4,540 research outputs found

    Investigation of Effective De Noising Techniques for ECG Signal

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    Due to fast life style Heart related problems are increasing day by day and it’s very important that disease related to heart can be diagnosed easily by simple medical techniques. These diseases can be diagnosed by ECG (Electrocardiogram) signals. ECG is used for measurement of electrical potentials with the help of contact electrodes, thus it is treated as one of the important signals. The ECG recording is often deteriorated by several factors such as power line interference and baseline wander noise. Various noises have to be removed for better clinical evaluation. This paper gives the different way in which noise occurs & methodologies to remove such addition in the ECG signal. Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is measured from ECG signal and comparison is made with the performance of different methods used for removal of ECG noise. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160410

    Performance of Annular Fin with Different Profile Subjected to Heat Transfer Coefficient by using FEA

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    Performance of annular ?ns of di?erent pro?les subject to heat transfer coe?cient is investigated in this paper. The concept of heat transfer through annular fin of different profiles is one of the methods for improving heat transfer rate by natural convection in heat exchangers. Annular fins are used in heat exchange devices to enhance the heat transfer rate. Temperatures vary with the geometry of the fins and along the fluid flow direction. Temperature changes according to its geometry and profile of fins. The heat transfer from the ?n is dominated by natural convection, the analysis of ?n performance based on locally variable heat transfer coe?cient would be of primer importance. The local heat transfer coe?cient as a function of the local temperature has been obtained using the available correlations of natural convection for plates.By using the ANSYS software find the temperature profile and its effect on different profile of annular fins and find the maximum heat transfer theoretically.Results have been obtained and presented in a table for annular ?ns of hyperbolic, triangular, concave parabolic and convex parabolic pro?les. Temperature distribution at different sections and total heat flow is estimated for the finned tube with fins of triangular profile, concave and convex parabolic and hyperbolic profile. A comparison has been made among finite element analysis

    Review on Colour Image Denoising using Wavelet Soft Thresholding Technique

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    In this modern age of communication the image and video is important as Visual information transmitted in the form of digital images, but after the transmission image is often ruined with noise. Therefore the received image needs to be processing before it can be used for further applications. Image denoising implicates the manipulation of the image data to produce a high quality of image without any noise. Most of the work which had done in color scale image is by filter domain approach, but we think that the transform domain approach give great result in the field of color image denoising.. This paper reviews the several types of noise which corrupted the color image and also the existing denoising algorithms based on wavelet threshodling technique. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039


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    Power system comprises of threenatural / physical characteristics namely voltage,current and frequency. Deviation in these physicalcharacteristics are termed as power quality issues inpower system. Presence of nonlinear current ornonlinear/unbalanced voltages and frequencies aretermed as power quality issue. These (current, voltageand frequencies) deviations result in failure/damageof equipment in power system. Power electronicconverters associated with their nonlinear switchingcharacteristics and high frequency operation are themajor cause for power quality issues. In order toreduce harmonics and improve power quality, HybridActive Power Filter (HAPF) or shunt HAPF can beemployed. The power improvement can be done usingvarious algorithm like RLS algorithm, DC link voltagecontroller, fuzzy logic based hybrid filter

    A Novel Approach for the Automation in the Field of Security and Safety for Better Human Life

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    In the current circumstance, robotization has transformed into an imperative bit of our life. Each and every one is completely dependent on motorization whether it be splendid packaging or home robotization. Directly bringing home automation into thought, everyone nowadays need an anomalous state security and our assignment on home robotization features, such kind of high security features at a totally reasonable expense with the objective that it could be overseen by anyone. By and by pondering intrusion area structure there are some included core interests.An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a structure that screens for suspicious action and issues cautions when such improvement is found. While peculiarity acknowledgment and uncovering is the basic limit, some interference disclosure structures are fit for taking exercises when poisonous development or bizarre activity is recognized.Nowadays, where everything will be modified and sensor and controller based it is the need of extraordinary significance to make any intrusion recognizable proof system to act normally sufficient in taking exercises and playing out the entire fundamental errand. Electronic security relates to using improvement in monitored holding by imagining unapproved access to individuals and property

