161 research outputs found

    Implementacja środowiska testowego w języku R

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    The work presents libraries and their application for implementing the swarm algorithms test environment. Themodules used allow you to prepare a fully functional tool quickly. The test environment presented in this article has been prepared to support research on swarm algorithms and can be used as a network resource as well as a locally available script. The methods used in this article can be used to build test environments for many other scenery not related to swarm algorithms.W pracy przedstawione zostały biblioteki oraz ich zastosowanie do implementacji środowiska testowego algorytmów rojowych. Wykorzystane moduły pozwalają przygotować w pełni sprawne narzędzie w szybki sposób. Przedstawione środowisko testowe w tym artykule zostało przygotowane do wspomagania badań nad algorytmami rojowymi i może być wykorzystane jako zasób sieciowy jak i skrypt dostępny lokalnie. Metody wykorzystane w tym artykule mogą posłużyć do budowy środowisk testowych dla wielu innych nie związanych z algorytmami rojowymi sceneriów

    Losy Biblioteki Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w latach 1939–1947 ze wstępem i w opracowaniu Norberta Delestowicza

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    The goal of the present article is to publish and analyse the typewritten manuscript, currently held in the collection of the Library of the Society, authored by its contemporary director, Jan Baumgart (1904–1989), i.e. the text devoted to the fates of the library during the second war and the first post-war years.Celem niniejszej pracy jest przede wszystkim opublikowanie, a także omówienie – przechowywanego dotychczas w zbiorach Biblioteki Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk – maszynopisu autorstwa ówczesnego kierownika wspomnianej placówki Jana Baumgarta (1904–1989), tekstu poświęconego losom Biblioteki PTPN w czasie drugiej wojny światowej i pierwszych lat powojennych.wszych lat powojennych

    Comparison and Evaluation of a New Innovative Drive Concept for the Air Conditioning Compressor of Electric Vehicles

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    The development of an energy efficient air conditioning system for electric vehicles is an ever increasing challenge, because the cooling as well as the heating of the passenger cell reduces the cruising range dramatically. Almost always the compressor of the air conditioning system in electric cars is a scroll compressor with a separate electric motor and appropriate power electronics. However, this solution is critical in terms of the installation space, the weight and also the costs. Therefore, IAV develops innovative and energy efficient drivetrain structures for electric vehicles, which integrate the motor of the air conditioning compressor directly into the drivetrain of the vehicle. Thus it is possible to switch off the compressor motor and to use the main motor for the propulsion of the air conditioning compressor at certain driving situations. As a result the operating point of the main motor can be shifted to a better efficiency. This leads to a reduced power loss and an enhanced cruising range. In addition the compressor motor can be used for the propulsion of the vehicle, too, if the efficiency of the compressor motor is higher than the efficiency of the main motor, e.g. at urban traffic. Thereby the efficiency and the cruising range of the vehicle can be increased. This contribution presents a new powertrain concept which realizes the above-mentioned mechanical coupling of the main motor and the compressor motor. Moreover, the developed simulation models for the air conditioning system, the passenger cell and the drivetrain of electric vehicles are introduced. These models were used to compare an electric vehicle equipped with the new powertrain concept with a common electric car with a separate scroll compressor. Both systems are evaluated by means of the achievable cruising range for different driving cycles and environmental conditions

    Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Landwirtschaftsbetrieben nach den SAFA-Leitlinien

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    To promote a common concept of sustainability assessment, the FAO published guidelines for the Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems (SAFA). The aim of this paper is to present and discuss a method, which operationalises the SAFA-Guidelines at farm level, based on the concept of Multi-Criteria Analysis. The assessment method determines the degree of goal achievement of the 58 SAFA subthemes using a set of over 300 indicators, which is adapted according to farm type and region. It is therefore globally applicable, able to identify differences in different areas of sustainability between farms and can complement existing methods such as LCA

    Algorytm inspirowany polem walki - połączenie algorytmów numerycznych z ideą roju

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    Artykuł przedstawia przygotowany algorytm na bazie połączenia idei znanych metod numerycznych z metodami opartymi na idei roju. Algorytm został przygotowany z inspiracji polem walki podczas którego w równych odstępach żołnierze przeczesują siły wroga z różnymi prędkościami zależnie od posiadanego orężu a następnie ograniczają zakres pola bitwy. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie wywodzi się właśnie ze zbliżonych założeń. Głównym założeniem pracy było przedstawienie potencjalnego zysku z połączenia metod optymalizacji oraz porównanie metody mieszanej z metodami bazującymi na idei roju pod względem prędkości działania oraz skuteczności odnajdowania optimum globalnego.Algorytm został porównany z dwoma algorytmami metaheurystycznymi pod kątem dokładności odnalezionych rozwiązań oraz prędkości. Zgodnie z wynikami eksperymentów posiada wydajność podobną w porównaniu z innymi algorytmami oraz daje zadowalające efekty w wykorzystaniu

    Studium przypadku skuteczności nowych metod optymalizacji roju w porównaniu do metod znanych.

