42 research outputs found
Anodic formation and SEM characterization of zirconium oxide nanostructured films
Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) is a widely utilized inorganic material with excellent dielectric, optical, and biocompatible characteristics. The properties and areas of the ZrO2 applications can be further broadened by making the material nanostructured. In this work, anodic ZrO2 nanostructured films were developed and characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The films were prepared by anodizing magnetron-sputtered Al/Zr bilayers in two regimes: galvanostatic/potentiostatic anodizing in (COOH)2 and H2SO4 solutions (anodized films) and that followed by the high-speed reanodizing to a significantly higher anodic voltage (reanodized films). The growth of a porous anodic alumina (PAA) layer followed by PAA-assisted oxidation of the Zr underlayer was achieved. The anodized films consist of arrays of self-organized spatially ordered ZrO2 nanohillocks while the reanodized films comprise arrays of vertically aligned ZrO2 nanorods. The growth of amorphous ZrO2 nanohillocks and nanorods within the alumina pores via migration of Zr4+ cations is a unique situation for anodic films on zirconium, which normally grow crystalline and by O2- anion transport at the oxide/metal interface only. The achievement is a milestone towards understanding the ion transport during the PAA-assisted anodization of valve metals with low cation transport number
Anodic formation of HfO2 nanostructure arrays for resistive switching application
Thin dielectric films are actively investigated as materials for novel resistive random-access memories based on resistive switching effect in metal/insulator/metal structures. Thin HfO2 films are of particular interest due to the high thermal stability, low operating voltages of resulting devices, and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology compatibility of this material. In this study, we investigate the resistive switching behavior of nanostructured HfO2 film embedded in a porous anodic alumina matrix. The film was synthesized via self-organized electrochemical anodizing of a sputter-deposited Al/Hf bilayer on a Si substrate in an oxalic acid solution. The film was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Simple metal/insulator/metal devices were prepared by sputter-deposition of Pt top electrodes through a shadow mask onto the nanostructured film. Assembled devices were characterized by I-V measurements. A bipolar eight-wise resistive switching was obtained, demonstrating a highly repeatable and stable low-voltage behavior in a set potential range. The achieved results indicate the high potential of the anodizing technique as an alternative to commonly used methods for producing insulating thin films for resistive random-access memory application
The planar anodic Al2O3-ZrO2 nanocomposite capacitor dielectrics for advanced passive device integration
The need for integrated passive devices (IPDs) emerges from the increasing consumer demand for electronic product miniaturization. Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors are vital components of IPD systems. Developing new materials and technologies is essential for advancing capacitor characteristics and co-integrating with other electronic passives. Here we present an innovative electrochemical technology joined with the sputter-deposition of Al and Zr layers to synthesize novel planar nanocomposite metal-oxide dielectrics consisting of ZrO2 nanorods self-embedded into the nanoporous Al2O3 matrix such that its pores are entirely filled with zirconium oxide. The technology is utilized in MIM capacitors characterized by modern surface and interface analysis techniques and electrical measurements. In the 95-480 nm thickness range, the best-achieved MIM device characteristics are the one-layer capacitance density of 112 nF center dot cm(-2), the loss tangent of 4 center dot 10(-3) at frequencies up to 1 MHz, the leakage current density of 40 pA center dot cm(-2), the breakdown field strength of up to 10 MV center dot cm(-1), the energy density of 100 J center dot cm(-3), the quadratic voltage coefficient of capacitance of 4 ppm center dot V-2, and the temperature coefficient of capacitance of 480 ppm center dot K-1 at 293-423 K at 1 MHz. The outstanding performance, stability, and tunable capacitors' characteristics allow for their application in low-pass filters, coupling/decoupling/bypass circuits, RC oscillators, energy-storage devices, ultrafast charge/discharge units, or high-precision analog-to-digital converters. The capacitor technology based on the non-porous planar anodic-oxide dielectrics complements the electrochemical conception of IPDs that combined, until now, the anodized aluminum interconnection, microresistors, and microinductors, all co-related in one system for use in portable electronic devices
