422 research outputs found

    Autocastration and Autoamputation of the Penis in a Patient with Delusions of Sexual Guilt

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    Genital self-mutilation (GSM) is a rare event that is commonly associated with psychotic disorders; we report an occurrence in the context of psychosis and drug use. We also review the etiologies of this phenomenon and how these etiologies differ across gender

    Antigen depot is not required for alum adjuvanticity

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    Alum adjuvants have been in continuous clinical use for more than 80 yr. While the prevailing theory has been that depot formation and the associated slow release of antigen and/or inflammation are responsible for alum enhancement of antigen presentation and subsequent T- and B-cell responses, this has never been formally proven. To examine antigen persistence, we used the chimeric fluorescent protein EαGFP, which allows assessment of antigen presentation in situ, using the Y-Ae antibody. We demonstrate that alum and/or CpG adjuvants induced similar uptake of antigen, and in all cases, GFP signal did not persist beyond 24 h in draining lymph node antigen-presenting cells. Antigen presentation was first detectable on B cells within 6–12 h of antigen administration, followed by conventional dendritic cells (DCs) at 12–24 h, then finally plasmacytoid DCs at 48 h or later. Again, alum and/or CpG adjuvants did not have an effect on the magnitude or sequence of this response; furthermore, they induced similar antigen-specific T-cell activation in vivo. Notably, removal of the injection site and associated alum depot, as early as 2 h after administration, had no appreciable effect on antigen-specific T- and B-cell responses. This study clearly rules out a role for depot formation in alum adjuvant activity

    A prospective evaluation of atherosclerotic risk factors and hypercoagulability in young adults with premature lower extremity atherosclerosis

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    Purpose: Fifty-one consecutive patients with premature lower extremity atherosclerosis were prospectively evaluated for atherogenic risk factors and primary or acquired hypercoagulability, which might contribute to early ischemia and revascularization failure.Methods: Laboratory tests included plasma assays of (1) natural anticoagulants (NAC), lipoprotein (a) (Lp[a]), and anticardiolipin antibodies, and (2) fibrinolytic activators and inhibitors at baseline and stimulated after 20 minutes of upper extremity venous occlusion.Results: Forty-six (90%) of these 51 patients had laboratory abnormalities. One or more NAC deficiencies were found in 15 (30%) patients and included antithrombin III (n=5), protein C (n=8), protein S (n=4), and heparin cofactor II (n=2). Hypofibrinolysis was identified as a deficiency of stimulated tissue plasminogen activator in 22 (45%) patients and elevated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in 29 (59%). Elevated Lp(a) was found in 43 (86%) patients. Five (10%) patients had anticardiolipin antibodies. Ten patients had combined NAC deficiency and hypofibrinolysis. Five (10%) patients had no abnormality. NAC deficiencies, especially protein C deficiency, were associated with acute ischemia (p<0.01), prior vascular intervention (p<0.01), an increasing number of total vascular procedures (p<0.01), and major amputation (p<0.01). PAI-1 was associated with a history of heart disease (p<0.05) and prior vascular procedures (p<0.05). Elevated Lp(a) was associated with elevated PAI-1 (p<0.05). Retesting in 20 patients suggested that 80% of NAC deficiencies were acquired, but abnormalities persisted in 66% of patients with elevated PAI-1 and in 93% of those with elevated Lp(a).Conclusions: These data strongly support the hypothesis that the convergence of atherogenic risk factors and hypercoagulability play an important role in early ischemia and poor results reported for lower extremity vascular procedures in young adults

    A novel method to allow noninvasive, longitudinal imaging of the murine immune system in vivo

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    In vivo imaging has revolutionized understanding of the spatiotemporal complexity that subserves the generation of successful effector and regulatory immune responses. Until now, invasive surgery has been required for microscopic access to lymph nodes (LNs), making repeated imaging of the same animal impractical and potentially affecting lymphocyte behavior. To allow longitudinal in vivo imaging, we conceived the novel approach of transplanting LNs into the mouse ear pinna. Transplanted LNs maintain the structural and cellular organization of conventional secondary lymphoid organs. They participate in lymphocyte recirculation and exhibit the capacity to receive and respond to local antigenic challenge. The same LN could be repeatedly imaged through time without the requirement for surgical exposure, and the dynamic behavior of the cells within the transplanted LN could be characterized. Crucially, the use of blood vessels as fiducial markers also allowed precise re-registration of the same regions for longitudinal imaging. Thus, we provide the first demonstration of a method for repeated, noninvasive, in vivo imaging of lymphocyte behavior

    Potently neutralizing and protective anti-human metapneumovirus antibodies target diverse sites on the fusion glycoprotein

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    Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a leading cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections in high-risk populations, yet there are no vaccines or anti-viral therapies approved for the prevention or treatment of hMPV-associated disease. Here, we used a high-throughput single-cell technology to interrogate memory B cell responses to the hMPV fusion (F) glycoprotein in young adult and elderly donors. Across all donors, the neutralizing antibody response was primarily directed to epitopes expressed on both pre- and post-fusion F conformations. However, we identified rare, highly potent broadly neutralizing antibodies that recognize pre-fusion-specific epitopes and structurally characterized an antibody that targets a site of vulnerability at the pre-fusion F trimer apex. Additionally, monotherapy with neutralizing antibodies targeting three distinct antigenic sites provided robust protection against lower respiratory tract infection in a small animal model. This study provides promising monoclonal antibody candidates for passive immunoprophylaxis and informs the rational design of hMPV vaccine immunogens.We acknowledge the Immune Monitoring and Flow Cytometry Resource (IMFCSR) at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth supported by NCI Cancer Center Support Grant 5P30CA023108-41. This work was funded in part by Welch Foundation grant number F-0003-19620604.S

