96 research outputs found

    A Genetic Programming Approach to Designing Convolutional Neural Network Architectures

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    The convolutional neural network (CNN), which is one of the deep learning models, has seen much success in a variety of computer vision tasks. However, designing CNN architectures still requires expert knowledge and a lot of trial and error. In this paper, we attempt to automatically construct CNN architectures for an image classification task based on Cartesian genetic programming (CGP). In our method, we adopt highly functional modules, such as convolutional blocks and tensor concatenation, as the node functions in CGP. The CNN structure and connectivity represented by the CGP encoding method are optimized to maximize the validation accuracy. To evaluate the proposed method, we constructed a CNN architecture for the image classification task with the CIFAR-10 dataset. The experimental result shows that the proposed method can be used to automatically find the competitive CNN architecture compared with state-of-the-art models.Comment: This is the revised version of the GECCO 2017 paper. The code of our method is available at https://github.com/sg-nm/cgp-cn

    Hyperparameter Optimization and Boosting for Classifying Facial Expressions: How good can a “Null” Model be?

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    One of the goals of the ICML workshop on representation and learning is to establish benchmark scores for a new data set of labeled facial expressions. This paper presents the performance of a "Null" model consisting of convolutions with random weights, PCA, pooling, normalization, and a linear readout. Our approach focused on hyperparameter optimization rather than novel model components. On the Facial Expression Recognition Challenge held by the Kaggle website, our hyperparameter optimization approach achieved a score of 60% accuracy on the test data. This paper also introduces a new ensemble construction variant that combines hyperparameter optimization with the construction of ensembles. This algorithm constructed an ensemble of four models that scored 65.5% accuracy. These scores rank 12th and 5th respectively among the 56 challenge participants. It is worth noting that our approach was developed prior to the release of the data set, and applied without modification; our strong competition performance suggests that the TPE hyperparameter optimization algorithm and domain expertise encoded in our Null model can generalize to new image classification data sets.Engineering and Applied Science

    Easy over Hard: A Case Study on Deep Learning

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    While deep learning is an exciting new technique, the benefits of this method need to be assessed with respect to its computational cost. This is particularly important for deep learning since these learners need hours (to weeks) to train the model. Such long training time limits the ability of (a)~a researcher to test the stability of their conclusion via repeated runs with different random seeds; and (b)~other researchers to repeat, improve, or even refute that original work. For example, recently, deep learning was used to find which questions in the Stack Overflow programmer discussion forum can be linked together. That deep learning system took 14 hours to execute. We show here that applying a very simple optimizer called DE to fine tune SVM, it can achieve similar (and sometimes better) results. The DE approach terminated in 10 minutes; i.e. 84 times faster hours than deep learning method. We offer these results as a cautionary tale to the software analytics community and suggest that not every new innovation should be applied without critical analysis. If researchers deploy some new and expensive process, that work should be baselined against some simpler and faster alternatives.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted at FSE201

    The Statistical Inefficiency of Sparse Coding for Images (or, One Gabor to Rule them All)

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    Sparse coding is a proven principle for learning compact representations of images. However, sparse coding by itself often leads to very redundant dictionaries. With images, this often takes the form of similar edge detectors which are replicated many times at various positions, scales and orientations. An immediate consequence of this observation is that the estimation of the dictionary components is not statistically efficient. We propose a factored model in which factors of variation (e.g. position, scale and orientation) are untangled from the underlying Gabor-like filters. There is so much redundancy in sparse codes for natural images that our model requires only a single dictionary element (a Gabor-like edge detector) to outperform standard sparse coding. Our model scales naturally to arbitrary-sized images while achieving much greater statistical efficiency during learning. We validate this claim with a number of experiments showing, in part, superior compression of out-of-sample data using a sparse coding dictionary learned with only a single image.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Incorporating complex cells into neural networks for pattern classification

