19 research outputs found

    Vsakdanja prehrana zasavskih rudarjev v luči nabavnih knjižic in drugih virov oskrbe

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    V prispevku je obravnavana vsakdanja prehrana zasavskih mezdnih delavcev, med katerimi prevladuje poklicna skupina rudarjev in njihovih družin. Z analizo nabavnih knjižic kot primarnega vira pojasnjuje, zakaj se je pri nižjih družbenih plasteh središče zanimanja za prehrano premaknilo z načina priprave živil na način nabave. Predstavljeni so raznoteri individualni viri oskrbe s hrano v industrijskem okolju in regionalna kuhinja na dozdaj slabo raziskanem območju Slovenije. *** The article focuses on everyday food culture of minimumwage workers, mostly miners, and their families in Zasavje. An analysis of food supply booklets as a primary source shows why the interest of this lower social class had shifted from food preparation to food supply. Examined is a variety of food supply sources and local cuisine in this industrial, hitherto seldom researched, region

    Ensemble weather forecast post-processing with a flexible probabilistic neural network approach

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    Ensemble forecast post-processing is a necessary step in producing accurate probabilistic forecasts. Conventional post-processing methods operate by estimating the parameters of a parametric distribution, frequently on a per-location or per-lead-time basis. We propose a novel, neural network-based method, which produces forecasts for all locations and lead times, jointly. To relax the distributional assumption of many post-processing methods, our approach incorporates normalizing flows as flexible parametric distribution estimators. This enables us to model varying forecast distributions in a mathematically exact way. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in the context of the EUPPBench benchmark, where we conduct temperature forecast post-processing for stations in a sub-region of western Europe. We show that our novel method exhibits state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark, outclassing our previous, well-performing entry. Additionally, by providing a detailed comparison of three variants of our novel post-processing method, we elucidate the reasons why our method outperforms per-lead-time-based approaches and approaches with distributional assumptions

    SMIXS: Novel efficient algorithm for non-parametric mixture regression-based clustering

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    We investigate a novel non-parametric regression-based clustering algorithm for longitudinal data analysis. Combining natural cubic splines with Gaussian mixture models (GMM), the algorithm can produce smooth cluster means that describe the underlying data well. However, there are some shortcomings in the algorithm: high computational complexity in the parameter estimation procedure and a numerically unstable variance estimator. Therefore, to further increase the usability of the method, we incorporated approaches to reduce its computational complexity, we developed a new, more stable variance estimator, and we developed a new smoothing parameter estimation procedure. We show that the developed algorithm, SMIXS, performs better than GMM on a synthetic dataset in terms of clustering and regression performance. We demonstrate the impact of the computational speed-ups, which we formally prove in the new framework. Finally, we perform a case study by using SMIXS to cluster vertical atmospheric measurements to determine different weather regimes

    Sounds of forest

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    Zvočna podoba gozda je zanimiva na več področjih. V diplomski nalogi so s pomočjo študija literature našteti in opisani najznačilnejši zvoki gozda (z.g.:oglašanje živali, zvoki vetra, rastlin in vode itd.) ter osvetljena področja, za katera so ti zvoki zanimivi: lovstvo, bioakustiko ter področje človekovega zdravja. Predstavljeno je, kako so z.g. vključeni v glasbeno-umetniška dela predvsem v skladbah slovenskih avtorjev in to z namenom razširiti pomen estetske funkcije gozda. Predstavljene so štiri skladbe (Drevesa B. Jež Brezavšček, Gozdni odmevi J. Ježa, Tango ptic Č. Sojar Voglarja, Turist A. Kumarja), ki so vključene tudi v internetno anketo o doživljanju z.g. V analizo je zajetih 428 odgovorov. Pokazala je, da so skladatelji bolj ali manj dosegli, da so si poslušalci ob poslušanju predstavljali gozd ter da se večini anketiranih gozd zdi zvočno zanimiv. Najpogostejše zvočne asociacije ob besedi gozd so šumenje in šelestenje, ptičje petje ter oglašanje drugih živali. Več kot polovica anketiranih se v gozdu ne srečuje z zvočnim onesnaženjem, druge najbolj moti hrup gozdne mehanizacije in prevoznih sredstev. Učinke z.g. na počutje je večina anketiranih opisala kot pozitivne.The forest soundscape is interesting from many perspectives. In this thesis published literature on the topic was studied to identify and describe significant forest sounds (f.s.: animal uttering, sounds of wind, plants and water etc.) and to expose fields, where f.s. are interesting: hunting, bioacoustics and the field of human health. In thesis is presented how f.s. are present in musical art, esp. in music of Slovene authors with the goal toexpand the meaning of the aesthetic function of the forest. Four works are presented (B. Jež Brezavšček: Trees, J. Jež: Sylvan echoes, Č. Sojar Voglar: Bird tango, and A. Kumar: Tourist) and included in an internet questionnaire about experiencing forest sounds. 428 answers were analyzed and it shows that composers more or less achieved their goal of leading listeners to imagine forest while listening. Most respondents find f.s. interesting. The most frequent sounds associated with the word \u27forest\u27 are rustling, bird song and uttering of other animals. More than half of the respondents do not come across sound pollution in forests, the others are annoyed by the noise of forest mechanization and transport means. Most respondents described their reactions to f.s. as positive

