46 research outputs found

    Analysis of Employee's Motivation at Working Environment

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    Bakalárska práca analyzuje problém súvisiaci s motiváciou v jednotlivých pracovných tímoch v spoločnosti. Vymedzuje základné pojmy z oblasti psychológie a riadenia ľudských zdrojov. Práca sa ďalej zameriava na analýzu motivačných faktorov v dvoch tímoch v konkrétnej spoločnosti. Cieľom bakalárskej práce je zistiť aktuálnu motiváciu v tímoch. Nájsť rozdiely, zistiť príčiny rozdielov motivačných faktorov a navrhnúť riešenie optimalizácie alebo spôsob motivácie zamestnancov do budúcnosti.The bachelor thesis analyses the issue of motivation in particular working teams in organisation. It defines the basic concepts of psychology and human resource management. The paper goes on to analyse motivation factors in two teams in a specific organisation. The target of this bachelor thesis is to ascertain the actual motivation in these teams, find differences, discover the cause of these differ-ences and offer solutions for optimaliization or the way to motivate employees in the future

    Perception of basic tastes and threshold sensitivity during testing of selected judges

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    The sense of taste is one of the most important human senses. Alteration in taste perception can greately interfere to our lives, because it influences our dietary habits and consequently general human health. Many physiological and external factors can cause the loss of taste perception. These factors include for example certain diseases, the side effect of the use of certain medicaments, head trauma, gender, dietary habbits, smoking, role of saliva, age, stress and many more. In this paper we are discussing perception of basic tastes and treshold sensitivity during testing of selected groupe of 500 sensory judges. A resolution taste test and sensitivity treshold test were performed using basic tastes (sour, bitter, salty, sweet, umami, astringent, metallic). We have found that the perception of basic tastes decreese with human age. Smoking leads to significant errors in the determination of basic tastes. Different mistakes occures in different age categories. This study suggests further researches, investigating various factors influencing taste perception.

    The English grammatical collocations of the verb and the preposition for and their collocational equivalents in the Slovak language

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    This paper focuses on empirical research of grammatical collocations of the type: verb and preposition FOR. Subject to analysis were the verbal prepostional structures of the pattern 1: V+prepositional phrase in the function of the object and the pattern 2: V+ preposition+fixed element. The study is based on comparisons of the English and Slovak sentences containing this specific verbal-prepositional structur

    Vylepšenie fulltextového vyhl'adávacieho algoritmu pre elektronické obchody

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    The diploma thesis is dedicated to research, suggestion of solution and implementation of innovating algorithm of the fulltext search in the web pages of an electronic shop. The theoretical part deals with the searching in the e-shops. Customer's search behavior is described, further information about the field of web analysis is given and some of the characteristics of fulltext search engines are offered. The practical part is concerned with the analysis of the visits of the web shop, the assessment of current situation of searching, the determination of customer's preferences. This is the base for formulating business rules and improving search algorithm. Finally, the thesis deals with the implementation in scripting language PHP

    Cooperation management nursery schools in the region Prague-East

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    Centrum školského managementuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Influence of information order on decisions

