16 research outputs found

    Spatial Multi-Criteria Approach For Determining The Cultivation Location Of Seaweed Eucheuma Cottonii in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Abstract. The success of seaweed cultivation activities is determined by various factors. One of the determining factors is the location of seaweed cultivation. Seaweed cultivation in Takalar District is an important source of income for coastal communities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitable areas for conducting cultivation of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii in Takalar Regency. This study used quantitative description methods and survey techniques through field observations and laboratory tests. The collected data were physical and environmental parameters of waters which were distributed in several stations in Takalar Regency. These data included sea surface temperature, water clarity, dissolved oxygen (DO), water salinity, pH, nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), and chlorophyll a (Chl a), total suspended solid (TSS) and current velocity. The data collected were then analyzed with a spatial multicriteria approach in GIS to determine the best area for seaweed cultivation. This study covered approximately 13 222 ha of waters in Takalar Regency. The results of this study indicated that there were suitable and less suitable areas for the cultivation of seaweed E. cottonii in Takalar Regency. This study showed that the spatial multi-criteria approach in GIS could be effectively used for determining the suitable areas for seaweed cultivation activities, especially in complex waters such as Takalar Regency waters

    Kajian Eksperimental Disain Kapal Sep-hull Sebagai Sarana Transportasi Di Perairan Pantai Dan Sungai

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    Makalah ini membahas pengujian hambatan model kapal Surface Effect Planning Hull (SEP-Hull). Model uji menggunakan sistem pelumasan udara di bawah permukaan lambung kapal untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem pelumasan terhadap gaya hambatan kapal. Model ini terbuat dari bahan fiberglass dan diuji pada kecepatan, Fn 0.1-1.45, di towing tank- UPT Balai Pengkajian dan Penelitian Hidrodinamika BPPT, Surabaya. Gaya hambatan model kapal diukur dengan alat ukur ‘load cell transducer'. Hasil pengujian model dipresentasikan dalam bentuk grafik dan tabel. Dari hasil uji diperoleh bahwa hambatan total kapal berkurang hingga 30 persen dengan mengaplikasikan sistim pelumasan udara di bawah permukaan lambung kapal. Hasil ini memberikan harapan yang menjanjikan dalam dunia perkapalan


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    Kajian Eksperimen Viscous Form Factor pada Hambatan Kapal Katamaran

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    Kapal katamaran saat ini banyak menarik perhatian karena memiliki tingkat efisiensi dan performansi hidrodinamika yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kapal konvensional (bentuk monohull). Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para pakar perkapalan adalah memprediksi secara akurat karakteristik hidrodinamika hambatannya. Makalah ini mengkaji secara eksperimental di kolam tarik (towing tank) untuk mendapatkan nilai viscous form factor pada lambung kapal katamaran pada beberapa variasi kecepatan. Viscous form factor merupakan komponen hambatan yamg penting dalam menghitung hambatan viskos kapal. Model uji adalah katamaran simetris dengan beberapa bervariasi jarak antara lambung. Hasil pengujian di towing tank dibandingkan dengan hasil uji di terowongan angin (wind tunnel). Hasil uji model disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik dan didiskusikan dengan beberapa hasil kajian para pakar lainnya. Pada penelitian eksperimental ini, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa viscous form factor pada lambung katamaran adalah lebih besar dibandingkan demihull. Fenomena ini menunjukkan adanya efek interaksi hambatan yang ditimbulkan oleh jarak antara lambung. Disamping itu, semakin besar jarak antara lambung maka semakin kecil nilai viscous form factor-nya. Fenomena ini dapat dijadikan masukan bagi para designer dalam memprediksi total hambatan kapal dan selanjutnya menentukan besar daya mesin kapal katamaran secara akurat dan rasiona

    Kajian Interferensi Koefisien Hambatan Pada Lambung Katamaran Melalui Komputasi \u27Slender Body Method

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    The past decade has witnessed a rapid growth of interest in the development of fast catamaran for various applications. The paper describes the study of interference resistance components on demihull separation. Catamarans or twin-hull vessels may be formed either by connecting two symmetrical demihulls or by splitting a mono hull into two halves to form two asymmetric demihulls. The slender body method in HullSpeed- Maxsurf Program was used for predicting the resistance components. The method assumes that the ship\u27s beam is small compared to its length. Effect of resistance interference components on catamaran hull separations are explained and discussed with some work from other published data, which shows good agreement

