329 research outputs found

    Frecuencia y características clínico - laboratoriales de pancreatitis aguda post colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica en un hospital de Lambayeque de nivel III año 2017

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    Introducción y objetivos: la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) actualmente tiene una finalidad eminentemente terapéutica. Su complicación más frecuente es la pancreatitis aguda con una incidencia entre 1.8% y 7.2%. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de pancreatitis aguda post CPRE y sus características clínico - laboratoriales en pacientes del hospital Regional de Lambayeque. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en pacientes sometidos a CPRE durante el año 2017. Resultados: De 267 intervenciones CPRE se obtuvo una muestra de 156 pacientes. La edad promedio fue de 54.5 años (RIC: 69 - 32), el 68.5% fueron mujeres, el 76.2% de intervenciones fueron electivas y 23.8% emergencias, y la etiología más frecuente para su realización fue la causa litiásica (95.5%). La frecuencia de pancreatitis aguda post CPRE fue de 6.9%, esta población tuvo una mediana de edad fue de 46 años (RIC: 72 - 34), tuvieron una mediana de hospitalización de 4 días (RIC: 6 -3). Se registraron 9 casos leves y 2 moderados de pancreatitis aguda post CPRE. No se reportaron defunciones

    Clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral del personal asistencial en el Centro de Atención Primaria – CAP III Puente Piedra de EsSalud, 2016

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    La investigación que tiene como título “Clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral del personal asistencial en el Centro de Atención Primaria – CAP III Puente Piedra de EsSalud, 2016”, la investigación partió del problema general ¿En qué medida el clima organizacional se relaciona con satisfacción laboral del personal asistencial en el Centro de Atención Primaria – CAP III Puente Piedra de EsSalud, 2016?, cuyo objetivo general fue establecer la relación que existe entre el clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral del personal asistencial en el Centro de Atención Primaria – CAP III Puente Piedra de EsSalud, 2016. El tipo de investigación desarrollada fue básica, no experimental y de corte transversal correlacional, el establecimiento de salud cuenta con una población de 66 trabajadores asistenciales, y sobre la base de dicha población se ha determinado una muestra de 56 trabajadores asistenciales. Se aplicó como instrumento una encuesta de clima organizacional y otra encuesta de satisfacción laboral, los cuestionarios se han validado por juicio de expertos y se ha determinado su confiabilidad mediante la prueba estadística Alfa de Cronbach para Clima organizacional = 0,857 y para Satisfacción laboral = 0,846, considerando que las dos variables son cualitativas se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica Rho de Spearman resultando r = 0.941** lo que se interpreta al 99% a dos colas, que la correlación es significativa al nivel 0,01 bilateral, interpretándose como correlación muy alta entre las variables, con un ρ = 0.00 (ρ < 0.05). En conclusión, se determinó que: Existe relación significativa entre las clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral del personal asistencial en el Centro de Atención Primaria – CAP III Puente Piedra de EsSalud, 2016

    Gestión por competencias y calidad del servicio en un centro de salud de Chiclayo

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    La investigación mostró la vinculación entre dos variables como son la gestión por competencias y la calidad del servicio; para la ejecución se determinó el objetivo general que fue determinar la relación entre Gestión por competencias y calidad del servicio en un centro de salud de Chiclayo. La investigación se desarrolló desde una metodología centrada en el enfoque cuantitativo en su nivel descriptivo de alcance correlacional, con una muestra de 18 colaboradores de un Centro de Salud de Chiclayo; a quienes se les aplicó dos cuestionarios, una para cada variable, las cuales firmaron su consentimiento, estos instrumentos fueron sometidos a diferentes pruebas, para luego ser validados y fiabilizados por expertos. Los resultados mostraron que las dimensiones de la gestión por competencias se relacionan con la calidad del servicio mediante una relación directa y significativa y los porcentajes que más se resaltan donde el más del 70%, mostró una tendencia bajo a medio, situación que refleja la correspondencia dimensional con la variable. En las conclusiones se determino que existe un vínculo entre las dos variables la cual fue de 0.878 indicando que es directa y significativa; adicionalmente el resultado que obtuvimos de α = 0.000 es menor de 0.05, nos permitió descartar la hipótesis nula, por cuanto se aceptó la hipótesis alterna

    Utilización de la metodología seis sigma para reducir el tiempo de respuesta vía telefónica, en la resolución de problemas sobre el manejo del sistema informático para clientes de una compañía de desarrollo de software en la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    The present work aims to develop, implement and maintain the enterprise base of the project, the principles of a Quality System. To achieve this goal has been to implement the philosophy of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology used strategically by its acronym in English, means: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. The main activity of the company is developing software technology for web-focused management. The study is critical of the support given to users on issues related to the use of software. With a view to improvement in this process, the company decided to initiate a Quality System to search for "Reduce response time by phone, in solving problems on the management system for customers." The improvement is observable in a quantitative way in reducing the percentage of calls that exceed the call time of four minutes. It performs an initial assessment of the process, choosing the best solution, implementing the strategy and to verify their effectiveness through controls leading to improvement

