99 research outputs found

    Potential for the development of aquaculture in Africa

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    Aquaculture production in Africa has remained low despite the huge potential that exists on the continent. In order for this potential to be realized, it is necessary to refocus the direction of aquaculture development. This paper concludes that for further growth to occur it is necessary to: (i) widen the range of production systems; (ii) increase production intensities and efficiencies; (iii) develop management technologies for indigenous species that target local niche markets; (iv) put more emphasis on marketing and processing of high value products; (v) promote policy research on how aquaculture production can respond to changing macroeconomic policies; and (vi) accelerate the disengagement of government from activities that can best be done by the private sector

    A preliminary study on the feasibility of using fenced brushparks for fish production in Lake Chilwa, Malawi

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    A study to investigate the feasibility of using fenced brushparks for fish ranching in Lake Chilwa was conducted for five months at the Kachulu Harbor. In a water depth of 1.4 m enclosures constructed from bamboo sticks embedded in the sediment and surrounded by a 13 mm seine net, were filled with three different subrates (Typha, bamboo, and Sesbania branches) and a no substrate enclosure served as a control. Netting materials contributed 57 per cent towards the total cost (US$ 0.24-0.30/m2) of brushpark contruction. Fish productivity was highest in the Typha, bamboo and control treatments and lowest in the Sesbania treatments. The decomposition of substrates did not affect water quality. The results indicate that enclosed brushparks may be a feasible technology for enhancing fish yields and providing alternative income sources to fisherfolk in small lakes and water bodies

    Adapting integrated agriculture aquaculture for HIV and AIDS-affected households: the case of Malawi

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    The WorldFish Center in conjunction with World Vision Malawi carried out a project to improve income and nutrition status of households affected by HIV and AIDS with funding from the World Bank. The project was implemented in Southern Malawi particularly in the West of Zomba District from July 2005 to June 2006. Through participatory approaches, the project identified constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households’ realisation of the benefits from fish farming and adapted technologies and practices for the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. Specifically, the project sought (1) to identify the constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households to realise the benefits from fish farming and based on the constraints, (2) to adapt technologies and practices for use by the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. (PDF cotains 17 pages

    Synthesis of aquaculture policy and development approaches in Africa

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    The WorldFish Center was tasked to undertake a study to access, collate and develop background materials to produce an internationally linked and Africa-wide perspective on sectorally relevant policy issues. The specific objective of the study was to assess and define conditions and impact pathways, in Africa or elsewhere, where markets, policies, resources and technologies have combined to promote steady and sustainable growth of aquaculture, and where have been clear direct impacts on food supply, income, employment and consumption opportunities, as well as increase in supply that has led to stabilised prices. The study was also aimed at providing guidelines for scaling up the implementation of the synthesis study via Afri-FishNet (CAADP Fish Expert Pools) at the national and regional levels

    Delta Relaxation Enhanced Magnetic Resonance

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    Generally speaking, targeted molecular Imaging has always been difficult to perform with magnetic resonance. The difficulty does not arise with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique or equipment itself, but rather with the targeted contrast agents, which the method requires. Also referred to as activatable contrast agents, or MRI probes, targeted contrast agents are pharmaceuticals that will selectively bind to a particular biological (target) molecule. They are used to highlight a certain tissue or the difference between healthy and diseased tissue. Unfortunately, nearly all MRI probes are non-specific, causing localized increases in MR image intensity in both the unbound and target-bound states. Therefore, brightening in a conventional MRI image, following probe injection, does not positively indicate the presence of the target molecule. Herein, a novel method known as delta relaxation enhanced magnetic resonance (dreMR, pronounced dreamer ) is presented that utilizes variable magnetic field technology to produce image contrast related to the dependence of the sample\u27s longitudinal relaxation rates upon the strength of the main magnetic field of the MRI scanner. Since only bound contrast agent shows significant magnetic field dependence, it is an indicator of the bound probe, which is in turn a marker for the target molecule. This work details the development of the dreMR method, focusing on the specialized hardware necessary to provide a clinical, static-field MRI the ability to modulate its main magnetic field throughout an MRI sequence. All modifications were performed in such a manner that the host MRI system was not degrade

    Adapting integrated agriculture aquaculture for HIV and AIDS-affected households: the case of Malawi

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    The WorldFish Center in conjunction with World Vision Malawi carried out a project to improve income and nutrition status of households affected by HIV and AIDS with funding from the World Bank. The project was implemented in Southern Malawi particularly in the West of Zomba District from July 2005 to June 2006. Through participatory approaches, the project identified constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected householdsÆ realisation of the benefits from fish farming and adapted technologies and practices for the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. Specifically, the project sought (1) to identify the constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households to realise the benefits from fish farming and based on the constraints, (2) to adapt technologies and practices for use by the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization.Public health, Agropisciculture, Economic benefits, Malawi,

