198 research outputs found

    Free jet feasibility study of a thermal acoustic shield concept for AST/VCE application: Dual stream nozzles

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    The influence of selected geometric and aerodynamic flow variables of an unsuppressed coannular plug nozzle and a coannular plug nozzle with a 20-chute outer stream suppressor were experimentally determined. A total of 136 static and simulated flight acoustic test points were conducted with 9 scale model nozzles. Also, aerodynamic measurements of four selected plumes were made with a laser velocimeter. The presence of the 180 deg shield produced different mixing characteristics on the shield side compared to the unshield side because of the reduced mixing with ambient air on the shielded side. This resulted in a stretching of the jet, yielding a higher peak mean velocity up to a length of 10 equivalent diameters from the nozzle exit. The 180 deg shield in community orientation around the suppressed coannular plug nozzle yielded acoustic benefit at all observer angles for a simulated takeoff. While the effect of shield-to-outer stream velocity ratio was small at angles up to 120 deg, beyond this angle significant acoustic benefit was realized with a shield-to-outer stream velocity ratio of 0.64

    Fast algorithms for collision and proximity problems involving moving geometric objects

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    Consider a set of geometric objects, such as points, line segments, or axes-parallel hyperrectangles in \IR^d, that move with constant but possibly different velocities along linear trajectories. Efficient algorithms are presented for several problems defined on such objects, such as determining whether any two objects ever collide and computing the minimum inter-point separation or minimum diameter that ever occurs. The strategy used involves reducing the given problem on moving objects to a different problem on a set of static objects, and then solving the latter problem using techniques based on sweeping, orthogonal range searching, simplex composition, and parametric search

    Free-jet investigation of mechanically suppressed, high radius ratio coannular plug model nozzles

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    The experimental and analytical acoustic results of a scale-model investigation or unsuppressed and mechanically suppressed high-radius ratio coannular plug nozzles with inverted velocity and temperature profiles are summarized. Nine coannular nozzle configurations along with a reference conical nozzle were evaluated in the Anechoic Free-Jet Facility for a total of 212 acoustic test points. Most of the tests were conducted at variable cycle engine conditions applicable to advanced high speed aircraft. The tested nozzles included coannular plug nozzles with both convergent and convergent-divergent (C-D) terminations in order to evaluate C-D effectiveness in the reduction of shock-cell noise and 20 and 40 shallow-chute mechanical suppressors in the outer stream in order to evaluate their effectiveness in the reduction of jet noise. In addition to the acoustic tests, mean and turbulent velocity measurements were made on selected plumes of the 20 shallow-chute configuration using a laser velocimeter. At a mixed jet velocity of 700 m/sec, the 20 shallow-chute suppressor configuration yielded peak aft quadrant suppression of 11.5 and 9 PNdB and forward quadrant suppression of 7 and 6 PNdB relative to a baseline conical nozzles during static and simulated flight, respectively. The C-D terminations were observed to reduce shock-cell noise. An engineering spectral prediction method was formulated for mechanically suppressed coannular plug nozzles

    Experimental investigation of shock-cell noise reduction for dual-stream nozzles in simulated flight comprehensive data report. Volume 1: Test nozzles and acoustic data

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    Parameters which contribute to supersonic jet shock noise were investigated for the purpose of determining means to reduce such noise generation to acceptable levels. Six dual-stream test nozzles with varying flow passage and plug closure designs were evaluated under simulated flight conditions in an anechoic chamber. All nozzles had combined convergent-divergent or convergent flow passages. Acoustic behavior as a function of nozzle flow passage geometry was measured. The acoustic data consist primarily of 1/3 octave band sound pressure levels and overall sound pressure levels. Detailed schematics and geometric characteristics of the six scale model nozzle configurations and acoustic test point definitions are presented. Tabulation of aerodynamic test conditions and a computer listing of the measured acoustic data are displayed

    Experimental Investigation of Shock-Cell Noise Reduction for Single Stream Nozzles in Simulated Flight

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    Seven single stream model nozzles were tested in the Anechoic Free-Jet Acoustic Test Facility to evaluate the effectiveness of convergent divergent (C-D) flowpaths in the reduction of shock-cell noise under both static and mulated flight conditions. The test nozzles included a baseline convergent circular nozzle, a C-D circular nozzle, a convergent annular plug nozzle, a C-D annular plug nozzle, a convergent multi-element suppressor plug nozzle, and a C-D multi-element suppressor plug nozzle. Diagnostic flow visualization with a shadowgraph and aerodynamic plume measurements with a laser velocimeter were performed with the test nozzles. A theory of shock-cell noise for annular plug nozzles with shock-cells in the vicinity of the plug was developed. The benefit of these C-D nozzles was observed over a broad range of pressure ratiosin the vicinity of their design conditions. At the C-D design condition, the C-D annual nozzle was found to be free of shock-cells on the plug

    Axial and pseudoscalar current correlators and their couplings to eta and etaprime mesons

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    Correlators of singlet and octet axial currents, as well as anomaly and pseudoscalar densities have been studied using QCD sum rules. Several of these sum rules are used to determine the couplings f^8_eta, f^0_eta, f^8_etaprime and f^0_etaprime. We find mutually consistent values which are also in agreement with phenomenological values obtained from data on various decay and production rates. While most of the sum rules studied by us are independent of the contributions of direct instantons and screening correction, the singlet-singlet current correlator and the anomaly-anomaly correlator improve by their inclusion.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Eta-nucleon coupling constant in QCD with SU(3) symmetry breaking

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    We study the η\etaNN coupling constant using the method of QCD sum rules starting from the vacuum-to-eta correlation function of the interpolating fields of two nucleons. The matrix element of this correlation has been taken with respect to nucleon spinors to avoid unwanted pole contribution. The SU(3)-flavor symmetry breaking effects have been accounted for via the η\eta-mass, s-quark mass and eta decay constant to leading order. Out of the four sum rules obtained by taking the ratios of the two sum rules in conjunction with the two sum rules in nucleon mass, three are found to give mutually consistent results. We find the SU(3) breaking effects significant, as large as 50% of the SU(3) symmetric part.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Free jet feasibility study of a thermal acoustic shield concept for AST/VCE application: Single stream nozzles

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    A technology base for the thermal acoustic shield concept as a noise suppression device for single stream exhaust nozzles was developed. Acoustic data for 314 test points for 9 scale model nozzle configurations were obtained. Five of these configurations employed an unsuppressed annular plug core jet and the remaining four nozzles employed a 32 chute suppressor core nozzle. Influence of simulated flight and selected geometric and aerodynamic flow variables on the acoustic behavior of the thermal acoustic shield was determined. Laser velocimeter and aerodynamic measurements were employed to yield valuable diagnostic information regarding the flow field characteristics of these nozzles. An existing theoretical aeroacoustic prediction method was modified to predict the acoustic characteristics of partial thermal acoustic shields

    Free-jet feasibility study of a thermal acoustic shield concept for AST/VCE application-dual stream nozzles. Comprehensive data report. Volume 2: Laser velocimeter and suppressor. Base pressure data

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    Acoustic and diagnostic data that were obtained to determine the influence of selected geometric and aerodynamic flow variables of coannular nozzles with thermal acoustic shields are summarized in this comprehensive data report. A total of 136 static and simulated flight acoustic test points were conducted with 9 scale-model nozzles. Aerodynamic laser velocimeter measurements were made for four selected plumes. In addition, static pressure data in the chute base region of the suppressor configurations were obtained to assess the influence of the shield stream on the suppressor base drag