Modification of Working Electrode Surface with Carbon Nanotubes as an Electrochemical Sensor for Estimation of Melting Points of DNA
Screen-printed with three electrode system was used in this study. A working electrode has been printed from carbon nanotubes based paste on silver layer modified with nano-patterned structures for the first case. In the second case, vertically aligned carbonnanotubes were grown on the Au working electrode. The process of the nanotubes growing was tested to create homogenous and high density carbon nanotubes layer directly on the thick-film silver layer. Based on the characterization of electrodes, we used Au based for detection of nucleic acids. Moreover, we were able to estimated melting points of DNA. © 2009
WMS Service for Olomouc Regional Authority
Import 04/07/2011Předmětem bakalářské práce je zpřístupnit mapový server Olomouckého kraje jako WMS sluţbu pomocí Open Source nástrojů. Teoretická část práce
pojednává o WMS sluţbě a UMN MapServeru. Praktická část se zabývá vývojem skriptu, který dokáţe komunikovat s mapovým serverem Olomouckého
kraje jako sluţba WMS, vytvořením xml dokumentu GetCapabilities slouţícího jako metadata dané sluţby a následné zpřístupnění sluţby přes free webhosting. Poslední část práce se zabývá testováním WMS sluţby
v nezávislých programových klientech.The topic of the thesis is to make the map server of Olomouc region
accesible as WMS service through Open source tools. Theoretical part of the thesis describes WMS service and UMN mapserver. Practical part develops the
script which communicateswith map server of the Olomouc region as WMS
service, through creating xml document serving as metadata for the service and consequently to make the service accessible through free webhosting. The last
part of thesis concerns testing of WMS service through independent program ́s clients.Prezenční548 - Institut geoinformatikydobř
Development of the Application Mapping the Changes in Landuse of the Moravian-Silesian Region
Import 26/06/2013V předložené práci je zpracován postup vývoje webové mapové aplikace umožňující automatizované porovnání využití území v čase. V první části jsou popsána použitá data včetně vymezení území. Následně je popsán způsob zpracování dat tak, jak vstupují do aplikace včetně způsobu jejich publikace v podobě definování mapových služeb, aby mohly být zpřístupněny přes ArcGIS for Server. Další část práce popisuje vývoj aplikace včetně popisu jednotlivých funkčních prvků a využitých technologií. Závěrečná část se zabývá testováním aplikace a jejím praktickým využitím. V závěru diplomové práce je popsána možnost dalšího vývoje aplikace s nastíněním možného řešení.The object of this thesis is a developing web mapping applications enabling automated comparison of land use at a various time. In the first part there is described what data were used and the extent of interest area. Subsequently there is described the data processing method, the way of data enters into application, the way of data publication into map services, so that the services could be used by ArcGIS for Server. Another part of the thesis describes the development of applications, including a description of the functional elements and descriptions of used technology. The final section deals with testing applications and its practical deployment in working experience. Furthermore there is discussed the possibility of further development of application with outlining possible solutions.Prezenční548 - Institut geoinformatikyvelmi dobř
Private subject in wastewater treatment regional coalition project: the case of chemical industry factory
This paper presents a case study covering the solution to treatment of municipal wastewater originating from small villages located close to each other in a protected landscape area. A high environmental efficiency of treatment is required. Two scenarios of the technical solution are compared. In the first scenario, separate wastewater treatment plants will be built and operated in each of the villages. In the second one, sewerage networks will be built in each village and wastewater will be collected and treated in a wastewater treatment plant of a chemical factory located down the stream; the factory is planning to reconstruct and modernise its wastewater treatment plant. Analyses have shown that the second scenario is environmentally beneficial – ensuring high water quality in watercourses in the protected area, using purified water for industrial purposes primarily, and replenish the water balance and flows in dry periods. The second scenario also appears to be beneficial from a socio-economic point of view. Cost savings, appearing mostly at the side of the factory, creates space for negotiation and an agreement between these entities. The factory image will also improve if implementing the second scenario