1,263 research outputs found
mRNA fusion constructs serve in a general cell‐based assay to profile oligonucleotide activity
A cellular assay has been developed to allow measurement of the inhibitory activity of large numbers of oligonucleotides at the protein level. The assay is centred on an mRNA fusion transcript construct comprising of a full‐length reporter gene with a target region of interest inserted into the 3′‐untranslated region. Luciferase and fluorescent reporter genes were used in the constructs. The insert can be from multiple sources (uncharacterised ESTs, partial or full‐length genes, genes from alternate species, etc.). Large numbers of oligonucleotides were screened for antisense activity against a number of such constructs bearing different reporters, in different cell lines and the inhibitory profiles obtained were compared with those observed through screening the oligonucleotides against the corresponding endogenous genes assayed at the mRNA level. A high degree of similarity in the profiles was obtained indicating that the fusion constructs are suitable surrogates for the endogenous messages for characterisation of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs). Furthermore, the results support the hypothesis that the secondary structure of mRNAs are divided into domains, the nature of which is determined by primary nucleotide sequence. Oligonucleotides whose activity is dependent on the local structure of their target mRNAs (e.g. ASOs, short interfering RNAs) can be characterised via such fusion RNA construct
Entwicklung der Eutergesundheit im Zeitraum der Trockenperiode in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben
As a part of the study „Health and performance of dairy cows in organic farming from an interdisciplinary point of view – an (intervention-) study on metabolic disorders and mastitis with regard to forage production, feeding management and husbandry practices” quarter milk samples from cows at dry off and after calving were taken by farmers in 101 dairy farms in Germany between January 2008 and April 2010. The objective of this study was to evaluate mastitis prevalence at dry off and at calving and the evaluation of different therapeutic regimes at dry off. 3460 cows from 101 dairy farms were examined. Mastitis prevalence at dry off was comparable to conventional farms. At calving organic farms have high mastitis prevalence due to a low cure rate and a high new infection rate in the dry period. The non-use of dry cow antibiotics or teat sealers result in significantly lower cure rates on quarter level (28.7% vs. 33,2%) and higher new infection rates (29.7% vs. 26.4%). The results show, that dry period is a high-risk period for udder health in organic dairy farms. Improvements of the hygienic conditions, the immune defence and the therapeutic regimes offer high potentials for improvement of udder health
Fütterung auf den Praxisbetrieben im Verlauf der Interventionsstudie“Gesundheit und Leistung in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung – Ausgangssituation Einfluss auf die Tiergesundheit
Die Fütterung hat einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Stoffwechselgesundheit und damit auf die Eutergesundheit beim Milchvieh. Aus der vorliegenden Datengrundlage des Projekts "Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit von Milchkühen im Ökologischen Landbau interdisziplinär betrachtet" wird untersucht, welche Fütterungsparameter einschließlich des Fütterungsmanagements einen Einfluss auf das Stoffwechselgeschehen haben. Auch ist es möglich, eine Entwicklung der Betriebe aufgrund der Intervention darzustellen
Einstreumanagement in der Ökologischen Milchviehhaltung
The use of bedding materials of natural source is a requirement of the EU regulation of organic husbandry considering the needs of animals for dry comfortable lying areas. However, organic bedding materials provide an environment for mastitis pathogens, too and therefore increase the risk of intramammary infections if not well managed
Die wechselseitige Bewertung sozialer Milieus und die strukturierende Wirkung sozialer Kontakte: Ein methodenintegrierendes Netzwerkprojekt
In dem Beitrag stellen wir erstmals Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „Segmentation und wechselseitige Bewertungen sozialer Milieus“ vor. In diesem Projekt untersuchen wir den Grad der Durchmischung bzw. Abschottung zwischen sozialen Milieus und die Frage, wie durch soziale Kontakte oder -barrieren das (Nicht-)Wissen sowie die Vorstellungen über andere soziale Milieus strukturiert werden. Dem Projekt liegt ein Mixed-Methods Forschungsdesign zugrunde, das sich durch eine Netzwerkperspektive sowie die Präsentation und Bewertung von idealtypischen Milieu-Vignetten auszeichnet. Der Fokus des Beitrages liegt auf drei ersten tentativen Befunden und nimmt die Ablehnung anderer sozialer Milieus, Polarisierungstendenzen nach der Theorie der Sozialen Produnktionsfunktion zwischen ausgewählten Milieus sowie die Bedeutung und strukturierenden Wirkungen von Milieu-Homophilie innerhalb sozialer Netzwerke in den Blick.
