26 research outputs found

    Financial arbitrator

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    Finanční arbitr Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na institut finančního arbitra, a to jak z pohledu teoretického, tj. na institut finančního arbitra ve smyslu právní úpravy, smysl jeho zavedení a problematiku řízení před finančním arbitrem, tak z pohledu praktického, tj. na rozhodovací činnost finančního arbitra v jednotlivých typech řízení, ať již se jedná o nejrozšířenější agendu finančního arbitra, kterou jsou spory ze spotřebitelských úvěrů, tak i o spory např. ze zápůjček a obdobných finančních služeb. Jejím cílem je komplexně popsat především problematiku řízení před finančním arbitrem a prostředky, které finanční arbitr uplatňuje v rámci tohoto řízení, cílem je však i poukázat na jednotlivá řízení, řešící spory z konkrétního právního titulu. Autor si vytkl za cíl zaobírat se jak osobou finančního arbitra, tak řízením před finančním arbitrem, ale cílem této práce je i snaha o přiblížení rozhodovací praxe finančního arbitra širší veřejnosti, a to dle věcné příslušnosti finančního arbitra. Autor si vytkl za cíl nejenom popsat institut finančního arbitra z odborného hlediska a zaobírat se některými právně složitějšími otázkami, tak ale i cíl druhý, kterým byla snaha předložit i laikům relativně přístupný a komplexním způsobem celkovou problematiku v této práci, z níž bude snadno seznatelná...Financial arbitrator This diploma thesis focuses on the institute of financial arbitrator, both from a theoretical point of view, i.e. on the institute of financial arbitrator in the sense of legislation, the meaning of its introduction and issues of proceedings before a financial arbitrator, and from a practical point of view, i.e. on decision-making in individual types of proceedings, whether it is the most widespread agenda of the financial arbitrator, which are disputes over consumer loans, as well as disputes such as loans and similar financial services. Its aim is to comprehensively describe the issue of proceedings before the financial arbitrator and the means used by the financial arbitrator in these proceedings, but the aim is also to point out the individual proceedings, resolving disputes under a specific legal title. Author has set himself the goal of dealing with both the person of the financial arbitrator and the proceedings before the financial arbitrator, but the aim of this work is also to try to bring the decision-making practice of the financial arbitrator closer to the general public. Author set himself the goal not only to describe the institute of financial arbitrator from a professional point of view and to deal with some legally more complex issues, but also the second goal,...Department of Financial Law and FinancesKatedra finančního práva a finanční vědyPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La


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    V této práci byly sledovány parametry mléčné užitkovosti u 5506 dcer po 37 plemenících českého strakatého skotu. U plemeníků byly zjišťovány genotypy markerů CSN3 a ETH10. Cílem práce bylo zjistit vztah genetických markerů CSN3 a ETH10 ke sledovaným parametrům mléčné užitkovosti. Statisticky významný vztah byl zaznamenán mezi markerem CSN3 a parametry mléčné užitkovosti. Genotyp CSN3 AA byl spojen s vyšší produkcí mléka, bílkovin a tuku a naopak genotyp BB byl spojen s vyšším obsahem bílkovin a tuku v mléce. Zjištěné četnosti alely B a genotypu BB u českého strakatého skotu odpovídají četnostem u plemen simentálského původu a jsou zároveň vyšší, než četnosti uváděné u mléčných plemen, zejména u plemene holštýn. Uvedené výsledky jsou v souladu s poznatky jiných autorů a po ověření na širší populaci plemeníků v rámci granddaughter design je možné tyto poznatky využít ve šlechtění českého strakatého skotu. Dále byl zjištěn statisticky významný vztah mezi mikrosatelitním lokusem ETH10 a obsahem tuku v mléce dcer. Toto zjištění bude vhodné ověřit na rozsáhlejším souboru plemeníků a jejich otců s vyšší variabilitou plemenných hodnot před jeho doporučením k využití ve šlechtitelském procesu. Tato práce vznikla za fi nanční podpory projektů MSM 122200002, MSM 432100001, NAZV QD 0176 a NAZV QF 3020.There were observed milk production parameters in 5506 daughters of 37 Czech Pied cattle sires in our study. Sires were genotyped for markers CSN3 and ETH10. The aim was to fi nd relation between genetic markers CSN3, ETH10 and observed milk performance parameters. The relation between CSN3 genotype and milk production parameters was found to be signifi cant. The effect of CSN3 genotype AA on milk, protein and fat yield and effect of genotype BB on protein and fat percentage was proved. Frequency of allele B and genotype BB in Czech Pied cattle was similar to other Simmental breeds and was also higher than allele frequencies found in Holsteins. These fi ndings also conform with fi ndings in other studies and after verifi cation on larger populations using granddaughter design population structure can be used in breeding programme of Czech Pied cattle. Signifi cant relation was also found between microsatellite marker ETH10 and milk fat content. Further study is needed to prove this fi nding in larger populations of sires and their grandsires with higher genetic variability of their breeding values before considering to implement markers into breeding process. This research was supported by projects MSM 122200002, MSM 432100001, NAZV QD 0176 and NAZV QF 3020

