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    The last, self-sustaining population of Whooping Cranes (Grus americana), the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population, has overwintered almost exclusively along the Gulf Coast of Texas, USA, in and around the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge during recent decades. In late autumn and winter 2011–2012, Whooping Cranes were observed several hundred kilometers from coastal wintering grounds, with at least 13 Whooping Cranes in central Texas, south-central Kansas, and central Nebraska from November 2011 to early March 2012. Notably, family groups of Whooping Cranes were observed around a Texas reservoir, Granger Lake, over a 3-month period. An extreme drought, coupled with record warm temperatures in the southern and central United States, may have interacted to influence behaviors and distributions of Whooping Cranes during winter 2011–2012. Such observations suggest that Whooping Cranes may be more opportunistic in use of wintering habitat and/or more likely to re-colonize inland historical sites than previously thought. Continued documentation of Whooping Cranes overwintering in areas other than the Texas coast and/or altering timing of migration will be important for protection and management of additional winter habitat as well as for informing population estimates for the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population of Whooping Cranes

    Illustrating potential efficiency gains from using cost-effectiveness evidence to reallocate Medicare expenditures

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the linke below. Copyright @ 2013, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR).This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Objectives - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does not explicitly use cost-effectiveness information in national coverage determinations. The objective of this study was to illustrate potential efficiency gains from reallocating Medicare expenditures by using cost-effectiveness information, and the consequences for health gains among Medicare beneficiaries. Methods - We included national coverage determinations from 1999 through 2007. Estimates of cost-effectiveness were identified through a literature review. For coverage decisions with an associated cost-effectiveness estimate, we estimated utilization and size of the “unserved” eligible population by using a Medicare claims database (2007) and diagnostic and reimbursement codes. Technology costs originated from the cost-effectiveness literature or were estimated by using reimbursement codes. We illustrated potential aggregate health gains from increasing utilization of dominant interventions (i.e., cost saving and health increasing) and from reallocating expenditures by decreasing investment in cost-ineffective interventions and increasing investment in relatively cost-effective interventions. Results - Complete information was available for 36 interventions. Increasing investment in dominant interventions alone led to an increase of 270,000 quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and savings of $12.9 billion. Reallocation of a broader array of interventions yielded an additional 1.8 million QALYs, approximately 0.17 QALYs per affected Medicare beneficiary. Compared with the distribution of resources prior to reallocation, following reallocation a greater proportion was directed to oncology, diagnostic imaging/tests, and the most prevalent diseases. A smaller proportion of resources went to cardiology, treatments (including drugs, surgeries, and medical devices, as opposed to nontreatments such as preventive services), and the least prevalent diseases. Conclusions - Using cost-effectiveness information has the potential to increase the aggregate health of Medicare beneficiaries while maintaining existing spending levels.The Commonwealth Fun

    Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Disease Metrics in Nebraska Counties with Large Meat Processing Plants

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    This poster analyzes COVID-19 disease metrics of counties with large meat processing facilities to counties with small or no meat processing facilities based on different time frames of the COVID-19 pandemic.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/surp2022/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Direct Spectroscopic Identification of the Origin of 'Green Fuzzy' Emission in Star Forming Regions

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    "Green fuzzies" or "extended green objects" were discovered in the recent Spitzer GLIMPSE survey data. These extended sources have enhanced emission in the 4.5um IRAC channel images (which are generally assigned to be green when making 3-color RGB images from Spitzer data). Green fuzzies are frequently found in the vicinities of massive young stellar objects, and it has been established that they are in some cases associated with outflows. Nevertheless, the spectral carrier(s) of this enhanced emission is still uncertain. Although it has been suggested that Br Alpha, H2, [Fe II], and/or broad CO emission may be contributing to and enhancing the 4.5um flux from these objects, to date there have been no direct observations of the 4-5um spectra of these objects. We report here on the first direct spectroscopic identification of the origin of the green fuzzy emission. We obtained spatially resolved L and M band spectra for two green fuzzy sources using NIRI on the Gemini North telescope. In the case of one source, G19.88-0.53, we detect three individual knots of green fuzzy emission around the source. The knots exhibit a pure molecular hydrogen line emission spectrum, with the 4.695um v=0-0 S(9) line dominating the emission in the 4-5um wavelength range, and no detected continuum component. Our data for G19.88-0.53 prove that green fuzzy emission can be due primarily to emission lines of molecular hydrogen within the bandpass of the IRAC 4.5um channel. However, the other target observed, G49.27-0.34, does not exhibit any line emission and appears to be an embedded massive young stellar object with a cometary UC HII region. We suggest that the effects of extinction in the 3-8um wavelength range and an exaggeration in the color stretch of the 4.5um filter in IRAC RGB images could lead to embedded sources such as this one falsely appearing "green".Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication by A

    A Turbine-powered UAV Controls Testbed

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    The latest version of the NASA Flying Controls Testbed (FLiC) integrates commercial-off-the-shelf components including airframe, autopilot, and a small turbine engine to provide a low cost experimental flight controls testbed capable of sustained speeds up to 200 mph. The series of flight tests leading up to the demonstrated performance of the vehicle in sustained, autopiloted 200 mph flight at NASA Wallops Flight Facility's UAV runway in August 2006 will be described. Earlier versions of the FLiC were based on a modified Army target drone, AN/FQM-117B, developed as part of a collaboration between the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate at Fort Eustis, Virginia and NASA Langley Research Center. The newer turbine powered platform (J-FLiC) builds on the successes using the relatively smaller, slower and less expensive unmanned aerial vehicle developed specifically to test highly experimental flight control approaches with the implementation of C-coded experimental controllers. Tracking video was taken during the test flights at Wallops and will be available for presentation at the conference. Analysis of flight data from both remotely piloted and autopiloted flights will be presented. Candidate experimental controllers for implementation will be discussed. It is anticipated that flight testing will resume in Spring 2007 and those results will be included, if possible