    High throughput FT-MIR analysis of sugars and acids in watermelon

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    Indirect measurements of taste-related compounds are required when a high number of samples has to be analyzed in a short period of time, with a minimum cost. For this purpose, FT-MIR partial least square (PLS) regression models for the prediction of total soluble solids, sugars and organic acids have been developed using three sample sets including breeding lines and commercial varieties of watermelon. Specific models with excellent performance were obtained only for sugars. Nevertheless, a general model supposed a compromise between the best and worse models and offered %RMSEP values of 11.3%, 11.1% and 11.7% for fructose, glucose and sucrose respectively. The model was applied to the selection of high content samples (selection pressure 20% and 30%) obtaining good sensitivity levels and mean percentile of selected samples close to the expected values (100% sensitivity). The robustness of FT-MIR models was assessed with predictions of external assays, obtaining reasonable performances

    FT-MIR determination of taste-related compounds in tomato: a high throughput phenotyping analysis for selection programs

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ibáñez, Ginés, Mercedes Valcárcel, Jaime Cebolla-Cornejo, and Salvador Roselló. 2019. FT-MIR Determination of Taste-related Compounds in Tomato: A High Throughput Phenotyping Analysis for Selection Programs. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 (11). Wiley: 5140 48. doi:10.1002/jsfa.9760, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9760. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] BACKGROUND: Tomato taste is defined by the accumulation of sugars and organic acids. Individual analyses of these compounds using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) are expensive, time-consuming and are not feasible for large number of samples, justifying the interest of spectroscopic methods such as Fourier-transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR). This work analyzed the performance of FT-MIR models to determine the accumulation of sugars and acids, considering the efficiency of models obtained with different ranges of variation. RESULTS: FT-MIR spectra (five-bounce attenuated total reflectance, ATR) were used to obtain partial least squares (PLS) models to predict sugar and acid contents in specific sample sets representing different varietal types. A general model was also developed, obtaining R-2 values for prediction higher than 0.84 for main components (soluble solids content, fructose, glucose, and citric acid). Root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) for these components were lower than 15% of the mean contents and lower than 6% of the highest contents. Even more, the model sensitivity and specificity for those variables with a 10% selection pressure was 100%. That means that all samples with the 10% highest content were correctly identified. The model was applied to an external assay and it exhibited, for main components, high sensitivities (> 70%) and specificities (> 96%). RMSEP values for main compounds were lower than 21% and 13% of the mean and maximum content respectively. CONCLUSION: The models obtained confirm the effectiveness of FT-MIR models to select samples with high contents of taste-related compounds, even when the calibration has not been performed within the same assay. (c) 2019 Society of Chemical IndustryThis research was performed despite the lack of direct public funding for its development and thanks to the enthusiasm of the authors. The authors thank Dr Lahoz and Dr Campillo for providing samples of processing tomato. G. Ibanez thanks Universitat Jaume I for funding his pre-doctoral grant (PREDOC/2015/45).Ibañez, G.; Valcárcel-Germes, M.; Cebolla Cornejo, J.; Rosello Ripolles, S. (2019). FT-MIR determination of taste-related compounds in tomato: a high throughput phenotyping analysis for selection programs. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99(11):5140-5148. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9760514051489911Davies, J. N., Hobson, G. E., & McGlasson, W. B. (1981). The constituents of tomato fruit — the influence of environment, nutrition, and genotype. C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 15(3), 205-280. doi:10.1080/10408398109527317Díaz de León-Sánchez, F., Pelayo-Zaldívar, C., Rivera-Cabrera, F., Ponce-Valadez, M., Ávila-Alejandre, X., Fernández, F. J., … Pérez-Flores, L. J. (2009). Effect of refrigerated storage on aroma and alcohol dehydrogenase activity in tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 54(2), 93-100. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2009.07.003Cebolla-Cornejo, J., Valcárcel, M., Herrero-Martínez, J. M., Roselló, S., & Nuez, F. (2012). High efficiency joint CZE determination of sugars and acids in vegetables and fruits. ELECTROPHORESIS, 33(15), 2416-2423. doi:10.1002/elps.201100640Nicolaï, B. M., Beullens, K., Bobelyn, E., Peirs, A., Saeys, W., Theron, K. I., & Lammertyn, J. (2007). Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality by means of NIR spectroscopy: A review. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 46(2), 99-118. doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2007.06.024Lahoz, I., Leiva-Brondo, M., Martí, R., Macua, J. I., Campillo, C., Roselló, S., & Cebolla-Cornejo, J. (2016). Influence of high lycopene varieties and organic farming on the production and quality of processing tomato. Scientia Horticulturae, 204, 128-137. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2016.03.042Martí, R., Valcárcel, M., Leiva-Brondo, M., Lahoz, I., Campillo, C., Roselló, S., & Cebolla-Cornejo, J. (2018). Influence of controlled deficit irrigation on tomato functional value. Food Chemistry, 252, 250-257. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.01.098Fearn, T. (2002). Assessing Calibrations: SEP, RPD, RER and R2. NIR news, 13(6), 12-13. doi:10.1255/nirn.689Vermeir, S., Beullens, K., Mészáros, P., Polshin, E., Nicolaï, B. M., & Lammertyn, J. (2009). Sequential injection ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for taste analysis in tomato. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 137(2), 715-721. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.01.056Lin, T., Zhu, G., Zhang, J., Xu, X., Yu, Q., Zheng, Z., … Huang, S. (2014). Genomic analyses provide insights into the history of tomato breeding. Nature Genetics, 46(11), 1220-1226. doi:10.1038/ng.3117Ursem, R., Tikunov, Y., Bovy, A., van Berloo, R., & van Eeuwijk, F. (2008). A correlation network approach to metabolic data analysis for tomato fruits. Euphytica, 161(1-2), 181-193. doi:10.1007/s10681-008-9672-yBeullens, K., Kirsanov, D., Irudayaraj, J., Rudnitskaya, A., Legin, A., Nicolaï, B. M., & Lammertyn, J. (2006). The electronic tongue and ATR–FTIR for rapid detection of sugars and acids in tomatoes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 116(1-2), 107-115. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.11.084Rudnitskaya, A., Kirsanov, D., Legin, A., Beullens, K., Lammertyn, J., Nicolaï, B. M., & Irudayaraj, J. (2006). Analysis of apples varieties – comparison of electronic tongue with different analytical techniques. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 116(1-2), 23-28. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.11.069GALIANA-BALAGUER, L., IBÁÑEZ, G., CEBOLLA-CORNEJO, J., & ROSELLÓ, S. (2018). Evaluation of germplasm in Solanum section Lycopersicon for tomato taste improvement. TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, 42(5), 309-321. doi:10.3906/tar-1712-6

