A Survey of Non-Linear Filtering Techniques For Image Noise Removal


Image is captured or noninheritable by any image capturing device like camera or scanner and then it is stored in the mass storage of the computer system. In many of these applications the existence of impulsive noise among the noninheritable pictures is one altogether common problems. This noise is characterized by spots on the image and is usually related to the innate image because of errors in image sensors and information transmission. Now-a-days there are numerous strategies that are offered to remove noise from digital images. Most of the novel methodology includes 2 stages: the primary stage is to find the noise within the image and the second stage is to eliminate the noise from the image. This paper explores the varied novel methods for the removal of noise from the digital images. The distinctive feature of the all the described filters is that offers well line, edge and detail preservation performance while, at the constant time, effectively removing noise from the input image. In later section, we present a short introduction for various strategies for noise reduction in digital images

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