127 research outputs found

    Flatness of tracer density profile produced by a point source in turbulence

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    The average concentration of tracers advected from a point source by a multivariate normal velocity field is shown to deviate from a Gaussian profile. The flatness (kurtosis) is calculated using an asymptotic series expansion valid for velocity fields with short correlation times or weak space dependence. An explicit formula for the excess flatness at first order demonstrates maximum deviation from a Gaussian profile at time t of the order of five times the velocity correlation time, with a t–1 decay to the Gaussian value at large times. Monotonically decaying forms of the velocity time correlation function are shown to yield negative values for the first order excess flatness, but positive values can result when the correlation function has an oscillatory tail

    On the spectrum of a stretched spiral vortex

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    Corrections are found to the k^–5/3 spectrum of Lundgren [Phys. Fluids 25, 2193 (1982)] for a stretched spiral vortex model (a is the stretching strain rate and k the scalar wave number) of turbulent fine scales. These take the form of additional terms arising from the early time evolution, when the stretching of vortex lines is small. For the special case when the spiral takes the form of a rolled-up shear layer, it is shown that the composite spectrum is divergent, thus requiring the introduction of a finite early cutoff time tau1 in the time integral for the nonaxisymmetric contribution. The identity nuomega2 = 2nu[integral]0[infinity]k^2E(k)dk which gives the dissipation is then satisfied self-consistently. Direct numerical calculation of the energy spectrum from the approximate vorticity field for a special choice of spiral structure nevertheless indicates that the one-term k^–5/3-spectrum result is asymptotically valid in the inertial range provided atau1 is O(1) but that the numerically calculated dissipation spectrum appears to lie somewhere between an exp(–B1k2) and an exp(–B2k) form. It is also shown that the stretched, rolled-up shear-layer model predicts asymptotic shell-summed spectra of the energy dissipation and of the square of the vorticity, each asymptotically constant, with no power-law dependence, for k smaller than the Kolmogorov wave number.The corresponding one-dimensional spectra each show –log(k1) behavior for small k1. The extension of the model given by Pullin and Saffman [Phys. Fluids A 5, 126 (1993)] is reformulated by the introduction of a long-time cutoff in the vortex lifetime and an additional requirement that the vortex structures be approximately space filling. This gives a reduction in the number of model free-parameters but introduces a dependence of the calculated Kolmogorov constant and skewness on the ratio of the initial vortex radius to the equivalent Burgers-vortex radius. A scaling for this ratio in terms of the Taylor microscale Reynolds number is proposed in which the stretching strain is assumed to be provided by the large scales with spatial coherence limited to the maximum stretched length of the structures. Postdictions of the fourth-order flatness factor and of higher moments of the longitudinal velocity gradient statistics are compared with numerical simulation

    An analysis of the relationship between microneedle spacing, needle force and skin strain during the indentation phase prior to skin penetration

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    Microneedle (MN) array patches present a promising new approach for the minimally invasive delivery of therapeutics and vaccines. However, ensuring reproducible insertion of MNs into the skin is challenging. The spacing and arrangement of MNs in an array are critical determinants of skin penetration and the mechanical integrity of the MNs. In this work, the finite element method was used to model the effect of MN spacing on needle reaction force and skin strain during the indentation phase prior to skin penetration. Spacings smaller than 2–3 mm (depending on variables, e.g., skin stretch) were found to significantly increase these parameters

    Immunohistochemical Analysis of Scarring Trachoma Indicates Infiltration by Natural Killer and Undefined CD45 Negative Cells.

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    INTRODUCTION: The phenotype and function of immune cells infiltrating the conjunctiva in scarring trachoma have yet to be fully characterized. We assessed tissue morphology and immunophenotype of cellular infiltrates found in trachomatous scarring compared to control participants. METHODOLOGY: Clinical assessments and conjunctival biopsy samples were obtained from 34 individuals with trachomatous scarring undergoing trichiasis surgery and 33 control subjects undergoing cataract or retinal detachment surgery. Biopsy samples were fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin wax. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was performed for assessment of the inflammatory cell infiltrate. Immunohistochemical staining of single markers on individual sections was performed to identify cells expressing CD3 (T-cells), CD4 (helper T-cells), CD8 (suppressor/cytotoxic T-cells and Natural Killer, NK, cells), NCR1 (NK cells), CD20 (B-cells), CD45 (nucleated hematopoietic cells), CD56 (NK and T-cells), CD68 (macrophages/monocytes) and CD83 (mature dendritic cells). The degree of scarring was assessed histologically using cross-polarized light to visualize collagen fibres. PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Scarring, regardless of clinical inflammation, was associated with increased inflammatory cell infiltrates on H&E and CD45 staining. Scarring was also associated with increased CD8+ and CD56+ cells, but not CD3+ cells, suggestive of a NK cell infiltrate. This was supported by the presence of NCR1+ cells. There was some increase in CD20+ cells, but no evidence for increased CD4+, CD68+ or CD83+ cells. Numerous CD45 negative cells were also seen in the population of infiltrating inflammatory cells in scarred conjunctiva. Disorganization of the normal collagen architecture was strongly associated with clinical scarring. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data point to the infiltration of immune cells with a phenotype suggestive of NK cells in conjunctival trachomatous scarring. A large proportion of CD45 negative inflammatory cells were also present. Future work should seek to understand the stimuli leading to the recruitment of these cells and their role in progressive scarring

