490 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pendapatan sewa kamar hotel secara online oleh Grand Sakura Hotel Medan. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penulis telah melakukan analisis dan juga telah mendapatkan hasil terhadap evaluasi penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi sewa kamar hotel secara online pada Grand Sakura Hotel Medan, Dan dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu: a) Pelaksanann pemesanan kamar secara online melalui aplikasi yang disediakan sudah memenuhi standart yang telah disediakan perusahaan. b) Dokumen dokumen yang di gunakan oleh perusahaan dalam pemesanan kamar secara online telah cukup dan memadai. c) Pencatatan pendapatan sudah menggunakan SAP (System Aplication and Processing)

    Formulasi Dan Analisis Nilai Gizi Bakso Kotak Dari Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus): Formulation and Analysis of Nutritional Value of Square Meatballs From White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus)

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    Meatballs are processed meat products that very popular in Indonesia. Making meatballs is not just using animal material only, but also can be used plant materials such as oyster mushrooms. The meatballs can be made in various forms, such as a round shape or a box shape. This study aims to determine the nutrient content (moisture, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrates) in several formula meatballs box of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) and find the best formula on the meatballs box oyster mushrooms, the nutrients (fat, protein, and carbohydrates), as well as the ash and moisture content. The study was designed using completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of six treatments and two replications. Parameters measured were as hedonic organoleptic include color, aroma, flavor and texture, using 15 panelists and nutrient analysis includes the levels of fat, protein, carbohydrate, ash content and water content. The results showed that the formulation of meatballs box, panelists preferred the formula II from another formula with a value of 3.06 based on color, aroma, flavor, and texture. The results of nutritional analysis were fat content of 0.77, protein content of 16:28 value, carbohydrate content of 31.4, ash content of 1:46 and water content of 9.44

    Model Perubahan Warna Keripik Buah Selama Penggorengan Vakum

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    The natural colour of fruit flaky product is one of specific property prefered by consumer. To maintain the natural colourof the fruit flaky during frying, it is necessary to pay attention the characteristic changes of raw material and control the process in order not to have much changes to get the intended colour. The objective of this research is to develop empirically mathematical model of fruit flaky colour changes during vacuum frying process by considering the change of water and sucrose contents in the product. Sample of the research were jack fruits fried in the temperature of 70–100OC, frying duration of 15–60 minutes, and vacuum pressure of 13-23 kPa. The observed parameters are colour (L), colour (a), colour (b), water and sukrose contents before and after frying. The result showed that colour changes (L, a and b) were influenced by free water vaporization and sukrose decreasing in product, so empirically, the developed mathematical model of colour changes (L, a and b) can be used to predict fruit flaky colour changes during vacuum frying

    Oral Cancer Awareness and its Determinants among a Selected Malaysian Population

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    Objective: To assess oral cancer awareness, its associated factors and related sources of information among a selected group of Malaysians. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on all Malaysian ethnic groups aged >= 15 years old at eight strategically chosen shopping malls within a two week time period. Data were analysed using chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression. Significance level was set at alpha<0.05. Results: Most (84.2%) respondents had heard of oral cancer. Smoking was the most (92.4%) recognized high risk habit. Similar levels of awareness were seen for unhealed ulcers (57.3%) and red/white patches (58.0%) as signs of oral cancer. Age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education, occupation and income were significantly associated with oral cancer awareness (p<0.05). Conclusions: There was a general lack of awareness regarding the risk habits, early signs and symptoms, and the benefits of detecting this disease at an early stage. Mass media and health campaigns were the main sources of information about oral cancer. In our Malaysian population, gender and age were significantly associated with the awareness of early signs and symptoms and prevention of oral cancer, respectively.Article Link: http://koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=POCPA9_2013_v14n3_195

    Alat Perangkap Hama Serangga Padi Sawah Menggunakan Cahaya dari Tenaga Surya

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    Untuk mengendalikan hama serangga yang ramah lingkungan, dirancang sebuah alat perangkap hama serangga pada padi sawah dengan menggunakan cahaya dari tenaga surya dengan sumber listrik dari tenaga surya. Alat ini menggunakan panel surya 10 Wp - 12 V dengan baterai 12 V - 7 Ah. Alat ini menggunakan lampu LED 5 watt dan dapat bertahan selama 14 jam. Alat ini bekerja secara otomatis karena menggunakan sensor LDR (cahaya) untuk menghidupkan lampu secara otomatis. Alat memanfaatkan keterkaitan hama serangga yang tertarik dengan cahaya. Secara alami hama serangga mudah tertarik dengan cahaya. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan di persawahan warga di Kandang Lamo, Kec. Harau, hama serangga yang tertangkap adalah walang sangit (leptocorica acuta), kepinding tanah (scotinophora coarctata), kepik hijau (nezara viridula), penggerek batang padi putih (scripophaga innotata) dan belalang (caelifera)


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) in Rural Development Bintang Ninggi II District South Teweh North Barito regency and to investigate the inhibiting factors. The data collection method used in this research is the study of literature and field study. The results were analyzed through descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the Village Fund Allocation Management Effectiveness is important in promoting development in the village of Bintang Ninggi II District South Teweh North Barito district. There are three stages of planning, implementation, and accountability. Based on the results of research in the field management of the Village Fund Allocation was less effective. With the use of budgetary Village Allocation Fund such issue can be resolved properly, but due to the lack of transparency of information related to the implementation of the planning of activities the results remained less effective. This is because the process is created in each phase of the Village Fund Allocation Management and is not following the principles and objectives of the management of the Village Fund Allocation that prioritizes the transparency of information to the public as a team evaluation of any development activities undertaken.  Article visualizations