24 research outputs found

    Flip-flop detachment tectonics at nascent passive margins in SE Afar

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    International audienceWe propose a two-stage tectonic evolution of SE Afar in Djibouti leading to the complex development of highly asymmetric conjugate margins. From c. 8.5 to c. 2 Ma, an early mafic crust developed, associated in the upper crust with synmagmatic growth faults dipping dominantly to the SW. After an erosional stage, a new detachment fault system developed from c. 2 Ma with an opposite sense of motion (i.e. to the NE), during an amagmatic extensional event. In the Asal area, break-up occurred after c. 0.8 Ma along the footwall of an active secondary detachment fault rooted at depth above the lithospheric necking zone. This evolution suggests that flip-flop detachment tectonics is developed during extension at passive margins, in connection with the dynamics of the melting mantle and the associated magma plumbing of the crust

    Recharge, groundwater flow pattern and contamination processes in an arid volcanic area: Insights from isotopic and geochemical tracers (Bara aquifer system, Republic of Djibouti)

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    Fractured volcanic aquifers are the main water resources in the arid climate of the Republic of Djibouti. Nonetheless, these strategic reservoirs are overexploited and their comprehensive understanding is therefore a pre-requisite for a sustainable use. A geochemical and isotopic survey, including major ion chemistry, 2H, 18O, 13C, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr, 15N was performed and combined with existing 14C data to study recharge, contamination processes and groundwater flow patterns inside and between the compartments of a complex aquifer system composed by basaltic rocks and by alluvium located in Petit Bara, Grand Bara, and Mouloud areas (Southwest of Djibouti). A main feature was the common trend from a fresh Na-Cl-HCO3 water type (alluvium groundwaters) to an intermediate water type (alluvium and basalt groundwaters) and finally to a Na-Cl-SO4 water type (most mineralized basalt groundwater). Elementary and isotopic nitrate evidenced and located anthropogenic and geogenic origins of nitrate. Alluvium groundwaters had δ2H and δ18O signature of modern precipitation while basalt groundwaters were significantly depleted and enriched in δ13C due to water-rock interactions. Modern radiocarbon and tritium were evidenced in the alluvium groundwaters, while recalculated radiocarbon ages located recharge of the basalt groundwaters in the early to mid-Holocene. These features revealed a common evolutionary pattern, with a recharge from wadi-rivers to the alluvium and a downward circulation to the basalt through major faults, combined with a mixing with a more geochemically evolved groundwater. Accordingly, highly saline groundwater at the outlet of the Petit Bara plain was found to be diluted by modern recharge in the alluvium. Two major basaltic aquifer compartments were found to be connected (Grand Bara and Mouloud), revealing a global northeastward flowpath below the endorheic Grand Bara plain

    Hydrochemical and Isotopic Assessment of Groundwater in the Goda Mountains Range System. Republic of Djibouti (Horn of Africa)

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    The hydrogeological system of the Goda Mountains Range (GMR) in the Republic of Djibouti (Horn of Africa), hosted by volcanic and sedimentary formations, is the only water resource in the Tadjourah region for more than 85,000 inhabitants. Water needs are expected to drastically increase in the coming years, due to fast socio-economic development of the region. Accordingly, this system is under high pressure and should sustainably be exploited. However, little is known about the hydrogeology of this system. This study aims to improve the understanding of the hydrochemistry and the recharge processes of this system. The study is based on the combined interpretation of major ions, stable isotopes (18O, 2H), and radiogenic isotopes (3H, 14C). The interpretation of major ions contents using classical hydrochemical methods and principal component analysis highlighted that alteration of volcanic rocks minerals, coastal rainfall infiltration, and evaporation are the main processes from which groundwater acquires mineralization. Stable isotopes revealed that groundwater is of meteoric origin and has undergone high evaporation during infiltration. Radiogenic isotopes showed that groundwater in the basalts is mostly submodern to old, in relation with low hydraulic conductivity of the rocks and/or longer pathways through fissures from outcrop to subsurface. Groundwater in the rhyolites is much younger compared to the basalts due to faster infiltration. The sedimentary part, in connection with the rhyolites, has younger waters compared to the basalts, but older compared to the rhyolites. The overall results show that GMR is a fairly complex hydrogeological system, containing a resource made up of a mixture of waters of different ages. This study has made significant progress in understanding this system and is an initial step towards the sustainable exploitation of resources

