629 research outputs found

    Predicting Dust Distribution in Protoplanetary Discs

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    We present the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations that include the effects of hydrodynamical forces and gas drag upon an evolving dusty gas disk. We briefly describe a new parallel, two phase numerical code based upon the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique in which the gas and dust phases are represented by two distinct types of particles. We use the code to follow the dynamical evolution of a population of grains in a gaseous protoplanetary disk in order to understand the distribution of grains of different sizes within the disk. Our ``grains'' range from metre to submillimetre in size.Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX with 1 ps figure embedded, using newpasp.sty (supplied). To appear in the proceedings of the XIXth IAP colloquium "Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow" held in Paris, France, 2003, June 30 -- July 4, ASP Conf. Se

    SPH Simulations of Accretion Disks and Narrow Rings

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    We model a massless viscous disk using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and note that it evolves according to the Lynden-Bell \& Pringle theory (1974) until a non-axisymmetric instability develops at the inner edge of the disk. This instability may have the same origin as the instability of initially axisymmetric viscous disks discussed by Lyubarskij et al. (1994). To clarify the evolution we evolved single and double rings of particles. It is actually inconsistent with the SPH scheme to set up a single ring as an initial condition because SPH assumes a smoothed initial state. As would be expected from an SPH simulation, the ring rapidly breaks up into a band. We analyse the stability of the ring and show that the predictions are confirmed by the simulation.Comment: 11 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript with 2 figs, accepted PASA. Also available at http://www.maths.monash.edu.au/~maddison/me/papers.htm

    A Framework for Parameterizing Eddy Potential Vorticity Fluxes

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    A framework for parameterizing eddy potential vorticity fluxes is developed that is consistent with conservation of energy and momentum while retaining the symmetries of the original eddy flux. The framework involves rewriting the residual-mean eddy force, or equivalently the eddy potential vorticity flux, as the divergence of an eddy stress tensor. A norm of this tensor is bounded by the eddy energy, allowing the components of the stress tensor to be rewritten in terms of the eddy energy and nondimensional parameters describing the mean shape and orientation of the eddies. If a prognostic equation is solved for the eddy energy, the remaining unknowns are nondimensional and bounded in magnitude by unity. Moreover, these nondimensional geometric parameters have strong connections with classical stability theory. When applied to the Eady problem, it is shown that the new framework preserves the functional form of the Eady growth rate for linear instability. Moreover, in the limit in which Reynolds stresses are neglected, the framework reduces to a Gent and McWilliams type of eddy closure where the eddy diffusivity can be interpreted as the form proposed by Visbeck et al. Simulations of three-layer wind-driven gyres are used to diagnose the eddy shape and orientations in fully developed geostrophic turbulence. These fields are found to have large-scale structure that appears related to the structure of the mean flow. The eddy energy sets the magnitude of the eddy stress tensor and hence the eddy potential vorticity fluxes. Possible extensions of the framework to ensure potential vorticity is mixed on average are discussed. © 2012 American Meteorological Society

    A framework for time-dependent Ice Sheet Uncertainty Quantification, applied to three West Antarctic ice streams

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    Ice sheet models are the main tool to generate forecasts of ice sheet mass loss; a significant contributor to sea-level rise, thus knowing the likelihood of such projections is of critical societal importance. However, to capture the complete range of possible projections of mass loss, ice sheet models need efficient methods to quantify the forecast uncertainty. Uncertainties originate from the model structure, from the climate and ocean forcing used to run the model and from model calibration. Here we quantify the latter, applying an error propagation framework to a realistic setting in West Antarctica. As in many other ice-sheet modelling studies we use a control method to calibrate grid-scale flow parameters (parameters describing the basal drag and ice stiffness) with remotely-sensed observations. Yet our framework augments the control method with a Hessian-based Bayesian approach that estimates the posterior covariance of the inverted parameters. This enables us to quantify the impact of the calibration uncertainty on forecasts of sea-level rise contribution or volume above flotation (VAF), due to the choice of different regularisation strengths (prior strengths), sliding laws and velocity inputs. We find that by choosing different satellite ice velocity products our model leads to different estimates of VAF after 40 years. We use this difference in model output to quantify the variance that projections of VAF are expected to have after 40 years and identify prior strengths that can reproduce that variability. We demonstrate that if we use prior strengths suggested by L-curve analysis, as is typically done in ice-sheet calibration studies, our uncertainty quantification is not able to reproduce that same variability. The regularisation suggested by the L-curves is too strong and thus propagating the observational error through to VAF uncertainties under this choice of prior leads to errors that are smaller than those suggested by our 2-member &ldquo;sample&rdquo; of observed velocity fields. Additionally, our experiments suggest that large amounts of data points may be redundant, with implications for the error propagation of VAF.</p

    Acute sensitivity of global ocean circulation and heat content to eddy energy dissipation time-scale

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    The global ocean overturning circulation, critically dependent on the global density stratification, plays a central role in regulating climate evolution. While it is well-known that the global stratification profile exhibits a strong dependence to Southern Ocean dynamics and in particular to wind and buoyancy forcing, we demonstrate here that the stratification is also acutely sensitive to the mesoscale eddy energy dissipation time-scale. Within the context of a global ocean circulation model with an energy constrained mesoscale eddy parameterization, it is shown that modest variations in the eddy energy dissipation time-scale lead to significant variations in key metrics relating to ocean circulation, namely the Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation strength, and global ocean heat content, over long time-scales. The results highlight a need to constrain uncertainties associated with eddy energy dissipation for climate model projections over centennial time-scales, but also for paleoclimate simulations over millennial time-scales.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; preprint version; accepted by Geophysical Research Letters, post-print version to be made available at a later poin

