27 research outputs found

    Application of the Computed Tomography to Control Parts Made on Additive Manufacturing Process

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    AbstractThe article presents possibilities of application computed tomography to study elements made with additive methods. 3D printing is currently growing very rapidly and already allows to execute ready-to-use, structurally complex elements consisting of one or more parts. Similarly, computed tomography (CT), as the youngest measurement technique and methods to control the geometrical size of the parts, allows to control through any element and evaluate both the quality of each individual components and their assembly.This technique is especially valuable for the evaluation of additive methods. What is more, the evaluation of porosity on the individual sections of the parts might be conducted. It is also possible to obtain information about the location and thickness of each of the outer wall and inaccessible by any other techniques of non-destructive quality control of construction elements filling the various parts of the printed parts

    Unusual shallow water Devonian coral community from Queensland and its recent analogues from the inshore Great Barrier Reef

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    Palaeozoic coral communities were dominated by two extinct coral groups: Tabulata and Rugosa. Whilst they are not closely related to modern Scleractinia, they are morphologically convergent, displaying many morphological characters that allow comparisons between recent and ancient coral reef communities. The extensive shallow-water reef communities of the Devonian were generally dominated by stromatoporoid sponges, with corals occupying deeper environments. Here, we describe an unusual, shallow water coral reef community from the Middle Devonian (Givetian, approx. 385 Ma) of the Fanning River area, Queensland, Australia. The coral community is dominated by tabulate corals, but also includes solitary and occasionally colonial rugose corals. Tabulate corals most commonly exhibit foliose and massive morphologies, but encrusting and branching growth forms also occur. The depositional environment was characterized by a shallow water depth, moderate hydrodynamic energy, high sedimentation rate, and high turbidity. Since these environmental factors influence the morphological composition of modern coral communities, we hypothesize that similar environments may result in morphologically equivalent coral assemblages throughout the Phanerozoic. To test this idea, we qualitatively compare the Fanning River reefs with modern scleractinian coral assemblages in a similar environmental setting at Magnetic Island. Both reefs are located in a shallow water less than 10 m deep, with high sediment flux, moderate wave energy, and generally high turbidity. Like Fanning River, Magnetic Island coral communities are dominated by foliose morphologies, with contributions from massive and branching forms. The Fanning River reef, together with previously identified Silurian and Devonian mesophotic coral ecosystems, suggest that Palaeozoic coral assemblages may share many functional characteristics with modern scleractinian reefs in similar environments. Therefore, the geological record of inshore, high turbidity-adapted coral communities can be traced back as far as 385 Ma

    Middle Devonian brachiopod-hosted sclerobiont assemblage from the northern shelf of Gondwana (Mader Basin, Morocco): Diversity, colonization patterns and relation to coeval palaeocommunities

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    Middle Devonian (Eifelian/Givetian transition) brachiopod-hosted sclerobiont assemblage from Gondwana (Morocco, eastern Anti-Atlas, Mader Basin) has been studied for the first time. The analysis of hundreds of brachiopod shells revealed at least 26 sclerobiont taxa, making the studied palaeoecommunity one of the most diverse Middle Devonian sclerobiont assemblage reported to date. The palaeocommunity is dominated by encrusting organisms, in particular bryozoans, foraminifers, ascodictyids and microconchids, whereas bioeroders are represented by Clionolithes and Oichnus ichnospecies. As supported by microfacies, fossil preservation and the presence of encrusting Rothpletzella algae, the sclerobionts developed in a calm, euphotic, offshore marine environment situated below normal wave base. Prevalence of articulated shells without signs of either extensive mineral staining, or taphonomic alteration resulting from hydrodynamic processes, as well as preservation of some delicate encrusters (Vinella, Rothpletzella), indicate that the palaeocommunity did not undergo extensive time-averaging. The hosts were colonized syn vivo, as evidenced by the epibiont growth near the commissure margin, the presence of shell malformations and even embedded auloporid corals and cornulitid tubeworms. Competition for space among sclerobionts was apparently limited, as suggested by the very low number of overgrowth interactions, indicating that the shelly substrate available for colonization was abundant. The presence of the same dominant groups of sclerobionts on different host taxa indicates a lack of species-selectivity by these colonizing sclerobionts. It also suggests that the sclerobiont species pool in the environment was generally similar throughout the deposition of the sampled rock interval. As testified by the host brachiopod and bryozoan species, the sclerobiont assemblage from this locality of northern Gondwana had strong affinities with those from the southern margin of Laurussia, most likely reflecting strong connectivity between these regions provided by the South Equatorial – North Gondwana current system during the late Eifelian Kaˇc´ak transgressive episode

