79 research outputs found

    Keberadaan Badan Akreditasi Provinsi Sekolah/Madrasah (Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah Di Provinsi Jambi)

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    This research is intended to look into the existence of Province Acreditation for School and Islamic School in Jambi through the policies and programs executed, include the result of acreditation for islamic school at Ministry of Religious Affairs in Jambi. The data from Jambi Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2012 showed that from 538 islamic schools which have been acreditated, ie:(a) 244 Islamic Kindergarten, 169 (7,63%) kindergartens were acreditated, 75 (28,37%) kindergartens were not acreditated, (b). 263 Islamic Elementary School, 171 (61%) schools were acreditated, 98 (38,20%) schools were not acreditated, (c) 345 Islamic Junior High School, 158 (44,99 %) schools were acreditated, 187 (55,01%) schools were not acreditated and (d) 184 Islamic Senior High School, 88 (47,01%) schoolswere acreditated and 96 (52,99%) schools were not acreditated. From 1036 educational institutions, there have been 450 (43,44%) islamic schools which were acreditated while there were 586 (56,56%) isclamic schools which were not acreditated. The main problem which happenned was there were many islamic schools got C in acreditation and even some schools were not acreditated. It was caused by: (a) socialization, (b) limitted fund, (c) geographical condition, (d) the low network among islamic schools and (e) there were many policies which have not been accompanied by commitment fully

    Teori Pendidikan Keluarga Dan Tangung Jawab Orang Tua Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    Lingkungan keluarga adalah tempat (media) yang utama seoranganak memperoleh pendidikan. Ayah dan Ibu sebagai anggota keluarga menjadi pilar pendidik pertama dalam proses perkembangan kehidupan anak. Orang tua tidak sekedar membangun silaturahmi dan melakukan berbagai tujuan berkeluarga: seperti tujuan reproduksi, meneruskan keturunan, dan menjalin kasih sayang. Lebih utama, tugas keluarga adalah menciptakan bangunan dan suasana proses pendidikan keluarga sehingga melahirkan generasi yang cerdas, berakhlak mulia sebagai pondasi dasar yang kokoh dalam menapaki kehidupan dan perjalanan anak manusia.Kenyataan tersebut ditopang temuan teori-teori yang mendukung pentingnya pendidikana keluarga sebagai pondasi awal pendidikan anak-anak

    A novel approach in development of dynamic muscle model for paraplegic with functional electrical stimulation

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    This paper presents the development of paraplegic muscle model with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). A series of experiments using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) with different stimulation frequencies, pulse width and pulse duration to investigate the impact on muscle output torque are conducted. The data that is obtained is used to develop the paraplegic muscle model. 500 training data and 300 testing data set are used in the development of muscle model. The muscle model thus developed is validated with clinical data from one paraplegic subject and in comparison with two other muscle models from previous researchers. The ANFIS muscle model is found to be the most accurate muscle model representing paraplegic muscle model. The established model is then used to predict the behaviour of the underlying system and will be used in the future for the design and evaluation of various control strategies

    Prostitusi di Jember Tahun 1974-2007

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    Komersialisasi seks di Indonesia berkembang sejak masa penjajahan Belanda. Pada saat itu, pelacuran telah memasuki semua kalangan masyarakat. Pada umumnya, praktek prostitusi memiliki tempat khusus yang disebut dengan lokalisasi. Para pelacur bekerja secara terorganisir dan diawasi oleh seorang yang disebut dengan germo. Akan tetapi tidak sedikit juga para pelacur yang tidak tergabung dalam lokalisasi atau mereka yang lebih memilih untuk bertebaran di berbagai tempat secara terselubung dalam melakukan prakteknya, seperti di hotel, wisma, musik room, taksi, tempat kost, panti pijat atau tempat lainnya. Di Jember praktek prostitusi disebabkan oleh keadaan ekonomi masyarakat yang tidak memadai, gaya hidup mewah serta budaya konsumtif yang masih melekat pada warga sekitar. Prostitusi di Jember tidak lagi dilakukan oleh kalangan dewasa saja, bahkan anak yang masih di bawah umur juga ikut serta di dalamnya. Fenomena ayam kampus dan gadis putih abu-abu juga banyak terjadi di Jember. Praktek prostitusi menimbulkan pro dan kontra dari masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode sejarah dan sejarah lisan. Metode sejarah digunakan untuk mengkaji bagaimana fenomena prostitusi terjadi serta bagaimana muncul dan berkembangnya prostitusi di Jember. Metode sejarah lisan digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari masyarakat yang menjadi saksi atau terlibat langsung dalam peristiwa tersebut

