2,816 research outputs found

    Effects of Litter on Aquatic Macrophyte Germination and Growth

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    In Arkansas, during seasonal drought periods, lake water levels drop leaving exposed mudflats which are primary sites for seedling establishment. Commonly, these exposed mudflats are partially covered with decomposing litter from previous stands of aquatic plants. In this study, aqueous leachates from the litter of four macrophytes, Eleocharis quadrangulata, Justicia americana, Polygonum lapathifolium, and Potamogeton nodosus, were used to test for chemical interference with germination and seedling growth. Only Justicia americana leachate was found to affect the growth of several of the test species. The potential for chemical interference by Justicia litter was evaluated further using extracts of acidified leachate. Resulting bioassays demonstrated significant effects on growth but not on seed germination. Bioassays of chromatographically separated fractions again revealed significant effects on seedling growth. These results suggest that interference by Justicia americana leachate on growth of seedlings is in part allelochemic

    van der Waals epitaxy of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride on copper foil : growth, crystallography and electronic band structure

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    We investigate the growth of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) on copper foil by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LP-CVD). At low pressure, h-BN growth proceeds through the nucleation and growth of triangular islands. Comparison between the orientation of the islands and the local crystallographic orientation of the polycrystalline copper foil reveals an epitaxial relation between the copper and h-BN, even on Cu(100) and Cu(110) regions whose symmetry is not matched to the h-BN. However, the growth rate is faster and the islands more uniformly oriented on Cu(111) grains. Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements reveal a well-defined band structure for the h-BN, consistent with a band gap of 6 eV, that is decoupled from the copper surface beneath. These results indicate that, despite a weak interaction between h-BN and copper, van der Waals epitaxy defines the long range ordering of h-BN even on polycrystalline copper foils and suggest that large area, single crystal, monolayer h-BN could be readily and cheaply produced

    Evidence of reproductive endocrine effects in women with occupational fuel and solvent exposures.

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    Hydrocarbons (HCs) found in fuels and solvents are ubiquitous in the environment, yet we know little about their effects on the endocrine system. The objective of this study was to assess the potential reproductive endocrine effects of low-dose HCs encountered by female U.S. Air Force personnel with fuel (primarily JP-8 jet fuel) and solvent exposures (n = 63). We estimated the internal dose of HCs in fuels and solvents by measuring their levels in exhaled breath, including the sum of aliphatic HCs (C6H14-C16H34) and the sum of aromatic HCs (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and m,p,o-xylenes). Adverse outcome measures included urinary endocrine markers that have been associated with nonconceptive (vs. conceptive) menstrual cycles in ovulatory women: lower preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) and mid-luteal phase pregnanediol 3-glucuronide (Pd3G) and estrone 3-glucuronide, and higher follicle phase Pd3G. We also obtained reproductive and exposure information from baseline questionnaires and daily diaries. Toluene was the most frequently found analyte in the breath, with values up to 52.0 ppb, and benzene breath levels were up to 97.5 ppb. Regression analysis revealed that preovulatory LH levels were significantly lower (p = 0.007) among women whose total aliphatic HC levels were above the median. The relationship between elevated aliphatic HC exposure and lowered preovulatory LH levels in the present study suggests that compounds in fuels and some solvents may act as reproductive endocrine disruptors. Confirmation of these findings is needed, not only to determine if fuel and solvent exposure may impact other LH-dependent physiologic functions but also to examine effects of fuels and solvents on conception