    A Repurposing Programme Evaluating Repurposing Transdermal Oestradiol Patches for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Within the PATCH and STAMPEDE Trials: Current Results and Adapting Trial Design

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    AIMS: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), usually achieved with luteinising hormone releasing hormone analogues (LHRHa), is central to prostate cancer management. LHRHa reduce both testosterone and oestrogen and are associated with significant long-term toxicity. Previous use of oral oestrogens as ADT was curtailed because of cardiovascular toxicity. Transdermal oestrogen (tE2) patches are a potential alternative ADT, supressing testosterone without the associated oestrogen-depletion toxicities (osteoporosis, hot flushes, metabolic abnormalities) and avoiding cardiovascular toxicity, and we here describe their evaluation in men with prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The PATCH (NCT00303784) adaptive trials programme (incorporating recruitment through the STAMPEDE [NCT00268476] platform) is evaluating the safety and efficacy of tE2 patches as ADT for men with prostate cancer. An initial randomised (LHRHa versus tE2) phase II study (n = 251) with cardiovascular toxicity as the primary outcome measure has expanded into a phase III evaluation. Those with locally advanced (M0) or metastatic (M1) prostate cancer are eligible. To reflect changes in both management and prognosis, the PATCH programme is now evaluating these cohorts separately. RESULTS: to date: Recruitment is complete, with 1362 and 1128 in the M0 and M1 cohorts, respectively. Rates of androgen suppression with tE2 were equivalent to LHRHa, with improved metabolic parameters, quality of life and bone health indices (mean absolute change in lumbar spine bone mineral density of -3.0% for LHRHa and +7.9% for tE2 with an estimated difference between arms of 9.3% (95% confidence interval 5.3-13.4). Importantly, rates of cardiovascular events were not significantly different between the two arms and the time to first cardiovascular event did not differ between treatment groups (hazard ratio 1.11, 95% confidence interval 0.80-1.53; P = 0.54). Oncological outcomes are awaited. FUTURE: Efficacy results for the M0 cohort (primary outcome measure metastases-free survival) are expected in the final quarter of 2023. For M1 patients (primary outcome measure - overall survival), analysis using restricted mean survival time is being explored. Allied translational work on longitudinal samples is underway

    Treatment of chronically depressed patients: A multisite randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of 'Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy' (CBASP) for chronic depressions versus usual secondary care

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    AbstractBackground'Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy' (CBASP) is a form of psychotherapy specifically developed for patients with chronic depression. In a study in the U.S., remarkable favorable effects of CBASP have been demonstrated. However, no other studies have as yet replicated these findings and CBASP has not been tested outside the United States. This protocol describes a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of CBASP in the Netherlands.Methods/DesignThe purpose of the present paper is to report the study protocol of a multisite randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of 'Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy' (CBASP) for chronic depression in the Netherlands. In this study, CBASP in combination with medication, will be tested versus usual secondary care in combination with medication. The aim is to recruit 160 patients from three mental health care organizations. Depressive symptoms will be assessed at baseline, after 8 weeks, 16 weeks, 32 weeks and 52 weeks, using the 28-item Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology (IDS). Effect modification by co morbid anxiety, alcohol consumption, general and social functioning and working alliance will be tested. GEE analyses of covariance, controlling for baseline value and center will be used to estimate the overall treatment effectiveness (difference in IDS score) at post-treatment and follow up. The primary analysis will be by 'intention to treat' using double sided tests. An economic analysis will compare the two groups in terms of mean costs and cost-effectiveness from a societal perspective.DiscussionThe study will provide an answer to the question whether the favorable effects of CBASP can be replicated outside the US

    Ethnic Differences in Body Composition and Obesity Related Risk Factors: Study in Chinese and White Males Living in China

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    The purpose of this cross-sectional observational study was to identify ethnic differences in body composition and obesity-related risk factors between Chinese and white males living in China. 115 Chinese and 114 white male pilots aged 28–63 years were recruited. Fasting body weight, height and blood pressure were measured following standard procedures. Whole-body and segmental body composition were measured using an 8-contact electrode bioimpedance analysis (BIA) system. Fasting serum glucose, fasting plasma total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides (TG) were assessed using automatic biochemistry analyzer. After adjusting for age and body mass index (BMI), Chinese males had significantly higher percentage of body fat (PBF) both with respect to whole body (Chinese: 23.7%±0.2% vs. Whites: 22.4%±0.2%) and the trunk area (Chinese: 25.0%±0.3% vs. Whites: 23.2%±0.3%) compared to their white counterparts. At all BMIs, Chinese males had significantly higher fasting glucose levels (Chinese: 5.7±1.0 mmol/L vs. Whites: 5.2±1.0 mmol/L) but lower high-density lipoprotein levels (Chinese: 0.8±1.0 mmol/L vs. Whites: 1.0±1.0 mmol/L) than white males. In addition, a marginally significantly higher diastolic blood pressure was found among Chinese men than that among white men (Chinese: 80±1.0 mmHg vs. Whites: 77±1.0 mmHg). Chinese males had more body fat and a greater degree of central fat deposition pattern than that seen in white males in the present study. Furthermore, data on blood pressure, fasting glucose and blood lipids suggest that Chinese men may be more prone to obesity-related risk factors than white men