574 research outputs found

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    Forskningen i forandring – hvad med bibliotekerne?

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    Kan man ved at analysere udviklingen inden for forskning fastslå, hvordan fremtidens forskningsbibliotek skal indrettes? Hvilken rolle skal det i givet fald spille? Og hvad skal der til for at realisere denne rolle? Det er hovedspørgsmålene i en ny rapport bestilt af DEFF, Danmarks Elektroniske Fag- og Forskningsbibliotek. ”The Future of Research and the Research Library” viser, at forskningssektoren er under forandring i disse år. Og at der må træffes vigtige strategiske valg på forskningsbibliotekerne

    Resonance shifts and spill-out effects in self-consistent hydrodynamic nanoplasmonics

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    The standard hydrodynamic Drude model with hard-wall boundary conditions can give accurate quantitative predictions for the optical response of noble-metal nanoparticles. However, it is less accurate for other metallic nanosystems, where surface effects due to electron density spill-out in free space cannot be neglected. Here we address the fundamental question whether the description of surface effects in plasmonics necessarily requires a fully quantum-mechanical approach, such as time-dependent density-functional theory (TD-DFT), that goes beyond an effective Drude-type model. We present a more general formulation of the hydrodynamic model for the inhomogeneous electron gas, which additionally includes gradients of the electron density in the energy functional. In doing so, we arrive at a Self-Consistent Hydrodynamic Model (SC-HDM), where spill-out emerges naturally. We find a redshift for the optical response of Na nanowires, and a blueshift for Ag nanowires, which are both in quantitative agreement with experiments and more advanced quantum methods. The SC-HDM gives accurate results with modest computational effort, and can be applied to arbitrary nanoplasmonic systems of much larger sizes than accessible with TD-DFT methods. Moreover, while the latter typically neglect retardation effects due to time-varying magnetic fields, our SC-HDM takes retardation fully into account.Comment: 27 pages, including 4 figures. Supplemental Material is available upon request to author

    Reducing discards without reducing profit:Free gear choice in a Danish result-based management trial

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    The 2013 Common Fisheries Policy introduced a landing obligation on a range of species, bringing more focus on the full accountability of all catches. To investigate the potentials and challenges of these paradigm shifts, a 6-months ‘unrestricted gear’ trial was performed in Denmark in 2015. Twelve trawlers were challenged to test their own solutions to reduce unwanted bycatch and/or choke species, while maintaining profitable. The participating fishers tested different options depending on their fishery and the type of issues they faced individually, and adjusted their test fishery over time through incremental small steps. Nine vessels reduced discard ratio in the test fishery, one showed no difference between test and control fishery, while two vessels displayed an increase in discard ratio. Catch compositions also differed, with fewer “choke species” occurring in the test fisheries and a more valuable size composition. Ultimately, despite smaller landings in multiple vessels, no vessel showed reduction in value-per-unit-effort (VPUE) and one Baltic vessel significantly increased the VPUE. This trial showed that relaxing technical regulations combined with proper incentives has a potential to provide some flexibility to cope with the landing obligation, where unwanted catches could be reduced to some extent without negative effects on economic viability.</jats:p
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