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    Dans le domaine des neurosciences computationnelles, l'hypothèse a été émise que le système visuel, depuis la rétine et jusqu'au cortex visuel primaire au moins, ajuste continuellement un modèle probabiliste avec des variables latentes, à son flux de perceptions. Ni le modèle exact, ni la méthode exacte utilisée pour l'ajustement ne sont connus, mais les algorithmes existants qui permettent l'ajustement de tels modèles ont besoin de faire une estimation conditionnelle des variables latentes. Cela nous peut nous aider à comprendre pourquoi le système visuel pourrait ajuster un tel modèle; si le modèle est approprié, ces estimé conditionnels peuvent aussi former une excellente représentation, qui permettent d'analyser le contenu sémantique des images perçues. Le travail présenté ici utilise la performance en classification d'images (discrimination entre des types d'objets communs) comme base pour comparer des modèles du système visuel, et des algorithmes pour ajuster ces modèles (vus comme des densités de probabilité) à des images. Cette thèse (a) montre que des modèles basés sur les cellules complexes de l'aire visuelle V1 généralisent mieux à partir d'exemples d'entraînement étiquetés que les réseaux de neurones conventionnels, dont les unités cachées sont plus semblables aux cellules simples de V1; (b) présente une nouvelle interprétation des modèles du système visuels basés sur des cellules complexes, comme distributions de probabilités, ainsi que de nouveaux algorithmes pour les ajuster à des données; et (c) montre que ces modèles forment des représentations qui sont meilleures pour la classification d'images, après avoir été entraînés comme des modèles de probabilités. Deux innovations techniques additionnelles, qui ont rendu ce travail possible, sont également décrites : un algorithme de recherche aléatoire pour sélectionner des hyper-paramètres, et un compilateur pour des expressions mathématiques matricielles, qui peut optimiser ces expressions pour processeur central (CPU) et graphique (GPU).Computational neuroscientists have hypothesized that the visual system from the retina to at least primary visual cortex is continuously fitting a latent variable probability model to its stream of perceptions. It is not known exactly which probability model, nor exactly how the fitting takes place, but known algorithms for fitting such models require conditional estimates of the latent variables. This gives us a strong hint as to why the visual system might be fitting such a model; in the right kind of model those conditional estimates can also serve as excellent features for analyzing the semantic content of images perceived. The work presented here uses image classification performance (accurate discrimination between common classes of objects) as a basis for comparing visual system models, and algorithms for fitting those models as probability densities to images. This dissertation (a) finds that models based on visual area V1's complex cells generalize better from labeled training examples than conventional neural networks whose hidden units are more like V1's simple cells, (b) presents novel interpretations for complex-cell-based visual system models as probability distributions and novel algorithms for fitting them to data, and (c) demonstrates that these models form better features for image classification after they are first trained as probability models. Visual system models based on complex cells achieve some of the best results to date on the CIFAR-10 image classification benchmark, and samples from their probability distributions indicate that they have learnt to capture important aspects of natural images. Two auxiliary technical innovations that made this work possible are also described: a random search algorithm for selecting hyper-parameters, and an optimizing compiler for matrix-valued mathematical expressions which can target both CPU and GPU devices

    Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization

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    International audienceSeveral recent advances to the state of the art in image classification benchmarks have come from better configurations of existing techniques rather than novel ap- proaches to feature learning. Traditionally, hyper-parameter optimization has been the job of humans because they can be very efficient in regimes where only a few trials are possible. Presently, computer clusters and GPU processors make it pos- sible to run more trials and we show that algorithmic approaches can find better results. We present hyper-parameter optimization results on tasks of training neu- ral networks and deep belief networks (DBNs). We optimize hyper-parameters using random search and two new greedy sequential methods based on the ex- pected improvement criterion. Random search has been shown to be sufficiently efficient for learning neural networks for several datasets, but we show it is unreli- able for training DBNs. The sequential algorithms are applied to the most difficult DBN learning problems from [1] and find significantly better results than the best previously reported. This work contributes novel techniques for making response surface models P(y|x) in which many elements of hyper-parameter assignment (x) are known to be irrelevant given particular values of other elements

    A System for Real-Time Interactive Analysis of Deep Learning Training

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    Performing diagnosis or exploratory analysis during the training of deep learning models is challenging but often necessary for making a sequence of decisions guided by the incremental observations. Currently available systems for this purpose are limited to monitoring only the logged data that must be specified before the training process starts. Each time a new information is desired, a cycle of stop-change-restart is required in the training process. These limitations make interactive exploration and diagnosis tasks difficult, imposing long tedious iterations during the model development. We present a new system that enables users to perform interactive queries on live processes generating real-time information that can be rendered in multiple formats on multiple surfaces in the form of several desired visualizations simultaneously. To achieve this, we model various exploratory inspection and diagnostic tasks for deep learning training processes as specifications for streams using a map-reduce paradigm with which many data scientists are already familiar. Our design achieves generality and extensibility by defining composable primitives which is a fundamentally different approach than is used by currently available systems. The open source implementation of our system is available as TensorWatch project at https://github.com/microsoft/tensorwatch.Comment: Accepted at ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2019). Code available as TensorWatch project at https://github.com/microsoft/tensorwatc
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