    Simulation of Climate Change Impact on A Coastal Aquifer under Arid Climate. The Tadjourah Aquifer (Republic of Djibouti, Horn of Africa)

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    International audienceThe Republic of Djibouti has an area of 23,000 km2, a coastline 370 km long and a population of 820,000 inhabitants. It experiences an arid climate characterized by high daytime temperatures and low and irregular rainfall (average of 140 mm/year), resulting in continuous periods of drought. These difficult climatic conditions and the absence of perennial surface water have progressively led to an intensive exploitation of groundwater to meet increasing water demands in all sectors (drinking water, agriculture and industries). In coastal areas, seawater intrusion constitutes a significant additional risk of groundwater degradation. This study is focused on the coastal aquifer of Tadjourah which supplies water to the city of Tadjourah, currently comprising 21,000 inhabitants. The main objective of this work is to assess the current resources of this aquifer; its capacity to satisfy, or not, the projected water demands during coming years; and to analyze its vulnerability to seawater intrusion within the frame of climate change. Three RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathway) were used to simulate different climate scenarios up to 2100. The simulated rainfall series allowed to deduce the aquifer recharge up to 2100. The code Seawat was used to model seawater intrusion into the aquifer, using the recharge data deduced from the climate scenarios. The results indicate that the risk of contamination of the Tadjourah coastal aquifer by seawater intrusion is high. The long-term and sustainable exploitation of this aquifer must take into consideration the impact of climate change

    Eco-Friendly Adsorbent from Waste of Mint: Application for the Removal of Hexavalent Chromium

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    A serious environmental disaster is looming on the horizon due to the indiscriminate release of heavy metals into the soil and wastewater from human industrial practices. In this study, waste mint (WM) was used to remove chromium(VI) from aqueous solution using batch experiments. The adsorbent material (WM) was characterized using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive analysis of X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The adsorption parameters optimized were as follows: pH solution (2–11), initial concentration of Cr(VI) (10–50 mg/L), adsorbent dose (0.1–10 g/L), and temperature conditions (298 K, 308 K, and 318 K). The experimental data fitted well to the fractional power kinetic model (0.97≤R2≤ 0.99) and Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.984) with a maximum adsorption capacity Qmax = 172.41 mg/g. The thermodynamic parameters for Cr(VI) sorption were also calculated, confirming that the adsorption process was spontaneous and accompanied by an exothermic adsorption (−4.83 ≤ ΔG ≤ −3.22 kJ/mol and ΔH = −28.93 kJ/mol). The Cr(VI) removal percentage was within the range of 41–98%, and the highest removal was noted at pH = 2. The results of the present study suggest that WM is a potential low-cost adsorbent for the removal of chromium(VI) from aqueous solutions

    Hydrolysis of food waste with immobilized biofilm as a pretreatment method for the enhancement of biogas production

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    The present study shows the opportunity of using biofilm in the hydrolysis step of food waste (FW) to increase biogas production. Therefore, screened biofilm‐producing microorganisms were adopted to facilitate the biodegradation of organic compounds (OCs) and enhance the volume of biogas production. The biofilm‐producing microorganisms were first immobilized on a granular activated carbon (GAC) surface, and the optimum values of immobilization time, mass of the GAC surface, and size of the microbial inoculums were found using the statistical methods of one‐factor‐ at‐a‐time (OFAT) and the response surface methodology (RSM) using a face‐centered central com‐ posite design (FCCCD). Based on the results, 48 h of incubation, 8 g of GAC, and 1 mL of inoculum were the optimum conditions when shaken at 37 °C and 150 rpm. Different biofilm amounts (328 mg, 492 mg, 656 mg, 820 mg, and 984 mg) were used in hydrolysis flasks operated in batch mode to increase the degradation of the OCs. The optimal level of the hydrolysis degradation was on day 3 and at 328 mg of biofilm; the total solid (TS) content was decreased from 115 gL−1 to 79 gL−1 (31%), and the TCOD was decreased from 85.33 gL−1 to 54.50 gL−1 (36%)