    Observing copepods through a genomic lens

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    Background: Copepods outnumber every other multicellular animal group. They are critical components of the world's freshwater and marine ecosystems, sensitive indicators of local and global climate change, key ecosystem service providers, parasites and predators of economically important aquatic animals and potential vectors of waterborne disease. Copepods sustain the world fisheries that nourish and support human populations. Although genomic tools have transformed many areas of biological and biomedical research, their power to elucidate aspects of the biology, behavior and ecology of copepods has only recently begun to be exploited. Discussion: The extraordinary biological and ecological diversity of the subclass Copepoda provides both unique advantages for addressing key problems in aquatic systems and formidable challenges for developing a focused genomics strategy. This article provides an overview of genomic studies of copepods and discusses strategies for using genomics tools to address key questions at levels extending from individuals to ecosystems. Genomics can, for instance, help to decipher patterns of genome evolution such as those that occur during transitions from free living to symbiotic and parasitic lifestyles and can assist in the identification of genetic mechanisms and accompanying physiological changes associated with adaptation to new or physiologically challenging environments. The adaptive significance of the diversity in genome size and unique mechanisms of genome reorganization during development could similarly be explored. Genome-wide and EST studies of parasitic copepods of salmon and large EST studies of selected free-living copepods have demonstrated the potential utility of modern genomics approaches for the study of copepods and have generated resources such as EST libraries, shotgun genome sequences, BAC libraries, genome maps and inbred lines that will be invaluable in assisting further efforts to provide genomics tools for copepods. Summary: Genomics research on copepods is needed to extend our exploration and characterization of their fundamental biological traits, so that we can better understand how copepods function and interact in diverse environments. Availability of large scale genomics resources will also open doors to a wide range of systems biology type studies that view the organism as the fundamental system in which to address key questions in ecology and evolution

    Implications of Electronics Constraints for Solid-State Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Circuit Failure Probability

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    In this paper we present the impact of classical electronics constraints on a solid-state quantum dot logical qubit architecture. Constraints due to routing density, bandwidth allocation, signal timing, and thermally aware placement of classical supporting electronics significantly affect the quantum error correction circuit's error rate. We analyze one level of a quantum error correction circuit using nine data qubits in a Bacon-Shor code configured as a quantum memory. A hypothetical silicon double quantum dot quantum bit (qubit) is used as the fundamental element. A pessimistic estimate of the error probability of the quantum circuit is calculated using the total number of gates and idle time using a provably optimal schedule for the circuit operations obtained with an integer program methodology. The micro-architecture analysis provides insight about the different ways the electronics impact the circuit performance (e.g., extra idle time in the schedule), which can significantly limit the ultimate performance of any quantum circuit and therefore is a critical foundation for any future larger scale architecture analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Untangling the Biological Contributions to Soil Stability in Semiarid Shrublands

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    Communities of plants, biological soil crusts (BSCs), and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are known to influence soil stability individually, but their relative contributions, interactions, and combined effects are not well understood, particularly in arid and semiarid ecosystems. In a landscape-scale field study we quantified plant, BSC, and AM fungal communities at 216 locations along a gradient of soil stability levels in southern Utah, USA. We used multivariate modeling to examine the relative influences of plants, BSCs, and AM fungi on surface and subsurface stability in a semiarid shrubland landscape. Models were found to be congruent with the data and explained 35% of the variation in surface stability and 54% of the variation in subsurface stability. The results support several tentative conclusions. While BSCs, plants, and AM fungi all contribute to surface stability, only plants and AM fungi contribute to subsurface stability. In both surface and subsurface models, the strongest contributions to soil stability are made by biological components of the system. Biological soil crust cover was found to have the strongest direct effect on surface soil stability (0.60; controlling for other factors). Surprisingly, AM fungi appeared to influence surface soil stability (0.37), even though they are not generally considered to exist in the top few millimeters of the soil. In the subsurface model, plant cover appeared to have the strongest direct influence on soil stability (0.42); in both models, results indicate that plant cover influences soil stability both directly (controlling for other factors) and indirectly through influences on other organisms. Soil organic matter was not found to have a direct contribution to surface or subsurface stability in this system. The relative influence of AM fungi on soil stability in these semiarid shrublands was similar to that reported for a mesic tallgrass prairie. Estimates of effects that BSCs, plants, and AM fungi have on soil stability in these models are used to suggest the relative amounts of resources that erosion control practitioners should devote to promoting these communities. This study highlights the need for system approaches in combating erosion, soil degradation, and arid-land desertification

    The cnidarian-bilaterian ancestor possessed at least 56 homeoboxes: evidence from the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis

