252 research outputs found

    Rhodium(I) and Iridium(I) complexes of the conformationally rigid IBioxMe4Ligand : computational and experimental studies of unusually tilted NHC coordination geometries

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    Computational methods have been used to analyze distorted coordination geometries in a coherent range of known and new rhodium(I) and iridium(I) complexes containing bioxazoline-based NHC ligands (IBiox). Such distortions are readily placed in context of the literature through measurement of the Cnt(NHC)–CNCN–M angle (ΘNHC; Cnt = ring centroid). On the basis of restricted potential energy calculations using cis-[M(IBioxMe4)(CO)2Cl] (M1; M = Rh, Ir), in-plane (yawing) tilting of the NHC was found to incur significantly steeper energetic penalties than orthogonal out-of-plane (pitching) movement, which is characterized by noticeably flat potential energy surfaces. Energy decomposition analysis (EDA) of the ground-state and pitched structures of M1 indicated only minor differences in bonding characteristics. In contrast, yawing of the NHC ligand is associated with a significant increase in Pauli repulsion (i.e., sterics) and reduction in M→NHC π back donation, but is counteracted by supplemental stabilizing bonding interactions only possible due to the closer proximity of the methyl substituents with the metal and ancillary ligands. Aided by this analysis, comparison with a range of carefully selected model systems and EDA, distorted coordination modes in trans-[M(IBioxMe4)2(COE)Cl] (M2; M = Rh, Ir) and [M(IBioxMe4)3]+ (M3; M = Rh, Ir) have been rationalized. Steric interactions were identified as the major contributing factor and are associated with a high degree of NHC pitching. In the case of Rh3, weak agostic interactions also contribute to the distortions, particularly with respect to NHC yawing, and are notable for increasing the bond dissociation energy of the distorted ligands. Supplementing the computational analysis, an analogue of the formally 14 VE Rh(I) species Rh3 bearing the cyclohexyl-functionalized IBiox6 ligand ([Rh(IBiox6)3]+, Rh3-Cy) was prepared and found to exhibit an exceptionally distorted NHC ligand (ΘNHC = 155.7(2)°) in the solid state

    The Wellesley News (02-09-1967)

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    Enabling energy systems research on HPC

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    Energy systems research strongly relies on large modeling frameworks. Many of them use linear optimization approaches to calculate blueprints for ideal future energy systems, which become increasingly complex and so do the models. The state-of-the-art to compute them is the application of shared-memory computers combined with approaches to reduce their size. We overcome this and implement a full automatized workflow on HPC using a newly developed solver for distributed memory architectures. Moreover, we address the challenge of uncertainty in scenario analysis by performing sophisticated parameter variations for large-scale power system models, which cannot be solved in the conventional way. Preliminary results show that we are able to identify clusters of future energy system designs, which perform well from different perspectives of energy system research and also consider disruptive events. However, we also see that our approach provides most insights when being applied to rather complex than simple models

    Szenarien mit Energieinfrastrukturausfällen unter Einbezug multipler Parameterunsicherheiten

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    Der Einsatz von Modellen zur Erstellung und Untersuchung von Szenarien ist ein wesentliches Instrument der Energiesystemanalyse. Für die Politikberatung ist die Frage nach der Verlässlichkeit von solchen Szenarien von großer Wichtigkeit, da diese mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet sein können. Diesem Problem wird in im Forschungsprojekt UNSEEN begegnet: durch das Abfahren eines sehr großen Parameterraums konnten bereits mehr als 1000 Energieszenarien automatisch generiert, berechnet und ausgewertet werden, darunter auch 100 räumlich hoch-aufgelöste Stromsystemmodelle Deutschlands. Letztere Modelle eignen sich auch zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Ausfällen der darin explizit modellierten Energieinfrastrukturen, also von Kraftwerksstandorten, Übertragungsnetzleitungen und Umspannwerken. Der wesentlichen Herausforderung, dafür eine Vielzahl aufwendiger Modellrechnungen performant durchzuführen, begegnen wir mittles eines auf High-Performance-Computing angepassten Modellierungs-Workflows, welcher den entstehenden Szenarioraum auf Basis multi-kriterieller Indikatoren (u. a. zu Angemessenheit, Betriebssicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit) bewertbar macht. Die ersten Analysen dieses Szenarioraums zeigen, dass >Best-Perfoming< Szenarien verhältnismäßige geringe Zubauraten für Windkraft aufweisen, bei einer Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen im Stromsektor um 85%-89% gegenüber 1990

