974 research outputs found

    SurgMAE: Masked Autoencoders for Long Surgical Video Analysis

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    There has been a growing interest in using deep learning models for processing long surgical videos, in order to automatically detect clinical/operational activities and extract metrics that can enable workflow efficiency tools and applications. However, training such models require vast amounts of labeled data which is costly and not scalable. Recently, self-supervised learning has been explored in computer vision community to reduce the burden of the annotation cost. Masked autoencoders (MAE) got the attention in self-supervised paradigm for Vision Transformers (ViTs) by predicting the randomly masked regions given the visible patches of an image or a video clip, and have shown superior performance on benchmark datasets. However, the application of MAE in surgical data remains unexplored. In this paper, we first investigate whether MAE can learn transferrable representations in surgical video domain. We propose SurgMAE, which is a novel architecture with a masking strategy based on sampling high spatio-temporal tokens for MAE. We provide an empirical study of SurgMAE on two large scale long surgical video datasets, and find that our method outperforms several baselines in low data regime. We conduct extensive ablation studies to show the efficacy of our approach and also demonstrate it's superior performance on UCF-101 to prove it's generalizability in non-surgical datasets as well

    Visual Learning Beyond Human Curated Datasets

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    The success of deep neural networks in a variety of computer vision tasks heavily relies on large- scale datasets. However, it is expensive to manually acquire labels for large datasets. Given the human annotation cost and scarcity of data, the challenge is to learn efficiently with insufficiently labeled data. In this dissertation, we propose several approaches towards data-efficient learning in the context of few-shot learning, long-tailed visual recognition, and unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. In the first part, we propose a novel paradigm of Task-Agnostic Meta- Learning (TAML) algorithms to improve few-shot learning. Furthermore, in the second part, we analyze the long-tailed problem from a domain adaptation perspective and propose to augment the classic class-balanced learning for longtails by explicitly estimating the differences between the class-conditioned distributions with a meta-learning approach. Following this, we propose our lazy approach based on an intuitive teacher-student scheme to enable the gradient-based meta- learning algorithms to explore long horizons. Finally, in the third part, we propose a novel face detector adaptation approach that is applicable whenever the target domain supplies many representative images, no matter they are labeled or not. Experiments on several benchmark datasets verify the efficacy of the proposed methods under all settings


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    Pengawasan kapal penagkapan ikan sesuai aturan yang berlaku, bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kelestarian sumberdaya perikanan. Terdapat berbagai macam jenis dan proporsi pelanggaran yang terjadi di sekitar perairan Kabupaten Pangkep. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis dan proporsi pelanggaran, dan strategi meningkatkan fungsi pengawasan kapal perikanan di perairan Kabupaten Takalar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode obeservasi dan mengamati langsung di lapangan dengan mengikuti proses patroli bersama dari pengawas sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan (PSDKP) untuk melihat pelanggaran yang dilakukan nelayan dan melakukan wawancara terhadap Syahabandar Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Beba dan nelayan. Data yang didapatkan berasal dari data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapat dari lokasi penelitian dan data sekunder berasal dari kajian ilmiah dan Perundang-Undangan, Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan persentase dan analisis Kekuatan (Strengths), Kelemahan (Weaknesses), Kesempatan (Opportunities) dan Ancaman (Threats). Hasil analisis jenis dan persentase pelanggaran, teridentifikasi jenis pelanggaran yaitu mengoperasikan cantrang, menggunakan kapal pengangkut ikan “Jolloro” untuk bahan peledak (bom ikan) dan pelanggaran terkait berupa dokumen Surat Izin Usaha Perikanan (SIUP), Surat Izin Penangkapan Ikan (SIPI) nelayan, yang masa berlaku sudah berakhir yang harus diperpanjang oleh nelayan dan surat izin sebagai nelayan andon. Strategi kebijakan pengawasan kapal perikanan melalui peningkatan sarana-prasarana, pengawasan secara terpadu antar stakeholder terkait, meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat melalui sosiliasi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, memakisimalkan tupoksi PSDKP, memaksimalkan fungsi Kelompok Pengawas Masyarakat (POKMASWAS), meningkatkan koordinasi antara instansi terkait dan meningkatkan mata pencaharian bagi nelayan.Supervision of fishing vessels in accordance with applicable regulations aims to maintain the sustainability of fishery resources. Various types and proportions of violations occurred in the waters of Pangkep Regency. This study aims to identify the types and proportions of violations, and strategies to improve the monitoring function of fishing vessels in the waters of Takalar Regency. This study used the observation method and direct observation in the field by participating in a joint patrol process with the Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervisor (PSDKP) to see violations committed by fishermen and conducting interviews with Beba Fish Landing Base (PPI) Syahabandar and fishermen. The data collected includes primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained at the research location and secondary data was sourced from scientific studies and legislation. Data were analyzed using percentages and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis. The results of the analysis of the types and percentage of violations, identified the types of violations, namely operating cantrang, using the "Jolloro" fishing vessel for explosives (fish bombs) and violations related to the completeness of the Fisheries Business License (SIUP) documents, fishing licenses (SIPI) for fishermen, whose validity period has expired which must be extended by the fisherman and a license as an andon fisherman. Policy strategy for supervising fishing vessels through improving facilities and infrastructure, integrated supervision between relevant stakeholders, increasing public awareness through dissemination of applicable laws and regulations, maximizing the duties and functions of PSDKP, maximizing the function of Community Monitoring Groups (POKMASWAS), increasing coordination between related agencies and increasing livelihood for fishermen

