22 research outputs found

    Úloha Hac1p při morfogenezi kvasinkových kolonií

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    Prírodné kmene kvasiniek Saccharomyces cerevisiae vytvárajú na pevnom médiu štruktúrované kolónie podobné biofilmom, čo im umožňuje dlhodobé prežívanie v nepriaznivých podmienkach prostredia. Molekulárny mechanizmus časopriestorového vývoja kolónií a rezistencie voči nehostinným podmienkam je však stále z veľkej časti neznámy. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce bola analýza vplyvu génu HAC1 na morfológiu kolónií. Proteín Hac1p aktivuje bunkovú odpoveď na prítomnosť nezbalených proteínov (UPR), v rámci ktorej sa aktivuje expresia génov kódujúcich proteíny zahrnuté v sekrečnej dráhe a potláčaní stresu v endoplazmatickom retikule (ER). Vplyv delécie génu HAC1 sa preukázal i za nestresových podmienok a viedol ku radikálnemu zníženiu vrásčitosti kolónií delečných kmeňov odvodených od dvoch prírodných kmeňov S. cerevisiae (PORT a BR-F- Flo11p-GFP) a laboratórneho kmeňa ΣSh , ktoré tvoria polovrásčité alebo vrásčité kolónie. Mutantné kmene hac1∆ mali zároveň spomalený vegetatívny rast, znížený charakter vrastania do agaru a zníženú tvorbu zhlukov buniek. U kmeňov hac1∆ odvodených od kmeňa BR-F- Flo11p-GFP bola zistená veľmi nízka hladina povrchového adhezínu Flo11p nevyhnutného pre vytvorenie štruktúrovanej architektúry kvasinkovej kolónie. Je pravdepodobné, že produkcia niektorého proteínu, zúčastňujúceho sa...On solid surfaces wild strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae form biofilm-like, structured colonies enabling them to survive long-term in hostile environments in the wild. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the spatio-temporal development of colonies and their resistance to hostile conditions are still largely unknown. In this study, we analyzed the effect of the HAC1 gene on the colony morphology of wild strains of S. cerevisiae. The transcription factor Hac1p activates the unfolded protein response (UPR), which leads to activation of the expression of genes encoding components of the protein secretory pathway, and genes involved in stress responses in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The impact of HAC1 deletion is significant even under non-stress conditions and causes a radical reduction of structured colony architecture in hac1∆ strains derived from two wild S. cerevisiae strains (PORT and BR-F-Flo11p-GFP) and one laboratory ΣSh strain forming semi-fluffy or fluffy colonies. The hac1∆ strains exhibit a decreased vegetative growth rate, reduced cell attachment to the agar and an ineffective cell-cell adhesion resulting in decreased flocculation. The hac1∆ strains derived from BR-F-Flo11p-GFP contain a low level of Flo11p surface adhesin which is considered very important for the proper...Department of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Development and differentiation of different types of yeast colonies: Regulation of metabolic diversification and development of cells with novel properties

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    Yeasts are unicellular organisms, but on a solid substrate they are capable of forming complex organized structures that behave like primitive multicellular organisms. Examples of these structures include colonies and biofilms, whose cells interact with each other, coordinate their growth and development, differentiate spatially and form specialized cell subpopulations in which specific processes and regulatory pathways occur. The basis of cellular differentiation and specialization is the formation of gradients of nutrients, metabolites and signaling molecules. Thus, multicellular yeast communities differ significantly from planktonic populations in their characteristics. The aim of this work is to increase knowledge related to the development and differentiation of both smooth and structured colonies of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The literature introduction of the thesis provides an overview of the current knowledge on the development of yeast colonies and biofilms, especially of S. cerevisiae species, and also includes selected regulations important for the formation of multicellular populations. The thesis provides insights into the antagonistic function of the transcriptional regulators Cyc8p and Tup1p in the development of structured biofilm colonies. Genome-wide transcriptomic..

    Development and differentiation of different types of yeast colonies: Regulation of metabolic diversification and development of cells with novel properties

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    Yeasts are unicellular organisms, but on a solid substrate they are capable of forming complex organized structures that behave like primitive multicellular organisms. Examples of these structures include colonies and biofilms, whose cells interact with each other, coordinate their growth and development, differentiate spatially and form specialized cell subpopulations in which specific processes and regulatory pathways occur. The basis of cellular differentiation and specialization is the formation of gradients of nutrients, metabolites and signaling molecules. Thus, multicellular yeast communities differ significantly from planktonic populations in their characteristics. The aim of this work is to increase knowledge related to the development and differentiation of both smooth and structured colonies of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The literature introduction of the thesis provides an overview of the current knowledge on the development of yeast colonies and biofilms, especially of S. cerevisiae species, and also includes selected regulations important for the formation of multicellular populations. The thesis provides insights into the antagonistic function of the transcriptional regulators Cyc8p and Tup1p in the development of structured biofilm colonies. Genome-wide transcriptomic..