    Extrafollicular Dermal Melanocyte Stem Cells and Melanoma

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    Recent studies suggest that extrafollicular dermal melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) persist after birth in the superficial nerve sheath of peripheral nerves and give rise to migratory melanocyte precursors when replacements for epidermal melanocytes are needed on the basal epidermal layer of the skin. If a damaged MSC or melanocyte precursor can be shown to be the primary origin of melanoma, targeted identification and eradication of it by antibody-based therapies will be the best method to treat melanoma and a very effective way to prevent its recurrence. Transcription factors and signaling pathways involved in MSC self-renewal, expansion and differentiation are reviewed. A model is presented to show how the detrimental effects of long-term UVA/UVB radiation on DNA and repair mechanisms in MSCs convert them to melanoma stem cells. Zebrafish have many advantages for investigating the role of MSCs in the development of melanoma. The signaling pathways regulating the development of MSCs in zebrafish are very similar to those found in humans and mice. The ability to easily manipulate the MSC population makes zebrafish an excellent model for studying how damage to MSCs may lead to melanoma

    Deployment of the northern fish cage and mooring, University of New Hampshire — Open Ocean Aquaculture Program summer 2000

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    The University of New Hampshire - Open Ocean Aquaculture (UNH-OOA) program has worked for the past few years on developing the technology to deploy and maintain fish cages in open, exposed northern waters. In June 1999, two Sea Station octagonal net cages by Ocean Spar Technologies were deployed with their UNH designed and constructed moorings. In June 2000 the Northern Cage and its mooring were retrieved, examined and repaired , and readied for redeployment. This was a complex operation, initiated by a team of UNH ocean engineers lead by Dr. Barbaros Celikkol. This year's effort was expanded with the addition of a Program Manager (Michael Chambers), the Fishing Vessel Nobska, and researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). During the week of 21 to 25 August 2000, the cage and mooring were assembled and deployed at the UNH-OOA site seven miles offshore the New Hampshire coast, south of the Isle of Shoals. This collaborative effort involved members of the UNH Mechanical Engineering Dept., UNH divers, members of the WHOI Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Dept. and the Captain and crew of the FV Nobska. Ship support for the deployment was provided by the R/V Gulf Challenger and Galen J. (UNH) and the FV Nobska (a 100 foot fishing vessel based at Woods Hole, MA). The work was favored by light wind and sea conditions. The endeavor resulted in the successful placement of the North Cage and its complex mooring system with load cells and environmental sensors. Unexpected and unexplained tangling of the mooring system, in particular near its grid corner points, was encountered and corrected.Fudning was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration for the Open Ocean Aquaculture Project under Contract No. NA86RG0016 to the Univesity of New Hampshire and under Subcontracts 00-394 and 01-442 to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    The effects of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3': 5'-monophosphate on concanavalin a-stimulated sterol and fatty acid synthesis in mouse spleen lymphocytes

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    Substantial increases in both 3[beta]-OH sterol and fatty acid synthesis were observed after concanavalin A addition to mouse spleen lymphocytes cultured in serum-free media. The rate of sterol synthesis increased linearly up to 60 h. The rate of fatty acid synthesis increased up to 20 h, reaching a plateau in synthetic activity which was the maintained. CO2 production from acetate was slightly stimulated by concanavalin A. In contrast to sterol and fatty acid synthesis, the rate of CO2 production in both mitogen-stimulated and resting cultures declined with time. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP had a strong inhibitory effect on concanavalin A-stimulated sterol and fatty acid synthesis from acetate, but only a slight effect on CO2 production. Delayed addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP resulted in reduced inhibition. The data suggest a sequence of initiation for fatty acid and sterol synthesis prior to DNA synthesis and a possible regulatory role of cyclic AMP in this initiation. The results support the hypothesis that lymphocyte activation is sequential within the spleen cell population and is accompanied by fatty acid and sterol synthesis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/22613/1/0000163.pd

    Current use and potential value of cost-effectiveness analysis in U.S. health care : the case of Medicare national coverage determinations

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    There is a growing recognition that we cannot afford the provision of all new health care technologies, even those that are proven to be beneficial. This is increasingly true in the US, where health care spending is on an unsustainable upward trajectory. US health care spending is greatly in excess of that of other countries; however, with respect to key health metrics, the US health care system performs relatively poorly. Despite this, unlike many other developed countries economic evaluation, and more specifically cost effectiveness evidence, is used sparingly in the US health care system. Notably, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), administrators of the Medicare programme, state that cost-effectiveness evidence is not relevant to coverage decisions for medical technology and interventions evaluated as part of National Coverage Determinations (NCDs). The empirical aspect of this thesis evaluates the current use and potential value of using cost-effectiveness evidence in CMS NCDs. A database was built using data obtained from NCD decision memoranda, the medical literature, a Medicare claims database, and Medicare reimbursement information. The findings of the empirical work show that, CMS’s stated position notwithstanding, cost-effectiveness evidence has been cited or discussed in a number of coverage decisions, and there is a statistically significant difference between positive and non-coverage decisions with respect to cost effectiveness. When controlling for factors likely to have an effect on coverage decisions, the availability of cost-effectiveness evidence is a statistically significant predictor of coverage. In addition, the quality of the supporting clinical evidence, the availability of alternative interventions, and the recency of the decision are statistically significant variables. Further, when hypothetically reallocating resources in accordance with cost-effectiveness substantial gains in aggregate health are estimated. It is shown that using cost-effectiveness to guide resource allocation has an effect on resource allocation across patient populations and types of technology.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo