18 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism, asymmetry, and the effect of reproduction on pelvis bone in the bank vole, Myodesglareolus

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    Sexual dimorphism in anatomical traits has been widely studied in animals. Although pelvis dimorphism was mostly studied in humans, it occurs also in many other mammalian species. Here, we investigated sexual dimorphism in the pelvis of the bank vole Myodes glareolus using individuals with known sex and reproductive status of females (parous vs nulliparous). The analyses revealed that the size and shape of pelvis differed significantly between sexes, as well as between nulliparous and parous females. In comparison with males, females had a significantly longer pelvis and pubis bones and a longer obturator foramen length, but a smaller pubis width. Interestingly, the difference between parous and nulliparous females resembles that between females and males: parous females had bigger pelvis, which probably resulted from changes during pregnancy and after birth. Left bones were on average larger than right ones, but the magnitude of directional asymmetry was not different between sex and reproduction group. Moreover, we noticed that fluctuating asymmetry of pelvis and pubis length was higher in females than in males and higher in parous than in nulliparous females, what is presumably associated with locomotor performance. A discriminant function analysis performed for the four bone size traits showed that the traits can be effectively used for a nearly perfect recognition of sexes and also a quite reliable recognition of the reproductive status of females

    Experimental study on antiwear properties for blends of jet fuel with bio-components derived from rapeseed oil

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown

    Дослідження протиізносних властивостей сумішевих палив для повітряно-реактивних двигунів з біокомпонентами на основі ріпакової олії

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown.Исследованы противоизносные свойства топлива для ВРД, двух видов биокомпонентов, полученных из рапсового масла и их смесей. Установлено, что смазывающая способность биокомпонентов выше по сравнению с нефтяным топливом для ВРД. Добавление биокомпонентов приводит к упрочнению граничного слоя и улучшает противоизносные свойства топливных смесей. Установлено, что модифицирование биокомпонентов повышает их смазывающую способность по сравнению со стандартными биокомпонентами. Досліджено протизносні властивості палива для ПРД, двох видів біокомпонентів, отриманих з ріпакової олії та їх сумішей. Встановлено, що змащувальна здатність біокомпонентів є вищою у порівнянні з нафтовим паливом для ПРД. Додавання біокомпонентів призводить до зміцнення граничної плівки та поліпшує протизносні властивості паливних сумішей. Встановлено, що модифікування біокомпонентів підвищує їх змащувальну здатність у порівнянні зі стандартними біокомпонентами

    Дослідження протиізносних властивостей сумішевих палив для повітряно-реактивних двигунів з біокомпонентами на основі ріпакової олії

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown.Исследованы противоизносные свойства топлива для ВРД, двух видов биокомпонентов, полученных из рапсового масла и их смесей. Установлено, что смазывающая способность биокомпонентов выше по сравнению с нефтяным топливом для ВРД. Добавление биокомпонентов приводит к упрочнению граничного слоя и улучшает противоизносные свойства топливных смесей. Установлено, что модифицирование биокомпонентов повышает их смазывающую способность по сравнению со стандартными биокомпонентами. Досліджено протизносні властивості палива для ПРД, двох видів біокомпонентів, отриманих з ріпакової олії та їх сумішей. Встановлено, що змащувальна здатність біокомпонентів є вищою у порівнянні з нафтовим паливом для ПРД. Додавання біокомпонентів призводить до зміцнення граничної плівки та поліпшує протизносні властивості паливних сумішей. Встановлено, що модифікування біокомпонентів підвищує їх змащувальну здатність у порівнянні зі стандартними біокомпонентами

    Experimental study on antiwear properties for blends of jet fuel with bio-components derived from rapeseed oil

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown

    Pre-hospital and in-hospital management in severe burns. Case report

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    Wprowadzenie. Oparzenia w medycynie uznawane są za jedne z najpoważniejszych i najcięższych obrażeń ciała. Szczególnie mnogie i rozległe, stanowią bezprecedensowe wyzwanie dla ratownictwa medycznego. Dlatego niezwykle ważne jest udzielenie natychmiastowej i profesjonalnej pomocy medycznej zarówno przez zespoły ratownictwa medycznego, jak i personel medyczny szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego, które ma istotny wpływ na przeżycie pacjenta oraz dalsze rokowania. Cel pracy. Celem pracy było określenie właściwego schematu postępowania medycznego z pacjentem oparzonym zarówno w zakresie działań przedszpitalnych służb ratunkowych w ramach funkcjonowania zespołów ratownictwa medycznego, jak i personelu szpitala w zakresie działalności szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego. Metodyka badań. Wykorzystaną w niniejszej pracy metodą badawczą było studium przypadku. Materiał do analizy stanowiły: karta medycznych czynności ratunkowych zespołu wyjazdowego Pogotowia Ratunkowego, historia choroby Szpitalnego Oddziału Ratunkowego oraz karta transportu pacjenta, wobec którego podjęto ciąg działań ratunkowych z powodu rozległego oparzenia termicznego ciała i hospitalizowanego z tego powodu w Samodzielnym Publicznym Zakładzie Opieki Zdrowotnej w Lesku. Wykorzystana dokumentacja medyczna pozwoliła zobrazować szczegółowo postępowanie personelu medycznego wobec pacjenta w przypadku poważnego oparzenia ciała. Wnioski. Im szybsza i lepiej skoordynowana pomoc medyczna, tym większe szanse pacjenta na przeżycie. Jednak ze względu na ciężkość obrażeń nie zawsze daje to gwarancję powodzenia.Introduction. Burns in medicine are considered to be among the most serious and most severe body injuries. In particular, multiple and extensive burns pose an unprecedented challenge for the Medical Emergency Service. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide immediate professional care, both by medical emergency teams and by medical staff in a hospital emergency department, thus contributing significantly to further prognosis of survival in this type of life-threatening events. Objective. The aim of the study was to define an appropriate scheme of medical management of a patient with burns, both in pre-hospital emergency actions of medical emergency teams and in the hospital emergency department. Materials and Method. The study was conducted using the case study research method. Material for analysis included medical charts of emergency actions of an ambulance team, medical history from the hospital emergency department, and ambulance transport charts of patients undergoing a sequence of rescue actions due to extensive thermal burns, hospitalized in the Independent Public Healthcare Unit in Lesko. Medical documentation allowed a detailed analysis of the actions undertaken by medical staff in the treatment of severely burnt patients. Conclusions. The quicker and more coordinated provision of medical aid, the greater the patient’s chances for survival. However, the management may fail due to the severity of injuries

