933 research outputs found

    Climate Related Risks and Opportunities for Agricultural Adaptation in Semi-Arid Eastern Kenya.

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    This report contains information on a field assessment of risks associated with climate variability in eastern Kenya. It also includes the compilations of climate related agricultural risks gathered from a Kamba radio dialogue with local communities of Eastern Kenya, aired from January to April 2012. It highlights the significant potential in the region for mitigating climate change through improved management of agricultural land and crop and livestock husbandry practices, as well as on tapping into the wide range of traditional knowledge of the local communities. This will lead to better livelihoods of communities in the semiarid areas

    Preliminary results from climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in the Nyando climate-smart villages

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    Preliminary results from climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in the Nyando climate-smart villages. Key messages include: shift in farming techniques reduces number of households eating one or no meals each day, households adopt three to five crop innovations and above, greatly expanding on-farm choices for resilient varieties, and resilient crossbreeds of small livestock better adapted to changing feed and water conditions in Nyando provide additional income

    Human acylpeptide hydrolase. Studies on its thiol groups and mechanism of action.

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    The presence of a cysteine residue(s) near the active site of acylpeptide hydrolase was suggested by inactivation of the enzyme with sulfhydryl-modifying agents and by the substantial protection against inactivation afforded by the competitive inhibitor acetylmethionine. 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) titrations of the native and the denatured enzyme together with analysis for cysteic acid after performic acid oxidation showed that the enzyme contained 12 free SH groups and three disulfide bonds/monomer. Chemical modification with radiolabeled iodoacetamide led to the labeling of Cys-30 and Cys-64 suggesting that one or both of these Cys residues are close to the active site. Modification of one or both of them probably inhibits the enzyme either because of a distortion of the active site or because the adducts present a barrier to the efficient diffusion of substrates into and products out of the active site. Studies on the mechanism of action of acylpeptide hydrolase have employed p-nitrophenyl-N-propyl carbamate as a potent active site-directed inhibitor. Enzyme inactivation, which follows pseudo first-order kinetics, is diminished by the competitive inhibitor acetylmethionine. The inhibited enzyme slowly regains activity at a rate that is increased in the presence of the nucleophile hydroxylamine. A general mechanism involving an acyl-enzyme intermediate is supported by evidence for the formation of acetyl-alanyl hydroxamate during hydrolysis of acetyl-alanine p-nitroanilide in the presence of hydroxylamine. The effect on Vmax and Km during this reaction indicate that hydrolysis of the acyl-enzyme intermediate is rate-limiting

    Empowering a local community to address climate risks and food insecurity in Lower Nyando, Kenya

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    In erosion- and drought-prone Nyando, self-help groups affiliated to large umbrella bodies are working with extension agents, researchers and development partners to improve local livestock and diversify crops, to improve soil and water management, and to pool financial and labour resources

    Law, politics and the governance of English and Scottish joint-stock companies 1600-1850

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    This article examines the impact of law on corporate governance by means of a case study of joint-stock enterprise in England and Scotland before 1850. Based on a dataset of over 450 company constitutions together with qualitative information on governance practice, it finds little evidence to support the hypothesis that common-law regimes such as England were more supportive of economic growth than civil-law jurisdictions such as Scotland: indeed, levels of shareholder protection were slightly stronger in the civil-law zone. Other factors, such as local political institutions, played a bigger role in shaping organisational forms and business practice

    System characteristics and management practices for small ruminant production in “Climate Smart Villages” of Kenya

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    The CGIAR research programme on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security, in collaboration with several partners is testing a portfolio of interventions to address the threat of changing climatic conditions for smallholder farming communities living beside river flood plains, grouped into “Climate Smart Villages” (CSVs). We present characteristics of farms in CSV in relation to small ruminant (SR) production and the scenario for a breeding and improvement programme. Information was collated using participatory systems research methods from 140 households in seven CSVs in Nyando basin, Kenya. Although most households were headed by men, there were a higher proportion of adult women within the communities, and literacy levels were moderate. A total of 58 percent of the population owned <1 ha of land for growing crops and rearing on average 6.96 ± 3.35 Tropical Livestock Units comprising different species of animals. Women headed households owned more sheep which were mainly crosses of unspecified local breeds, than Goats which were mainly the Small East African breed-type. Mating among the SR was random, with no control of inbreeding as flocks mixed in grazing fields and at water points. Farmers desired large and resilient animals for better market prices; however, growth rates were slow. The SR flocks were dynamic with 31 percent of the animals moving in and out of flocks in a year. A community breeding programme optimally using available resources and incorporating gender integrated innovative technologies could be implemented for the CSV, alongside strong capacity development on animal husbandry, health and marketing of products

