149 research outputs found

    Instance-Independent View Serializability for Semistructured Databases

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    Semistructured databases require tailor-made concurrency control mechanisms since traditional solutions for the relational model have been shown to be inadequate. Such mechanisms need to take full advantage of the hierarchical structure of semistructured data, for instance allowing concurrent updates of subtrees of, or even individual elements in, XML documents. We present an approach for concurrency control which is document-independent in the sense that two schedules of semistructured transactions are considered equivalent if they are equivalent on all possible documents. We prove that it is decidable in polynomial time whether two given schedules in this framework are equivalent. This also solves the view serializability for semistructured schedules polynomially in the size of the schedule and exponentially in the number of transactions

    On determining the AND-OR hierarchy in workflow nets

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    This paper presents a notion of reduction where a WF net is transformed into a smaller net by iteratively contracting certain well-formed subnets into single nodes until no more of such contractions are possible. This reduction can reveal the hierarchical structure of a WF net, and since it preserves certain semantic properties such as soundness, can help with analysing and understanding why a WF net is sound or not. The reduction can also be used to verify if a WF net is an AND-OR net. This class of WF nets was introduced in earlier work, and arguably describes nets that follow good hierarchical design principles. It is shown that the reduction is confluent up to isomorphism, which means that despite the inherent non-determinism that comes from the choice of subnets that are contracted, the final result of the reduction is always the same up to the choice of the identity of the nodes. Based on this result, a polynomial-time algorithm is presented that computes this unique result of the reduction. Finally, it is shown how this algorithm can be used to verify if a WF net is an AND-OR net

    When Are Two Workflows the Same?

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    In the area of workflow management, one is confronted with a large number of competing languages and the relations between them (e.g. relative expressiveness) are usually not clear. Moreover, even within the same language it is generally possible to express the same workflow in different ways, a feature known as variability. This paper aims at providing some of the formal groundwork for studying relative expressiveness and variability by defining notions of equivalence capturing different views on how workflow systems operate. Firstly, a notion of observational equivalence in the absence of silent steps is defined and related to classical bisimulation. Secondly, a number of equivalence notions in the presence of silent steps are defined. A distinction is made between the case where silent steps are visible (but not controllable) by the environment and the case where silent steps are not visible, i.e., there is an alternation between system events and environment interactions. It is shown that these notions of equivalence are different and do not coincide with classical notions of bisimulation with silent steps (e.g. weak and branching)

    Principles of Guarded Structural Indexing

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    We present a new structural characterization of the expressive power of the acyclic conjunctive queries in terms of guarded simulations, and give a finite preservation theorem for the guarded simulation invariant fragment of first order logic. We discuss the relevance of these results as a formal basis for constructing so-called guarded structural indexes. Structural indexes were first proposed in the context of semistructured query languages and later successfully applied as an XML indexation mechanism for XPath-like queries on trees and graphs. Guarded structural indexes provide a generalization of structural indexes from graph databases to relational databases

    Static Analysis of Graph Database Transformations

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    We investigate graph transformations, defined using Datalog-like rules based on acyclic conjunctive two-way regular path queries (acyclic C2RPQs), and we study two fundamental static analysis problems: type checking and equivalence of transformations in the presence of graph schemas. Additionally, we investigate the problem of target schema elicitation, which aims to construct a schema that closely captures all outputs of a transformation over graphs conforming to the input schema. We show all these problems are in EXPTIME by reducing them to C2RPQ containment modulo schema; we also provide matching lower bounds. We use cycle reversing to reduce query containment to the problem of unrestricted (finite or infinite) satisfiability of C2RPQs modulo a theory expressed in a description logic