9,308 research outputs found

    Effects of agricultural commercialization on land tenure, household resource allocation, and nutrition in the Philippines:

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    Agriculture Economic aspects Philippines., Produce trade Philippines., Land tenure Philippines., Households Philippines., Nutrition Philippines.,

    Chemiluminescent Tags for Tracking Insect Movement in Darkness: Application to Moth Photo-Orientation

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    The flight tracks of Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) flying toward a 5 watt incandescent light bulb were recorded under low light conditions with the aid of a camera-mounted photomultiplier and a glowing marker technique. Small felt pads bearing a chemiluminescent (glowi ma­erial, Cyalume®, were affixed to the abdomens of free-flying moths. insects orienting to a dim incandescent bulb were easily visible to the naked eye and were clearly captured on videotape. On their initial approach to the light source, M. sexta were found to orient at a mean angle of -0.220 ± 2.70 (mean ± SEM). The speed of the initial approach flight (OA ± 0.03 m/s) was significantly faster than the speed immediately after passing the light (0.29 ± 0.02 m/s; t =6.4, PM. sexta initially fly approximately at a light source and only after passing it, do they engage in circular flight around the source. M. sexta flight to lights does not entirely match any paths predicted by several light orientation mechanisms, including the commonly invoked light compass theory

    New records of biting and predaceous midges from Florida, including species new to the fauna of the United States (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    We provide new records of biting and predaceous midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Florida, including the first documented United States records of Atrichopogon (Atrichopogon) caribbeanus Ewen, Dasyhelea griseola Wirth, D. scissurae Macfie, and Brachypogon (Brachypogon) woodruffi Spinelli and Grogan. Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) downesi Wirth, Forcipomyia (Thyridomyia) monilicornis (Coquillett), F. (T.) nodosa Saunders, Ceratoculicoides blantoni Wirth and Ratanaworabhan, Mallochohelea albibasis (Malloch), Bezzia (Bezzia) imbifida Dow and Turner and B. (B.) mallochi Wirth are recorded for the first time from Florida. Forcipomyia (Thyridomyia) johannseni Thomsen, Bezzia (Bezzia) expolita (Coquillett), and B. (B.) pulverea (Coquillett) are deleted from the ceratopogonid fauna of Florida. Dasyhelea koenigi Delécolle and Rieb is a junior objective synonym of Dasyhelea scissurae Macfie (NEW SYNONYM). The total number of Ceratopogonidae recorded from Florida is now 249 species contained within 27 genera

    New Lease on Life: Section 23 Housing and the Poor

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    A new design concept for indraft wind-tunnel inlets with application to the national full-scale aerodynamic complex

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    The present inlet design concept for an indraft wind tunnel, which is especially suited to applications for which a specific test section flow quality is required with minimum inlet size, employs a cascade or vaneset to control flow at the inlet plane, so that test section total pressure variation is minimized. Potential flow panel methods, together with empirical pressure loss predictions, are used to predict inlet cascade performance. This concept has been used to develop an alternative inlet design for the 80 x 120-ft wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center. Experimental results show that a short length/diameter ratio wind tunnel inlet furnishing atmospheric wind isolation and uniform test section flow can be designed

    In situ measurements of ship tracks

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    It has long been known that cloud droplet concentrations are strongly influenced by cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and that anthropogenic sources of pollution can affect CCN concentrations. More recently it has been suggested that CCN may play an important role in climate through their effect on cloud albedo. A interesting example of the effect of anthropogenic CCN on cloud albedo is the so-called 'ship track' phenomenon. Ship tracks were first observed in satellite imagery when the ship's emissions were evidently needed for the formation of a visible cloud. However, they appear more frequently in satellite imagery as modifications to existing stratus and stratocumulus clouds. The tracks are seen most clearly in satellite imagery by comparing the radiance at 3.7 microns with that at 0.63 and 11 microns. To account for the observed change in radiance, droplet concentrations must be high, and the mean size of the droplets small, in ship tracks. Researchers describe what they believe to be the first in situ measurements in what appears to have been a ship track

    Bicycle Safety Supplement to Teacher Buggy Driving Safety Curriculum

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    Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Workers in Leisure and Hospitality Businesses: Massachusetts and New England

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    This report examines the role and impact of immigrant entrepreneurs and workers on Leisure and Hospitality businesses in New England, particularly Massachusetts. A significant portion of state economies in New England, especially in Massachusetts, relies heavily on the employment of the foreign-born. As the native workforce ages and population growth declines, businesses are becoming increasingly dependent upon the availability of the foreign-born. This development has facilitated an increasingly significant presence and role of immigrant entrepreneurs in Leisure and Hospitality businesses that is documented for the first time in this report