    Dissecting a vegetable landrace: Components of variation in Spanish ?Moruno? tomatoes as a case studio

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    The variability of landraces is dissected and related to farmers' practices through surveys. Spanish 'Moruno' tomatoes, recognised for their excellent flavour, were selected as a case study. For this purpose, 30 populations were characterised in a four-year program. Higher intra-population than inter-population variability was found. Variability is generally reduced in the traits used by farmers as selection criteria. Farmers rarely used flavour as a selection criterion, but it is one of the main characteristics used by them to define the landrace. Seed exchange and growing different landraces simultaneously are commonplace, and outcrossing might occur, thus justifying in part the seed degeneration problems experienced by some farmers. At the same time, farmers select seeds for the next year on a per-fruit basis rather than a per-plant basis, justifying the maintenance of a high level of variability. In such cases, high pressure would be applied to key morphological traits but not to flavour. Accordingly, the sugars, acids and volatiles profiles related to flavour in the landraces' populations are highly variable, though the environment also exercises a high effect. It is necessary to make population selections to offer farmers materials combining the best organoleptic perception and a high stable yield. This would reduce the gap between the price premium received by farmers and the expected fair price. It would also be necessary to develop consumer information campaigns to exploit their willingness to pay for the extra value offered by landraces. Only then long-term on-farm conservation would be economically feasible. Although achieving a trade-off between yield and flavour is difficult, it is possible to identify populations that reach a compromise between them. In germplasm banks, it is impossible to evaluate all the materials in the same year. The use of hybrid controls, with no genetic variation, is helpful in considering the environmental effects. Still, genotype x environment interactions are evident, and using selected control populations of landraces is necessary to evaluate possible performances closer to the type of materials being evaluated


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    The present study focused on measuring approaches to learning, self-determined learning climate, and metacognitive strategies in a sample of freshmen and seniors (4th-year) university students. Three questionnaires were used: Bigg’s Two-Factors Study Processes Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) (Biggs, Kember y Leung, 2001)) translated into Spanish (Recio &amp; Cabero, 2005), the Spanish version (Matos, 2009) of Self-determined Learning Climate Scale (Williams &amp; Deci, 1996) as well as the Inventory of Metacognitive Strategies (O’Neil &amp; Abedi, 1996) translated into Spanish (Martínez, 2007). The results showed significant relationships between the deep learning approach, self-determined learning climate and metacognition variables, as well as, significant differences between freshmen and seniors in metacognition and deep learning approach. An analysis for the improvement of university teaching strategies is provided.Se realiza un estudio centrado en la medición de enfoques de aprendizaje, clima para el aprendizaje autodeterminado, y estrategias metacognitivas en estudiantes universitarios de pedagogía de primer y cuarto año. Tres fueron los cuestionarios utilizados: el cuestionario de procesos de estudio de dos factores revisado (R-SPQ-2F) de Biggs, (Biggs, Kember y Leung, 2001) traducido al español por Recio y Cabero (2005); la versión en español (Matos, 2009) del cuestionario Clima de aprendizaje autodeterminado (Williams y Deci, 1996), y el Inventario de estrategias metacognitivas (O’Neil y Abedi, 1996) traducido al español por Martínez (2007). Los resultados mostraron relaciones estadísticamente significativas tanto entre las variables enfoque de aprendizaje profundo, clima de aprendizaje autodeterminado y metacognición, como diferencias significativas entre los estudiantes de primer y cuarto año entre las variables metacognición y enfoque de aprendizaje profundo. Se hace un análisis de las implicancias para el mejoramiento de la docencia universitaria