3,231 research outputs found

    Utilization of the resources of the sea

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    In a hungry world, we are looking to the sea to provide much of the animal protein needed to feed our ever-increasing population. Fishing has developed in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere to such an extent that further increases in the catch are not possible. In the Southern Hemisphere appreciable increases are still possible but if they are not to be wasted, post-catch utilization must be efficient and effective. Seafoods are highly perishable products, and it is necessary to process them to extend the shelf life. This paper describes traditional methods of preserving fish, such as freezing, curing, smoking, canning and fermenting; it also considers new methods which make more efficient use of resources and reduce wastage. The advantages of producing fish meal and comminuted fish are also discussed. The paper looks at the prospects for future growth in the fishing indus try and stresses the importance of introducing modern handling and processing techniques. The relevance of these future developments to the Australian industry and their implications for future product development are considered


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan disiplin kerja dengan efektifitas pelayanan masyarakat pada Kantor Distrik Sorong Manoi Kota Sorong; untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat dan pendorong kedisiplinan kerja pegawai pada Kantor Distrik Sorong Manoi Kota Sorong. Jenis penelitian yaitu Analisa Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah wawancara; populasi pada penetilian ini ialah Kantor Distrik Sorong Manoi Kota Sorong dengan sampel sebanyak 13 orang pegawai Kantor Distrik Sorong Manoi Kota Sorong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, rendahnya disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil masih mendapatkan sorotan dari berbagai pihak, baik internal pemerintahan maupun dari masyarakat melalui berbagai lembaga swadaya masyarakat, Keluhan masyarakat atas pelayanan yang lambat karena petugas yang tidak berada di tempat pada saat jam kerja, pelayanan yang bertele-tele karena petugas yang bekerja tidak profesional, berkas yang hilang karena keteledoran petugas, merupakan keluhan yang lumrah terhadap rendahnya kualitas kinerja PNS dalam melakukan pelayanan publik. Adapun faktor-faktor penghambat kedisiplinan pegwai diantaranya faktor kepribadian; dan faktor lingkungan; sedangkan yang menjadi pendorong kedisiplinan ialah sumber daya aparatur; kesadaran masyarakat; dan sarana dan prasarana. Berdasarkan hasil peneltian dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor penghambat dan pendorong suatu kedisiplinan berpengaruh terhadap efektifitas pelayanan masyarakat di Distrik Sorong Manoi Kota Sorong.Â

    Vibration stability of Orion laser facility

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Thomas Telford (ICE Publishing) via the DOI in this record.In 2005 the UK Ministry of Defence awarded a contract for construction of the Orion laser facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). Orion delivers a power density of 1021W/cm2 on a 5 µm target, making it a world class facility for the study of high energy density physics. The ability to target to such high precision depends on ‘stability’ of the building and internal structures with respect to thermal expansion and vibrations. This paper concerns experimental activities supporting prediction and evaluation of the minute vibrations against a ‘budget’ comprising effects of all vibration sources, internal and external, and the sequence of experimental campaigns and signal evaluation that fed into this process. This involved a sequence of dynamics-based measurements of: • foundation pile stiffness • vibration propagation from both controlled and uncontrolled sources at stages during the construction and finally • evaluation of vibration levels in the as-built facility due to internal machinery and the few external vibration sources passing through the sophisticated vibration barrier. The approach focused on time series of vibrations in the design phase, and on evaluation of statistical properties of displacement power spectral density functions

    Weld residual stresses near the bimetallic interface in clad RPV steel: A comparison between deep-hole drilling and neutron diffraction data

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    The inner surface of ferritic steel reactor pressure vessels (RPV) is clad with strip welded austenitic stainless steel primarily to increase the long-term corrosion resistance of the ferritic vessel. The strip welding process used in the cladding operation induces significant residual stresses in the clad layer and in the RPV steel substrate, arising both from the thermal cycle and from the very different thermal and mechanical properties of the austenitic clad layer and the ferritic RPV steel. This work measures residual stresses using the deep hole drilling (DHD) and neutron diffraction (ND) techniques and compares residual stress data obtained by the two methods in a stainless clad coupon of A533B Class 2 steel. The results give confidence that both techniques are capable of assessing the trends in residual stresses, and their magnitudes. Significant differences are that the ND data shows greater values of the tensile stress peaks (∼100 MPa) than the DHD data but has a higher systematic error associated with it. The stress peaks are sharper with the ND technique and also differ in spatial position by around 1 mm compared with the DHD technique. © 2014 Elsevier B.V

    Influence of Exposure to Imidacloprid on Survivorship, Reproduction and Vitellin Content of the Carmine Spider Mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus

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    Occasional reports linking neonicotinoid insecticide applications to field population outbreaks of the spider mite have been a topic of concern for integrated pest management programs. To elucidate the impacts of a neonicotinoid insecticide on the carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval (Acari: Tetranychidae), the survivorship, reproduction, and vitellin contents of the mite were investigated after exposure to various concentrations of imidacloprid on the V. unguiculata leaf discs at 25°C, 80% RH and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) in the laboratory. The results showed that the field-relevant dose of imidacloprid did not significantly affect the hatch rate of eggs or pre-imaginal survivorship of the mite, while sublethal doses of imidacloprid, previously determined for Myzus persicae, led to a significant increase in the hatch rate of eggs and pre-imaginal survivorship of the mite compared to the untreated control. Adult longevity and fecundity of T. cinnabarinus for imidacloprid-treated populations were slightly prolonged and increased, respectively, but the difference from the untreated control was not significant. The vitellin content in eggs increased significantly after exposure to imidacloprid. Imidacloprid may be one of the major reasons for the outbreak of T. cinnabarinus in the field
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