27 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan formal orang tua dengan prestasi belajar geografi siswa, 2) hubungan antara perhatian orang tua dengan prestasi belajar geografi siswa, dan 3) hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan formal dan perhatian orang tua secara bersama-sama dengan prestasi belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sleman. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan penarikan kesimpulan melalui analisis statistik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sleman sebanyak 104 siswa dan semua anggota populasi menjadi responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner atau angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji F, R 2 dan sumbangan relatif dan efektif. Hasil analisis regresi memperoleh persamaan garis regresi:Y= 0,425X +44,328. Persamaan menunjukkan bahwa prestasi Geografi dipengaruhi oleh pengaruh tingkat pendidikan formal orang tua dan perhatian orang tua. Hasil penelitian pada siswa SMA Negeri 2 Sleman menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara tingkat pendidikan formal orang tua dengan prestasi belajar geografi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sleman tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t hitung lebih besar dari nilai t (2,947 >1,659) dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 6,55%. (2) Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara perhatian orang tua dengan prestasi belajar geografi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sleman tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t tabel lebih besar dari nilai t (4,913 >1,659) dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 27,45%. (3) Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara tingkat pendidikan formal dan perhatian orang tua secara bersama-sama dengan prestasi belajar geografi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sleman tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai F tabel lebih besar dari nilai F tabel hitung (22,691 > 3,09), dan dengan hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R)sebesar 0,340. Artinya adalah prestasi belajar geografi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sleman tahun ajaran 2011/2012 ditentukan oleh 34,0% variabel tingkat pendidikan formal dan perhatian orang tua, sedangkan 66,0% ditentukan variabel lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Tingkat Pendidikan Formal Orang Tua, Perhatian Orang Tua, dan Prestasi Belajar Geografi

    Karakteristik Kimia dan Organoleptik Sirup Gandaria dengan Penambahan Konsentrasi Gula

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    “Gandaria†fruit is a seasonal fruit that is easy to prepare but cannot be kept fresh for a long time. Processing technology is important for creating a food product with a longer shelf life and being consumed outside of the season. Processing “gandaria†into syrup is one of the methods. The syrup has a thick and distinctive taste characteristic because it contains 55-65% sugar. This study aimed to determine what sugar concentration is best for producing good “gandaria†fruit syrup. A completely randomized experimental design with one factor, namely the concentration of sugar, i.e., 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, and 70% repeated three times, was applied in this research. The results showed that sugar concentration treatment produced syrup with total sugar 59,36-65,97%, total acidity 13.48-17.35%. vitamin C 16.47-16.97%, and total soluble solid 39.27-46.43%. Organoleptic characteristics, namely color (rather yellow to yellow), aroma (slightly gandaria aroma), taste (slightly gandaria taste to gandaria taste), thickness (somewhat like to like), overall (somewhat like to like). The best sugar concentration in producing good gandaria syrup was 70%. Keywords: Gandaria; sugar concentration; syrup   ABSTRAK Buah gandaria merupakan buah musiman yang mudah dan tidak dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar dalam waktu yang lama. Penerapan teknologi pengolahan sangat penting untuk menghasilkan produk pangan olahan yang memiliki daya simpan yang lebih lama dan dapat dikonsumsi diluar musim salah satunya adalah mengolah gandaria menjadi sirup. Sirup memiliki karakteristik yang kental dan rasa yang khas karena mengandung gula 55-65%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi gula yang tepat dalam menghasilkan sirup buah gandaria yang baik. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor yaitu konsentrasi gula 50%, 55%, 60%, 65% dan 70%, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi gula 55-70% menghasilkan total gula sebesar 59,36-65,97%, total asam sebsesar 17,35-13,48%, vitamin C sebesar 16,97-16,47%, dan total padatan terlarut sebesar 39,27-46,43%, dan karakteristik organoleptik warna (agak kuning-kuning), aroma (agak beraroma gandaria), rasa (agak berasa gandaria-berasa ngandaria), kekentalan (agak suka-suka), overall (agak suka-suka). Salah satu perlakuan konsentrasi terbaik adalah perlakuan konsentrasi gula 70%. Kata kunci: Gandaria; konsentrasi gula; siru

    Karakteristik Morfologi Tanaman Sukun (Artocarpus alltilis Forst) Di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