    Change of warehouse technology in selected company

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    Práce je zaměřena na změnu technologie skladování ve firmě Ovocnářské Družstvo Otice, zabývající se zemědělsko-obchodní činností. Tato společnost je v práci analyzována po technické a technologické stránce a jsou v ní identifikována kritická místa procesu. Na základě analýzy jsou zde uvedeny návrhy na zlepšení jednotlivých oblastí technologie skladování a všech činností s ním spojených.The thesis is focused on the change of the warehouse technology in Ovocnářské Družstvo Otice, involved in agricultural-business industry. It analyses both technical and technological process in the firm and it identifies the critical points of the proces. There are proposals joined with improvements of warehouse technology and all connected activities mentioned in the thesis.Katedra technologie a řízení dopravyStudent obhájil bakalářskou práci a zodpověděl dotazy kladené v rozpravě

    The Death of a Child in a Noble Family: Prince Walter Prosper (1839–1841) and the Funeral Ritual of the House of Schwarzenberg in the Nineteenth Century

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    The funeral rituals and ceremonies of the House of Schwarzenberg were passed from generation to generation from the seventeenth and eighteenth century until the interwar period, and contributed significantly to the identity of the family. This article is focused on the specific case of Prince Walter Prosper (1839–1841), who died at the age of two as a consequence of a severe head injury. The article describes not only the ceremonies and rituals which took place during Prince Walter’s funeral, but also uses them to explain the general course of Schwarzenberg burials. As mentioned above, Prince Walter died tragically and suddenly, which was in sharp contrast with the Schwarzenberg ideal of death. The question of the tragic and sudden death of a child and its impact on the rest of the family and its behaviour is also dealt with in this article. Our research is based on the study of the archival material in the Třeboň State Regional Archive, Department in Český Krumlov, where the archive of the House Schwarzenberg is stored, and on a comparison with the research conducted by other Czech historians, mainly Václav Grubhoffer.The funeral rituals and ceremonies of the House of Schwarzenberg were passed from generation to generation from the seventeenth and eighteenth century until the interwar period, and contributed significantly to the identity of the family. This article is focused on the specific case of Prince Walter Prosper (1839–1841), who died at the age of two as a consequence of a severe head injury. The article describes not only the ceremonies and rituals which took place during Prince Walter’s funeral, but also uses them to explain the general course of Schwarzenberg burials. As mentioned above, Prince Walter died tragically and suddenly, which was in sharp contrast with the Schwarzenberg ideal of death. The question of the tragic and sudden death of a child and its impact on the rest of the family and its behaviour is also dealt with in this article. Our research is based on the study of the archival material in the Třeboň State Regional Archive, Department in Český Krumlov, where the archive of the House Schwarzenberg is stored, and on a comparison with the research conducted by other Czech historians, mainly Václav Grubhoffer

    "The Way How Firmly the Rocks of the Giant Mountains Stand…" Jan Nepomuk count Harrach and his political activities in Cisleithania