Haltungshygiene und Eutergesundheit im ökologisch geführten Milchviehbetrieb
Im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Studie wurden in der der Zeit von Januar 2008 bis April 2010 Daten auf 106 Betreiben in Deutschland erhoben. In diesem Teilprojekt wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen Hygeine und Eutergesundheit oim Rahmen einer ersten Asuwertung untersucht. Die Analyse macht deutlich, dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Halltungs- une Tierhygiene gibt. zudem gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Sauberkeit der Laufgänge und der subklinsichen Eutergesundheit sowie der Sauberkeit der Etuer und der Eutergesundheit der Färsen
The Extended Postoperative Care-Score (EXPO-Score)-An Objective Tool for Early Identification of Indication for Extended Postoperative Care
Extended postoperative care and intensive care unit capacity is limited and efficient patient allocation is mandatory. This study aims to develop an effective yet simple score to predict indication for extended postoperative care, as there is a lack of objective criteria for early prediction of admission to extended care in surgical patients. This prospective observational study was divided into two periods (Period 1: Extended Postoperative Care-Score (EXPO)-Score generation; Period 2: EXPO-Score validation) and it was performed at a tertiary university center in Germany. A total of 4042 (Period 1) and 2198 (Period 2) adult patients ≥ 18 years old receiving elective or emergency surgery were included in this study. After identifying patient- and surgery-related risk factors by an expert panel, the EXPO-Score was developed through logistic regression from data of Period 1 and validated in Period 2. Three risk factors are sufficient for generating a reliable predictive EXPO-Score: (1) the American Society of Anesthesiologists' (ASA) physical status, (2) cardiopulmonary physical exercise status expressed in metabolic equivalents (MET), and (3) the type of surgery. The score threshold (0.23) has a sensitivity of 0.87, a specificity of 0.91, and an accuracy of 0.90 for predicting indication for extended postoperative care. The EXPO-Score provides a validated, early collectable, and easy-to-use tool for predicting indication of extended postoperative care in adult surgical patients
Stoffwechselbelastungen zu Laktationsbeginn und ihr Einfluss auf die Eutergesundheit in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben
As a part of the study „Health and performance of dairy cows in organic farming from an interdisciplinary point of view – an (intervention-) study on metabolic disorders and mastitis with regard to forage production, feeding management and husbandry practices” different udder health and metabolic parameters were determined in 106 dairy farms in Germany between January 2008 and April 2010. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare udder health and metabolic data in dry period and early lactation within the scope of a preliminary analysis. The analysis shows that relations exist between disturbances of the metabolism health and the udder health. Significant correlations between ketosis and hypocalcämia and udder health make clear that their control is vital for animal health management in organic dairy farms
Risiken und Chancen der Stoffwechsel- und Eutergesundheit im Zeitraum der Trockenperiode und der Frühlaktation in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben
As a part of the study 'Health and performance of dairy cows in organic farming from an interdisciplinary point of view 13 an (intervention-) study on metabolic disorders and mastitis with regard to forage production, feeding management and husbandry practices' different udder health and metabolic variables were determined in 106 dairy farms in Germany between January 2008 and April 2010. The objective of this study was to evaluate udder health risks and metabolic risks in dry period and early lactation. Udder health and metabolic situation were similar to conventional dairy farms. Identified risks for metabolic health and udder health lay in the feeding area (homogenous feeding without a huge variation in body condition in lactation and dry period) and in the dry period therapy
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