    Analysis Of The Impact Of Tourist Visit Level On The Economy Of Local Communities In The Village Of Bena Village, Ngada District

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    The traditional village of Bena has become a tourist destination in the Ngada district and is a nationally recognized tourist icon, even known globally. This traditional village is visited by many tourists, because of its uniqueness. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of tourist visits on the economy of lokal communities in the traditional village of Bena. This is important to be researched and analyzed because, the increasing interest of tourists, who come to visit the traditional village, has a positive impact, especially on the lokal economy. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with the data collection method is in-depth interviews. The informants in this study were lokal people around the tourist area. The results show that the increase in the number of tourist visits has had a positive impact on the lokal community in Bena Village, which includes an increase in community income from the sale of woven products, employment opportunities in tourism, business opportunities for lokal people, and side jobs. apart from being a farmer, and people's welfare which is getting better from year to year


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    This researcher aims to analyze the sales strategy applied to our coffee company, in the midst of a weakening Indonesian economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The method in this research was carried out without a qualitative approach to analyze the marketing strategy applied by the company, KOPI KITA with primary data sources obtained from data collection techniques through interviews, observations, researchers, and a number of related facts. The results are often applied by the company, our coffee during the covid-19 pandemic, the seller experienced the impact of the teacher at the beginning of the outbreak, the covid-19 pandemic due to the lack of people outside the house, but with the benefit of technology and business strategy for people to get better sellers. By reviewing the literature that has been carried out, in order to improve marketing strategies, our KOPI company can apply the SWOT analysis method in increasing sales amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.   Key words: marketing strategy, SWOT analysis, KOPI KITA &nbsp

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli di pasar tradisional

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    This study aims to analyze the variables that influence purchase interest in traditional markets in terms of location, product diversity, price, and service quality variables. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The research was carried out by comparing the three traditional markets including Wolowona Market, Potulando Market and Mbongawani Market which are located in Ende Regency. The study will be conducted on 270 respondents who are consumers who carry out activities in the three markets who are selected by using the random sampling technique. The research will be conducted by Confirmatory Factor Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 23 software. The results show that the three traditional markets have certain characteristics that affect buying interest. In Wolowona Market and Potulando Market, the location variable is the dominant factor affecting buying interest, in contrast to the Mbongawani Market, the price variable is the main reason for people to buy. The recommendation of this research is the need for consideration for traditional market managers in Ende Regency in determining the location and placement of traders according to the product variants sold in the traditional market, as well as price control from the government for the community in meeting their needs.Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis variabel yang mempengaruhi minat konsumen berbelanja di pasar tradisional dilihat dari variabel lokasi, keragaman produk, harga, dan kualitas pelayanan. Jenis Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan membandingkan tiga pasar tradisional yaitu Pasar Wolowona, Pasar Potulando dan Pasar Mbongawani yang terdapat diwilayah Kabupaten Ende. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 270 responden  merupakan konsumen yang melakukan aktivitas pada ketiga pasar tersebut yang dipilih dengan teknik acidental random sampling. Analisis dilakukan dengan uji Confirmatory Factor Analysis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan AMOS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada ketiga pasar tradisional, memiliki karakteristik tertentu yang mempengaruhi minat beli. Pada Pasar Wolowona dan Pasar Potulando variabel lokasi menjadi faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi minat beli, berbeda dengan Pasar Mbongawani variabel harga menjadi alasan utama masyarakat untuk membeli. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah perlunya pertimbangan bagi pengelola pasar tradisional di Kabupaten Ende dalam menentukan lokasi dan penempatan pedagang sesuai dengan varian produk yang dijual dipasar tradisional, serta kontrol harga dari pemerintah bagi masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya

    The Chambo restoration strategic plan

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    The Chambo (Oreochromis karongae, O. squamipinnis and O. lidole) fisheries are essential to the food security of the majority of Malawians and a lifeline for rural and urban economies. The chambo fisheries, however, have collapsed and urgent restoration is required. Successful restoration of the important chambo fisheries demands a careful analysis of the problem and formulation of a strategic plan to implement relevant activities that will result in effective interventions in the fisheries. These proceedings give information on the process of developing a strategic plan for the restoration of the chambo fisheries. The papers contained in these proceedings cover topics ranging from governance, policy, biology, ecology and socio-economics and, therefore, inform the reader of the scope of knowledge on the chambo, the socio-economic and livelihoods context within which the people exploiting the resource operate, and past constraints to the management of the chambo fisheries. The proceedings also contain recommendations on how to overcome the problems and a strategic plan for the restoration of the fisheries. It is hoped that the proceedings will emphasize to researchers in the natural and social sciences and development practitioners that a multidisciplinary approach is needed that puts the people utilizing the resource at the center of all activities involved if the chambo fisheries are to be successfully restoredFisheries, Fish culture, Fishery management, Resource conservation, Resource management, Malawi, Oreochromis karongae, Oreochromis squamipinnis, Oreochromis lidole