    Pre-hospital and in-hospital management in severe burns. Case report

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    Wprowadzenie. Oparzenia w medycynie uznawane są za jedne z najpoważniejszych i najcięższych obrażeń ciała. Szczególnie mnogie i rozległe, stanowią bezprecedensowe wyzwanie dla ratownictwa medycznego. Dlatego niezwykle ważne jest udzielenie natychmiastowej i profesjonalnej pomocy medycznej zarówno przez zespoły ratownictwa medycznego, jak i personel medyczny szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego, które ma istotny wpływ na przeżycie pacjenta oraz dalsze rokowania. Cel pracy. Celem pracy było określenie właściwego schematu postępowania medycznego z pacjentem oparzonym zarówno w zakresie działań przedszpitalnych służb ratunkowych w ramach funkcjonowania zespołów ratownictwa medycznego, jak i personelu szpitala w zakresie działalności szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego. Metodyka badań. Wykorzystaną w niniejszej pracy metodą badawczą było studium przypadku. Materiał do analizy stanowiły: karta medycznych czynności ratunkowych zespołu wyjazdowego Pogotowia Ratunkowego, historia choroby Szpitalnego Oddziału Ratunkowego oraz karta transportu pacjenta, wobec którego podjęto ciąg działań ratunkowych z powodu rozległego oparzenia termicznego ciała i hospitalizowanego z tego powodu w Samodzielnym Publicznym Zakładzie Opieki Zdrowotnej w Lesku. Wykorzystana dokumentacja medyczna pozwoliła zobrazować szczegółowo postępowanie personelu medycznego wobec pacjenta w przypadku poważnego oparzenia ciała. Wnioski. Im szybsza i lepiej skoordynowana pomoc medyczna, tym większe szanse pacjenta na przeżycie. Jednak ze względu na ciężkość obrażeń nie zawsze daje to gwarancję powodzenia.Introduction. Burns in medicine are considered to be among the most serious and most severe body injuries. In particular, multiple and extensive burns pose an unprecedented challenge for the Medical Emergency Service. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide immediate professional care, both by medical emergency teams and by medical staff in a hospital emergency department, thus contributing significantly to further prognosis of survival in this type of life-threatening events. Objective. The aim of the study was to define an appropriate scheme of medical management of a patient with burns, both in pre-hospital emergency actions of medical emergency teams and in the hospital emergency department. Materials and Method. The study was conducted using the case study research method. Material for analysis included medical charts of emergency actions of an ambulance team, medical history from the hospital emergency department, and ambulance transport charts of patients undergoing a sequence of rescue actions due to extensive thermal burns, hospitalized in the Independent Public Healthcare Unit in Lesko. Medical documentation allowed a detailed analysis of the actions undertaken by medical staff in the treatment of severely burnt patients. Conclusions. The quicker and more coordinated provision of medical aid, the greater the patient’s chances for survival. However, the management may fail due to the severity of injuries

    Evaluation of the Effect of Chassis Dynamometer Load Setting on CO2 Emissions and Energy Demand of a Full Hybrid Vehicle

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    Among the solutions that make it possible to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector, particularly in urban traffic conditions, are hybrid vehicles. The share of driving performed in electric mode for hybrid vehicles is highly dependent on motion resistance. There are different methods for determining the motion resistance function during chassis dynamometer testing, leading to different test results. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the effect of the chassis dynamometer load function on the energy demand and CO2 emissions of a full-hybrid passenger car. Emissions tests according to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) were carried out on a chassis dynamometer for three different methods of determining the car’s resistance to motion. The study showed that adopting the motion resistance function according to different methods, results in differences in CO2 emissions up to about 35% for the entire cycle. Therefore, the authors suggest that in the case of tests carried out with chassis dynamometers, it is necessary to also provide information on the chassis dynamometer loading function adopted for the tests

    Evaluation of the Effect of Chassis Dynamometer Load Setting on CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions and Energy Demand of a Full Hybrid Vehicle

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    Among the solutions that make it possible to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector, particularly in urban traffic conditions, are hybrid vehicles. The share of driving performed in electric mode for hybrid vehicles is highly dependent on motion resistance. There are different methods for determining the motion resistance function during chassis dynamometer testing, leading to different test results. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the effect of the chassis dynamometer load function on the energy demand and CO2 emissions of a full-hybrid passenger car. Emissions tests according to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) were carried out on a chassis dynamometer for three different methods of determining the car’s resistance to motion. The study showed that adopting the motion resistance function according to different methods, results in differences in CO2 emissions up to about 35% for the entire cycle. Therefore, the authors suggest that in the case of tests carried out with chassis dynamometers, it is necessary to also provide information on the chassis dynamometer loading function adopted for the tests