327 research outputs found

    Landscape perception among various cultural groups on the example of Cracow and Istanbul residents

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    W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano podobieństwa i różnice w postrzeganiu kraj obrazu przez Polaków i Turków. W ramach badań przeprowadzono ankiety z mieszkańcami Krakowa i Stambułu. W ankietach wykorzystano dziesięć zdjęć przedstawiających wybrane typy krajobrazu Polski i Turcji, sklasyfikowane na podstawie Europejskiej Klasyfikacji Krajobrazu (LANMAP). Badania wykazały, że choć ogólna ocena krajobrazu wśród mieszkańców Krakowa i Stambułu jest podobna, to przy wyrażaniu skrajnych emocji istnieją różnice. Przeprowadzone badania i analiza wyników pozwoliły wyciągnąć wnioski i uwagi metodyczne dotyczące wykonywania tego typu badań.This paper reports the similarities and differences in landscape perception between two various cultural groups (Poles and Turks –Cracow and Istanbul residents). Landscape photos used in the study were focusing on 10 selected types of landscapes –5 for each country (Poland and Turkey). They were categorized using an European Landscape Classification (LANMAP). The analysis was based on interviews with photo-based assessing procedures among Cracow and Istanbul residents. The survey instrument was available in Polish and Turkish. Generally, landscape perception is similar among Cracow and Istanbul residents whereas the differences can be noticed. This paper outlines also the methodological conclusions about this type of research

    Piping forms in the Bieszczady Mountains (Eastern Carpathians)

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    The aim of this paper is to present the piping forms in the Bieszczady Mts., their morphology and morphometry. Piping as a mechanical removal of soil by subsurface concentrated water flow leads to the formation of underground channels (pipes). They become visible on the surface when a pipe roof collapses. Subsequently, surface piping forms are created. Sometimes a pipe inlet or a pipe outlet can be located. The piping forms and features are described and characterized - both erosional (sinkhole, closed depression, blind gully) and depositional (piping fan). Finally, the comparison of piping forms in different regions of the world is presented

    The role and the quality of environmental analyses in the spatial planning process : an example from the buffer zone of Słowiński National Park (Poland)

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    The paper presents the assessment of spatial planning process in the buffer zone of Słowiński National Park in Poland. The detailed analysis was carried out in the selected area (Smołdzino municipality) which is covered by Local Spatial Development Plan (LSDP). The spatial planning documents, especially the ones concerning natural conditions of the area (e.g. ecophysiographic analyses), were analysed in terms of their quality. Also, the author conducted field mapping in order to verify the compliance of documents with actual land use. In the buffer zone of national park a particular care of the natural environment should be taken. However, the quality of the analysed documents is poor, even in respect of their factual content. Authors of the documents often abandon expensive and time-consuming field studies, hence the documents tend to be prepared based on outdated cartographic materials. The preparation process of spatial planning documents is well defined in law. However, the research shows that even well-designed legal framework would not result in the highquality documents. It is often a personal factor of the authors failing to perform their duties properly, which impact the final outcomes

    Assessment of the visual attractiveness of the landscape : application in spatial planning

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    Praca przedstawia próbę oceny atrakcyjności wizualnej krajobrazu trzech wybranych dolin : Będkowskiej, Kobylańskiej i Kluczwody w Parku Krajobrazowym Dolinki Krakowskie w oparciu o metodę bonitacji punktowej. Metoda ta polegała na wyborze i analizie kryteriów wpływających na atrakcyjność wizualną krajobrazu. Wybrane kryteria posłużyły do przygotowania mapy wartości wizualno-estetycznej krajobrazu. Dzięki niej możliwe było wyznaczenie miejsc o największych walorach krajobrazowych. Dokonano także oceny możliwości zastosowania metody dla potrzeb planowania przestrzennego.The landscape is an important part of the quality of life for most people. Today, the changes are seen as a negative evolution because they cause a loss of landscape diversity, coherence and identity. Therefore, the landscape should be properly planned and protected (Antrop 2005). The paper concerns the evaluation of the visual attractiveness of the landscape of three study areas : Będkowska, Kobylanska and Kluczwody valleys located in the Polish Jurassic Highland within the Kraków Valleys Landscape Park. Visual assessment of the attractiveness of the landscape of these valleys was conducted using the point bonitation method. Bonitation is one of the most common research method used in geography e.g. for the evaluation of natural environment and landscape (Kot 2014). The method was based on the analysis and selection of criteria (natural and cultural elements) which have an effect on the visual attractiveness of the landscape (Śleszyński 1999; Wolski 2002). These criteria were used for the preparation of maps presenting the visual and aesthetic value of the landscape with application of GIS. These maps allowed to find areas with the highest landscape values. Moreover, it was possible to identify threatened landscapes, and those that should be protected. Furthermore, the paper presents the examples of the application of this method in environmental management and landscape plannin

