815 research outputs found

    Competing valence bond and symmetry breaking Mott states of spin-3/2 fermions on a honeycomb lattice

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    We investigate magnetic properties of strongly interacting four component spin-3/2 ultracold fermionic atoms in the Mott insulator limit with one particle per site in an optical lattice with honeycomb symmetry. In this limit, atomic tunneling is virtual, and only the atomic spins can exchange. We find a competition between symmetry breaking and liquid like disordered phases. Particularly interesting are valence bond states with bond centered magnetizations, situated between the ferromagnetic and conventional valence bond phases. In the framework of a mean-field theory, we calculate the phase diagram and identify an experimentally relevant parameter region where a homogeneous SU(4) symmetric Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki-like valence bond state is present

    Health 2020 – achieving health and development in today’s Europe

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    Health and well-being are universal human goals that are currently considered to be vital human rights; major components of equitable human, economic and social development; and a resource for everyday life. These goals are increasingly seen as central to human development and security. Health is no longer seen as simply items of consumption to be financed but is considered an asset that needs to be nurtured and equitably improved and also as a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capacity


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    An interesting insight on the Health 2020 European Health Strategy is revealed in the next content proposed for the journal section dedicated to personalities of health management, given that the authors of this paper have a huge experience in health management at European level and are deeply involved in elaborating and implementing the new European Health Strategy.Health 2020 is the new European health policy framework. It aims to support action across government and society to: “significantly improve the health and well-being of populations, reduce health inequalities, strengthen public health and ensure people-centred health systems that are universal, equitable, sustainable and of high quality”.O perspectivă interesantă asupra Strategiei europene de sănătate “Sănătatea 2020” este dezvăluită în conținutul ce urmează, pe care vi-l propunem pentru secțiunea dedicată personalităților din managementul sanitar, având în vedere că autorii acestei lucrări au o experiență foarte mare în managementul sanitar la nivel european și sunt profund implicați în elaborarea și punerea în aplicare a noii strategii europene din domeniul sănătății. ”Sănătatea 2020” este noul cadru de politici de sănătate europene. Acesta are ca scop sprijinirea acțiunilor intreprinse de către guverne și societăți în vederea: "îmbunătățirii în mod semnificativ a sănătății și bunăstării populației, reducerii inegalităților în domeniul sănătății, întăririi sănătății publice și asigurării unor îngrijiri de sănătate centrate pe cetățeni, care sunt universale, echitabile, durabile și de înaltă calitate"

    ZDRAVLJE 2020 – Postizanje zdravlja i razvoja u današnjoj Europi

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    Zdravlje i blagostanje su ciljevi svakog čovjeka. Oni se danas smatraju kao najvažnija ljudska prava, glavne komponente pravičnog humanog, ekonomskog i društvenog razvoja, kao i resurs za svakodnevni život. Sve je više prisutno uvjerenje da su ovi ciljevi esencijalno važni za humani razvoj i sigurnost. Na zdravlje se više ne gleda samo kao na stavku u potrošnji za koju treba osigurati sredstva već kao na vrijednost koju treba njegovati i pravično unapređivati. Na zdravlje se gleda i kao na jedan pozitivni koncept, u kojem se naglašavaju društveni i individualni resursi, kao i fizički kapacitet

    Bioink properties before, during and after 3D bioprinting

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    Bioprinting is a process based on additive manufacturing from materials containing living cells. These materials, often referred to as bioink, are based on cytocompatible hydrogel precursor formulations, which gel in a manner compatible with different bioprinting approaches. The bioink properties before, during and after gelation are essential for its printability, comprising such features as achievable structural resolution, shape fidelity and cell survival. However, it is the final properties of the matured bioprinted tissue construct that are crucial for the end application. During tissue formation these properties are influenced by the amount of cells present in the construct, their proliferation, migration and interaction with the material. A calibrated computational framework is able to predict the tissue development and maturation and to optimize the bioprinting input parameters such as the starting material, the initial cell loading and the construct geometry. In this contribution relevant bioink properties are reviewed and discussed on the example of most popular bioprinting approaches. The effect of cells on hydrogel processing and vice versa is highlighted. Furthermore, numerical approaches were reviewed and implemented for depicting the cellular mechanics within the hydrogel as well as for prediction of mechanical properties to achieve the desired hydrogel construct considering cell density, distribution and material-cell interaction

    Seeds Buffering for Information Spreading Processes

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    Seeding strategies for influence maximization in social networks have been studied for more than a decade. They have mainly relied on the activation of all resources (seeds) simultaneously in the beginning; yet, it has been shown that sequential seeding strategies are commonly better. This research focuses on studying sequential seeding with buffering, which is an extension to basic sequential seeding concept. The proposed method avoids choosing nodes that will be activated through the natural diffusion process, which is leading to better use of the budget for activating seed nodes in the social influence process. This approach was compared with sequential seeding without buffering and single stage seeding. The results on both real and artificial social networks confirm that the buffer-based consecutive seeding is a good trade-off between the final coverage and the time to reach it. It performs significantly better than its rivals for a fixed budget. The gain is obtained by dynamic rankings and the ability to detect network areas with nodes that are not yet activated and have high potential of activating their neighbours.Comment: Jankowski, J., Br\'odka, P., Michalski, R., & Kazienko, P. (2017, September). Seeds Buffering for Information Spreading Processes. In International Conference on Social Informatics (pp. 628-641). Springe

    Learning the 3D fauna of the web

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    Learning 3D models of all animals in nature requires massively scaling up existing solutions. With this ultimate goal in mind, we develop 3D-Fauna, an approach that learns a pan-category deformable 3D animal model for more than 100 animal species jointly. One crucial bottleneck of modeling animals is the limited availability of training data, which we overcome by learning our model from 2D Internet images. We show that prior approaches, which are category-specific, fail to generalize to rare species with limited training images. We address this challenge by introducing the Semantic Bank of Skinned Models (SBSM), which automatically discovers a small set of base animal shapes by combining geometric inductive priors with semantic knowledge implicitly captured by an off-the-shelf self-supervised feature extractor. To train such a model, we also contribute a new large-scale dataset of diverse animal species. At inference time, given a single image of any quadruped animal, our model reconstructs an articulated 3D mesh in a feed-forward manner in seconds