19 research outputs found

    Corporate Culture and Human Resources Management in a Company of Japanese Management

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    katedra: KPE; rozsah: 94 s., 14 s. příloh.The object of the dissertation work is to form an outline of the company culture and methods of human resource management in a Japanese company and the comparison of the Czech ideas about those companies and reality. Theoretical passage offers the basic definitions and terms from the area of company culture and human resource management, it defines the specification of Japanese management, and deals with the Japanese working and cultural demonstrations. Obtained data from the theoretical passage are used in the application part of this work, where the reader would find the description of observed company culture as well as the applied access to the human resource management in a concrete Japanese company from the Czech environment. As a conclusion due to own projects the Czech ideas about the Japanese companies are either confirmed or disconfirmed. Consequently, the recommendation for the future potential applicants of Japanese companies from the rows of the Czech citizens is mentioned.Předmětem diplomové práce je formulovat rysy podnikové kultury a přístupů k řízení lidských zdrojů v japonské společnosti a současně porovnat české představy o japonských firmách se skutečností. Teoretická pasáž podává základní definice a termíny z oblasti podnikové kultury a řízení lidských zdrojů, definuje specifika japonského managementu a pojednává o japonských pracovních i kulturních projevech. Získané poznatky z teoretické pasáže byly využity v aplikační části práce, kde čtenář nalezne popis pozorované podnikové kultury a zároveň využívané přístupy k řízení lidských zdrojů v konkrétní firmě. Závěrem byly díky vlastnímu projektu potvrzeny nebo vyvráceny české představy o japonských společnostech a následně bylo vysloveno doporučení pro potenciální zaměstnance japonských firem, především z řad českých občanů

    Organizations Established by Municipalities

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    Import 11/07/2012Cílem diplomové práce "Organizace zřizované územními samosprávnými celky" je podat přehled o organizacích zřizovaných městem Hranice. Součástí práce je i analýza rozpočtových vztahů města Hranice a jim zřizovanými organizacemi a kontrola hospodaření. První část práce je věnována teoretickému vymezení obce a popisu organizací, které jsou zřizovány obcí. Na konci první části jsou konkrétně popsány organizace zřízené městem Hranice. Další část je zaměřena na vazby mezi zřizovatelem a zřízenými organizacemi a na hospodaření organizací. Poslední část práce se zabývá kontrolou hospodaření obce a organizací.The aim of the thesis "The Organizations Established by Municipalities" is an overview of the organizations established by the city of Hranice. The work also includes analysis of budgetary relations between the city of Hranice and its organizations and thein management control. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the theoretical description and definition of community organizations that are established by municipalities. At the end of the first part the organizations specifically established by the city of Hranice are being described. The next part is focused on links between the founder and its established organizations and their economy. The last part deals with the control of the municipal management and community organizations.117 - Katedra účetnictvívelmi dobř


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    Článek se zabývá shrnutím analýz a jejich výsledků (především analýzy materiálových toků na území Moravskoslezského kraje), které bylo třeba provést pro vytipování lokalit vhodných pro umístění veřejného logistické centra v Moravskoslezském kraji.This paper deals with summary of analyses and their outcomes (above all analysis of material flows in Moravian-Silesian country). These analyses was executed for the purpose of determination of locations suitable for freight village placement in Moravian-Silesian country

    Engine intake airbox CFD optimisation and experimental validation tests

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    The effective power of an internal combustion engine is determined by the amount of air that is drawn into the cylinder. One of the basic requirements for the intake is the even filling of all cylinders. This paper deals with the design of an airbox 4- cylinder 2.2 liter naturally aspirated SI engine. The CFD simulation of the air flow through the serial airbox was performed. This showed an uneven filling of the cylinders. With the help of CFD simulations, the shape of the airbox was optimized to improve the uniformity of the cylinders filling. The validation tests of the real airboxes on the flow bench were performed. The standard airbox and the airbox with the optimized shape were compared. The results confirmed the CFD simulations outputs. Furthermore, it has been shown that the air filter chamber can contribute to the uniform filling of the cylinders. The research resulted in the optimization of the engine's intake tract airbox shape.Web of Science20236367636

    How people with mental health problems perceive the conditions that make it easier or harder for them to participate in organised leisure activities?

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    The master's thesis presents the results of a qualitative research interviewing five respondents with mental health issues or psychiatric disorders. Respondents share their experiences with organized leisure activities, both past and ongoing. The research aims to describe how respondents perceive the conditions of organized leisure activities that facilitate or hinder their participation. Five main themes were identified in the respondents' statements: educators' approach, activity organisation and rules, evaluation or criticism, the environment, and parental attitudes. The research findings can assist leisure educators in understanding the experiences of individuals with mental health challenges. This understanding, coupled with empathy and a willingness to adopt an individualized approach, provides people with mental health issues a better chance to experience meaningful leisure time

    Monitoring of antimigrainic consumption in VoZP in České Budějovice in 1999-2005

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Mgr. Jana Míková Consultant: PharmDr. Jana Pourová Ph.D. Title of Thesis: Monitoring of antimigrenic drugs prescription in VoZP České Budějovice in 1999- 2005 The aim of this thesis was to monitor the treatment of patients suffering from migraine. Theoretical part deals with migraine, its pathogenesis, classification, and current therapeutic options. In Experimental part, statistical evaluation of the data collected in VoZP Health Insurance Company in České Budějovice between 1999-2005 is provided (e.g. influence of age or gender)

    Pharmacotherapy of migraine

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    Katedra farmakologie a toxikologieDepartment of Pharmacology and ToxicologyFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Pharmacotherapy of migraine

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