22 research outputs found

    Capital social y promoci贸n de la salud en Am茅rica Latina

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    Latin America faces common development and health problems and equity and overcoming poverty are crucial in the search for comprehensive and high impact solutions. The article analyzes the definition of social capital, its relationship with health, its limitations and potentialities from a perspective of community development and health promotion in Latin America. High-priority challenges are also identified as well as possible ways to better measure and to strengthen social capital. Particularly, it is discussed how and why social capital may be critical in a global health promotion strategy, where empowerment and community participation, interdisciplinary and intersectorial work would help to achieve Public Health aims and a sustainable positive change for the global development. Also, some potential limitations of the social capital concept in the context of health promotion in Latin America are identified.Am茅rica Latina enfrenta problem谩ticas de desarrollo y salud comunes. La equidad y la superaci贸n de la pobreza son cruciales en la b煤squeda de soluciones integrales y de alto impacto. El art铆culo analiza el concepto de capital social, su relaci贸n con salud, sus limitaciones y potencialidades, desde una perspectiva de desarrollo comunitario y promoci贸n de salud en Am茅rica Latina. Tambi茅n, se identifican desaf铆os prioritarios, como la medici贸n y fortalecimiento del capital social. Se discute c贸mo y por qu茅 el capital social pudiera ser cr铆tico en una estrategia global de promoci贸n de la salud, donde el empoderamiento y la participaci贸n comunitaria, el trabajo interdisciplinario e intersectorial permitir铆an avanzar en los objetivos de salud p煤blica y en la concreci贸n de un cambio social sustentable. Igualmente, se identifican algunas de las potenciales limitaciones del concepto de capital social en el contexto de promoci贸n de la salud en Am茅rica Latina

    Stigma in health facilities: why it matters and how we can change it.

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    Stigma in health facilities undermines diagnosis, treatment, and successful health outcomes. Addressing stigma is fundamental to delivering quality healthcare and achieving optimal health. This correspondence article seeks to assess how developments over the past 5鈥墆ears have contributed to the state of programmatic knowledge-both approaches and methods-regarding interventions to reduce stigma in health facilities, and explores the potential to concurrently address multiple health condition stigmas. It is supported by findings from a systematic review of published articles indexed in PubMed, Psychinfo and Web of Science, and in the United States Agency for International Development's Development Experience Clearinghouse, which was conducted in February 2018 and restricted to the past 5鈥墆ears. Forty-two studies met inclusion criteria and provided insight on interventions to reduce HIV, mental illness, or substance abuse stigma. Multiple common approaches to address stigma in health facilities emerged, which were implemented in a variety of ways. The literature search identified key gaps including a dearth of stigma reduction interventions in health facilities that focus on tuberculosis, diabetes, leprosy, or cancer; target multiple cadres of staff or multiple ecological levels; leverage interactive technology; or address stigma experienced by health workers. Preliminary results from ongoing innovative responses to these gaps are also described.The current evidence base of stigma reduction in health facilities provides a solid foundation to develop and implement interventions. However, gaps exist and merit further work. Future investment in health facility stigma reduction should prioritize the involvement of clients living with the stigmatized condition or behavior and health workers living with stigmatized conditions and should address both individual and structural level stigma

    Stigma in health facilities: Why it matters and how we can change it

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    Stigma in health facilities undermines diagnosis, treatment, and successful health outcomes. Addressing stigma is fundamental to delivering quality healthcare and achieving optimal health. This correspondence article seeks to assess how developments over the past 5 years have contributed to the state of programmatic knowledge - both approaches and methods - regarding interventions to reduce stigma in health facilities, and explores the potential to concurrently address multiple health condition stigmas. It is supported by findings from a systematic review of published articles indexed in PubMed, Psychinfo and Web of Science, and in the United States Agency for International Development's Development Experience Clearinghouse, which was conducted in February 2018 and restricted to the past 5 years. Forty-two studies met inclusion criteria and provided insight on interventions to reduce HIV, mental illness, or substance abuse stigma. Multiple common approaches to address stigma in health facilities emerged, which were implemented in a variety of ways. The literature search identified key gaps including a dearth of stigma reduction interventions in health facilities that focus on tuberculosis, diabetes, leprosy, or cancer; target multiple cadres of staff or multiple ecological levels; leverage interactive technology; or address stigma experienced by health workers. Preliminary results from ongoing innovative responses to these gaps are also described. The current evidence base of stigma reduction in health facilities provides a solid foundation to develop and implement interventions. However, gaps exist and merit further work. Future investment in health facility stigma reduction should prioritize the involvement of clients living with the stigmatized condition or behavior and health workers living with stigmatized conditions and should address both individual and structural level stigma