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo prozkoumat vliv pořadí informací na rozhodování spotřebitelů při nákupu produktů (čtečka knih a restaurace). Prostřednictvím řízeného experimentu, kterého se zúčastnilo 166 respondentů, byly informace o produktu prezentovány buď nejprve pozitivní informace, poté negativní, nebo naopak. Účastníci hodnotili pravděpodobnost nákupu čtečky knih nebo návštěvy restaurace pomocí Likertovy škály. Dále byl hodnocen jejich přístup k rozhodování (maximalizátor vs. uspokojovatel). Výsledky ukázaly významný vliv pořadí informací na odpovědi, zatímco přístup k rozhodování neměl významný vliv. Byly zkoumány rozdíly mezi pohlavími, které odhalily rozdílné interakce s typem produktu. Studie zdůrazňuje význam strategické komunikace a pochopení komplexní dynamiky v rozhodovacích procesech spotřebitelů.Cieľom bakalárskej práce bolo preskúmať vplyv poradia informácií na rozhodovanie spotrebiteľov pri kúpe produktov (čítačka kníh a reštaurácia). Prostredníctvom riadeného experimentu, ktorého sa zúčastnilo 166 respondentov, boli informácie o produktoch prezentované buď najprv pozitívne, potom negatívne informácie, alebo naopak. Účastníci hodnotili pravdepodobnosť kúpy čítačky alebo návštevy reštaurácie pomocou Likertovej stupnice. Okrem toho sa hodnotil ich prístup k rozhodovaniu (maximalizátor vs. uspokojovateľ). Výsledky ukázali významný vplyv poradia informácií na odpovede, pričom prístup k rozhodovaniu nemal významný vplyv. Skúmali sa rozdiely medzi pohlaviami, pričom sa odhalili diferencované interakcie s typom produktu. Štúdia zdôrazňuje význam strategickej komunikácie a pochopenia komplexnej dynamiky v rozhodovacích procesoch spotrebiteľov.The aim of this bachelor thesis was to investigate the effect of order of information on consumers' decision making when purchasing products (book reader and restaurant). Through a controlled experiment involving 166 respondents, product information was presented either first with positive information, then negative information, or vice versa. Participants rated the likelihood of buying a book reader or visiting a restaurant using a Likert scale. In addition, their approach to decision making (maximizer vs. satisficer) was assessed. The results showed a significant effect of the order of information on the responses, whereas decision-making approach had no significant effect. Gender differences were examined, revealing differential interactions with product type. The study highlights the importance of strategic communication and understanding the complex dynamics in consumers' decision-making processes

    Activities of the personal agency

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    At present, every employer is aware of how important it is to have a reliable employee. The busy time forces the employer to save costs. Costs include time. These costs can be saved by a personal agency. The personal agency specializes in recruiting and selecting employees. We must be familiar with basic concepts, history of human resources and the problems connected with this area. The procedures that the selected agency uses in its processes are observed. Data are obtained from three different personal agencies and personnel departments are gathered through standardized and non-standardized interviews and questionnaire surveys. Results are obtained from graphs. Based on the data and their analysis, problem areas are defined and appropriate recommendations to staffing agencies are made

    Development and further professional education of personal fitness trainers

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    The thesis deals with the issue of adult education and development, is specially focused on the group of personal fitness trainers, their development and further professional education. In the theoretical part of the thesis, great attention is paid to the conceptualization and systemization of adult education, instead of adult education within the concept of lifelong learning. The thesis deals with one of the most important areas of education, namely further education. It deals with individual subsystems of further education with an emphasis on further professional adult education. The work also brings information about the possibilities of education and development of people in organizations, it deals with the importance of company education. The need for strategic and systematic staff training is highlighted. The work describes individual methods of education, both in the workplace and outside the workplace. A separate chapter focuses on personal fitness trainer, its characteristics, professional competencies and selected forms of coaching education. The aim of this thesis is to identify and to analyze the educational and development needs of personal fitness trainers. Quantitative research is carried out by a questionnaire survey and the data are supplemented with the results of semi-structured..


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    The submitted paper discusses stylistic devices used in English advertising slogans, both from the theoretical and practical viewpoints. Various approaches of linguists dealing specifically with the issue of stylistic devices used in advertising are discussed in the paper. Furthermore, the necessary attention is devoted to the analysis of stylistic features in English advertising slogans at all language levels


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    The submitted paper deals with the structural approach to verb complementation in English, both from the theoretical and practical viewpoints. The different approaches to verb complementation presented in the sources of literature dealing specifically with the issue of verb complementation are discussed in the paper. Furthermore, the necessary attention is devoted to different terminology used by linguists discussing verb complementation in their grammar books. Various verb classes, their complementation patterns and grammatical realisation of clause elements in complementation patterns are discussed too. The paper also deals with the verbs which can be used in several complementation patterns, sometimes with the difference in the meaning. The opinions of linguists are supported by authentic example sentences