330 research outputs found

    Linking Cytoscape and the corynebacterial reference database CoryneRegNet

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    Baumbach J, Apeltsin L. Linking Cytoscape and the corynebacterial reference database CoryneRegNet. BMC Genomics. 2008;9(1): 184.Background: Recently, the research community has seen an influx of data relating to transcriptional regulatory interactions of Corynebacteria, organisms that are highly relevant to fields of systems biology, biotechnology, and human medicine. Information derived from DNA microarray experiments, computational predictions, and literature has opened the way for the graph-based analysis, visualization, and reconstruction of transcriptional regulatory networks across entire organisms. The reference database for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks CoryneRegNet provides methods for data storage and data exchange in a well-structured manner. Additional information on the model organism Escherichia coli KI2 obtained from RegulonDB has been integrated. Generally, gene regulatory networks can be visualized as graphs by drawing directed edges between nodes, where a node represents a gene and an edge corresponds to a typed regulatory interaction. Cytoscape is an open-source software project whose aim is to provide graph-based visualization and analysis for biological networks. Its architecture allows the development and integration of user-made plugins to enhance core functionalities. Results: We introduce two novel plugins for the Cytoscape environment designed to enhance in silico studies of procaryotic transcriptional regulatory networks. Our plugins leverage the information from the cornyebacterial reference database CoryneRegNet with the graph analysis capabilities of Cytoscape. CoryneRegNet Loader queries the CoryneRegNet database to extract a gene regulatory network represented as a directed graph. Additional information is stored as node/edge attributes within the graph. COMA facilitates consistency checks for gene expression studies given a gene regulatory network. COMA tests whether all gene expression levels correlate properly with the given network topology. Conclusion: The plugins facilitate in silico studies of procaryotic transcriptional gene regulation, particularly in Corynebacteria and E. coli, by combining the knowledge from the corynebacterial reference database with the graph analysis capabilities of Cytoscape, which is one of the mostwidely used tools for biological network analyses

    An integrative clinical database and diagnostics platform for biomarker identification and analysis in ion mobility spectra of human exhaled air

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    Over the last decade the evaluation of odors and vapors in human breath has gained more and more attention, particularly in the diagnostics of pulmonary diseases. Ion mobility spectrometry coupled with multi-capillary columns (MCC/IMS), is a well known technology for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air. It is a comparatively inexpensive, non-invasive, high-throughput method, which is able to handle the moisture that comes with human exhaled air, and allows for characterizing of VOCs in very low concentrations. To identify discriminating compounds as biomarkers, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the detailed composition of human breath. Therefore, in addition to the clinical studies, there is a need for a flexible and comprehensive centralized data repository, which is capable of gathering all kinds of related information. Moreover, there is a demand for automated data integration and semi-automated data analysis, in particular with regard to the rapid data accumulation, emerging from the high-throughput nature of the MCC/IMS technology. Here, we present a comprehensive database application and analysis platform, which combines metabolic maps with heterogeneous biomedical data in a well-structured manner. The design of the database is based on a hybrid of the entity-attribute-value (EAV) model and the EAV-CR, which incorporates the concepts of classes and relationships. Additionally it offers an intuitive user interface that provides easy and quick access to the platform's functionality: automated data integration and integrity validation, versioning and roll-back strategy, data retrieval as well as semi-automatic data mining and machine learning capabilities. The platform will support MCC/IMS-based biomarker identification and validation. The software, schemata, data sets and further information is publicly available at \urlhttp://imsdb.mpi-inf.mpg.de

    Privacy-preserving Systems Medicine

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) offers game-changing opportunities to healthcare. However, it also harbors risks to patient privacy in particular when dealing with sensitive clinical data stored in critical healthcare IT infrastructure. Specifically, data exchange over the internet is perceived insurmountable, posing a roadblock hampering big-data-based medical innovations. We created a novel AI platform, the FeatureCloud AI app store that is based on the idea of federated learning where only model parameters are communicated. To maximize privacy, sensitive datasets remain stored locally and are analysed behind safe firewalls to assure the high standards in data privacy in order to (by design) comply with the strict GDPR. We will exemplarly investigate the power of FeatureCloud apps for decentralized (1) genome-wide association studies (GWAS), (2) gene expression data mining, and (3) timeto- event data analytics to demonstrate how FeatureCloud may enhance worldwide collaboration, accelerate innovation, and democratize scientific data usage. We show that apps developed in FeatureCloud can produce highly similar results compared to centralized approaches and scale well for an increasing number of participating sites. FeatureCloud is a no-code platform for federated learning apps having the potential to vastly increase the accessibility of privacy-preserving and distributed data analysis in biomedicine and beyond.Book of abstract: 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, June 19-23, 202

    GEDEVO: An Evolutionary Graph Edit Distance Algorithm for Biological Network Alignment

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    Introduction: With the so-called OMICS technology the scientific community has generated huge amounts of data that allow us to reconstruct the interplay of all kinds of biological entities. The emerging interaction networks are usually modeled as graphs with thousands of nodes and tens of thousands of edges between them. In addition to sequence alignment, the comparison of biological networks has proven great potential to infer the biological function of proteins and genes. However, the corresponding network alignment problem is computationally hard and theoretically intractable for real world instances. Results: We therefore developed GEDEVO, a novel tool for efficient graph comparison dedicated to real-world size biological networks. Underlying our approach is the so-called Graph Edit Distance (GED) model, where one graph is to be transferred into another one, with a minimal number of (or more general: minimal costs for) edge insertions and deletions. We present a novel evolutionary algorithm aiming to minimize the GED, and we compare our implementation against state of the art tools: SPINAL, GHOST, CGRAAL, and MIGRAAL. On a set of protein-protein interaction networks from different organisms we demonstrate that GEDEVO outperforms the current methods. It thus refines the previously suggested alignments based on topological information only. Conclusion: With GEDEVO, we account for the constantly exploding number and size of available biological networks. The software as well as all used data sets are publicly available at http://gedevo.mpi-inf.mpg.de

    Computational methods for metabolomic data analysis of ion mobility spectrometry data-reviewing the state of the art

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    Ion mobility spectrometry combined with multi-capillary columns (MCC/IMS) is a well known technology for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We may utilize MCC/IMS for scanning human exhaled air, bacterial colonies or cell lines, for example. Thereby we gain information about the human health status or infection threats. We may further study the metabolic response of living cells to external perturbations. The instrument is comparably cheap, robust and easy to use in every day practice. However, the potential of the MCC/IMS methodology depends on the successful application of computational approaches for analyzing the huge amount of emerging data sets. Here, we will review the state of the art and highlight existing challenges. First, we address methods for raw data handling, data storage and visualization. Afterwards we will introduce de-noising, peak picking and other pre-processing approaches. We will discuss statistical methods for analyzing correlations between peaks and diseases or medical treatment. Finally, we study up-to-date machine learning techniques for identifying robust biomarker molecules that allow classifying patients into healthy and diseased groups. We conclude that MCC/IMS coupled with sophisticated computational methods has the potential to successfully address a broad range of biomedical questions. While we can solve most of the data pre-processing steps satisfactorily, some computational challenges with statistical learning and model validation remain

    Online Transitivity Clustering of Biological Data with Missing Values

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