2,047 research outputs found

    Psycho-physical readiness for school

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    Spremnost djeteta za polazak u školu uključuje tjelesnu, emocionalnu, socijalnu i kognitivnu zrelost. Tjelesna spremnost odnosi se na stupanj tjelesne razvijenosti u odnosu na dob te funkcioniranje osjetnih organa. Emocionalna razvijenost odnosi se na emocionalnu stabilnost i toleranciju na frustraciju. Socijalna spremnost odnosi se na vještinu komuniciranja i suradnju s vršnjacima i odraslima, a kognitivna spremnost uz inteligenciju uključuje iskustva i spoznaje o samom sebi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stav roditelja o pripremi djece za polazak u školu, o njihovoj angažiranosti oko iste te zadovoljstvu roditelja s predškolskim programom. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi prepoznaju li roditelji psihofizičke komponente koje dijete treba usvojiti prije polaska u školu te smatraju li da imaju ključnu ulogu u djetetovoj pripremi za školu i stvaranju pozitvne slike o školi. Anketu je popunilo 35 roditelja čija djeca pohađaju predškolski program u tri vrtića u dva različita grada. Rezultati su prikazali da su roditelji upućeni u važnost pripreme za školu te da su svjesni što se od djece očekuje u školi. Izuzetno se zanimaju za one kompetencije koje su važne za praćenje i rješavanje zadataka u školi. Većina roditelja dobro poznaju koje kompetencije dijete treba usvojiti prije škole i na kojem stupnju razvoja treba biti njihovo dijete prije upisa u školu. Roditelji su svjesni da njihovo dijete i dalje treba prostor za igru i opuštanje. Također, većina je roditelja svjesna važnosti suradnje škole i vrtića po pitanju pripreme za školu te predškolskog programa koji u pripremi svakako treba pomoći.Child readiness for attending school includes physical, emotional, social and cognitive maturity. Physical readiness refers to level of physical size compared to age and functioning of sensory organs. Emotional readiness refers to emotional stability and ability to tolerate frustration. Social readiness refers to communication skills and cooperation with peers and adults, a cognitive readiness with intelligence includes experience and self-concept. Purpose of this research was to determine attitude of the parents about child's readiness of school about their engagement and about parents satisfaction with preschool programme. Also purpose was to determine do parents recognize psychophysical components which child needs to possess before school starts and do parents consider they have the key part about child's readiness for school and creating positive image of school. Thirty five parents which children attend preschool programme in three kindergarten in two different cities filled the questionnaire. Results showed that parents are awared about importance preparations for school and their awareness about what is expected from their children in the school. They are specially interested in competences which are important for monitoring and completing exams in school. Most of the parents know which competences the child needs to acquire before school and on what level of development child should be before school starts. Parents are aware that their child also needs time for playing and relaxing. Also, most of the parents know the important relation between kindergarten and school about readiness for school and preschool programme which is helpful in preparations as well

    Vinko Šepić

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    Vinko Šepić rođen je 1870. god. u Rukavcu (Opatija), a umro je u Banjaluci 1945. godine. Završio je učiteljsku školu u Kopru, te je službovao u više mjesta Istre, a najduže u Buzetu; ovdje je bio i ravnatelj škole. Osim u prosvjetnom radu, Šepić se isticao i u stručnoj i publicističkoj oblasti, objavljujući niz radova. Djelovao je i organizaciono, pa je tako i jedan od glavnih osnivača i rukovodilaca istarskoga učiteljskog društva »Narodna prosvjeta«, te istoimenoga časopisa. Svoju političku djelatnost nastavlja i u doba talijanske okupacije Istre (poslije 1918. godine), te je jedan od urednika »Učiteljskog lista« i vodi »Društvo jugoslavenskih učitelja Istre«. Proganjan od fašista, morao je prebjeći u Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju. Cjelokupno životno djelo uvrstilo je Vinka Šepića u istaknutog borca hrvatskoga narodnog preporoda Istre