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    Morphological characteristics are inherent properties of plants and are indicated by plant structural components and are related to organs that can be observed and can be characterized. This study aims to characterize the morphology of breadfruit plants in the West Seram District. The morphological characters observed included tree shapes, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Morphological characterization refers to Key Characterization and Evaluation Descriptors: Methodologies for the Assessment of 22 Crops. Dendogram formed based on hierarchical cluster analysis. Plant height reaches ± 37m, with a stem diameter of 193cm, leaf length of 75cm, width of 45cm, petiole length of 9 cm, the longest male flower length is 13cm and flower diameter is 70cm, the longest fruit length is 28cm, and the fruit weight is 1,310 kg, stalk longest flower 9 cm. There is a diversity of morphology with different similarity indices

    Morphological Diversity of Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis Park. Fosberg) in Ambon Bay District

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of breadfruit plants in the Ambon Bay District based on their morphological characteristics. The breadfruits plant descriptors used refer to the International Board Plant Genetic Resources Institute and key characterization and evaluation descriptors: Methodologies for the assessment of 22 crops. There are various morphological characteristics of breadfruit in 31 observational variables. At a similarity value of 27,47, three clusters were formed, namely the first cluster Rumah Tiga, Poka, the second cluster Wainani, Hunut, and the third cluster Tawiri, Hative Besar 2, and Hative Besar 1. Each cluster that forms into one cluster has relatively homogeneous characteristics, while between clusters have different characteristics

    Peran Kader dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal di Puskesmas Ch M Tiahahu Ambon

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    Puskesmas menjadi sentral dalam pengembangan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Dalam menjalankan tugas tersebut, Puskesmas perlu didukung dengan keterlibatan masyarakat yang dalam hal ini sering dilakukan oleh Kader. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi peran serta tugas kader dalam kesehatan ibu dan anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode Kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan Focus group discusiion (FGD) dan kemudian data dianalisa menggunakan Analisa tematik. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat dua tema yaitu kader sebagai tukang hayohayo, dan peran kader yang sudah baik namun perlu ditingkatkan beberapa perannya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian yaitu bahwa kader memiliki peran yang penting sebagai penghubung antara tenaga kesehatan dan masyarakat (tukang hayo-hayo), selain itu untuk memaksimalkan perannya kader perlu dukungan dari puskesmas dan perangkat masyarakat lain agar dapat lebih optimal dalam membantu meningkatkan kesehatan ibu dan anak.Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) became central in developing Indonesia’s public health. In the process of its responsibility, Puskesmas needs to be supported by community including cadres. The aim of this study is to identify the role and duty cadres in maternal and child health. This study uses a qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) then the data is analyzed using thematical analysis. There are two major themes as the result of this research, the cadres commonly referred as tukang hayo-hayo, and good enough role of cadres but some role need to be improved. Conclusion of the study is that cadres have an important role as a link between health workers and the community (tukang hayo-hayo), in addition to maximizing their roles, cadres need support from Community Health Centre the other communities to be more optimal in helping to improve the health of mothers and children

    Keragaan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Beberapa Aksesi Kacang Tunggak (Vigna Unguiculata (L) Walp) di Desa Watidal Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) of the District of West Southeast Maluku (MTB) needs to be evaluated in the region of its origin. The objectives this research was to study the growth patterns of cowpea, to obtain local cowpea accessions with agronomic traits as expected, as well as high production potential. This research was conducted at Watidal village, MTB District, Maluku using a randomized completely block design (RCBD) with three replications. Factors to be tested was 15 accessions of cowpea. The observed variables were some vegetative characters, yield component and yield. Measured data were analyzed of its variance, and if the effects of treatments were highly significant then it is followed by Duncan difference test. The results showed differences in plant growth patterns, number of leaves, and number of internodes between accessions at 8 weeks after planting, and apparent at week 16. At week 16, most accessions showed a slowdown in growth rates including improved varieties (KT6). The result of variance test shows that the variation of plant height is significantly different, so that the variables of leaves number of branches, and all different variables are very real. Duncan\u27s different test results show the appearance of lush growth through the number of leaves, the number of books and the number of branches more in accession KTm7, KTm27, KTm9, and KTm4, while some other local accessions including superior varieties showed a slight growth of leaf number. The results showed six accessions of KTm24, KTm13, KTm14, KTm12, KTm9, and KTm5 had the highest seed weight of the crop. Three accessions of local cowpea KTm5, KTm12 and KTm9 had the highest production components by weight of pod (g) and number of first pods

    Pengelompokan Klon-Klon Ubi Jalar Berdasarkan Analisis Gerombol, Komponen Utama dan Biplot dari Karakter Morfologi