    Neodymium isotopes in peat reveal past local environmental disturbances

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    Funding The Stawek profile radiocarbon dating and investigation and neodymium measurements were financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, grants no. 2019/03/X/ST10/00849 and 2020/39/D/ST10/00641. The Głęboczek profile radiocarbon dating and investigation were financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. 2015/17/B/ST10/01656.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Usefulness of RAPD, RFLP and SCAR molecular markers and AGPaseB gene methylation level in the screening of resistance to the golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) pathotype Ro1 in different Polish potato genotypes

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the application of various DNA markers as well as the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit (AGPaseB) gene methylation for the screening of potato cultivars and breeding lines with different resistance to Globodera rostochiensis. Tetraploid genotypes were included. The 2 kb and 0.7 kb random amplified polymorphic (RAPD) fragments as well as a PCR-amplified 1.6 kb fragment of AGPaseB gene positioned close to the Gro1 locus were tested. Two novel sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) fragments were generated from 2 kb RAPD product of susceptible and resistant genotypes. Significant correlation (r=0.32) was detected only between the presence of SCARI and SCARII fragments markers in all the investigated genotypes. Three different allelic forms of the AGPaseB gene were detected in tetraploid potato genotypes. One of these allelic forms may be closely linked with Gro1. A strong methylation occurred at promoter region and the 5' part of AGPaseB gene which was generally absent at its 3' UTR region. The methylation pattern of AGPaseB investigated by restriction with MspI and HpaII varied between some G. rostochiensis resistant and sensitive genotypes. We concluded that methylation profiling of AGPaseB gene should be promising for the development of practical assays for resistance to nematodes in potato

    Manifestacje sztuki publicznej

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    W artykule Manifestacje sztuki publicznej nawiązuję do moich fotograficznych projektów (sub-Park 2014 -... i Dokumenty podróży, 2015-2016). Stawiam pytanie, czy we współczesnej Polsce chcemy patrzeć na przyrodę w wymiarach proksemicznym i historycznym - czy interesuje nas „zieleń ocalała” pozwalająca poznać sposoby widzenia charakterystyczne dla przedwojennych architektów, którzy tworzyli miasta przyłączone do Polski po 1945 r.? Uwaga moja skoncentrowana jest na specyficznej przestrzeni parku Grabiszyńskiego, niegdyś niemieckiego cmentarza, zniszczonego w latach 60. ubiegłego wieku i ostatecznie przekształconego w miejski teren zielony. Analizie twórczej podane zostały wciąż istniejące struktury drzew ujmowane jako anonimowe manifestacje sztuki publicznej. Do udziału w projekcie zaproszona została też społeczność ostańców, mężczyzn i kobiet urodzonych na terenie przedwojennego Wrocławia i okolic, a także Niemców wypędzonych i emigrantów. Rozmawiałem z nimi o parku Grabiszyńskim i fotografowałem ich w kilku parkach Polski i Niemiec. W artykule przedstawione jest też stanowisko nt. formy wizualnej będącej wynikiem relacji społecznych oraz zagadnienie autoreferencji.Within the article “Manifestations of public art” and through photographic projects (subPark 2014-..., Travel Documents, 2015-2016), I am asking the question whether modern art needs and strives for nature in proxemic and historical dimension as an area of “salvaged green”, evoking ways of viewing specific to pre-war architects of cities incorporated into Polish borders after 1945. Grabiszyński Park, former German cemetery, demolished in the 1960s, eventually transformed into a green area. Structures of trees are subjected to creative analysis comprised in categories of anonymous manifestations of public art. Community of outliers born within the area of pre-war city and its vicinity as well as expelled Germans and emigrants photographed in several parks of Poland and Germany were invited to participate in the project. The position regarding visual form being the result of social relations and the phenomenon of autoreference has been presented

    Palaeoecology and sedimentary environment of the Middle Devonian carbonate buildups of the Hamar Laghdad area, southeastern Morocco