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    BACKGROUND: Homeodomain transcription factors are key components in the developmental toolkits of animals. While this gene superclass predates the evolutionary split between animals, plants, and fungi, many homeobox genes appear unique to animals. The origin of particular homeobox genes may, therefore, be associated with the evolution of particular animal traits. Here we report the first near-complete set of homeodomains from a basal (diploblastic) animal. RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses were performed on 130 homeodomains from the sequenced genome of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis along with 228 homeodomains from human and 97 homeodomains from Drosophila. The Nematostella homeodomains appear to be distributed among established homeodomain classes in the following fashion: 72 ANTP class; one HNF class; four LIM class; five POU class; 33 PRD class; five SINE class; and six TALE class. For four of the Nematostella homeodomains, there is disagreement between neighbor-joining and Bayesian trees regarding their class membership. A putative Nematostella CUT class gene is also identified. CONCLUSION: The homeodomain superclass underwent extensive radiations prior to the evolutionary split between Cnidaria and Bilateria. Fifty-six homeodomain families found in human and/or fruit fly are also found in Nematostella, though seventeen families shared by human and fly appear absent in Nematostella. Homeodomain loss is also apparent in the bilaterian taxa: eight homeodomain families shared by Drosophila and Nematostella appear absent from human (CG13424, EMXLX, HOMEOBRAIN, MSXLX, NK7, REPO, ROUGH, and UNC4), and six homeodomain families shared by human and Nematostella appear absent from fruit fly (ALX, DMBX, DUX, HNF, POU1, and VAX)

    VCU Volunteers

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    VCU Volunteers follows VCU’s history of developing mutually partnerships with the community and is supported by VCU 2020 Theme 5- A model for community-university partnerships. VCU Volunteers will make VCU a better place to work by fostering a sense of belonging and pride in employees at all levels. The mission of VCU Volunteers is to build a collaborative employee community through the shared experience of volunteering. An employee-driven steering committee will guide the activities of the program. This committee will be denied by an employee and will include representative’s membership for Human Resources – Work/Life Resources, Community Engagement, the VCU Caring to Act Calendar Committee, and departments throughout the University. The steering committee will develop guidelines and a volunteer handbook. Volunteer activity opportunities will be presented to the steering committee, vetted according to the guidelines, and publicized to employees

    Bridging the Gaps: Building a University Link Tank

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    This project proposed a University Link Tank as a mechanism by which to build bridges between employees via a network of small groups. Participation in the Link Tank would be voluntary and open to all VCU and Health System employees. The program would be modeled similarly to the Faculty Learning Community (FLC) program, which is administered by the Center for Teaching Excellence, but it would concentrate on issues that are not specifically related to teaching. Topics will be proposed annually. The program would also concentrate on effectively utilizing existing VCU resources to resolve issues

    An algorithmic and information-theoretic approach to multimetric index construction

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    The use of multimetric indices (MMIs), such as the widely used index of biological integrity (IBI), to measure, track, summarize and infer the overall impact of human disturbance on biological communities has been steadily growing in recent years. Initially, MMIs were developed for aquatic communities using preselected biological metrics as indicators of system integrity. As interest in these bioassessment tools has grown, so have the types of biological systems to which they are applied. For many ecosystem types the appropriate biological metrics to use as measures of biological integrity are not known a priori. As a result, a variety of ad hoc protocols for selecting metrics empirically has developed. However, the assumptions made by proposed protocols have not be explicitly described or justified, causing many investigators to call for a clear, repeatable methodology for developing empirically derived metrics and indices that can be applied to any biological system. An issue of particular importance that has not been sufficiently addressed is the way that individual metrics combine to produce an MMI that is a sensitive composite indicator of human disturbance. In this paper, we present and demonstrate an algorithm for constructing MMIs given a set of candidate metrics and a measure of human disturbance. The algorithm uses each metric to inform a candidate MMI, and then uses information-theoretic principles to select MMIs that capture the information in the multidimensional system response from among possible MMIs. Such an approach can be used to create purely empirical (data-based) MMIs or can, optionally, be influenced by expert opinion or biological theory through the use of a weighting vector to create value-weighted MMIs. We demonstrate the algorithm with simulated data to demonstrate the predictive capacity of the final MMIs and with real data from wetlands from Acadia and Rocky Mountain National Parks. For the Acadia wetland data, the algorithm identified 4 metrics that combined to produce a −0.88 correlation with the human disturbance index. When compared to other methods, we find this algorithmic approach resulted in MMIs that were more predictive and comprise fewer metrics