62 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Stoppelhobel als Alternative zum Grubber auf Beikrautentwicklung und Dinkelertrag

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    Der modifizierte SchĂ€lpflug oder "Stoppelhobel" schĂŒtzt den Boden durch seine flach wendende Arbeitsweise, unterdrĂŒckt BeikrĂ€uter durch das ganzflĂ€chige Unterschneiden des Bodens, reduziert den Energieverbrauch und ermöglicht höhere Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten. Im Jahr 2016/17 wurde auf einem Biobauernhof im Waldviertel im nördlichen Niederösterreich ein Praxis-Feldversuch durchgefĂŒhrt. Zwei Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren vor dem Dinkelanbau - Var. A: 3x Stoppelhobel, Var. B: 2x Grubber / 1x Stoppelhobel - wurden hinsichtlich Bodeneigenschaften, Beikrautdruck und Ertragsmerkmalen untersucht. Es wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen dem Dinkel-Kornertrag (Var. A 17,2 dt TM ha-1 / Var. B 18,3 dt TM ha-1), den pflanzenverfĂŒgbaren NĂ€hrstoffen im Boden, Humusgehalt und der Beikrautdichte festgestellt. Die Versuchsergebnisse bestĂ€tigten den Stoppelhobel als Alternative zum Grubber, da die gleichen Ergebnisse mit einer geringeren Arbeitstiefe erzielt werden konnten

    Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht ĂŒber Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen von KI-Anwendungen zur UnterstĂŒtzung des Lernens und Lehrens

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    »Learning Analytics« ist die Interpretation von Daten, um individuelle Lernprozesse gezielt zu verbessern (Ebner et al., 2013; Greller & Drachsler, 2012). Learning-Analytics-Anwendungen geben dabei Empfehlungen, damit Lernende ihr Lernverhalten oder Lehrende das didaktische Setting bzw. die Lehr- und Lernsituation verbessern können. Der Beitrag fĂŒhrt zunĂ€chst in Learning Analytics in der Hochschulbildung ein, um dann auf EinsĂ€tze von KĂŒnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Hochschule ĂŒberzufĂŒhren und Überschneidungen zu identifizieren. Dabei werden vier internationale Beispiele im Themenfeld referiert und vorgestellt (Literatur-/Projektrecherche). Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf Potentiale und Herausforderungen fĂŒr KI fĂŒr Learning Analytics in Hochschulen (u.a. Buckingham Shum & Luckin, 2019). (DIPF/Orig.)»Learning analytics« is the interpretation of data in order to improve individual learning processes in a targeted manner (Ebner et al., 2013; Greller & Drachsler, 2012). Learning analytics applications provide recommendations so that learners can improve their learning behaviour or teachers can improve the teaching and learning situation and setting. The article first introduces learning analytics in higher education, then moves on to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education and identifies overlaps. Four international examples in the field are presented (literature/project research). The article concludes with an outlook on potentials and challenges for AI for learning analytics in higher education (e. g. Buckingham Shum & Luckin, 2019). (DIPF/Orig.

    Exploring the mechanical character of molybdenum grain boundaries via nanoindentation and three-point-bending

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    The interactions of interfaces with dislocations have been extensively studied in the past. Still, there is a lack of high throughput methods, which can potentially be used for systematic studies to cover a wide range of grain boundary types. Nanoindentation offers the opportunity to combine a high spatial resolution with high effectiveness, thus enabling to obtain comprehensive mechanical data in the vicinity of grain boundaries. The present study on coarse-grained molybdenum will show results of mechanical property mapping near grain boundaries. Here, for the first time also the indenter tip rotation angle with respect to the loading axis as well as the grain orientation are considered. Results will show that neglecting these parameters can bias interpretations of the interface/dislocation interactions, as the localized deformation paths around the indentation are thereby significantly changed. Systematic experiments on commercially pure, recrystallized molybdenum have been performed to investigate the dependence of the hardness increase near grain boundaries with respect to the boundary misorientation angle. As a complementary method, three-point-bending is applied on mm-sized specimens until individual grain boundaries delaminate, which in turn will be identified and cross-checked with findings of the nanoindentation tests. Doping molybdenum with elements like carbon and/or boron is known to suppress intercrystalline failure. For this reason, the presented grain boundary characterization methods will be applied to extract mechanical changes caused by these doping elements

    Alternative methods for measuring local traffic safety

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    Forschungsprojekt SVI 2018/002 auf Antrag der Schweizerischen Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten (SVI) Titelangabe und Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch, Text auf DeutschBislang wird die lokale Verkehrssicherheit in der Schweiz im Wesentlichen anhand des tatsĂ€chlichen Unfallgeschehens beurteilt. Statistisch betrachtet kommen Unfallereignisse in Relation zum gesamten Verkehrsaufkommen nur selten vor und deshalb liegt dieser Methode eine gewisse UnschĂ€rfe zugrunde. ZusĂ€tzlich kann die Analyse erst im Nachhinein erfolgen und lĂ€sst nicht immer konkrete RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf die Defizite der Infrastruktur zu. Um dem Ziel einer objektiven Bewertung der Sicherheit von beispielsweise einer Strasse, Kreuzung oder Querungsstelle nĂ€her zu kommen, wurde im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojektes nach Sicherheitsindikatoren und Methoden zu deren Messung recherchiert. Schliesslich wurde eine geeignete Methode definiert, welche anschliessend in Feldversuchen an insgesamt acht Untersuchungsorten mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften getestet wurde. Die Messergebnisse der angewendeten alternativen Methode (Videoanalyse) wurden einer objektiven PrĂŒfung unterzogen und den Resultaten der Begleituntersuchungen sowie der Unfallanalysen gegenĂŒbergestellt. Das methodische Vorgehen ist in diesem Bericht ebenso dokumentiert wie die Möglichkeiten und Limitationen der Methode sowie die aus den Erkenntnissen der Feldversuche ableitbaren Empfehlungen hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit

    Sex‑Specifc Diferences in Mortality of Patients with a History of Bariatric Surgery: a Nation‑Wide Population‑Based Study

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    Purpose Bariatric surgery reduces mortality in patients with severe obesity and is predominantly performed in women. Therefore, an analysis of sex-specific differences after bariatric surgery in a population-based dataset from Austria was performed. The focus was on deceased patients after bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods The Austrian health insurance funds cover about 98% of the Austrian population. Medical health claims data of all Austrians who underwent bariatric surgery from 01/2010 to 12/2018 were analyzed. In total, 19,901 patients with 107,806 observed years postoperative were eligible for this analysis. Comorbidities based on International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-codes and drug intake documented by Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical (ATC)-codes were analyzed in patients deceased and grouped according to clinically relevant obesity-associated comorbidities: diabetes mellitus (DM), cardiovascular disease (CV), psychiatric disorder (PSY), and malignancy (M). Results In total, 367 deaths were observed (1.8%) within the observation period from 01/2010 to 04/2020. The overall mortality rate was 0.34% per year of observation and significantly higher in men compared to women (0.64 vs. 0.24%; p < 0.001(Chi-squared)). Moreover, the 30-day mortality was 0.19% and sixfold higher in men compared to women (0.48 vs. 0.08%; p < 0.001). CV (82%) and PSY (55%) were the most common comorbidities in deceased patients with no sex-specific differences. Diabetes (38%) was more common in men (43 vs. 33%; p = 0.034), whereas malignant diseases (36%) were more frequent in women (30 vs. 41%; p = 0.025). Conclusion After bariatric surgery, short-term mortality as well as long-term mortality was higher in men compared to women. In deceased patients, diabetes was more common in men, whereas malignant diseases were more common in women.publishedVersio

    Blood donation for iron removal in individuals with HFE mutations: study of efficacy and safety and short review on hemochromatosis and blood donation