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    Sweet potato is a food crop with high genetic and phenotypic diversities. The objective of this study was to cluster sweet potato clones based on their morphological characters. This research used descriptive method using 25 morphological characters on 28 sweet potato clones and clustered using dice coefficient, principal component analysis and biplot analysis. The results showed that the clones were grouped into two clusters and 14 sub-clusters. Three sub-clusters had high similarity coefficients, i.e., 0.68-0.96, one clone was eliminated, and 11 sub-clusters had a low similarity, i.e., 0.41-0.52. The principal component analysis showed 14 of 25 morphological characters determined the diversity in 27 sweet potato clones with cumulative variance of 70.79%. Biplot analysis showed that 12 characters contributed to cumulative variance of 61.3%. Twelve morphological characters had weak contribution on the characteristics of the clones in quadrant I; meanwhile, characteristics of clones in quadrant II were orange, yellow and white tuber flesh, in quadrant III was dark purple tuber flesh, and in quadrant IV were purple tuber flesh and cortex. Result of the grouping analysis identified clones that were closely related and those distantly related for improvement purposes

    Ketahanan Enam Varietas Padi Terhadap Penyakit Blas (Pyricularia oryzea Cav.) pada Lahan Sawah Irigasi dan Sawah Tadah Hujan

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L) is an economically important carbohydrate-producing plant that ranks second only to wheat. In Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and several other countries, rice is used as a staple food source. The commodity projection is expected in the coming years to grow to reach 70 percent. Blast disease is known as one of the main obstacles in rice cultivation today. Recommended control alternative to the disease was through the utilization of economically beneficial and environmentally friendly resistant varieties. The study used six varieties tested on different cultivated land and designed using a split plot experiment. The results showed that the resistance of the six varieties of rice to blast disease, with the criteria from susceptible to resistance was: Kabir07 (5%) and IPB8G (3%) classified as susceptible, followed by IPB9G 1.8% (moderate resistance), Inpari32 1.8% (moderate resistant), Fas Memeye 1.8% (moderate resistant), and IPB3S 1.2% (resistant). The study found that irrigated rice fields had a higher severity of blast disease than rain-fed rice fields. Keywords: blast disease, resistant variety, rice fields irrigated, rice rainfed lowland   ABSTRAK Padi (Oryza sativa L) adalah tanaman penghasil karbohidrat penting secara ekonomi yang menempati peringkat kedua setelah gandum. Di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, dan beberapa negara lain, padi digunakan sebagai sumber makanan pokok. Proyeksi komoditas tersebut diharapkan pada tahun-tahun mendatang tumbuh mencapai 70 persen. Penyakit blas dikenal sebagai salah satu kendala utama dalam budidaya padi saat ini. Alternatif yang direkomendasikan untuk pengendalian terhadap penyakit ini adalah melalui varietas tahan yang bermanfaat secara ekonomi dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi ketahanan enam varietas padi pada lahan padi sawah dan sawah tadah hujan terhadap penyakit blas. Penelitian ini menggunakan enam varietas diuji pada lahan budidaya yang berbeda dan dirancang menggunakan percobaan petak terpisah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketahanan keenam varietas padi terhadap penyakit blas, dengan kriteria dari rentan sampai tahan adalah: Kabir07 (5%) dan IPB8G (3%) tergolong rentan, diikuti oleh IPB9G 1,8% (moderat tahan), Inpari32 1,8% (moderat tahan), Fas Memeye 1,8% (moderat tahan), dan IPB3S 1,2% (tahan). Ditemukan bahwa lahan sawah irigasi memiliki keparahan penyakit blas lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sawah tadah hujan. Kata kunci: penyakit blas, sawah tadah hujan, sawah irigasi, varietas resiste

    Strategi Nafkah Petani Perkotaan Pulau Kecil (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon)

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    The objective of this research was to analyze livelihood strategies designed by the societies in small islands. Research was located in South Leitumur District, Ambon City. Site of research was two sub-districts, namely Hutumuri and Leahari. Sample of farmers were determined purposively from both sub-districts, resulting in 69 farmers, precisely 51 farmers in Hutumuri and 18 farmers in Leahari. Data were collected from depth interview, and analyzed with simple tabulation accompanied with descriptive explanation. Result of research indicated that there are three livelihood strategies designed by coastal societies in South Leitimur District, respectively: developing natural/farming resource potentials by increasing the quantity of commodities that have potential capability to satisfy daily necessities; developing natural/farming resource potentials in wider sense, which concerns with developing potentials of coastal area as fishing spot; and developing human resource potentials by providing job opportunity out of farming and improving the existing skills owned by farmer household