    Money for Nothing? A Call for Empirical Evaluation of Biodiversity Conservation Investments

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    The field of conservation policy must adopt state-of-the-art program evaluation methods to determine what works, and when, if we are to stem the global decline of biodiversity and improve the effectiveness of conservation investments

    A new methodology for automating acoustic emission detection of metallic fatigue fractures in highly demanding aerospace environments: An overview

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    The acoustic emission (AE) phenomenon has many attributes that make it desirable as a structural health monitoring or non-destructive testing technique, including the capability to continuously and globally monitor large structures using a sparse sensor array and with no dependency on defect size. However, AE monitoring is yet to fulfil its true potential, due mainly to limitations in location accuracy and signal characterisation that often arise in complex structures with high levels of background noise. Furthermore, the technique has been criticised for a lack of quantitative results and the large amount of operator interpretation required during data analysis. This paper begins by introducing the challenges faced in developing an AE based structural health monitoring system and then gives a review of previous progress made in addresing these challenges. Subsequently an overview of a novel methodology for automatic detection of fatigue fractures in complex geometries and noisy environments is presented, which combines a number of signal processing techniques to address the current limitations of AE monitoring. The technique was developed for monitoring metallic landing gear components during pre-flight certification testing and results are presented from a full-scale steel landing gear component undergoing fatigue loading. Fracture onset was successfully identify automatically at 49,000 fatigue cycles prior to final failure (validated by the use of dye penetrant inspection) and the fracture position was located to within 10. mm of the actual location

    Standardized reporting of the costs of management interventions for biodiversity conservation

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    Effective conservation management interventions must combat threats and deliver conservation benefits at costs that can be achieved within limited budgets. Considerable effort has focused on measuring the potential benefits of conservation interventions but explicit quantification of implementation costs has been rare. Even when costs have been quantified, haphazard and inconsistent reporting means that published values are difficult to interpret. This reporting deficiency hinders progress towards building a collective understanding of the costs of management interventions across projects, and thus limits our ability to identify efficient solutions to conservation problems or attract adequate funding. We address this challenge by proposing a standardized approach to describing costs reported for conservation interventions. These standards call for researchers and practitioners to ensure the cost data they collect and report on provide enough contextual information that readers and future users can interpret the data appropriately. We suggest these standards be adopted by major conservation organizations, conservation science institutions, and journals, so that cost reporting is comparable between studies. This would support shared learning and enhance our ability to identify and perform cost-effective conservation.Funding was provided by CEED (GDI and workshop), an ARC Laureate Fellowship (HPP, BM, VA and JM), Arcadia (WJS), the Natural Environment Research Council (LVD, NE/K015419/1; NE/N014472/1) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (AJP)

    In vivo confocal microscopy and histopathology of the conjunctiva in trachomatous scarring and normal tissue: a systematic comparison.

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    AIM: To compare in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) with the histopathological examination of tissue and cellular changes in normal and diseased conjunctiva. METHODS: Participants underwent clinical examination and IVCM of the tarsal conjunctiva. A biopsy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva was collected and stained with tinctorial stains and by immunohistochemical staining for CD45 and CD83. Connective tissue scarring, inflammatory cell density and the presence of dendritiform cells were quantitatively assessed in a masked manner by both IVCM and histological assessments for comparative analysis. RESULTS: Thirty-four participants with severe trachomatous conjunctival scarring and 33 participants with healthy conjunctiva were recruited. The IVCM connective tissue scarring score was strongly associated with the histological grading of scarring (p<0.001). There was limited evidence of an association between the IVCM inflammatory cell infiltrate and the histological inflammatory cell grade (p=0.05). We did not find any evidence to support the hypothesis that dendritiform cells seen with IVCM are mature, conventional dendritic cells. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that IVCM can be used to robustly quantitate connective tissue scarring and also has a role in measuring the inflammatory cell infiltrate. The discordance between IVCM dendritiform cells and immunohistochemical dendritic cells may be a result of study limitations or may be because these dendritiform structures represent another cell type, such as fibroblasts, rather than dendritic cells

    Phase space descriptions for simplicial 4d geometries

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    Starting from the canonical phase space for discretised (4d) BF-theory, we implement a canonical version of the simplicity constraints and construct phase spaces for simplicial geometries. Our construction allows us to study the connection between different versions of Regge calculus and approaches using connection variables, such as loop quantum gravity. We find that on a fixed triangulation the (gauge invariant) phase space associated to loop quantum gravity is genuinely larger than the one for length and even area Regge calculus. Rather, it corresponds to the phase space of area-angle Regge calculus, as defined by Dittrich and Speziale in [arXiv:0802.0864] (prior to the imposition of gluing constraints, that ensure the metricity of the triangulation). We argue that this is due to the fact that the simplicity constraints are not fully implemented in canonical loop quantum gravity. Finally, we show that for a subclass of triangulations one can construct first class Hamiltonian and Diffeomorphism constraints leading to flat 4d space-times.Comment: corrected structure constants, several references ad