    Palatability and chemical defenses of sponges from the western Antarctic Peninsula

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    The present study surveyed the palatability of all sponge species that could be collected in sufficient quantities in a shallow-water area along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Of 27 species assayed, 78% had outermost tissues that were significantly unpalatable to the sympatric, omnivorous sea star Odontaster validus. Of those species with unpalatable outer tissues, 62% had inner tissues that were also unpalatable to the sea stars. Sea stars have often been considered as the primary predators of sponges in other regions of Antarctica, and their extra-oral mode of feeding threatens only the outermost sponge tissues. The observation that many of the sponges allocate defenses to inner tissues suggests the possibility that biting predators such as mesograzers, which could access inner sponge layers, may also be important in communities along the Antarctic Peninsula. In feeding bioassays with extracts from 12 of the unpalatable species in artificial foods, either lipophilic or hydrophilic extracts were deterrent in each species. These data indicate an overall level of chemical defenses in these Antarctic sponges that is comparable to, and slightly greater than, that found in a previous survey of tropical species

    Sustainable small ruminant breeding program for climate-smart villages in Kenya

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    Improving productivity of sheep and goats (i.e. small ruminants- SR) under smallholder farming systems faced with challenges of unfavourable climatic events has been identified as one means of enhancing livelihoods of communities living in these areas. Interventions are targeted through clusters of farmers grouped into “climate smart villages” (CSV) under a collaborative action by CCAFS, ViAgroforestry, World Neighbours and the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization. This baseline study was implemented to understand the socio-economic aspects, population structure, management practices and production constraints of SR in the CSV of the Lower Nyando basin of Kenya. The results indicate that the community is mainly comprised of young people (mainly students) and men and women above 50 years of age who manage the various households. Land sizes owned are small, with 58% of the households owning less than one hectare of land on which they grow crops and rear on average eight SR in addition to some cattle and poultry. The SR reared are mainly indigenous breeds, with some crossbreds resulting from the few introduced Red Maasai sheep and the Galla goats for improved productivity. Breeding of SR is not controlled, and since larger animals fetch better prices on the market, over time negative selection has affected the SR population. SR are generally left to graze on stovers from crops, and take a long time to grow to maturity (up to 4 years). Farmers in the CSV know what traits they desire in their SR, and are willing to learn and change their practices in order to improve their livelihoods. It is evident that the organization of the households into CSVs provides a great opportunity for capacity development which should have a strong component of engaging the youth, and the development of a selection and breed improvement program for SR in the Lower Nyando area

    Relationship between secondary health conditions and life satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury:study across twenty-one countries

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    Purpose: To determine the relationships between impact of secondary health conditions (SHCs), treatment of SHCs, and life satisfaction (LS) following spinal cord injury (SCI) across 21 countries. Hypotheses were as follows: (1) Persons with SCI and fewer SHCs report higher LS and (2) Persons who receive treatment for SHCs report higher LS than those who do not receive treatment.Methods: Cross-sectional survey, including 10,499 persons with traumatic or non-traumatic SCI aged 18 years or older and living in the community. To assess SHCs, 14 items adapted from the SCI-Secondary Conditions Scale were used (range 1–5). SHCs index was calculated as the mean of all 14 items. LS was assessed using a selection of 5 items from the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment. LS index was calculated as the mean of these 5 items. Results: South Korea, Germany, and Poland exhibited the highest (2.40–2.93) and Brazil, China, and Thailand the lowest (1.79–1.90) impact of SHCs. Indexes for LS and SHCs were inversely correlated (– 0.418; p &lt; 0.001). Mixed Model Analysis showed that the fixed effect (key predictors of the study) of SHCs index (p &lt; 0.001) and the positive interaction between SHCs index and treatment (p = 0.002) were significant determinants of LS.Conclusion: Persons with SCI across the world are more likely to perceive better LS if they experience fewer SHCs and receive treatment for SHCs, in comparison to those who do not. Prevention and treatment of SHCs following SCI should be a high priority in order to improve the lived experience and enhance LS.</p

    Climate-smart villages and progress in achieving household food security in Lushoto, Tanzania

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    Preliminary results from climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in Lushoto climate-smart villages, Tanzania
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