    Effects Of Anthropogenic Activity On Stream Water Quality In Langsa, Aceh

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    Increased human activity towards the water bodies will change the condition of water quality. Case study in Langsa, Aceh, It was found that an increase in Some physical parameter (TSS) that exceeds the value determined in PP 82 of 2001 (Indonesian government standard). The high value of TSS in Station 2 and Station 3 indicates that the sediment loading to the water body is high, especially in Station 3, where the TSS concentrations far exceed the standard. Activity of type C surface mining materials tends to affect the brightness, turbidity, depth and TSS. Water conditions with low pH were also found in this study. In location studied no EPT larvae were foun

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Terhadap Motivasi Belajar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kembali bagaimana pengaruh pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palangkaraya. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 variabel yaitu satu variable dependen dan satu variable independen. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, sedangkan variable dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah motivasi belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan peneliti pada studi awal penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa populasi dalam penelitian adalah sebanyak 316 orang siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palangkaraya. Penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Penarikan jumlah sampel dihitung dengan menggunakan tabel penentuan jumlah sampel dari populasi yang dikembangkan oleh Isaac dan Michael dengan derajat kesalahan yaitu 5%. Pendekatan dalam penelitian kuantitatif dengan model penelitian yang bersifat expost facto. Disebut penelitian expost facto karena peneliti berhubungan dengan variabel yang telah terjadi dan tidak perlu memberikan perlakuan terhadap variabel yang diteliti. Hasil hipotesis tentang pemanfaatan teknologi dan informasi (X) terhadap motivasi belajar siswa (Y) melalui uji statistic dengan menggunakan program SPSS dalam penelitian ini memperoleh nilai sig. 0,01 < 0,05 yang berarti bahwa pemnafaatan teknologi dan informasi (X) berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa (Y), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian diterima

    Daya Dukung dan Potensi Lahan untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan di Kawasan Sub-daerah Aliran Sungai Panasen Kabupaten Minahasa

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    The aims of this reserch was analyzing the carrying capacity of the land based on food crops productivity in Panasen sub-watershed areas Minahasa regency, Analyzing land suitability clases for food crops development in Panasen sub-watershed areas Minahasa regency, Knowing the vast potential of land that could be used for food crops development in Panasen sub-watershed areas Minahasa regency and Mapping the land potential at scale of 1: 50,000 for food crops development in Panasen sub watershed areas Minahasa regency. The research method is a survey method, methods overlay is used to create a map of a group of land based on slope maps, land use maps and soil maps. Method of matching (match) is used to determine the grade of land suitability and potential land area of each crop. Statistic methodis used for the carrying capacyti of agriculture land analyzing. The results of the research show that are the carrying capacity of agricultural land is = 2.93. Rice equivalent is 2,93 x 265 kg/ person/year is 776, 45 kg of rice/person/year. Potential land for geared the development of food crops is a rice crops is 3095.10 ha which consists of land suitability classes S3wa₂rc₁ with total area of 1777.07 ha and class S3wa₂ with total area of 1.318.03 hectares. a maize crops is 1.961,14 ha which consists of land suitability classes S3wa₁ is 755,52 ha and class S3wa₁rc₁ with total area of 1205.62 ha. The limiting factor is the heaviest average rainfall of 2357.2 mm/year (wa₁), and soil texture is sandy loam/agak kasar (rc₁). a cassava crops is 1961,14 ha which consists of land suitability classes S2wa₁,₂ with total area of 755.52 ha and class S3tc with total area of 1205.62 ha. The limiting factor is the heaviest average rainfall of 2357.2 mm / year (wa₁), the number of consecutive dry months 1,41 months / years (wa₂), the average air temperature of 21.8 ° C (tc). a sweet potato crops is 1961,14 ha with land suitability classes S3wa₁. The limiting factor heaviest air humidity average of 90.62% (wa₁). All land groups in research location included in land suitability classes are not suitable (N) for the soybean crops development