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    Porównianie skuteczności nowych metod optymalizacji roju w porównaniu z metodami znanymi w dziedzinie. Inspirowane naturą algorytmy metaheurystyczne stają się coraz bardziej popularne w rozwiązywaniu problemów optymalizacyjnych. Dzięki ich popularności niemal codziennie możemy zobaczyć nowe podejścia i proponowane rozwiązania. W tym artykule przedstawię porównanie, które pokaże kilka najnowszych prac z tej dziedziny w porównaniu z niektórymi algorytmami traktowanymi jako podstawa dziedziny. Głównym celem było porównanie ostatnio wprowadzonych algorytmów roju i określenie, kiedy nowe rozwiązania są faktycznie szybsze i bardziej precyzyjne. Podsumowując, czy przetestowane nowe podejścia są lepsze niż obecne, dobrze znane i ugruntowane w terenie algorytmy. Algorytmy brane pod uwagę w tej pracy to: Particle Swarm Optimization [5], Artifical Bee Colony [3], Elephant Herding Optimization [7], Whale Optimization [4] i Grasshopper Optimization [6].Algorytmy uznawane za nowe w tej dziedzinie porównano z dwoma popularnymi i dobrze znanymi algorytmami metaheurystycznymi pod względem dokładności znalezionych rozwiązań i szybkości. Zgodnie z wynikami eksperymentów większość porównywanych nowych algorytmów dawała zadowalające wyniki w użytkowaniu.

    Tracheal bifurcation located at proximal third of oesophageal length in Sprague Dawley rats of all ages

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    Levrat’s rat model is often the first choice for basic studies of oesophageal adenocarcinoma. The position of the tracheal bifurcation represents the preferred location for the high-intrathoracic anastomosis following oesophagectomy for cancer and is thus of importance in basic research of oesophageal adenocarcinoma. In addition, it is also the typical location for trachea-oesophageal fistulae in congenital oesophageal atresia and its rat model. We thus analysed whether the position of the tracheal bifurcation would be affected by a rat’s growth throughout life. We analysed absolute and relative carinal position of the tracheal bifurcation and its relationship to oesophageal length in two cohorts of Sprague Dawley rats (RjHan:SD) of both sexes: one consisted of 30 eight-week old rats and the other of 20 rats aged between 15 and 444 days. We analysed their relationship by Pearson’s r and univariate linear regression. Bootstrap confidence intervals were calculated for all calculated coefficients. Absolute carinal position correlated with oesophageal length in the eight-week old cohort (r=0.4, 95% CI: 0.08-0.71, p=0.015) and those of different ages (r=0.92, 95% CI: 0.77-0.96, p=0.0066). Absolute carinal position increased with oesophageal length in both cohorts (F(1,28)=5.56; p=0.0256 and F(1,18)=94.93; p<0.0001 respectively). Consequently, relative tracheal bifurcation position was not influenced by oesophageal length in both cohorts (F(1,28)=2.49; p=0.1257 and F(1,18)=1.92; p=0.183). Absolute carinal position increased with oesophageal length, but relative position remained constant at around 30% of proximal oesophageal length throughout life

    Uncertainty Assessment in Multi-Criteria Sustainability Assessments

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    How can indicator weights for multi-criteria sustainability assessments be determined based on experts' opinions? How do different opinions affect the results of sustainability assessments

    Expert consensus on the contraindications and cautions of foam rolling: an international delphi study

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    Background: Foam rolling is a type of self-massage using tools such as foam or roller sticks. However, to date, there is no consensus on contraindications and cautions of foam rolling. A methodological approach to narrow that research gap is to obtain reliable opinions of expert groups. The aim of the study was to develop experts’ consensus on contraindications and cautions of foam rolling by means of a Delphi process. Methods: An international three-round Delphi study was conducted. Academic experts, defined as having (co-) authored at least one PubMed-listed paper on foam rolling, were invited to participate. Rounds 1 and 2 involved generation and rating of a list of possible contraindications and cautions of foam rolling. In round 3, participants indicated their agreement on contraindications and cautions for a final set of conditions. Consensus was evaluated using a priori defined criteria. Consensus on contraindications and cautions was considered as reached if more than 70% of participating experts labeled the respective item as contraindication and contraindication or caution, respectively, in round 3. Results: In the final Delphi process round, responses were received from 37 participants. Panel participants were predominantly sports scientists ( n = 21), physiotherapists ( n = 6), and medical professionals ( n = 5). Consensus on contraindications was reached for open wounds (73% agreement) and bone fractures (84%). Consensus on cautions was achieved for local tissue inflammation (97%), deep vein thrombosis (97%), osteomyelitis (94%), and myositis ossificans (92%). The highest impact/severity of an adverse event caused by contraindication/cautions was estimated for bone fractures, deep vein thrombosis, and osteomyelitis. Discussion: The mechanical forces applied through foam rolling can be considered as potential threats leading to adverse events in the context of the identified contraindications and cautions. Further evaluations by medical professionals as well as the collection of clinical data are needed to assess the risks of foam rolling and to generate guidance for different applications and professional backgrounds

    Non-cell autonomous and non-catalytic activities of ATX in the developing brain

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    The intricate formation of the cerebral cortex requires a well-coordinated series of events, which are regulated at the level of cell-autonomous and non-cell autonomous mechanisms. Whereas cell-autonomous mechanisms that regulate cortical development are well-studied, the non cell-autonomous mechanisms remain poorly understood. A non-biased screen allowed us to identify Autotaxin (ATX) as a non cell-autonomous regulator of neural stem cell proliferation. ATX (also known as ENPP2) is best known to catalyze lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) production. Our results demonstrate that ATX affects the localization and adhesion of neuronal progenitors in a cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous manner, and strikingly, this activity is independent from its catalytic activity in producing LPA