    القواعد التربوية المستنبطة من سورة الإسراء

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    يسلك الإنسان في حياته طرقا شتى للبحث عن كل شيء يسعده، وكل ما يطور حياته اجتماعيا أو علميا أو أخلاقيا أو سلوكيا، وتبقى التربية أساس تقدم الإنسان وبناء الحضارات، وقد اهتمت البشرية منذ القدم بأمور التربية، وتنوعت أساليبها، ولاقت التربية اهتماما كبيرا في الحضارة الإسلامية، وقد سعينا جاهدين لإضافة ما يفيد الإنسان المسلم بشكل خاص وغيره بشكل عام في الأمور التربوية، مستندين إلى أعظم كتاب شهده التاريخ، وهو القرآن الكريم، آخر الكتب السماوية، واستخدمنا المنهج الاستقرائي والتحليلي، وسعينا جاهدين إلى استخلاص بعض من القواعد التربوية من الآيات القرآنية الكريمة في سورة الإسراء، لتقديمها في قالب الأطروحة، وقمنا بذكر الآية، وذكر تفسيرها من بطون كتب التفسير المعتمدة، واستنباط قاعدة تربوية منها، مدعومة بأدلة الوحيين (القرآن والسنة)، وحرصنا على صحة الاستنباط بعيدا عن كل تأويل وتحريف، كما قمنا بتعريف القاعدة لغة واصطلاحا، وذكرنا الاستنباط وأقسامه وشروطه، وذكرنا سبب نزول سورة الإسراء، وقد شملت القواعد التربوية جوانب أربعة وهي العبادة والإيمان والأخلاق والسلوك، وآثارها على الفرد والأسرة والمجتمع، لكي نقترب من كل فئة، وبعدها انتقلنا إلى التطبيقات العملية في بعض الجوانب، وذكرنا أيضا التحديات المعاصرة وعلاج سورة الإسراء لها

    Penerapan Sharia Compliance Sebagai Prinsip Sharia Governance Pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. Cabang Makassar

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    This research article reviews the application of sharia principles in this case sharia compliance to the Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk Makassar Branch, related to the preparation of financial statements. The research is a qualitative research, with paradigm interpretive and hermeneutic-critical approach that is adhering to the critical concept in Islam that according to Al-Madkhali. The result of analysis showed that the application of the overall principles of sharia will realize a financial statement with the presentation of earnings that are not only in favor of the bank alone or is material but also have the value of spiritual, besides charity-oriented balancing character egoistic and alturistik, character materialistic and spiritualistic and qualitative and quantitative characters on the financial statements and this study also shows that the time value of money, historical cost, accrual basic and substance over form is not in accordance with Islamic principles / values of Islam. The implication of this study is raising awareness for the regulator to determine the accounting standards of sharia in particular the basic concepts of accounting in accordance with the values of sharia. Keywords: Sharia compliance, Sharia Governance, maslahah concept, and the concept of accounting.Artikel penelitian ini mengulas penerapan prinsip syariah dalam hal ini kepatuhan syariah terhadap Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk Cabang Makassar, terkait penyusunan laporan keuangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan paradigma interpretif dan hermeneutik-kritis yang berpegang pada konsep kritis dalam Islam menurut Al-Madkhali. Hasil Analisis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip syariah secara keseluruhan akan mewujudkan sebuah laporan keuangan dengan penyajian laba yang tidak hanya menguntungkan bank sendiri atau material tetapi juga memiliki nilai spiritual, disamping karakter penyeimbang amal yang berorientasi egoistik, dan alturistik, karakter materialistik dan spiritualistik dan kualitatif dan kuantitatif pada laporan keuangan dan penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai waktu uang, biaya historis, dasar akrual dan substansi diatas tidak sesuai dengan prinsip/nilai nilai Islam. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran bagi regulator untuk menentukan standar akuntansi syariah khususnya konsep dasar akuntansi sesuai dengan nilai syariah. Kata Kunci: Sharia Compliance, Sharia Governance, Konsep Maslahah, Konsep Akuntansi

    Estimating traffic change in accidental regional node failure for Asia pacific IP networks

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    Connectivity seems to be one of the significant features of today’s life. People rely on their technology in almost every aspect of their daily living. They also depend on this technology to be accessible anytime and anywhere. It is true that technology has touched every feature of today’s life. However, it is the networks that allowed this touch to reach almost everyone, regardless of who or where they are. Disasters stand for the oldest challenges that ever faced humanity. Since societies are extremely dependent on the technology, it is imperative to face the challenge in terms of technological communication systems. In this paper, the Accidental Disaster Network Impact Model is used to study the impact of a regional computer network failure triggered by an accidental disaster on the surviving network. The main aim is to study the percentage of change in traffic and lost traffic in node failure scenarios. This research estimates the change in traffic in cases of single node failure and double node failure. Also, it addresses the case of partial node failure in which only part of the communication ability is lost. The research also generates a simplified network map that represents the regional network of Asia Pacific


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    ABSTRACT The problem of mitigating narrowband interference (NBI) due to coexistence between Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) and International Mobile Telecommunication-Advanced (IMT-A) system is considered. It is assumed that a spectrum of IMT-A system between 790-862 MHz interfere the spectrum of the OFDM signal in DVB-T band. Two types of convolutional code (CC) which is non-systematic convolutional code (NSCC) and recursive systematic convolutional code (RSCC) are proposed to mitigate NBI. The performance of the two techniques is compared under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. It is observed that NSCC has a better bit error rate (BER) performance than RSCC. The result showed good performance for low SNR (≤ 5dB)