1,750 research outputs found

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    Satellite observations of mesoscale features in lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska

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    The Seasat satellite launched in Summer 1978 carried a synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Although Seasat failed after 105 days in orbit, it provided observations that demonstrate the potential to examine and monitor upper oceanic processes. Seasat made five passes over lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during Summer 1978. SAR images from the passes show oceanographic features, including a meander in a front, a pair of mesoscale eddies, and internal waves. These features are compared with contemporary and representative images from a satellite-borne Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS), with water property data, and with current observations from moored instruments. The results indicate that SAR data can be used to monitor mesoscale oceanographic features

    South Dakota Range Sites

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    This publication provides information about land on which native vegetation is predominantly grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, or shrubs suitable for grazing or browsing use. It discusses the different kinds of rangeland, range inventory, and descriptions of range sites by soil type. Pictorial guides are also included

    Conceptual design of a manned orbital transfer vehicle

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    With the advent of the manned space station, man now requires a spacecraft based on the space station with the ability to deploy, recover, and repair satellites quickly and economically. Such a craft would prolong and enhance the life and performance of many satellites. A basic design was developed for an orbital tansfer vehicle (OTV). The basic design criteria are discussed. The design of the OTV and systems were researched in the following areas: avionics, crew systems, electrical power systems, environmental control/life support systems, navigation and orbital maneuvers, propulsion systems, reaction control systems (RCS), servicing systems, and structures. The basic concepts in each of the areas are summarized

    Two designs for an orbital transfer vehicle

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    The Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) and systems were researched in the following areas: avionics, crew systems, electrical power systems, environmental control/life support systems, navigation and orbital maneuvers, propulsion systems, reaction control systems (RCS), servicing systems, and structures

    Performance profiling as an intelligence-led approach to antidoping in sports

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    The efficient use of testing resources is crucial in the fight against doping in sports. The athlete biological passport relies on the need to identify the right athletes to test, and the right time to test them. Here we present an approach to longitudinal tracking of athlete performance to provide an additional, more intelligence-led approach to improve targeted antidoping testing. The performance results of athletes (male shot putters, male 100 m sprinters, and female 800 m runners) were obtained from a performance results database. Standardized performances, which adjust for average career performance, were calculated to determine the volatility in performance over an athlete's career. We then used a Bayesian spline model to statistically analyse changes within an athlete's standardized performance over the course of a career both for athletes who were presumed "clean" (not doped), and those previously convicted of doping offences. We used the model to investigate changes in the slope of each athlete's career performance trajectory and whether these changes can be linked to doping status. The model was able to identify differences in the standardized performance of clean and doped athletes, with the sign of the change able to provide some discrimination. Consistent patterns of standardized performance profile are seen across shot put, 100 m and 800 m for both the clean and doped athletes we investigated. This study demonstrates the potential for modeling athlete performance data to distinguish between the career trajectories of clean and doped athletes, and to enable the risk stratification of athletes on their risk of doping.Peer reviewe

    South Dakota Range and Pasture Judging Handbook

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    This publication provides information on range and pasture judging schools and contest guidelines. It describes the kinds and condition of rangeland, degree of use, possible treatments, and provides a master range plant list. Pasture land factors and recommended treatments are also included

    Space Environments and Effects Concept: Transitioning Research to Operations and Applications

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is embarking on a course to expand human presence beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO) while expanding its mission to explore the solar system. Destinations such as Near Earth Asteroids (NEA), Mars and its moons, and the outer planets are but a few of the mission targets. NASA has established numerous offices specializing in specific space environments disciplines that will serve to enable these missions. To complement these existing discipline offices, a concept focusing on the development of space environment and effects application is presented. This includes space climate, space weather, and natural and induced space environments. This space environment and effects application is composed of 4 topic areas; characterization and modeling, engineering effects, prediction and operation, and mitigation and avoidance. These topic areas are briefly described below. Characterization and modeling of space environments will primarily focus on utilization during Program mission concept, planning, and design phases. Engineering effects includes materials testing and flight experiments producing data to be used in mission planning and design phases. Prediction and operation pulls data from existing sources into decision-making tools and empirical data sets to be used during the operational phase of a mission. Mitigation and avoidance will develop techniques and strategies used in the design and operations phases of the mission. The goal of this space environment and effects application is to develop decision-making tools and engineering products to support the mission phases of mission concept through operations by focusing on transitioning research to operations. Products generated by this space environments and effects application are suitable for use in anomaly investigations. This paper will outline the four topic areas, describe the need, and discuss an organizational structure for this space environments and effects application

    Hygrothermal Performance of Insulated, Sloped, Wood-Framed Roof Assemblies

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    Roofs are the single enclosure element common to artificial shelters constructed by all cultures in all climate regions. The hygrothermal performance of insulated, sloped, wood-framed roof assemblies has long been of interest to building scientists and building codes alike. Requirements for the ventilation of roof assemblies have been included in building codes for more than 50 years, however moisture problems still occur. Unvented roof assemblies have been suggested as an alternate and potentially superior solution. While unvented roofs have become relatively common in the warmer southern climates of North America, some technical issues remain unclear and the need exists for further study and demonstration of the hygrothermal performance of both ventilated and unvented roof assemblies in cold northern climates. This thesis seeks to address these issues through a review of existing literature, experience and industry practice, field investigation and measurement, analytical calculation and computer simulations