    An Investigation Into the Resistance/powering and Seakeeping Characteristics of River Catamaran and Trimaran

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    The increase of fuel price has caused fleet operational and shipping business to be in danger situation. The fuel consumption of a ship is influenced by ship volume or wetted area which contributes directly to the increase of ship resistance and the size of main engine. In order to find out the appropriate answers, a series of investigation into river transportation using monohull, catamaran and trimaran types of vessel was carried out. The work focused on the estimation of total resistance and powering as well as seakeeping characteristics and carried out experimentally using tank test and numerically using a ship design software (Maxsurf). It was found out that the catamaran and trimaran could have less resistance and hence power compared  to monohull of similar displacement. The seakeeping characteristics of the multihull vessels were also comparable with those of the monohull. This is a good indication that river catamaran/trimaran is an efficient  and comfortable vessel. If a prototype or real vessel is developed, it can be a very efficient ship as well as a ship with high safety standard. &nbsp

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pemanggang Dange

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    Abstract: This research was carried out to improve the quality of dange to be more uniform in shape, hygienic, and reduce the cost required in the roasting process. The objectives of this research are to find out the design mechanism by using electricity. Research methods include planning, product design drawings, tools and materials used, design procedures, trials, and data analysis techniques. The working principle of this dange grill is this tool designed using nickel wire to convert electrical energy into heat energy. The first step is the manufacture the frame part which functions as a cantilever for the heating element and attached to the other components, then assembling an electrical installation that aims to connect electricity from the power source to the heating element. Mold pan and dange container are then installed on of the stand. The final stage is the process of installing tool walls and painting then tested. Result toasting dange uses a furnace with an average time of 14 minutes 33 seconds while the test results using the dange grill with time average of 13 minutes 20 seconds. In terms of cost efficiency, electric roasting equipment costs Rp. 20,135 in a single operation while the cost of traditional means costs Rp 20,397


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    Community service in the form of social services carried out by a team of lecturers provides tremendous benefits to the Pasaka Village Community, Sabbangparu District, These activities are in the form of socializing the prevention of underage marriage, maternal and child health counseling, drug counseling. The purpose of this activity is to provide health services to the community for the realization of public welfare in the health sector as well as increase the sense of social care among fellow human beings. The activity has been carried out since 05,10 & 11 August 2022 by involving the Head of the Women's Protection and fulfillment of children's rights DINSOSP2KBP3A Wajo Regency and medical personnel, such as sub-district midwives coordinators and nurses and attended by 90 participants, consisting of 25 people to prevent child marriage. , Maternal and child health counseling as many as 30 people and drug counseling at SMPN 3 Sabbangparu as many as 35 peopl


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    The SMEs peddled their business in the Container Village by the Padduppa Village Government, Tempe District, Wajo Regency. Kampung Container located on the Cenrana River Street is a place designed by the government so that it attracts all culinary connoisseurs and a place to relax for visitors who want to enjoy the beauty of the coast of Lake Tempe and the Cenrana River Flow. The MSMEs are domiciled in Padduppa Village, facilitated by the government to increase their productivity and business results. These MSME actors have been active in their business since 2018. But in financial management but still minimal and still manually so that sometimes the SMEs are difficult to manage their finances, addressing the development of the business of MSMEs in the Padduppa Village who are increasingly advanced and crowded by visitors so that they really need knowledge about regulating business finances so that SMEs continue to exist in his efforts without being burdened with financial problems and can be managed professionally for the welfare of MSME actors. The purpose of financial management education for SMEs is (1) MSME actors can maximize profits with The right decision (2) Utilization of the right and optimal money so that efficiency is maintained. (3) Efficiency so that financial distribution is appropriate in all aspects or financial control, this activity is carried out on Thursday, May 12, 2022, at the Padduppa Village Office Hall, Tempe District, Wajo Regency. The results obtained are (1) MSME actors are able to plan, regulate, direct, and supervise financial activities such as procurement and utilization of their business funds (2) MSME actors are able to estimate the needs and composition of capital (3) the level of participation of MSMEs is quite good, so The activities carried out can provide an overview of the benefits of financial management such as determining investment appropriatel