    Serbian and Canadian water quality index of Danube river in Serbia in 2010

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    This paper aims to assess water quality of Danube River in Serbia for 2010. Two methodologies were applied for this purpose: Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI) and Canadian Water Quality Index (CWQI). WQI value is dimensionless, single number ranging from 0 to 100 (best quality) derived from numerous physical, chemical, biological and microbiological parameters. SWQI was mainly good and very good. This methodology includes parameters for assessment of organic loading, but does not involve parameters of heavy metals concentration. For that purpose CWQI was used. Besides overall, CWQI was calculated for following uses: aquatic habitat, drinking, recreation, irrigation and livestock. Overall CWQI was marginal and fair, which was equivalent with poor and good SWQI. CWQI methodology showed increased concentration of copper in all cases which affected overall water quality and aquatic habitat while increased turbidity in many cases had negative influence on drinking water. Differences between SWQI and CWQI resulted from different methodology: different methods of calculation and parameters. In order to get more comparable results it is necessary to develop unique WQI methodology. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007

    Dead public spaces - live private corners: (Re)contextualization of musically public and private

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    The expressions of private and public musical life and experience are mostly discussed separately. This article joins these two concepts into one scope and surveys the identity of both. In ideal (utopian?) traditional context between private and public music experience (life), the context shows ideal vitality and consistence, while in an 'irregular' context these two concepts begin to distance themselves, opening space for marginality or so called 'errors'. This article studies bagpipe tradition in Serbia, at different stages of its development and in different periods, specifically focusing on rural and urban contexts in diverse sociopolitical conditions. Although bagpipe tradition still exists in Serbia it is far removed from what it once was, and the idea is to represent the contexts of that process, private and public, sociopolitical, and marginal aspects, from the 19th century (or hypothetically before then) until today


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    There has been significant confusion about the relative advantage of new generation antipsychotics over first generation antipsychotics as well as of clinical trials performed to evaluate their efficacy vs. those designed to evaluate their effectiveness. Pragmatic or effectiveness clinical trials like CATIE and CUtLASS sponsored by governments have challenged the current worldview of the greater advantages of new generation over first generation antipsychotics and suggested more clinical applicability of older antipsychotics. Public policy regarding the role and place of modern antipsychotics in schizophrenia treatment is usually guided by the imperfect state of clinical trials and by economic constraints. The right question is not whether new generation antipsychotics are better than first generation antipsychotics in terms of effectiveness, tolerability and safety. How to reach personalized , evidence based and value oriented decision making in the complex treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, that is the question now. Personalized medicine in psychiatry is not possible without the availability of enough number of different modern antipsychotics


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    Pharmacotherapy today is claimed to be fascinating, scientific, rational, and objective, very much evidence-based, powerful and fundamental form of treatment for many medical conditions. Non-adherence to medication as an invisible epidemic is argued to be an Achilles’ heel of evidence based medicine. Person-centered psychiatry has an important role in helping medicine to better understand human nature, human behavior and patients’ choice in complex interactions. Non-adherence is a major target for interventions to improve the quality and outcomes of health care


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    Comorbidity is one of the greatest research and clinical challenges to contemporary psychiatry. Mental disorders are often comorbidly expressed, both among themselves and with various sorts of somatic diseases and illnesses. Shifting the paradigm from vertical/mono-morbid interventions to comorbidity and multimorbidity approaches enhances effectiveness and efficiency of human resources utilization. Comorbidity studies have been expected to be an impetus to research on the validity of current diagnostic systems as well as on establishing more effective and efficient treatment including personalized pharmacotherapy


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    There has been significant confusion about the relative advantage of new generation antipsychotics over first generation antipsychotics as well as of clinical trials performed to evaluate their efficacy vs. those designed to evaluate their effectiveness. Pragmatic or effectiveness clinical trials like CATIE and CUtLASS sponsored by governments have challenged the current worldview of the greater advantages of new generation over first generation antipsychotics and suggested more clinical applicability of older antipsychotics. Public policy regarding the role and place of modern antipsychotics in schizophrenia treatment is usually guided by the imperfect state of clinical trials and by economic constraints. The right question is not whether new generation antipsychotics are better than first generation antipsychotics in terms of effectiveness, tolerability and safety. How to reach personalized , evidence based and value oriented decision making in the complex treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, that is the question now. Personalized medicine in psychiatry is not possible without the availability of enough number of different modern antipsychotics