1,953 research outputs found

    A High Resolution Study of the Slowly Contracting, Starless Core L1544

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    We present interferometric observations of N2H+(1--0) in the starless, dense core L1544 in Taurus. Red-shifted self-absorption, indicative of inward motions, is found toward the center of an elongated core. The data are fit by a non-spherical model consisting of two isothermal, rotating, centrally condensed layers. Through a hybrid global-individual fit to the spectra, we map the variation of infall speed at scales ~1400AU and find values ~0.08 km/s around the core center. The inward motions are small in comparison to thermal, rotational, and gravitational speeds but are large enough to suggest that L1544 is very close to forming a star.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Motorized Beam Alignment of a Commercial X-ray Diffractometer

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    X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful analysis method that allows researchers to noninvasively probe the crystalline structure of a material. This includes the ability to determine the crystalline phases present, quantify surface residual stresses, and measure the distribution of crystallographic orientations. The Structures and Materials Division at the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) heavily uses the on-site XRD lab to characterize advanced metal alloys, ceramics, and polymers. One of the x-ray diffractometers in the XRD lab (Bruker D8 Discover) uses three different x-ray tubes (Cu, Cr, and Mn) for optimal performance over numerous material types and various experimental techniques. This requires that the tubes be switched out and aligned between experiments. This alignment maximizes the x-ray tube s output through an iterative process involving four set screws. However, the output of the x-ray tube cannot be monitored during the adjustment process due to standard radiation safety engineering controls that prevent exposure to the x-ray beam when the diffractometer doors are open. Therefore, the adjustment process is a very tedious series of blind adjustments, each followed by measurement of the output beam using a PIN diode after the enclosure doors are shut. This process can take up to 4 hr to perform. This technical memorandum documents an in-house project to motorize this alignment process. Unlike a human, motors are not harmed by x-ray radiation of the energy range used in this instrument. Therefore, using motors to adjust the set screws will allow the researcher to monitor the x-ray tube s output while making interactive adjustments from outside the diffractometer. The motorized alignment system consists of four motors, a motor controller, and a hand-held user interface module. Our goal was to reduce the alignment time to less than 30 min. The time available was the 10-week span of the Lewis' Educational and Research Collaborative Internship Project (LERCIP) summer internship program and the budget goal was $1200. In this report, we will describe our motorization design and discuss the results of its implementation

    Serologic Surveillance of Selected Viral and Bacterial Pathogens in South Carolina’s Feral Swine Population

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    Feral swine (Sus scrofa) are considered an invasive species that is comprised of the wild descendants of domestic swine, European wild boar, and hybrids of these two species. Feral swine were historically associated with the major river drainages in Coastal South Carolina. However, natural range expansion and human release and relocation of feral swine appear to be sources of their expansion into areas not previously occupied. Although an exact estimate of feral swine population numbers is not available, in 2006 feral swine were reported in 42 of 46 South Carolina counties, compared to 46 of 46 counties reporting feral swine activity in 2011. Feral swine can serve as reservoirs for a number of diseases including pseudorabies, swine brucellosis (Brucella spp.), porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome and porcine circovirus which may be passed to livestock and, in some cases, native wildlife and humans. The National Wildlife Disease Program within the US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services conducted serologic surveys for pseudorabies virus, brucellosis, porcine circovirus, and porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in South Carolina feral pig populations from 2007- 2012. During that period, we opportunistically sampled and collected serum from 545 feral pigs. Overall, 111 of 544 (20.40%) animals tested positive for antibodies to pseudorabies, 87 of 545 (15.96%) animals tested positive for antibodies to brucellosis, 171 of 306 (55.88%) animals tested positive for antibodies to porcine circovirus, and seven of 312 (2.24%) animals tested positive for antibodies to porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome. Positive cases of pseudorabies and brucellosis were spatially limited to populations closely associated with the major river drainages in Coastal South Carolina. These positive cases of pseudorabies and brucellosis were found in areas of long established pig populations. The seven positive cases of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome were limited to one geographic cluster within the Congaree and Wateree river confluence and two clusters along the PeeDee River Drainage. These clusters of seropositive cases indicate a more geographically localized distribution of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome. Interestingly, positive cases of porcine circovirus appeared to be evenly distributed across all sample locations in South Carolina. A more spatially and temporally consistent sampling strategy is recommended to investigate linear spread of pathogens along river drainages and throughout the feral swine population in South Carolina

    PROSAC: A Submillimeter Array Survey of Low-Mass Protostars. I. Overview of Program: Envelopes, Disks, Outflows and Hot Cores