    Capital social y salud en Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe: una revisi贸n sistem谩tica Social capital and health in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar la informaci贸n validada disponible sobre la relaci贸n entre el capital so cial (CS) y la salud en Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe (ALC). M脡TODOS: Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda sistem谩tica de los trabajos publicados entre enero de 1990 y junio de 2007 en las bases de datos Medline, SciELO, LILACS y The Cochrane Library. Se analizaron todos los art铆culos de investigaci贸n y revisi贸n publicados en revistas cient铆ficas, que evaluaran el CS y su relaci贸n con la salud en ALC. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 15 art铆culos (11 de investigaci贸n original y 4 de revisi贸n). Las 谩reas de salud exploradas por las investigaciones originales fueron: a) mortalidad y esperanza de vida, b) salud mental, c) traumas, d) estado nutricional y e) vacunaci贸n. Se analiza detalla damente la validez de estos trabajos, sus resultados y principales conclusiones. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de las limitaciones propias del concepto de CS y de los estudios iden tificados, se puede afirmar que existe evidencia cient铆fica incipiente de la posible relaci贸n entre el CS y la salud en ALC. El CS podr铆a desempe帽ar un papel protector en ciertas 谩reas sanita rias, como la prevenci贸n de traumas y la salud mental; no obstante, la relaci贸n entre el CS y la salud podr铆a variar seg煤n los subtipos de CS y los contextos socioecon贸micos y culturales es pec铆ficos. Resulta fundamental continuar desarrollando investigaciones en el 谩mbito de la epi demiolog铆a social, en las que se analice en profundidad la relaci贸n entre los determinantes so ciales y los aspectos espec铆ficos de la salud en el contexto de ALC.OBJECTIVE: To identify validated information available on the relationship between social capital (SC) and health in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). METHODS: A systematic search for papers published from January 1990-June 2007 was conducted on the Medline, SciELO, LILACS, and the Cochrane Library databases. All of the research and review articles published by scientific journals that evaluated CS and its relationship to health in LAC were included in the analysis. RESULTS: Fifteen articles were found (11 original research and 4 reviews). The health topics examined by the research articles were: (a) mortality and life expectancy, (b) mental health, (c) injuries, (d) nutritional status, and (e) immunization. The validity of these works, the results, and the principal conclusions were analyzed in depth. CONCLUSIONS: Despite limitations inherent to the CS concept and the studies identified, it was confirmed that scientific evidence exists to support the possible association between CS and health in LAC. CS could play a protective role in certain health areas, such as injury prevention and mental health; not withstanding, the relationship between CS and health could vary according to CS subtype and socioeconomic context and culture. It is therefore imperative to continue social epidemiology research that thoroughly investigates the relationship between social determinants and specific aspects of health in LAC context

    Capital social y salud en Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe: una revisi贸n sistem谩tica.

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    Objetivo: Identificar la informaci贸n validada disponible sobre la relaci贸n entre el capital social (CS) y la salud en Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe (ALC). M茅todos: Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda sistem谩tica de los trabajos publicados entre enero de 1990 y junio de 2007 en las bases de datos Medline, SciELO, LILACS y The Cochrane Library. Se analizaron todos los art铆culos de investigaci贸n y revisi贸n publicados en revistas cient铆ficas, que evaluaran el CS y su relaci贸n con la salud en ALC. Resultados: Se encontraron 15 art铆culos (11 de investigaci贸n original y 4 de revisi贸n). Las 谩reas de salud exploradas por las investigaciones originales fueron: a) mortalidad y esperanza de vida, b) salud mental, c) traumas, d) estado nutricional y e) vacunaci贸n. Se analiza detalladamente la validez de estos trabajos, sus resultados y principales conclusiones. Conclusiones: A pesar de las limitaciones propias del concepto de CS y de los estudios identificados, se puede afirmar que existe evidencia cient铆fica incipiente de la posible relaci贸n entre el CS y la salud en ALC. El CS podr铆a desempe帽ar un papel protector en ciertas 谩reas sanitarias, como la prevenci贸n de traumas y la salud mental; no obstante, la relaci贸n entre el CS y la salud podr铆a variar seg煤n los subtipos de CS y los contextos socioecon贸micos y culturales espec铆ficos. Resulta fundamental continuar desarrollando investigaciones en el 谩mbito de la epidemiolog铆a social, en las que se analice en profundidad la relaci贸n entre los determinantes sociales y los aspectos espec铆ficos de la salud en el contexto de ALC

    Estrategias innovadoras para el cuidado y el autocuidado de personas con enfermedades cr贸nicas en Am茅rica Latina Innovative care and self-care strategies for people with chronic diseases in Latin America

