16 research outputs found

    Hotel Cihadla

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem hotelu v kategorii ****. Objekt se nachází v plánovaném sportovním areálu Čihadla v Praze, na který byla předem zpracována urbanistická studie. Architektonický koncept hotelu vychází z lokality, z možnosti rozsáhlého výhledu na město a v neposlední řadě ideou olympijského ohně. Hlavní myšlenou je vytvořit novou dominantu celého arálu. Hotel nabízí kromě možnosti krátkodobého ubytování také wellness služby, luxusní bar v nejvyšším patře s výhledem na Prahu, kavárnu, kongresové centrum, fitness, kino, restauraci aj.The diploma thesis deals with the design of the hotel category ****. The building is located in the future sport area Čihadla in Prague, for which a we planning study was prepared. The architecture concept oh the hotel is based on the location, nice view to the nature and city and, last but not least, from idea of the olympic fire. The main idea is create a new dominance of the whole area. Hotel offers taking a room, wellness sevices, luxury bar in the highest floor with café, also kongress centre, fitness, cinema, reastaurant and more

    Marital migration in urban environment: Náchod 1550-1750

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou sňatkové migrace v prostředí raně novověkého města. Na základě kvantitativní analýzy zápisů svatebních smluv a matrik oddaných z východočeského Náchoda sleduje sňatky obyvatel města s osobami z jiných lokalit. Nejprve je charakterizováno samotné město a stejnojmenné panství tvořící jeho přirozené zázemí, a to z hlediska jejich lidnatosti, správních a hospodářských poměrů. Následně je zkoumána migrace za sňatkem na základě pohlaví, rodinného stavu, vzdálenosti a právní statutu místa jejich původu či podíl migrace přes hranici panství. Vedle snahy popsat hlavní rysy zkoumaného fenoménu studie věnuje pozornost i jejím důsledkům, tedy problematikou integrace příchozích jedinců do městské komunity. Poslední část práce se zabývá některými kvalitativními aspekty vážícími se k migraci za sňatkem a také její reflexí v dobových ego- dokumentech. Klíčová slova: sňatková migrace; Náchod; město; venkov; integrace; měšťané; matriky; svatební smlouvy; raný novověkPresented diploma thesis deals with issues of marital migration in early modern town milieu. By quantitative analysis of written records of marriage contracts and parish registers from Náchod domain (Eastern Bohemia), marriages of Nachod burghers with persons from other localities are tracked. Initially the town itself and the domain of the same name, constituting its hinterland, is characterized by their population and administrative and economic conditions. Then the marital migration is examined by sex and marital status of immigrants, distance and legal status of the place of their origin, or proportion of migration across the boundary of the domain. Apart from the pursuite to describe the main features of the migration phenomenon, the attention is focused on its consequences, which are the issues of integration of immigrant into the community of the town. The final part of the thesis deals with some qualitative aspects of marital migration and its reflection in contemporary ego-documents. Keywords: marital migration; Náchod; town; country; integration; burghers; parish registers; marital contracts; early modern periodÚstav českých dějinInstitute of Czech HistoryFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Low Level Communication Protocol and Hardware for Wired Sensor Networks

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    This paper describes communication protocol, which was originally designed and implemented for end point communication in smart homes. Due to protocol simplicity and architecture robustness, it is possible to use the whole system for other purposes rather than smart home control. For this purpose, the protocol uses the very common RS485 bus. Using metallic connection nowadays may look like a step back, but it is the fastest and cheapest way to integrate real hardware devices into the existing simulation projects. This paper describes the requirements for the whole hardware and software architecture, emphasizing on the descriptions of the protocol and the lowest hardware layers

    CAVERDOCK: A new tool for analysis of ligand binding and unbinding based on molecular docking