    A multi-perspective approach for exploring the scenario space of future power systems

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    There are many possible future energy systems – many of them unforeseen. We explore the range of parameter uncertainty and quantify parameter interrelations to generate multiple scenarios. Only sensible parameter combinations remain as in-puts to an energy system optimization and coupled models. In the past, computa-tional limitations have been a major obstacle to calculate such an enormous space of scenarios. Opposed to that, we use high-performance computing. To utilize the HPC-system efficiently the parallel solver for linear programs PIPS-IPM++ is applied. We integrate it into a tool chain of different components including sce-nario generation, energy system optimization and results evaluation and tackle the challenge of coupling a large diversity of software packages in a fully automated HPC workflow. This enables the calculation of all scenarios in a matter of days. Furthermore, we use a set of 37 indicators to provide a comprehensive assess-ment of the simulated energy systems. In this way, we cover multiple perspec-tives, such as system adequacy, security of supply or behavior of market actors. Whereas scenarios with low spatial resolution do not lead to clear results, higher resolutions do. Yet, we identified three clusters of scenarios, among which a group with high natural gas dependency is found. This allows to study disruptive events like price shocks in a vast parameter space and to identify countermeasures for the long-term

    Study of Tau-pair Production in Photon-Photon Collisions at LEP and Limits on the Anomalous Electromagnetic Moments of the Tau Lepton

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    Tau-pair production in the process e+e- -> e+e-tau+tau- was studied using data collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP2 during the years 1997 - 2000. The corresponding integrated luminosity is 650 pb^{-1}. The values of the cross-section obtained are found to be in agreement with QED predictions. Limits on the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the tau lepton are deduced.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, Accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    Energy dependence of Cronin momentum in saturation model for p+Ap+A and A+AA+A collisions

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    We calculate s\sqrt{s} dependence of Cronin momentum for p+Ap+A and A+AA+A collisions in saturation model. We show that this dependence is consistent with expectation from formula which was obtained using simple dimentional consideration. This can be used to test validity of saturation model (and distinguish among its variants) and measure xx dependence of saturation momentum from experimental data.Comment: LaTeX2e, 12 pages, 8 figure

    CP asymmetry in BϕKSB \to \phi K_S in a general two-Higgs-doublet model with fourth-generation quarks

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    We discuss the time-dependent CP asymmetry of decay BϕKSB \to \phi K_S in an extension of the Standard Model with both two Higgs doublets and additional fourth-generation quarks. We show that although the Standard Model with two-Higgs-doublet and the Standard model with fourth generation quarks alone are not likely to largely change the effective sin2β\sin 2 \beta from the decay of BϕKSB \to \phi K_S , the model with both additional Higgs doublet and fourth-generation quarks can easily account for the possible large negative value of sin2β\sin 2 \beta without conflicting with other experimental constraints. In this model, additional large CP violating effects may arise from the flavor changing Yukawa interactions between neutral Higgs bosons and the heavy fourth generation down type quark, which can modify the QCD penguin contributions. With the constraints obtained from bssˉsb \to s \bar{s} s processes such as BXsγB \to X_s \gamma and ΔmBs0\Delta m_{B_s^0}, this model can lead to the effective sin2β\sin 2 \beta to be as large as 0.4- 0.4 in the CP asymmetry of BϕKSB \to \phi K_S.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, references added, to appear in Eur.Phys.J.