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    OBJETIVOS: Identificar estrategias innovadoras dirigidas a mejorar el cuidado y el autocuidado de los pacientes con enfermedades cr贸nicas (EC) en Am茅rica Latina y explorar el inter茅s en crear una red latinoamericana de profesionales en ese campo. M脡TODOS: Estudio descriptivo exploratorio basado en una encuesta aplicada a expertos clave con reconocido liderazgo nacional o regional en la atenci贸n de pacientes con EC. El cuestionario de 25 preguntas recababa informaci贸n sobre su experiencia en iniciativas de cuidado y autocuidado de pacientes con EC, la descripci贸n de las iniciativas exitosas, la percepci贸n de la capacidad de los pa铆ses para innovar en este 谩mbito y el inter茅s en participar en una red de profesionales latinoamericanos en ese campo, entre otras. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de contenidos para elaborar recomendaciones para la Regi贸n. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo respuesta de 17 (37,8%) de los 45 expertos invitados; 82,4% afirm贸 conocer o participar en alguna iniciativa innovadora en el tema planteado. Existe un incipiente desarrollo de los tres tipos de estrategias innovadoras: cuidado por pares, cuidadores informales y telecuidado, esta 煤ltima es la menos explorada. Hay un real inter茅s en conformar una red latinoamericana para el desarrollo de estrategias innovadoras dirigidas al autocuidado de pacientes con EC. CONCLUSIONES: Las bases para una red de trabajo conjunto son promisorias y es prioritario fortalecer las competencias en esta 谩rea y desarrollar propuestas innovadoras para mejorar la atenci贸n de los pacientes con EC en la Regi贸n. Las medidas innovadoras deben ser complementarias y se deben ajustar al contexto espec铆fico de cada escenario.OBJECTIVES: To identify innovative strategies for improved care and self-care of patients with chronic diseases (CD) in Latin America and to explore interest in creating a Latin American network of professionals in this field. METHODS: A descriptive study based on a survey of key experts with recognized national or regional leadership in CD patient care. The 25-question questionnaire sought information on their experiences with care and self-care initiatives for CD patients, descriptions of successful initiatives, the perceived ability of countries to innovate in this area, their interest in participating in a network of Latin American professionals in this field, and more. Content analysis was performed to develop recommendations for the Region. RESULTS: Responses were obtained from 17 (37.8%) of the 45 experts approached; 82.4% confirmed their knowledge of of involvement with an innovative initiative related to the subject. Initial development does exist in each of the three innovative strategy types: peer care, informal caregivers, and telenursing, the latter being the least explored. There is real interest in forming a Latin American network that focuses on development of innovative self-care strategies for CD patients. CONCLUSIONS: Support for a joint network is promising. Priorities are building skills in this area and developing innovative proposals for improved CD patient care in the Region. Innovative measures should be complementary and adapted to the specific context of each scenario

    Evaluation of the implementation progress through key performance indicators in a new multimorbidity patient-centered care model in Chile

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    Abstract Background Complex health interventions involve deep organizational, structural, and cultural changes that challenge health teams and decision-makers. The explosion of chronic diseases has made the multimorbidity approach a global priority. The Centro de Innovaci贸n en Salud ANCORA UC implemented a Multimorbidity Patient-Centered Care Model in the Chilean public health system. Objective This study aims to evaluate the progress of the implementation of the Multimorbidity Patient-Centered Care Model in seven primary care centers through key performance indicators. Methods a set of indicators was designed to evaluate change management, operations, installation of new roles, and services and activities of the intervention strategy of the model. Key performance indicators were identified to monitor the implementation progress on minimal components for the model鈥檚 sustainability. Each item was assigned against an expected minimum score of 67% of progress from the overall score. They were monitored twice in seven primary health centers in 2019 and 2020, which intervened 22,642 patients with the intervention. Results The results showed that six of the seven primary care centers reached the minimum implementation threshold. The main advances were in operational conditions, and those with minor progress in implementation were the clinical services. Population size, organization, coordination of the health care teams, additional training, and decision-makers support were key factors that determined the degree of progress in a complex intervention. Conclusion It was possible to measure the progression of the implementation of a complex intervention through key performance indicators delivering relevant information for decision-makers that pursue a successful and faithful implementation. This study provides a valuable tool for the national scale-up of a similar model started in Chile by the Ministry of Health and other countries

    Effect of the reaction conditions over the yield and properties of methylcellulose obtained from Pinus radiata kraft bleached cellulose

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    Kraft bleached cellulose from Pinus radiata was submitted to methylation reactions in heterogeneous media. After activation with 29% (w/w) NaOH solution, methylation reactions were carried out both with dimethyl sulfate (DMS) and methyl iodide (MI). The effects of the pressing ratio, reaction time and type of methylation agent were studied. The better yields were obtained with dimethylsulphate and the pressing ratio and reaction time were not signficant over the yield. Methylcellulose (MC) of high degree of substitution was extracted with water and the MC of low degree of substitution was extracted with 8%w/w NaOH. Some of the MCs obtained were characterized by viscosity average molecular weight, thermal behavior, degree of substitution, steady shear solution behavior. The MC water extracted obtained under certain reaction conditions showed similar behavior that commercial MC