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    This paper presents a large spectral line and continuum survey of 8 deeply embedded, low-mass protostellar cores using the Submillimeter Array. Each source was observed in high excitation lines of some of the most common molecular species, CO, HCO+, CS, SO, H2CO, CH3OH and SiO. Line emission from 11 species originating from warm and dense gas have been imaged at high angular resolution (1-3"; typically 200-600 AU) together with continuum emission at 230 GHz (1.3 mm) and 345 GHz (0.8 mm). Compact continuum emission is observed for all sources which likely originates in marginally optically thick circumstellar disks, with typical lower limits to their masses of 0.1 M_sun (1-10% of the masses of their envelopes) and having a dust opacity law with beta approximately 1. Prominent outflows are present in CO 2-1 observations in all sources: the most diffuse outflows are found in the sources with the lowest ratios of disk-to-envelope mass, and it is suggested that these sources are in a phase where accretion of matter from the envelope has almost finished and the remainder of the envelope material is being dispersed by the outflows. Other characteristic dynamical signatures are found with inverse P Cygni profiles indicative of infalling motions seen in the 13CO 2-1 lines toward NGC1333-IRAS4A and -IRAS4B. Outflow-induced shocks are present on all scales in the protostellar environments and are most clearly traced by the emission of CH3OH in NGC1333-IRAS4A and -IRAS4B. These observations suggest that the emission of CH3OH and H2CO from these proposed "hot corinos" are related to the shocks caused by the protostellar outflows. Only one source, NGC1333-IRAS2A, has evidence for hot, compact CH3OH emission coincident with the embedded protostar.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (52 pages; 9 figures). Abstract abridge

    Correlation of esophageal pressure-flow analysis findings with bolus transit patterns on videofluoroscopy

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Diseases of the Esophagus following peer review. The version of record Omari TI, Szczesniak MM, Maclean J, Myers JC, Rommel N, Cock C and Cook IJ. Correlation of esophageal pressure-flow analysis findings with bolus transit patterns on videofluoroscopy. Dis Esophagus. 2016 Feb-Mar;29(2):166-73. and is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/dote.12300 Copyright © 2017 The International Society for Diseases of the EsophagusPressure-flow analysis quantifies the interactions between bolus transport and pressure generation. We undertook a pilot study to assess the interrelationships between pressure-flow metrics and fluoroscopically determined bolus clearance and bolus transport across the esophagogastric junction (EGJ). We hypothesized that findings of abnormal pressure-flow metrics would correlate with impaired bolus clearance and reduced flow across the EGJ. Videofluoroscopic images, impedance, and pressure were recorded simultaneously in nine patients with dysphagia (62–82 years, seven male) tested with liquid barium boluses. A 3.6 mm diameter solid-state catheter with 25 × 1 cm pressure/12 × 2 cm impedance was utilized. Swallowed bolus clearance was assessed using a validated 7-point radiological bolus transport scale. The cumulative period of bolus flow across the EGJ was also fluoroscopically measured (EGJ flow time). Pressure only parameters included the length of breaks in the 20 mmHg iso-contour and the 4 second integrated EGJ relaxation pressure (IRP4s). Pressure-flow metrics were calculated for the distal esophagus, these were: time from nadir impedance to peak pressure (TNadImp to PeakP) to quantify bolus flow timing; pressure flow index (PFI) to integrate bolus pressurization and flow timing; and impedance ratio (IR) to assess bolus clearance. When compared with controls, patients had longer peristaltic breaks, higher IRs, and higher residual EGJ relaxation pressures (break length of 8 [2, 13] vs. 2 [0, 2] cm, P = 0.027; IR 0.5 ± 0.1 vs. 0.3 ± 0.0, P = 0.019; IRP4s 11 ± 2 vs. 6 ± 1 mmHg, P = 0.070). There was a significant positive correlation between higher bolus transport scores and longer peristaltic breaks (Spearman correlation r = 0.895, P < 0.001) and with higher IRs (r = 0.661, P < 0.05). Diminished EGJ flow times correlated with a shorter TNadImp to PeakP (r = −0.733, P < 0.05) and a higher IR (r = −0.750, P < 0.05). Longer peristaltic breaks and higher IR correlate with failed bolus clearance on videofluoroscopy. The metric TNadImp to PeakP appears to be a marker of the period of time over which the bolus flows across the EGJ

    Bubbling AdS Black Holes

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    We explore the non-BPS analog of `AdS bubbles', which are regular spherically symmetric 1/2 BPS geometries in type IIB supergravity. They have regular horizons and can be thought of as bubbling generalizations of non-extremal AdS black hole solutions in five-dimensional gauged supergravity. Due to the appearance of the Heun equation even at the linearized level, various approximation and numerical methods are needed in order to extract information about this system. We study how the vacuum expectation value and mass of a particular dimension two chiral primary operator depend on the temperature and chemical potential of the thermal Yang-Mills theory. In addition, the mass of the bubbling AdS black holes is computed. As is shown numerically, there are also non-BPS solitonic bubbles which are completely regular and arise from continuous deformations of BPS AdS bubbles.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure
