46 research outputs found

    Pedagogų požiūris į agresyvų mokinių elgesį mokykloje

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    Daugelis konfliktinių situacijų šeimoje ir visuomenėje neretai yra sprendžiamos naudojantžodinę ar fizinę agresiją. Šeimoje patirtą smurtą ir pažeminimą vaikai dažnaiperkelia į mokyklos aplinką kaip išmoktą elgesio modelį. Tačiau agresyvūs vaikaineretai grupės yra atstumiami, dėl to tokių vaikų agresija ir nepasitenkinimas tik didėja.Straipsnyje analizuojamas agresyvus mokinių elgesys ir jo atsiradimo priežastys.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: agresyvus mokinių elgesys, patyčios, smurtas, agresija,šeima, mokykla. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/andragogy.v6i0.122

    Lack of Association between Rs2067474 Polymorphism in the Histamine Receptor H2 Gene and Gastric Cancer in Latvian Population

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    Funding Information: The study was partly supported by the Latvian Government Research Programme BIOMEDICINE 2014–2017 Project Nr. 4 “Study of gastric cancer mortality reduction capability in Latvia”. Publisher Copyright: © 2018 Georgijs Moisejevs et al.Histamine has an important role in the process of the gastric mucosa inflammation acting via histamine receptor H2 (encoded by the gene HRH2). Single nucleotide polymorphism of the enhancer element of HRH2 gene promoter rs2067474 (1018G>A)may be associated with changes of expression of the receptor. We attempted to clarify the association of this polymorphism with gastric cancer and/or atrophic gastritis in the Latvian (Caucasian) population. The study group consisted of 121 gastric cancer patients and 650 patients with no evidence of gastric neoplasia on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Genotyping for rs2067474 was performed with the TaqMan probe-based system using a commercially available probe for RT-PCR. The frequency of the A allele in the gastric cancer group was 0.41% and in the control group - 1.54% (p = 0.231). No significant differences were found comparing genotypes between gastric cancer versus control patients (OR = 0.236, CI95% = 0.030-1.896), patients with (n = 165) versus without (n = 485) gastric metaplastic lesions (OR = 0.854, CI95% = 0.288-2.540) and patients with (n = 297) and without (n = 353) gastric atrophic lesions (OR = 1.145, CI95% = 0.451-2.906). Our findings suggest that the HRH2 -1018G>A polymorphism (rs2067474) is neither associated with gastric cancer nor the grade of atrophic gastritis in the Latvian (Caucasian) population.Peer reviewe

    Humane relations between young schoolchildren and parents

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    This article presents theoretical overview of the humanistic education features of the younger school-aged children, analyses humanistic parentchild relationships and their influence on children’s behaviour in the physical education class. Family is the most important micro-environment of the child that significantly influences his or her personality development, depends on parent-child interactions and plays an important role in formation of the children’s humanistic behaviour. Therefore, it is important in the physical education class to look for the ways to effectively continue younger school age children’s humanistic education started by their parents. Aim of the research was to study humanistic parentchild interactions of the younger school-aged children. The following methods were used in this research: method of theoretical analysis; survey; educational experiment; and mathematical statistics. Organization of the research: by the method of anonymous survey, humanistic parent-child interactions of the younger school-aged children and their influence on the children’s behaviour in physical education class were researched. The sample was randomly selected, thus every school was given a certain probability, not equal to zero, to become a part of it; the representative sample was formed by the method of random selection. Therefore, a list of schools in Klaipėda was compiled and every third school was randomly selected. Consequently, two schools in Klaipėda were selected. Using the same methodology, in the aforementioned schools a group E and a group K of respondents were selected. 163 pupils from two schools in Klaipėda participated in the educational experiment. There were two homogeneous research groups formed. The Experimental (E) group consisted of 81 child and the Control (C) group consisted of 82 children. During the research the parents and children of two Klaipėda schools were surveyed.The children’s questionnaire contained 16 questions and their parents‘ questionaire contained 11 questions. The educational experiment based on our Younger School-Aged Children’s Humanistic Education in the Physical Education Program was implemented by the teachers of the group E. The teachers of the group E took part in preparation of the program, introduced the children’s parents to the program and in physical education class taught the children humanistic behaviour. Summarizing the results of humanistic parent-child interaction research, it was determined that upon the educational experiment parents of the group E children had become more sensitive and responsive, listened more to their children, more often tried to make them happy, more often comforted them and offered their help. Parents’ efforts to be honest, acknowledge their mistakes, keep their word had a positive influence on children’s sensitivity, openness and responsibility in dealing with others that had led the children to the resolve of behaving in a more humanistic way, their humanistic behaviour in the family and in the physical education class. The children raised folloving humanistic values, tended to behave in a more humanistic way in the physical education class

    Histomorphological Changes of Gastric Mucosa in Functional Dyspepsia Patients and Their Dynamics After Treatment With The Natural Antioxidant Astaxanthin

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate histomorphological changes of the gastric mucosa in functional dyspepsia patients and their dynamics after treatment with the natural antioxidant astaxanthin. The following objectives were established and reached: to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection and evaluate the histomorphological changes of gastric mucosa in functional dyspepsia patients; to evaluate interleukins IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and interferon-γ as well as the cell markers CD4, CD8, CD14, CD19, CD25 and CD30 in functional dyspepsia patients; to evaluate histomorphological changes of the gastric mucosa in functional dyspepsia patients after treatment with the natural antioxidant astaxanthin; to evaluate interleukins IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and interferon-γ as well as the cell markers CD4, CD8, CD14, CD19, CD25 and CD30 in functional dyspepsia patients and their dynamics after treatment with the natural antioxidant astaxanthin

    Relationship between the accuracy of the movement, psychomotor reaction with morphometric indices of dominant hands among healthy athletes girls

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    The object of research – the relationship between accurate and quick movements, psychomotor reactions and the morphometric indices of dominant hand. The aim – to identify and compare data about accurate movements, psychomotor reactions in association with the morphometric parameters of the dominant hand among healthy young athletes girls. Objectives: 1. Determine and compare the accuracy of movements and psychomotor reactions relationship between the movements of the right and left hand. 2. Set and compare the accuracy of movements and psychomotor reactions relationship with morphometric parameters of hand. 3. Investigate the distribution of hand dominance and psychomotor reactions investigated the relationship between the girls. Hypothesis – is likely to be a correlation between the dominant hand movement and accuracy. Results. The survey results showed that the motion response time was studied with girls is better when movement is done with the left hand (simple and complex tasks). However, the accuracy of the movement, the time to target and maximum hand speed is higher when the girls act plays right-handed. Of the results of the correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant (p 0.05). It was also found that there was an average inverse correlation (-0.4 0.05) between the dominant hand, the reaction time and the accuracy of movement. Conclusions: 1. Found that the movement of the left hand psychomotor reaction time is shorter than the right. 2. Investigated the greater accuracy of movement in the right hand than the left. 3. A comparison of the accuracy of movements and psychomotor reactions relationship, found that there was moderate or strong correlation (r > 0.6, p 0.05) between the left and right arm length, weight and dynamometry. 5. It was established that most of the girls attributable crisp right-handed (52.4 percent). Mediocre and right-handed (23.8 percent). It was found that there was an average inverse correlation (-0.4 0.05) between the dominant hand, the reaction time, time till target and the accuracy of motion

    Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymas kūno kultūros pamokose

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    In the face of the present-day challenges such issues as personal integrity, life harmony and meaningfulness are becoming a key concern, thus, educational efforts to humanize people's lives, to help raise and seek answers to the questions of life meaning and purpose are particularly important. Modern school is required to organize the educational process by creating human values-based relationship. After starting the school junior schoolchildren expand their cognitive opportunities, enrich their emotional world, and form their empathy and behavior. However, primary school pupils often experience difficulty in communicating, because the relationship between this age group children often lacks support, attentiveness and respect for each other. Schoolchildren’s emotions, their value orientation, physical, verbal and non-verbal forms of aggression are revealed in physical education lessons during play situations, and the moments of victory or defeat. Junior school age is the most important phase of developing humanistic values of an individual, because it is an intense period of child's personality development, their relationship with oneself and the world, the collection of new experience and information. Junior schoolchildren’s humanistic education in physical education lessons is a very important and relevant issue due to the conflicts during play situations and the lack of children’s support, attentiveness and respect for each other. Therefore, a scientific problem emerges: how to plan junior schoolchildren’s physical education lessons in order to expand not only their physical and mental powers, but also to develop their humanity. The aim of the research - to specify the concept of humanity and reveal the assumptions of humanistic education in physical education lessons. Positive changes in the experimental group suggest that humanistic education can be expressed as a multifunctional phenomenon by the implementation of the education program, to be effective in facilitating the development of favorable conditions implicating humanistic values and reflecting on ones own and other children’s behavior making moral decisions, developing relationship based on sensitivity, openness, dignity and responsibility.Dabarties iššūkių akivaizdoje itin opi tampa asmens integralumo, jo gyvenimo darnos ir prasmingumo problema, todėl ypač svarbios darosi švietimo pastangos humanizuoti žmonių gyvenimą, padėti kelti ir ieškoti atsakymų į žmonių gyvenimo prasmės ir paskirties klausimus. Šiandieninei mokyklai keliamas reikalavimas organizuoti ugdymo procesą, kuriant bendražmogiškomis vertybėmis pagrįstus, humaniškus tarpusavio santykius. Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams pradėjus lankyti mokyklą, plečiasi pažintinės galimybės, turtėja jų emocinis pasaulis, formuojasi empatija ir elgesys. Tačiau pradinių klasių mokiniai neretai patiria bendravimo sunkumų, nes šio amžiaus vaikų tarpusavio santykiuose neretai pasigendama pagalbos, dėmesingumo ir pagarbos vienas kitam. Kūno kultūros pamokose žaidybinių situacijų metu, pergalės ar pralaimėjimo akimirkomis aktyviai reiškiasi mokinių emocijos, jų vertybinės orientacijos, fizinės, verbalinės ir neverbalinės vaikų agresyvumo formos bei rūšys. Dėl žaidybinių situacijų metu dažnai kylančių konfliktų ir vaikų pagalbos, dėmesingumo ir pagarbos vienas kitam stokos jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymas kūno kultūros pamokose yra labai svarbus ir aktualus. Pats svarbiausias amžiaus tarpsnis ugdant humanistines asmens vertybes yra jaunesnysis mokyklinis amžius, nes tai yra intensyvaus vaiko asmenybės, jo savivaizdžio raidos periodas, tai jo santykis su savimi ir pasauliu bei naujos patirties ir informacijos kaupimas. Todėl būtina atsižvelgti į šio amžiaus specifiškumą ir vaikų imlumą internalizuojant humanistines vertybes bei ugdant visapusiškas asmenybes, kurios vystosi tik sąveikaudamos su aplinka ir žmonėmis. Iškyla mokslinė problema: kaip, žiūrint iš vertybinių pozicijų, organizuoti jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kūno kultūros pamokas, kad būtų plėtojamos ne tik jų fizinės ir psichinės galios, bet ir ugdomas vaikų humaniškumas. Tyrimo tikslas – konkretizuoti humaniškumo sampratą ir atskleisti humaniškumo ugdymo kūno kultūros pamokose prielaidas. Eksperimentinėje grupėje įvykę pozityvūs pokyčiai leidžia teigti, kad humaniškumo ugdymas gali reikštis kaip daugiafunkcinis fenomenas įgyvendinant mūsų parengtą jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymo(si) kūno kultūros pamokose programą, būti efektyvus jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams sudarant palankias humaniškumo ugdymo(si) sąlygas, implikuojant humanistines vertybes, reflektuojant savo ir kitų klasės vaikų elgesį, priimant dorovinius sprendimus, kuriant jautrumu, atvirumu, orumu ir atsakingumu pagrįstus tarpusavio santykius, bei suponuoja humanišką vaikų elgesį