1,870 research outputs found

    Community and neighbourhood shopping centres

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    An investigation of the dynamics of the mesopause: Fabry-Perot observations of winds and temperatures from nightglow emissions

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1994This work is a study of the behavior of tidal and planetary waves in the upper-middle atmosphere near the geographic south pole. This is accomplished with a characterization of the dynamic state of these motions. I used ground-based Fabry-Perot Spectrometer (FPS) measurements of the multiple-line, P\sb1(2)\sb{c,d}, nightglow emissions from the X\sp2II band of the neutral OH* molecule. I developed analytical techniques to determine a space and time distribution of spectral amplitudes and phases for the dynamic parameters of kinetic temperature and neutral wind in the OH* layer. Spectral analysis of the variations in this layer indicate the existence of two groups: a planetary wave group (periods of ∼{\sim}1-10 days), with eastward phase progression, and a near semi-diurnal group (periods of ∼{\sim}8-13 hours), with westward phase progression. Specific periods vary slightly for different years; this is most likely due to remote propagation conditions. Further separation of each group shows the wind oscillations exhibit wave-number one behavior with associated wave-number zero temperature oscillations, (with a few exceptions). The periodicities in the planetary group neutral wind motions are consistent with the model results of Salby, 1984, for propagation to high latitudes through realistic mean flows. The characterization of the dynamics of this layer has led to the discovery of a basic azimuthal asymmetry in the distribution of spectral amplitude for a given oscillation, that is, preferred azimuths. These preferred azimuths appear to be associated with changes in the direction, not the amplitude, of a cross-polar mean wind. This finding, in conjunction with the evanescence of some features, uncovered two cases of planetary wave dissipation. These occur when oscillations attempt to maintain their preferred alignment with a changing mean wind direction resulting in a decay of wind amplitude and a burst of thermal oscillation. Both cases occur at the same time. Coincident with these decays are enhancements in the wind and thermal energy of other, longer period, oscillations which share the same azimuthal preferences. Also coincident is an acceleration of the mean wind


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    Large-scale brush-control programs are being proposed in Texas to increase off-site water yields. Biophysical and economic simulation models are combined to estimate the effects of brush control on representative ranches in four ecological regions of the Edwards Plateau area of Texas. Net present values of representative ranches in three of four regions decrease with brush control. Cost shares necessary for ranches from the three regions to break even range from 7% to 31% of total brush-control costs. Any large-scale brush-control program will therefore require a substantial investment by the state of Texas.Agribusiness,

    Mom-it helps when youre right here! Attenuation of neural stress markers in anxious youths whose caregivers are present during fMRI.

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    Close proximity to an attachment figure, such as a caregiver, has been shown to attenuate threat-related activity in limbic regions such as the hypothalamus in healthy individuals. We hypothesized that such features might be similarly attenuated by proximity during a potentially stressful situation in a clinically anxious population of youths. Confirmation of this hypothesis could support the role of attachment figures in the management of anxiety among children and adolescents. Three groups were analyzed: anxious children and adolescents who requested that their caregiver accompany them in the scanner room, anxious children and adolescents without their caregiver in the scanner room and healthy controls (each of N = 10). The groups were matched for age and, among the two anxious groups, for diagnosis (mean age 9.5). The children and adolescents were exposed to physical threat words during an fMRI assessment. Results indicate that activity in the hypothalamus, ventromedial, and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex were significantly reduced in anxious children and adolescents who requested that their caregiver accompany them in the scanner room compared to those without their caregiver in the scanner room. Mean activity in these regions in anxious children and adolescents with their caregiver in the scanner room was comparable to that of healthy controls. These data suggest links between social contact and neural mechanisms of emotional reactivity; specifically, presence of caregivers moderates the increase in anxiety seen with stressful stimuli. Capitalizing on the ability of anxious youths to manifest low levels of anxiety-like information processing in the presence of a caregiver could help in modeling adaptive function in behavioral treatments

    Chemotropic guidance facilitates axonal regeneration and synapse formation after spinal cord injury.

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    A principal objective of spinal cord injury (SCI) research is the restoration of axonal connectivity to denervated targets. We tested the hypothesis that chemotropic mechanisms would guide regenerating spinal cord axons to appropriate brainstem targets. We subjected rats to cervical level 1 (C1) lesions and combinatorial treatments to elicit axonal bridging into and beyond lesion sites. Lentiviral vectors expressing neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) were then injected into an appropriate brainstem target, the nucleus gracilis, and an inappropriate target, the reticular formation. NT-3 expression in the correct target led to reinnervation of the nucleus gracilis in a dose-related fashion, whereas NT-3 expression in the reticular formation led to mistargeting of regenerating axons. Axons regenerating into the nucleus gracilis formed axodendritic synapses containing rounded vesicles, reflective of pre-injury synaptic architecture. Thus, we report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the reinnervation of brainstem targets after SCI and an essential role for chemotropic axon guidance in target selection

    Housing market dynamics of the post-Sandy Hudson estuary, Long Island Sound, and New Jersey coastline are explained by NFIP participation

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    How flooding affects home values can determine the path of economic recovery for communities and have lasting impacts on national and global financial systems. Yet, our understanding of how flood insurance, community risk perception, and past flooding events shape future housing prices (HPs) remains limited. To explore this, we used a socio-environmental (SE) model and studied the temporal impacts of flooding on mean housing values across 496 coastal census tracts of New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey, US, from 1970 to 2021. The modeling exercise demonstrated that the initial economic impact of Hurricane Sandy was largely absorbed by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); however, the region then exhibited a long-term decline in home values, which was well described by an interrupted time series model. We found significant correlations between SE model parameters describing HP change and those describing tract-scale behaviors and perceptions, suggesting that the salience of past flooding events and NFIP participation may be important regional drivers of HPs. Tracts with greater post-flood change in active insurance policies exhibited larger decreases in mean home values than those with more stable NFIP participation. An improved understanding of relationships between HPs, flood insurance, and community perceptions could support more equitable distributions of resources and improved policy interventions to reduce flooding risk

    An unusually large number of eggs laid by a breeding red-cockaded woodpecker female

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    The Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) is a cooperatively breeding species that typically uses a single cavity for nesting (Ligon 1970, Walters et al. 1988). A single tree, or aggregation of cavity trees, termed the cluster, is inhabited by a group of woodpeckers that includes a single breeding pair and up to several helpers, which are typically male offspring of previous breeding seasons (Ligon 1970, Lennartz et al. 1987). Each group of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers usually produces one nest per breeding season, but will often nest again during the same breeding season if the first nest fails. Double clutching and double brooding (where both nests are successful) are known to occur in Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the southern and northern portion of the species\u27 range (LaBranche et al. 1994, Franzreb 1997, Phillips et al. 1998)
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