 ± 47 kg/d for the global input of Na vapor and 150 ± 38 t/d for the global influx of cosmic dust. The global mean Fe influx is 102,000 ± 18,000 atoms/cm2/s, which equals 4.29 ± 0.75 t/d for the global input of Fe vapor

    Radiant measurement accuracy of micrometeors detected by the Arecibo 430 MHz dual-beam radar

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    International audiencePrecise knowledge of the angle between the meteor vector velocity and the radar beam axis is one of the largest source of errors in the Arecibo Observatory (AO) micrometeor observations. In this paper we study ~250 high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) meteor head-echoes obtained using the dual-beam 430 MHz AO Radar in Puerto Rico, in order to reveal the distribution of this angle. All of these meteors have been detected first by the radar first side lobe, then by the main beam and finally seen in the side lobe again. Using geometrical arguments to calculate the meteor velocity in the plane perpendicular to the beam axis, we find that most of the meteors are travelling within ~15° with respect to the beam axis, in excellent agreement with previous estimates. These results suggest that meteoroids entering the atmosphere at greater angles may deposit their meteoric material at higher altitudes explaining at some level the missing mass inconsistency raised by the comparisson of meteor fluxes derived from satellite and radar observations. They also may be the source of the observed high altitude ions and metallic layers observed by radars and lidars respectively

    Dynamics of Dust Particles Released from Oort Cloud Comets and Their Contribution to Radar Meteors

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    The Oort Cloud Comets (OCCs), exemplified by the Great Comet of 1997 (Hale-Bopp), are occasional visitors from the heatless periphery of the solar system. Previous works hypothesized that a great majority of OCCs must physically disrupt after one or two passages through the inner solar system, where strong thermal gradients can cause phase transitions or volatile pressure buildup. Here we study the fate of small debris particles produced by OCC disruptions to determine whether the imprints of a hypothetical population of OCC meteoroids can be found in the existing meteor radar data. We find that OCC particles with diameters D<10 um are blown out from the solar system by radiation pressure, while those with D>1 um have a very low Earth-impact probability. The intermediate particle sizes, D=100 um, represent a sweet spot. About 1% of these particles orbitally evolve by Poynting-Robertson drag to reach orbits with semimajor axis a=1 AU. They are expected to produce meteors with radiants near the apex of the Earth's orbital motion. We find that the model distributions of their impact speeds and orbits provide a good match to radar observations of apex meteors, except for the eccentricity distribution, which is more skewed toward e=1 in our model. Finally, we propose an explanation for the long-standing problem in meteor science related to the relative strength of apex and helion/antihelion sources. As we show in detail, the observed trend, with the apex meteors being more prominent in observations of highly sensitive radars, can be related to orbital dynamics of particles released on the long-period orbits
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