    The meaning of forest soundscape for its aesthetic function

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    Zvočna podoba gozda je zanimiva oblika estetske funkcije gozda. V raziskavi smo predstavili, kako je zvočna podoba gozda vključena v glasbeno-umetniška dela predvsem v skladbah slovenskih avtorjev, in to z namenom razširiti pomen estetske funkcije gozda. Predstavljene so štiri skladbe (Drevesa, B. Jež Brezavšček, Gozdni odmevi, J. Jež, Tango ptic, Č. Sojar Voglar, Turist, A. Kumar). Odlomki teh skladb so bili vključeni v internetno anketo o doživljanjuzvokov gozda. V analizo je zajetih 428 odgovorov, pokazala pa je, da so skladatelji bolj ali manj dosegli, da so si poslušalci ob poslušanju predstavljali gozd ter da je za večino anketiranih gozd zvočno zanimiv. Ob besedi gozd so najpogostejše zvočne asociacije šumenje in šelestenje, ptičje petje ter oglašanje drugih živali. Več kot polovica anketiranih se v gozdu ne srečuje z zvočnim onesnaženjem, druge najbolj moti hrup gozdne mehanizacije in prevoznih sredstev. Večina anketiranih je opisala učinke zvokov gozda na počutje kot pozitivne.The forest soundscape is an interesting type of aesthetic forest function. In the research it is presented how f.s. is present in musical art, esp. in music of Slovene authors with the goal to expand the meaning of the aesthetic function of the forest. Four works are presented (B. Jež Brezavšček: Trees, J. Jež: Sylvan echoes, Č. Sojar Voglar: Bird tango, and A. Kumar: Tourist) and included in an internet questionnaire about experiencing forest sounds. 428 answers were analysed and it shows that composers more or less achieved their goal of leading listeners to imagine forest while listening. Most respondents find f.s. interesting. The most frequent sounds associated with the word \u27forest\u27 are rustling, bird song and uttering of other animals. More than half of the respondents do not come across sound pollution in forests, the others are annoyed by the noise of forest mechanization and transport means. Most respondents described their reactions to f.s. as positive

    HIV-1 unique recombinant forms identified in Slovenia and their characterization by near full-length genome sequencing

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    Surveillance of HIV circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) is important because HIV diversity can affect various aspects of HIV infection from prevention to diagnosis and patient management. A comprehensive collection of pol sequences obtained from individuals diagnosed with HIV-1 from 2000 to 2016 in Slovenia was subtyped to identify possible unique recombinant forms (URFs). Selected samples were subjected to near full-length genome (NFLG) sequencing and detailed recombination analyses. Discordant subtyping results were observed for 68/387 (17.6%) sequences and 20 sequences were identified as the most probable URFs and selected for NFLG characterization. Further, 11 NFLGs and two sequences of >7000 base pairs were obtained. Seven sequences were identified as "pure" subtypes or already characterized CRFs: subtype B (n = 5), sub-subtype A6 (n = 1), and CRF01_AE (n = 1). The remaining six sequences were determined to be URFsfour displayed a single recombination event and two exhibited a complex recombination pattern involving several subtypes or CRFs. Finally, three HIV strains were recognized as having epidemic potential and could be further characterized as new CRFs. Our study shows that the identification of new CRFs is possible, even in countries where HIV diversity is considered limited, emphasizing the importance of the surveillance of HIV recombinant forms