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    Jan Nepomuk, count Harrach (1828-1909) was a member of an antient aristocratic dynasty, an important squirearch, a politician and a member of the Conservative Great Landowners Party; but also, a Czech aristocrat. The aim of this work is to provide a detailed analysis of political activities, views and ideas of count Harrach, conveyed through his writings, articles and speeches presented on the Bohemian land diet; and to present him not only as a conservative faithful to his class but also as an aristocrat, who willfully claimed allegiance to ethnic-linguistic conception of the Czech consciousness. The work follows a narrower focus on Jan Nepomuk's activities mentioned above, however it attempts to put them in context of his life and historical period, which constitute inseparable context. The source basis for the study are first and foremost archives from the personal literary remains of count Harrach stored in the National Archives of Austria in Vienna. Alongside, the contemporary press and administrative sources have also been used. The presented work is also a contribution to the studies of the history of the Bohemian aristocracy and its political activities and attempts to balance two stereotypes that were and to some extent still are typical for this field of historical studies - the a priori..

    Magnetic mapping of Czechoslovakia

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    Financial arbitrator

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    Financial arbitrator This diploma thesis focuses on the institute of financial arbitrator, both from a theoretical point of view, i.e. on the institute of financial arbitrator in the sense of legislation, the meaning of its introduction and issues of proceedings before a financial arbitrator, and from a practical point of view, i.e. on decision-making in individual types of proceedings, whether it is the most widespread agenda of the financial arbitrator, which are disputes over consumer loans, as well as disputes such as loans and similar financial services. Its aim is to comprehensively describe the issue of proceedings before the financial arbitrator and the means used by the financial arbitrator in these proceedings, but the aim is also to point out the individual proceedings, resolving disputes under a specific legal title. Author has set himself the goal of dealing with both the person of the financial arbitrator and the proceedings before the financial arbitrator, but the aim of this work is also to try to bring the decision-making practice of the financial arbitrator closer to the general public. Author set himself the goal not only to describe the institute of financial arbitrator from a professional point of view and to deal with some legally more complex issues, but also the second goal,..

    The Death of a Child in a Noble Family: Prince Walter Prosper (1839–1841) and the Funeral Ritual of the House of Schwarzenberg in the Nineteenth Century

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    The funeral rituals and ceremonies of the House of Schwarzenberg were passed from generation to generation from the seventeenth and eighteenth century until the interwar period, and contributed significantly to the identity of the family. This article is focused on the specific case of Prince Walter Prosper (1839–1841), who died at the age of two as a consequence of a severe head injury. The article describes not only the ceremonies and rituals which took place during Prince Walter’s funeral, but also uses them to explain the general course of Schwarzenberg burials. As mentioned above, Prince Walter died tragically and suddenly, which was in sharp contrast with the Schwarzenberg ideal of death. The question of the tragic and sudden death of a child and its impact on the rest of the family and its behaviour is also dealt with in this article. Our research is based on the study of the archival material in the Třeboň State Regional Archive, Department in Český Krumlov, where the archive of the House Schwarzenberg is stored, and on a comparison with the research conducted by other Czech historians, mainly Václav Grubhoffer.The funeral rituals and ceremonies of the House of Schwarzenberg were passed from generation to generation from the seventeenth and eighteenth century until the interwar period, and contributed significantly to the identity of the family. This article is focused on the specific case of Prince Walter Prosper (1839–1841), who died at the age of two as a consequence of a severe head injury. The article describes not only the ceremonies and rituals which took place during Prince Walter’s funeral, but also uses them to explain the general course of Schwarzenberg burials. As mentioned above, Prince Walter died tragically and suddenly, which was in sharp contrast with the Schwarzenberg ideal of death. The question of the tragic and sudden death of a child and its impact on the rest of the family and its behaviour is also dealt with in this article. Our research is based on the study of the archival material in the Třeboň State Regional Archive, Department in Český Krumlov, where the archive of the House Schwarzenberg is stored, and on a comparison with the research conducted by other Czech historians, mainly Václav Grubhoffer