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    BackgroundElevated serum ferritin with/without HFE variants in asymptomatic persons leads frequently to referral for blood donation. Hemochromatosis (p.C282Y/p.C282Y) only requires treatment. We evaluated safety and feasibility of iron removal in healthy persons with elevated ferritin and HFE variants using blood donation procedures.Materials and methodsThirty subjects with ferritin &gt;200 ng/mL (women) or &gt;300 ng/mL (men) with p.C282Y/p.C282Y, p.C282Y/p.H63D or p.H63D/p.H63D were randomized to weekly phlebotomy (removal of 450 mL whole blood) or erythrapheresis (removal of 360 mL red blood cells) every 14 days. The ferritin target was &lt;100 ng/mL. A full blood count and ferritin were measured at each visit. Hemoglobin (Hb) ≄140 g/L was required at inclusion. If Hb dropped to &lt;120 g/L (women) or &lt;130 g/L (men), procedures were postponed (7 or 14 days). Primary endpoint was the number of procedures needed to the ferritin target; secondary objectives were duration of treatment and compliance. The treatment effect was tested with Poisson regression; number of procedures and treatment duration were compared between study arms with the Kruskal–Wallis test.ResultsTwenty-five of 30 participants were men (83%); mean age was 47 years (SD 10.5), mean BMI 26.6 kg/m2 (SD 3.6); 17 had p.C282Y/p.C282Y, nine p.C282Y/p.H63D, four p.H63D/p.H63D. Median baseline Hb was 150 g/L (IQR 144, 1,559), median ferritin 504 ng/mL (IQR 406,620). Twenty-seven subjects completed the study. Treatment arm (p &lt; 0.001) and HFE variant (p = 0.007) influenced the primary endpoint significantly. To ferritin levels &lt;100 ng/mL, a median number of 7.5 (IQR 6.2, 9.8) phlebotomies and 4.0 (IQR 3.0, 5.8) erythraphereses (p = 0.001) was needed during a median of 66.5 days (IQR 49,103) and 78.5 days (IQR 46139), respectively (p = 0.448). Low Hb was the principal reason for protocol violation; anemia occurred in 13 participants (48%). Immediate complications were infrequent; fatigue was reported after 25% of phlebotomies and 45% of erythraphereses. Thirty-five procedures were postponed because of low Hb and 15 for non-medical reasons. The median interval was 7.0 (IQR 7.7) and 14.0 (IQR 14, 20) days between phlebotomies and erythraphereses, respectively.ConclusionBlood donation procedures remove iron effectively in HC, but frequent treatments cause Hb decrease and fatigue that can impair feasibility

    Structural mechanism for inhibition of PP2A-B56α and oncogenicity by CIP2A.

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    The protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) heterotrimer PP2A-B56α is a human tumour suppressor. However, the molecular mechanisms inhibiting PP2A-B56α in cancer are poorly understood. Here, we report molecular level details and structural mechanisms of PP2A-B56α inhibition by an oncoprotein CIP2A. Upon direct binding to PP2A-B56α trimer, CIP2A displaces the PP2A-A subunit and thereby hijacks both the B56α, and the catalytic PP2Ac subunit to form a CIP2A-B56α-PP2Ac pseudotrimer. Further, CIP2A competes with B56α substrate binding by blocking the LxxIxE-motif substrate binding pocket on B56α. Relevant to oncogenic activity of CIP2A across human cancers, the N-terminal head domain-mediated interaction with B56α stabilizes CIP2A protein. Functionally, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated single amino acid mutagenesis of the head domain blunted MYC expression and MEK phosphorylation, and abrogated triple-negative breast cancer in vivo tumour growth. Collectively, we discover a unique multi-step hijack and mute protein complex regulation mechanism resulting in tumour suppressor PP2A-B56α inhibition. Further, the results unfold a structural determinant for the oncogenic activity of CIP2A, potentially facilitating therapeutic modulation of CIP2A in cancer and other diseases

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    Using the canary genome to decipher the evolution of hormone-sensitive gene regulation in seasonal singing birds

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