    Stigmatisation and self-stigmatisation of people with a mental illness

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou stigmatizace a sebestigmatizace lidí s duševním onemocněním. Cílem práce je zmapovat subjektivně vnímanou stigmatizaci a následnou sebestigmatizaci lidí s duševním onemocněním. Kvalitativní výzkum byl proveden metodou hloubkových rozhovorů se šesti lidmi s diagnostikovaným duševním onemocněním. Výsledky ukazují, že se respondenti se stigmatizací potýkají často ze strany svých nejbližších, jejichž negativní postoje vycházejí z nepochopení a nedostatečné znalosti problematiky duševních nemocí. Zvlášť problematickou se jevila stigmatizace ze strany zdravotnického personálu na psychiatrických uzavřených odděleních nemocnic. Souvislost mezi respondenty pociťovanou stigmatizací a následnou sebestigmatizací byla prokázána, obdobně jako subjektivně snížená kvalita jejich života v důsledku mnohých omezení, která s sebou duševní onemocnění přináší. Závěrečná diskuse předkládá dosažené výsledky ve srovnání s českými i zahraničními studiemi, včetně doporučení pro praxi určeného studentům programu Všeobecné ošetřovatelství.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis deals with the issue of stigmatization and self-stigmatization of people with mental illness. The aim of the thesis is to map the subjectively perceived stigmatization and subsequent self-stigmatization of people with mental illness. Qualitative research was carried out by the method of in-depth interviews with six people with diagnosed mental disorder. The results show that respondents often struggle with stigmatization from their closest ones, whose negative attitudes are based on misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of the issue of mental illness. Particularly problematic appeared to be the stigma-tization from medical staff in hospital psychiatric closed wards. The link between respondents felt stigmatization and subsequent self-stigmatization was proven, similarly as the subjectively decreased quality of their life due to the many limitations their mental illness brings. The final discussion presents the achieved results compared to Czech and foreign studies, including a recommendation for practice addressed to students of the General Nursing discipline

    The effect of HAc1p on the development of yeast colony

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    On solid surfaces wild strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae form biofilm-like, structured colonies enabling them to survive long-term in hostile environments in the wild. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the spatio-temporal development of colonies and their resistance to hostile conditions are still largely unknown. In this study, we analyzed the effect of the HAC1 gene on the colony morphology of wild strains of S. cerevisiae. The transcription factor Hac1p activates the unfolded protein response (UPR), which leads to activation of the expression of genes encoding components of the protein secretory pathway, and genes involved in stress responses in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The impact of HAC1 deletion is significant even under non-stress conditions and causes a radical reduction of structured colony architecture in hac1∆ strains derived from two wild S. cerevisiae strains (PORT and BR-F-Flo11p-GFP) and one laboratory ΣSh strain forming semi-fluffy or fluffy colonies. The hac1∆ strains exhibit a decreased vegetative growth rate, reduced cell attachment to the agar and an ineffective cell-cell adhesion resulting in decreased flocculation. The hac1∆ strains derived from BR-F-Flo11p-GFP contain a low level of Flo11p surface adhesin which is considered very important for the proper..

    Stigmatisation and self-stigmatisation of people with a mental illness

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou stigmatizace a sebestigmatizace lidí s duševním onemocněním. Cílem práce je zmapovat subjektivně vnímanou stigmatizaci a následnou sebestigmatizaci lidí s duševním onemocněním. Kvalitativní výzkum byl proveden metodou hloubkových rozhovorů se šesti lidmi s diagnostikovaným duševním onemocněním. Výsledky ukazují, že se respondenti se stigmatizací potýkají často ze strany svých nejbližších, jejichž negativní postoje vycházejí z nepochopení a nedostatečné znalosti problematiky duševních nemocí. Zvlášť problematickou se jevila stigmatizace ze strany zdravotnického personálu na psychiatrických uzavřených odděleních nemocnic. Souvislost mezi respondenty pociťovanou stigmatizací a následnou sebestigmatizací byla prokázána, obdobně jako subjektivně snížená kvalita jejich života v důsledku mnohých omezení, která s sebou duševní onemocnění přináší. Závěrečná diskuse předkládá dosažené výsledky ve srovnání s českými i zahraničními studiemi, včetně doporučení pro praxi určeného studentům programu Všeobecné ošetřovatelství.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis deals with the issue of stigmatization and self-stigmatization of people with mental illness. The aim of the thesis is to map the subjectively perceived stigmatization and subsequent self-stigmatization of people with mental illness. Qualitative research was carried out by the method of in-depth interviews with six people with diagnosed mental disorder. The results show that respondents often struggle with stigmatization from their closest ones, whose negative attitudes are based on misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of the issue of mental illness. Particularly problematic appeared to be the stigma-tization from medical staff in hospital psychiatric closed wards. The link between respondents felt stigmatization and subsequent self-stigmatization was proven, similarly as the subjectively decreased quality of their life due to the many limitations their mental illness brings. The final discussion presents the achieved results compared to Czech and foreign studies, including a recommendation for practice addressed to students of the General Nursing discipline

