6 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis of the Steady State in SAW Sensor Structures with Selected Polymers for Detection of DMMP and CO

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    The chapter presents the results of the numerical investigation of the SAW gas detector structures with selected polymer layers in steady-state conditions. The effect of SAW velocity changes vs. the surface electrical conductivity of the detector structures is predicted on the base of acoustoelectric elemental theory. The electrical surface conductivity of the rough polymer sensing layer placed above the piezoelectric waveguide depends on the profile of the diffused gas molecule concentration inside the whole detector structure. Numerical results in the steady state conditions for the gas molecules DMMP and polymer layer of (RR)-P3HT have been shown as well as for carbon oxide molecules with thin polyaniline and polypyrrole layer. The main aim of the investigations was to study a thin film’s interaction with targeted gases in the SAW detector configuration based on diffusion equations for polymers. Numerical results for profile concentration in steady state conditions for gas molecules concentration, film thickness, roughness, and interaction temperature have been shown. The results of numerical analyzes allow for selecting better detector design conditions, including the morphology of the detector layer, its thickness, operating temperature, and layer type. The numerical results, based on the code written in Python, were shown

    Malignancies in xeroderma pigmentosum — case report and literature review

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    Xeroderma pigmentosum (skóra pergaminowata barwnikowa, XP) jest rzadką chorobą dziedziczoną w sposób autosomalny recesywny, u podłoża której leżą zaburzenia naprawy uszkodzeń DNA, wywołanych między innymi promieniowaniem nadfioletowym. Choroba ta występuje w Europie i Stanach Zjednoczonych z częstością 1–4 przypadków na 1 000 000 populacji i objawia się zaburzeniami czynności skóry, oczu oraz układu nerwowego. Na pierwszy plan wysuwają się zmiany skórne. U pacjentów cierpiących na XP pod wpływem promieniowania UV dochodzi do powstawania na skórze rumienia, bolesnych pęcherzy, owrzodzeń, przebarwień. Ostatnim ogniwem ewolucji tych zmian są nowotwory złośliwe skóry — rak płaskonabłonkowy, podstawnokomórkowy i czerniak złośliwy. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 15-letniej chorej ze zdiagnozowaną skórą barwnikową i zmianami skóry twarzy, przybierającymi postać niegojących się owrzodzeń. Usunięte zmiany okazały się ogniskami raka podstawnokomórkowego (BCC). Występuje on u dzieci i młodych dorosłych sporadycznie, zwykle na podłożu innych chorób predysponujących. Wczesne rozpoznanie i usunięcie BCC jest istotne ze względu na jego destrukcyjny wzrost i duże ryzyko nawrotu.Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by inappropriate repair of UV-induced damages. It occurs with frequency of 1–4 per 1 million. The main symptoms are connected with skin, eyes and nervous system. Skin changes are the most important and they reveal as erythema, painful blisters, ulceration and freckles. The last level of skin changes’ transformation are malignant neoplasms (squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma). The case of 15-year-old girl with xeroderma pigmentosum and face’s ulcerations is presented. This lesion has been found as basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma concerns occasionally children and young adults. In this cases there is usually association with other diseases. Because of the risk of tissue destruction and local recurrence there is quite important to diagnose and remove it early

    Experimental and Numerical Acoustoelectric Investigation of the New SAW Structure with (RR)-P3HT Polymer in DMMP Detection

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    This document presents the results of numerical analyses of the SAW gas sensor in the steady state. The effect of SAW velocity changes depending on how the surface electrical conductivity of the sensing layer is predicted. The conductivity of roughness sensing layer above the piezoelectric waveguide depends on the profile of the diffused gas molecule concentration inside the layer. Numerical results for the gas DMMP (CAS Number 756-79-6) for layer (RR)-P3HT in the steady state are shown. The main aim of the investigations was to study the thin film interaction with target gases in the SAW sensor configuration based on diffusion equation for polymers. Numerical results for profile concentration in steady state are shown. The results of numerical acoustoelectric analysis (NAA) allow to select the sensor design conditions, including the morphology of the sensor layer, its thickness, operating temperature and layer type. The numerical results based on the code written in Python, are described and analyzed. The theoretical results were verified and confirmed experimentally

    Study of Poly(3-hexyltiophene) Polymer Sensing Properties in Nerve Agent Simulant (DMMP) Detection

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    In the present work we report the use of regioregular poly(3-hexyltiophene) polymer (RR-P3HT) as a resistive sensor for the detection of chemical nerve agent simulant, dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP). The electrical response to DMMP vapour of RR-P3HT film deposited on ceramic (Al2O3) substrate in the room temperature was investigated. Results show that studied material is sensitive to DMMP trace amounts and selective against acetone and methanol. It also exhibits fast response and recovery times, repeatability and short-term stability

    Prevalence of rhinitis in Polish population according to the ECAP (Epidemiology of Allergic Disorders in Poland) study

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    SummaryThe prevalence of allergic disorders, especially allergic rhinitis (AR), has dramatically increased in the past few decades and multicentre, standardized, randomized epidemiological studies are required to quantify this phenomenon in Poland.AimThe aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of rhinitis and allergic rhinitis in Poland.Material and MethodThe ECAP study was conducted using the ECRHS II and ISAAC questionnaires translated into the Polish language and validated, in selected nine regions of Poland, including eight cities and one rural area. The respondents within the regions were selected by means of multistage proportional stratified random sampling based on the identity number (PESEL) as the operat. The survey was conducted in 20 454 subjects (response rate of 41.9%) and 18 617 questionnaires were valid. Approximately 25% of the subjects (n = 4783) were subsequently evaluated by clinicians (response rate of 43.4%).ResultsRhinitis was self-reported by 36.08% of the respondents (37.8% of 6–7 year olds, 34.5% of 13–14 year olds, and 36.0% of adults). The lowest prevalence rate was in the rural region (22.9%). Allergic rhinitis (AR) was self-reported by 22.54% of the respondents (23.6% of 6–7 year olds, 24.6% of 13–14 year olds, and 21.0% of adults). Again, the lowest prevalence rate was in the rural region (16.0%). AR was more frequent in males (24.0%) than in females (21.2%) (OR = 1.079; 95%CI: 1.044–1.116). AR was actually diagnosed by a clinician in 28.9%, including intermittent AR in 47.7% and persistent AR in 52.3%. Seasonal AR was diagnosed in 15.55%, and perennial rhinitis in 15.2%ConclusionAllergic rhinitis is common in Poland as it affects nearly 25% of the population and it is a major social problem. Standards of early detection and prevention of allergic rhinitis should be introduced