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    Understanding the protein-ligand interactions is crucial for engineering improved catalysts. The interaction of a protein and a ligand molecule often takes place in enzymes active site. Such functional sites may be buried inside the protein core, and therefore a transport of a ligand from outside environment to the protein inside needs to be understood. Here we present the CaverDock [1], implementing a novel method for analysis of these important transport processes. Our method is based on a modified molecular docking algorithm. It iteratively places the ligand along the tunnel in such a way that the ligand movement is contiguous and its energy is minimized. The output of the calculation is ligand trajectory and energy profile of transport process. CaverDock uses a modified version of the program AutoDock Vina [2] for molecular docking and implements a parallel heuristic algorithm to search the space of possible trajectories. Our method lies in between of geometrical approaches and molecular dynamics simulations. Contrary to geometrical methods, it provides an evaluation of chemical forces. However, it is not as computationally demanding as the methods based on molecular dynamics. The typical input of CaverDock requires setup for molecular docking and tunnel geometry obtained from Caver [3]. Typical computational time is in dozens of minutes at a single node, allowing virtual screening of a large pool of molecules. We demonstrate CaverDock usability by comparison of a ligand trajectory in different tunnels of wild type and engineered proteins; and computation of energetic profiles for a large set of substrates and inhibitors. CaverDock is available from the web site http://www.caver.cz. 1. Vavra, O., Filipovic, J., Plhak, J., Bednar, D., Marques, S., Brezovsky, J., Matyska, L., Damborsky, J., CAVERDOCK: A New Tool for Analysis of Ligand Binding and Unbinding Based on Molecular Docking. PLOS Computational Biology (submitted). 2. Trott, O., Olson, A.J., AutoDock Vina: Improving the Speed and Accuracy of Docking with a New scoring function, efficient optimization and multithreading, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31: 455-461, 2010. 3. Chovancova, E., Pavelka, A., Benes, P., Strnad, O., Brezovsky, J., Kozlikova, B., Gora, A., Sustr, V., Klvana, M., Medek, P., Biedermannova, L., Sochor, J., Damborsky, J., 2012: CAVER 3.0: A Tool for Analysis of Transport Pathways in Dynamic Protein Structures. PLOS Computational Biology 8: e1002708

    Marital migration in urban environment: Náchod 1550-1750

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    Presented diploma thesis deals with issues of marital migration in early modern town milieu. By quantitative analysis of written records of marriage contracts and parish registers from Náchod domain (Eastern Bohemia), marriages of Nachod burghers with persons from other localities are tracked. Initially the town itself and the domain of the same name, constituting its hinterland, is characterized by their population and administrative and economic conditions. Then the marital migration is examined by sex and marital status of immigrants, distance and legal status of the place of their origin, or proportion of migration across the boundary of the domain. Apart from the pursuite to describe the main features of the migration phenomenon, the attention is focused on its consequences, which are the issues of integration of immigrant into the community of the town. The final part of the thesis deals with some qualitative aspects of marital migration and its reflection in contemporary ego-documents. Keywords: marital migration; Náchod; town; country; integration; burghers; parish registers; marital contracts; early modern perio

    Family house

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with design of a detached family house. The aim of this work is to draft project documentation for construction the house. The house is situated in town Prostějov in cadastral area Vrahovice. The family house is designed for four-members family. The building has two floors and a basement. The structure of the house is made of the system of HELUZ in combination with systém of POROTHERM with an outer insulation system of ISOVER EPS. The basement is made of a formwork. The roof is saddle with the roof tiling of TONDACH Samba 11. The staircase is monolithic reinforced concrete

    Marital migration in urban environment: Náchod 1550-1750

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    Presented diploma thesis deals with issues of marital migration in early modern town milieu. By quantitative analysis of written records of marriage contracts and parish registers from Náchod domain (Eastern Bohemia), marriages of Nachod burghers with persons from other localities are tracked. Initially the town itself and the domain of the same name, constituting its hinterland, is characterized by their population and administrative and economic conditions. Then the marital migration is examined by sex and marital status of immigrants, distance and legal status of the place of their origin, or proportion of migration across the boundary of the domain. Apart from the pursuite to describe the main features of the migration phenomenon, the attention is focused on its consequences, which are the issues of integration of immigrant into the community of the town. The final part of the thesis deals with some qualitative aspects of marital migration and its reflection in contemporary ego-documents. Keywords: marital migration; Náchod; town; country; integration; burghers; parish registers; marital contracts; early modern perio

    Testaments of Náchod in the 17th century

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    Subject of this bachelor thesis is a probe into preserved testaments from the Náchod archive in the 17th century. These testaments can be found either in 2 books of testaments or in the files. They offer new possibilities of view into the everyday life of the town, mainly in the assets and family conditions. The thesis presents the testaments as information sources and describes local way of their origin. The main goal of the thesis was identifying the group of people who created their testament and also the analysis of their legacies. The testamentmakers were considered according to gender, family status, occupation, assets, place of living and engagement in the life of urban community. The analysis of legacies studies not only their character, but also the scope of recipients, pious and profane. In the end, legacies heading to recipients out of the town are examined. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org