    Vývoj a diferenciace různých typů kvasinkových kolonií: Regulace metabolické diverzifikace a rozvoj buněk s novými vlastnostmi

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    Yeasts are unicellular organisms, but on a solid substrate they are capable of forming complex organized structures that behave like primitive multicellular organisms. Examples of these structures include colonies and biofilms, whose cells interact with each other, coordinate their growth and development, differentiate spatially and form specialized cell subpopulations in which specific processes and regulatory pathways occur. The basis of cellular differentiation and specialization is the formation of gradients of nutrients, metabolites and signaling molecules. Thus, multicellular yeast communities differ significantly from planktonic populations in their characteristics. The aim of this work is to increase knowledge related to the development and differentiation of both smooth and structured colonies of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The literature introduction of the thesis provides an overview of the current knowledge on the development of yeast colonies and biofilms, especially of S. cerevisiae species, and also includes selected regulations important for the formation of multicellular populations. The thesis provides insights into the antagonistic function of the transcriptional regulators Cyc8p and Tup1p in the development of structured biofilm colonies. Genome-wide transcriptomic...Kvasinky jsou jednobuněčné organismy, ale na pevném substrátu jsou schopny vytvářet složité organizované struktury, které se chovají jako primitivní mnohobuněčné organismy. Příkladem těchto struktur jsou kolonie a biofilmy, jejichž buňky spolu vzájemně interagují, koordinují svůj růst a vývoj, prostorově se diferencují a vytvářejí specializované buněčné subpopulace, v nichž se uplatňují specifické procesy a regulační dráhy. Základem buněčné diferenciace a specializace je tvorba gradientů živin, metabolitů a signálních molekul. Mnohobuněčná kvasinková společenstva se tak svými vlastnostmi výrazně liší od planktonních populací. Cílem této práce je rozšířit znalosti týkající se vývoje a diferenciace hladkých i strukturovaných kolonií kvasinky Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Do literárního úvodu práce je zařazen přehled současných poznatků o vývoji kvasinkových kolonií a biofilmů, zejména u S. cerevisiae, a jsou zde uvedeny i vybrané regulace důležité pro vznik mnohobuněčných populací. Práce přináší poznatky o antagonistické funkci transkripčních regulátorů Cyc8p a Tup1p při vývoji strukturovaných kolonií biofilmu. Celogenomové transkriptomické analýzy různých buněčných subpopulací hladkých kolonií přispěly k objasnění procesů, regulačních mechanismů a dějů, které jsou specifické pro jednotlivé buněčné...Department of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    A Gem From non-Traditional Materials

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    The title of the graduation thesis is a gem from non-traditional materials. The first part of the thesis focuses on the erratic c arac of the gem and its function with respect to time and space.The second part describes events connected with Czech author's gem in broader cultural and political connexions. The third part is devoted to individual and traditional materials used during production of a gem and authors who use these materials.The pedagogical part deals with a gem in the lessons of Arts and Craft. Artistic suggestions were partially realized at Elementary School Na Chodovci and their reflection is elaborated in the pedagogical part of the t esis. The last part of the thesis describes a draft of author's own The whole work is supplemented with large amount of illu satrrta wtivoer kms a(ttherrieaels t. imes collection of gems from non-traditional materials). Key words: a gem, a material, non-traditional materials, arts and crafts, design, art educatio

    Urinary Inkontinence as a Stress Faktor on Seniors- Women

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    Abstract Urinary incontinence is involuntary leakage of urine, which causes medical, psychological, social and hygienic problems. Incontinence is a common problem of senior age and influences all fields of women´s life. Almost every senior woman has some kind of experience with this issue, either personal or linked to someone she knows. This thesis deals with causes of incontinence origin, its diagnostics and treatment possibilities. The aim was to find out whether incontinence influences mental condition of senior women and if so, in which way the problems connected with the incontinence are present. The thesis further examines how senior women cope with information about their problems, whether they have sufficient information and whether the information is understandable. It is also important to know what the modern-day options for treatment of this problem are, and whether senior women are willing to undergo the procedures and examinations. The thesis also deals with the question whether senior women have sufficiency of incontinency aids, whether they are satisfied with the nursing care and whether their privacy during sanitation is satisfactory. The survey shows that senior women are stressed by urine leakage, they reduce their activities, socially isolate themselves, are dissatisfied with the quantity of the incontinency aids, limit the fluid intake. The finding, that senior women are not much interested in receiving more information, in further detailed examinations, or in pelvic muscle rehabilitation, was surprising. It has been proven that doctors offer mainly pharmacological and compensational treatment to senior women. Regarding the privacy issue, it has been proven that senior women are satisfied with the nursery care and have adapted to the lack of privacy. It resulted from the survey that nurses do not have enough professional information for education of senior women. Elaboration of a new educational plan for the Senior House clients and nurses working in the facility is the output of this thesis