    Determinations of the slope fragmentation in the High Bieszczady Mountains

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    The determinations of the slope fragmentation in the High Bieszczady Mountains (Eastern Carpathians) are described basing on analysis of three chosen slopes: SW slopes of Mt. Bukowe Berdo, SW slopes of Polonina Carynska, NE slopes of Mt. Dział. The structural and anthropogenic conditions were taken into account. The research is based on the geomorphological mapping and analysis of topographic, geological and geomorphological maps, longitudinal and transverse valley profiles

    Topography of the oblique vein of the left atrium (vein of Marshall)

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    Background: The oblique vein of the left atrium is of interest for electrophysiologists working in the field of both basic science and clinical practice. Aims: We aimed to examine the topographic anatomy of the oblique vein and to assess the vein’s location and relationships with surrounding cardiac structures. Methods: A total of 200 autopsied adult human hearts were examined. Results: The oblique vein was observed in 71% of the hearts. Its mean (SD) total length was 30.8 (13.6) mm. In hearts with the oblique vein, a larger distance was observed between the left inferior pulmonary vein (LIPV) and great cardiac vein (mean [SD], 18.6 [5.1] mm vs 16.3 [4.8] mm; P = 0.004), between the left atrial appendage (LAA) and LIPV (mean [SD], 17.8 [6.8] mm vs 15.1 [5.2] mm; P = 0.007), and between the LAA and left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV; mean [SD], 28.5 [7.2] mm vs 21.3 [6.4] mm; P  < 0.001). Hearts with a classic pattern of left‑sided pulmonary veins were categorized into 4 types based on the length of oblique vein extension. In type I, the vein extended below the level of the LIPV (21.9%); in type II, to the level of the LIPV (47.7%); in type III, to the level of the interpulmonary area (17.2%); and in type IV, to the level of the LSPV (13.3%). In each type, the distance between the oblique vein and LIPV was shorter than that between the oblique vein and LAA Conclusions: The oblique vein had a variable course and differing lengths of extension. The presence of the oblique vein was connected with a greater distance between the left‑sided pulmonary veins and LAA

    Exploring the Community Cultural Wealth of Low-Income Collegians of Color in their Transition from High School to College

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    This narrative study explores the transition from high school to college for low-income students of color who participated in a college access mentoring program, the College Admissions Project (CAP) while in twelfth-grade. A community cultural wealth (CCW) lens guides this research and is used to examine student experiences. CAP alumni who enrolled in an institution of higher education in the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation are the participants in this study. A narrative approach to inquiry is used because the author is interested in the particular experiences of a few individuals. Specifically, the experiences of low-income students of color from New Orleans as they made the transition from high school to college either in 2015 or 2016. This study has implications for practice in the area of college access programs as well as theoretical applications which extend a CCW framework to additional communities of color beyond Latina/o communities. In the area of practice, supporting positive peer relationships could make college access programs more effective. Student voice is also important to the participants in this study. Students should be part program development and evaluation processes so that programs are designed to best meet their needs as they exist, rather than as adults see them. There is some evidence that a CCW framework is applicable to the experiences of these students. Informational and social capital were most commonly referenced by participants, and efforts to help students further develop these assets would help to support their college transition processes