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    Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i GeologicznychPrzedstawiona rozprawa podejmuje kwestie paleoekologii, geologii i geochemii środkowodewońskich budowli węglanowych obszaru Hamar Laghdad (Maroko): eifelskiego wysięku metanu ("kopca Hollarda") oraz żyweckiego kopca mułowego o genezie hydrotermalnej. Kopiec Hollarda powstał w wyniku podmorskiego wypływu węglowodorów. Radiogeniczne stosunki izotopowe Nd, a także dodatnie anomalie Eu obecne w diagramach ziem rzadkich wskazują na interakcje pomiędzy przepływającymi fluidami a wulkanoklastykami obecnymi w podłożu kopca. W późnej fazie przepływu metanu, kopiec Hollarda został zasiedlony przez bogate zespoły oportunistycznych koralowców "Amplexus", występujących również w utworach pragu i żywetu. Wszystkie z tych zespołów powstały prawdopodobnie w pobliżu podmorskich źródeł. Wiele z koralowców "Amplexus" obecnych w żyweckim kopca zostało dodatkowo pokrytych mikrobialnymi inkrustacjami z rodzaju Frutexites, które rozwinęły się dzięki obecności twardego dna, substancji odżywczych i jonów Fe2+, a także niskich stężeń tlenu. Wreszcie, aktywność hydrotermalna w obrębie żyweckiego kopca umożliwiła rozwój unikalnego ekosystemu kryptycznego, inkrustującego strop podmorskiej pustki skalnej. Wyniki rozprawy ukazują, że w dewońskich pustkach istniała już intensywna rywalizacja o przestrzeń życiową, nie było jednak jeszcze wyraźnego podziału na kryptyczne i powierzchniowe biocenozy inkrustujące.he present PhD thesis investigates palaeoecology, geology and geochemistry of the Middle Devonian carbonate buildups of the Hamar Laghdad area (Morocco): an Eifelian hydrocarbon seep deposit (the Hollard Mound) and a Givetian, hydrothermal-derived mud mound. The Hollard Mound formed as a result of submarine methane seepage. Relatively radiogenic Nd isotopic ratios, and rare earth element patterns with positive Eu anomalies are indicative of interactions between the seeping fluids and volcaniclastics underlying the seep deposit. In the terminal phase of seepage, the Hollard Mound was colonized by rich assemblages of opportunistic 'Amplexus' corals, which are found also in Pragian and Givetian carbonates. All these associations developed probably in the proximity of submarine springs. Many of the 'Amplexus' corals found within the Givetian mound were encrusted by microbial-derived Frutexites structures that grew owing to the presence of a stable substrate, supply of nutrients and Fe2+ ions, and decreased oxygen contents. Finally, hydrothermal activity within the Givetian mound enabled development of a unique cryptic ecosystem encrusting a roof of a submarine cavity. The results of the thesis indicate that intensive competition for space was already present in Devonian crypts, but there was no strong differentiation between cryptic and open-surface Devonian encrusting faunas

    Photography in epistemological doctrine

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    W artykule przedstawione są cztery programy fotografii artystycznej związane z refleksją nad mediami. W pierwszej części opisana jest relacja fotografii i tzw. pre-mediów, charakterystycznych postrzeganiu, tj. światło, powietrze. W drugim rozdziale przedstawiony jest związek między ziarnistą strukturą fotograficzną a teorią pola równomiernego będącą u podstaw wiedzy z zakresu kompozycji wizualnej oraz kreacji znaków. W trzeciej części fotografia opisana jest na tle rozwoju cyfrowej technologii wpływającej zasadniczo na zmianę procesu powstawania zdjęć. Ostatni rozdział dotyczy związków fotografii z mediami społecznymi rozumianymi jako specyficzna więź łącząca ludzi używających zdjęć w celach komunikacyjnych.The article presents four programmes of artistic photography related to the reflection on media. The initial part is devoted to the specificity of relationship between photography and the so called pre-media, characterized by perception, that is light, air. The second chapter presents the relationship between photographic grain structure and the uniform field theory which forms the basis of knowledge in the scope of visual composition and creation of signs. Within the third part, the photography is described at the background of the development of digital technology impacting substantially the change of process of picture creation. The final chapter concerns relations between photography and the social media, understood as a specific bond linking people who avail of photographs for communication purposes

    The Measuring Position Designed to Determine the Metrological Properties of air Gauges

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    This article describes the measurement system designed in order to determine the metrological properties of air gauges. The said scientific study makes it possible to determine the static pk = f(s) and flow qv = f(s) characteristics. It consists of three modules: a mechanical module, a control and register data module and a special software module. Apart from the possibility of determining the static and flow characteristics, the presented study makes it possible to measure the temperature in the duct that supplies the compressed air to the transducer as well as in the measuring chamber. The above-mentioned measurement system makes it possible to determine the pressure applied on the surface measured by an air stream coming from the nozzle. Apart from a detailed description of a test station and the software, the article also contains sample results of tests performed on air gauges