    Prioritized Service Scheme with QOS Provisioning in a Cloud Computing System

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    Cloud computing is a compilation of existing techniques and technologies, packaged within a new infrastructure paradigm that offers improved scalability, elasticity, business agility, faster startup time, reduced management costs, and just-in-time availability of resources. It is based on the pay as you use policy and virtual servers are used in this technology. This technology is capturing the market at a rapid rate and is an advancement over the distributed computing technology. There is a scheduling issue in this technology as in case of normal scheduling the service with the more burst time blocks the service of less burst time hence we need to prioritize the service in the way that every service gets equal opportunity to execute. A priority scheme is proposed in which the prioritized customers are categorized into different priority queues. These prioritized customers have guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) by the cloud computing system in terms of less response time. The concept of selection probability is introduced according to which the cloud metascheduler chooses the next query for execution. The priority queues are modeled as M/M/1/K/K queues and an analytical model is developed for the calculation of selection probabilities. Two algorithms are proposed for explaining the processing at the users’ end and at the Cloud Computing server’s end. The results obtained are validated using the numerical simulations. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15024

    Solving kk-means on High-dimensional Big Data

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    In recent years, there have been major efforts to develop data stream algorithms that process inputs in one pass over the data with little memory requirement. For the kk-means problem, this has led to the development of several (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximations (under the assumption that kk is a constant), but also to the design of algorithms that are extremely fast in practice and compute solutions of high accuracy. However, when not only the length of the stream is high but also the dimensionality of the input points, then current methods reach their limits. We propose two algorithms, piecy and piecy-mr that are based on the recently developed data stream algorithm BICO that can process high dimensional data in one pass and output a solution of high quality. While piecy is suited for high dimensional data with a medium number of points, piecy-mr is meant for high dimensional data that comes in a very long stream. We provide an extensive experimental study to evaluate piecy and piecy-mr that shows the strength of the new algorithms.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, published at the 14th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms - SEA 201

    A Survey of Non-Linear Filtering Techniques For Image Noise Removal

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    Image is captured or noninheritable by any image capturing device like camera or scanner and then it is stored in the mass storage of the computer system. In many of these applications the existence of impulsive noise among the noninheritable pictures is one altogether common problems. This noise is characterized by spots on the image and is usually related to the innate image because of errors in image sensors and information transmission. Now-a-days there are numerous strategies that are offered to remove noise from digital images. Most of the novel methodology includes 2 stages: the primary stage is to find the noise within the image and the second stage is to eliminate the noise from the image. This paper explores the varied novel methods for the removal of noise from the digital images. The distinctive feature of the all the described filters is that offers well line, edge and detail preservation performance while, at the constant time, effectively removing noise from the input image. In later section, we present a short introduction for various strategies for noise reduction in digital images

    Review on Therapeutic Uses of Mimosa Pudica (Touch-me-not) Plant

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    The prostrate or semi-erect subshrub Mimosa pudica L. (Mimosacee), referred to as touch me not, live and die, shame plant, and humble plant, is indigenous to North and South America as well as Australia. They are delicate soft grey green leaves that fold and droop at night or when handled and chilled, and they are thickly equipped with recurved thorns in India. Its peculiar bending behaviors have given it the nickname "curiosity plant." According to Ayurveda, the root of this plant is bitter, acrid, cooling, vulnerary, and alexipharmic. Leprosy, dysentery, vaginal and uterine complaints, inflammations, burning sensations, asthma, leucoderma, tiredness, and blood disorders are among the conditions it is used to treat. It appears to be a prospective herbal candidate deserving of further research, as shown by its pharmacological profile Numerous illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, obesity, and urinary infections, are also prevented or treated using mimosa pudica. It predominantly contains pharmacological activities that include antibacterial, antivenom, antitertility, anticonvulsant, depressant, aphrodisiac, and others. The plant has been used to treat urogenital issues for ages
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