    Implementation of a geometrically informed and energetically constrained mesoscale eddy parameterization in an ocean circulation model

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    The global stratification and circulation of the ocean and their sensitivities to changes in forcing depend crucially on the representation of the mesoscale eddy field. Here, a geometrically informed and energetically constrained parameterization framework for mesoscale eddies --- termed GEOMETRIC --- is proposed and implemented in three-dimensional primitive equation channel and sector models. The GEOMETRIC framework closes mesoscale eddy fluxes according to the standard Gent--McWilliams scheme, but with the eddy transfer coefficient constrained by the depth-integrated eddy energy field, provided through a prognostic eddy energy budget evolving with the mean state. It is found that coarse resolution calculations employing GEOMETRIC broadly reproduce model sensitivities of the eddy permitting reference calculations in the emergent circumpolar transport, meridional overturning circulation profile and the depth-integrated eddy energy signature; in particular, eddy saturation emerges in the sector configuration. Some differences arise, attributed here to the simple prognostic eddy energy budget employed, to be improved upon in future investigations. The GEOMETRIC framework thus proposes a shift in paradigm, from a focus on how to close for eddy fluxes, to focusing on the representation of eddy energetics.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Journal of Physical Oceanography; comments welcome. (Copyright statement: see section 7a of https://www.ametsoc.org/ams/index.cfm/publications/ethical-guidelines-and-ams-policies/ams-copyright-policy/

    fenics_ice 1.0: A framework for quantifying initialisation uncertainty for time-dependent ice-sheet models

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    Mass loss due to dynamic changes in ice sheets is a significant contributor to sea level rise, and this contribution is expected to increase in the future. Numerical codes simulating the evolution of ice sheets can potentially quantify this future contribution. However, the uncertainty inherent in these models propagates into projections of sea level rise is and hence crucial to understand. Key variables of ice sheet models, such as basal drag or ice stiffness, are typically initialized using inversion methodologies to ensure that models match present observations. Such inversions often involve tens or hundreds of thousands of parameters, with unknown uncertainties and dependencies. The computationally intensive nature of inversions along with their high number of parameters mean traditional methods such as Monte Carlo are expensive for uncertainty quantification. Here we develop a framework to estimate the posterior uncertainty of inversions and project them onto sea level change projections over the decadal timescale. The framework treats parametric uncertainty as multivariate Gaussian and exploits the equivalence between the Hessian of the model and the inverse covariance of the parameter set. The former is computed efficiently via algorithmic differentiation, and the posterior covariance is propagated in time using a time-dependent model adjoint to produce projection error bars. This work represents an important step in quantifying the internal uncertainty of projections of ice sheet models.</p

    Scale-awareness in an eddy energy constrained mesoscale eddy parameterization

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    There is an increasing interest in mesoscale eddy parameterizations that are scale-aware, normally interpreted to mean that a parameterization does not require re-tuning of parameters as the model resolution changes. Here we examine whether Gent--McWilliams (GM) based version of GEOMETRIC, a mesoscale eddy parameterization that is constrained by a parameterized eddy energy budget, is scale-aware in its energetics. It is generally known that GM-based schemes severely damp out explicit eddies, so the parameterized component would be expected to dominate across resolutions, and we might expect a negative answer to the question of energetic scale-awareness. A consideration of why GM-based schemes damp out explicit eddies leads a suggestion for what we term a splitting procedure: a definition of a `large-scale' field is sought, and the eddy-induced velocity from the GM-scheme is computed from and acts only on the large-scale field, allowing explicit and parameterized components to co-exist. Within the context of an idealized re-entrant channel model of the Southern Ocean, evidence is provided that the GM-based version of GEOMETRIC is scale-aware in the energetics as long as we employ a splitting procedure. The splitting procedure also leads to an improved representation of mean states without detrimental effects on the variability.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Previous version has data generated from a bugged NEMO implementation of GEOMETRIC, and the results from the previous version could be regarded as a case where GEOMETRIC is used ***without*** mean flow advection of parameterised eddy energy. This bug is fixed in the present version, with minor updates to the article to reflect the chang

    The detection of aquatic animal species using environmental DNA – a review of eDNA as a survey tool in ecology

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    1. Knowledge of species distribution is critical to ecological management and conservation biology. Effective management requires the detection of populations, which can sometimes be at low densities and is usually based on visual detection and counting. 2. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the detection of short species-specific environmental DNA (eDNA) fragments to allow aquatic species monitoring within different environments due to the potential of greater sensitivity over traditional survey methods which can be time-consuming and costly. 3. Environmental DNA analysis is increasingly being used in the detection of rare or invasive species and has also been applied to eDNA persistence studies and estimations of species biomass and distribution. When combined with next-generation sequencing methods, it has been demonstrated that entire faunas can be identified. 4. Different environments require different sampling methodologies, but there remain areas where laboratory methodologies could be standardized to allow results to be compared across studies. 5. Synthesis and applications. We review recently published studies that use eDNA to moni- tor aquatic populations, discuss the methodologies used and the application of eDNA analysis as a survey tool in ecology. We include innovative ideas for how eDNA can be used for conservation and management citing test cases, for instance, the potential for on-site analyses, including the application of eDNA analysis to carbon nanotube platforms or laser transmission spectroscopy to facilitate rapid on-site detections. The use of eDNA monitoring is already being adopted in the UK for ecological surveys