936 research outputs found

    Security and Privacy Issues of Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising approach to address data privacy and confidentiality concerns by allowing multiple participants to construct a shared model without centralizing sensitive data. However, this decentralized paradigm introduces new security challenges, necessitating a comprehensive identification and classification of potential risks to ensure FL's security guarantees. This paper presents a comprehensive taxonomy of security and privacy challenges in Federated Learning (FL) across various machine learning models, including large language models. We specifically categorize attacks performed by the aggregator and participants, focusing on poisoning attacks, backdoor attacks, membership inference attacks, generative adversarial network (GAN) based attacks, and differential privacy attacks. Additionally, we propose new directions for future research, seeking innovative solutions to fortify FL systems against emerging security risks and uphold sensitive data confidentiality in distributed learning environments.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Tanfīż barnāmij al-khiṭābah li tarqiyah mahārah al-kalām laday talāmīż al-marḥalah al-`āliyah bi ma`had Darul Ihsan Muhammadiyah Sragen

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    Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah : Bagaimanakah proses pelaksanaan program pidato untuk meningkatkan skill berbicara siswa MA pada pondok pesantren darul uhsan muhammadiyah sragen, kelebihan dan kekurangan dari pelaksanaan program pidato dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagalan pelaksaan program tersebut. Adapun tujuan dari pelaksaan program tersebut adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan progam pidato, mengetahui kelebihan dan kekeurangan program tersebut serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penilitianyang digunakan dalam skripsi adalah penelitian kualitatif lapangan, adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu : metode wawancara, metode pengamatan dan metode dokumentasi. Hasil dari penilitain menunjuakan bahwa pelaksaan program pidato sempurna. Hal terssebut dibuktikan dengan peran serta antara guru, pengurus IPM dan peserta didik dalam melaksanakan dan mensukseskan program pidato. Hal tersebut juga dibuktikan dengan nilai yang dicapai oleh para siswa yang rata-rata nilainya diatas KKM. Proses pelaksaan progam pidato dimulai dengan persiapan dengan cara para siswa membuat teks kemudian dikoreksi oleh IPM dan guru. Setelah teks tersebut dikoreksi, siswa menghafalkan dan kemudian menampilkannya didepan teman-temannya. Dari penampilan tersebut kemudian guru memberikan nilai. Kelebihan dari program ini adalah dengan program ini siswa dapat mempelajari empat skill berbahasa dalam satu waktu dan para siswa juga bisa mempelajari bagaimana menjadi seorang orator. Adapun kekurangannya adalah siswa mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda yang berpengarauh pada penampilannya dan mayoritas siswa menggunakan metode menghafal dalam menyampaikan pidato yang mana model ini monoton dan seolah siswa tidak menguasai materi dan harus menghafal. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagaln metode in adalah siswa, guru, organisasi pelajar (IPM) , metode pembelajaran, kondisi lingkungan bahsa dan sarana dan prasarana penunjang, tingkat penguasaan bahasa siswa, tingkat pengalaman siswa dan motivasi siswa

    An Analysis of Bugs In Persistent Memory Application

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    Over the years of challenges on detecting the crash consistency of non-volatile persistent memory (PM) bugs and developing new tools to identify those bugs are quite stretching due to its inconsistent behavior on the file or storage systems. In this paper, we evaluated an open-sourced automatic bug detector tool (i.e. AGAMOTTO) to test NVM level hashing PM application to identify performance and correctness PM bugs in the persistent (main) memory. Furthermore, our faithful validation tool able to discovered 65 new NVM level hashing bugs on PMDK library and it outperformed the number of bugs (i.e. 40 bugs) that WITCHER framework was able to identified. Finally, we will propose a Deep-Q Learning search heuristic algorithm over the PM-Aware search algorithm in the state selection process to improve the searching strategy efficiently.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Challenges to Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Systems: Lessons from Afghanistan

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    How can monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems better support improving the aid effectiveness? What are the existing challenges to the M&E systems in Afghanistan? I try to answer these questions by briefly looking at the development aid in Afghanistan since 2001. I provide summary of attempts made at improving aid effectiveness through mutual accountability frameworks. I then try to briefly discuss the principles of Paris Declaration and provide brief insights from Afghanistan. I then discuss the status of monitoring and evaluation in Afghanistan by providing a picture functional M&E system and then discussing the existing challenges in Afghanistan. Finally, I provide some recommendations for improving monitoring and evaluation in Afghanistan

    Identifying Performance Criteria of Fully Bioresorbable Scaffolds for Endovascular Applications

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    Background: Bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS) have revolutionized percutaneous coronary intervention in clinical cardiovascular medicine. As opposed to permanent alternatives such as metallic stents, BRS have an inherent potential to reduce the occurrence of untoward events such as vessel re-narrowing or thrombosis by virtue of undergoing complete and controlled resorption post- implantation. While BRS platforms demonstrate a clear potential to mitigate risk stemming from incomplete vessel healing, they introduce a new set of considerations to clinical safety and efficacy. Foremost among these issues is the fate of and biological response to material by-products that evolve throughout the scaffold degradation and erosion processes, motivating a comprehensive assessment of how material design and deployment parameters impact scaffold performance in the arterial environment. Dissertation summary: The overall goal of this project is to identify performance criteria of BRS for endovascular applications. First, we develop a computational model to predict scaffold by-product generation and release throughout the tissue healing process. Parametric studies are used to elucidate the material and deployment parameters which most significantly modulate by-product fate and thus patient risk. We next perform an array of in vitro studies to understand how BRS fracture risk depends on the expansion ratio imparted at implantation. Due to the inherent potential for fracture during endovascular delivery, BRS over expansion is a more serious concern as compared to analogous deployment of metallic stents. Conversely, under expansion increases the risk of thrombosis due to an alteration of in situ geometry and concomitant disturbance of arterial blood flow. To gain insight on the effects of scaffold expansion, computational studies are complemented by in vitro measures of BRS erosion, degradation, radial strength, and drug delivery kinetics under plausible alterations of the degree of expansion. Finally, a dynamic flow system which mimics arterial blood flows is developed and used to study the effects of the specific implantation site on BRS performance. Taken together, the studies encompassed in this dissertation provide an efficient means for iterative evaluation of candidate scaffolds as well as the basis to optimize material design and delivery strategies as this technology continues to evolve

    Analysis of ALL JOKOWI MENS in the 2024 RI Presidential Election

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    Abstract - All Jokowi Mens itself is indirectly a political tactic from Jokowi's political actors in facilitating the next steps of government to be in the hands of Jokowi supporters such as Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto. The purpose of this article is to review the analysis of All Jokowi Mens in the 2024 RI presidential election. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis, in which the data obtained is processed, reduced and analyzed to become an article. The findings state that the All Jokowi Mens Analysis is a depiction of Jokowi's tactics as a political actor in smoothing the steps for the two candidates for the 2024 RI presidential candidate who will fight for both Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto. Therefore in presenting Jokowi as a political actor both in the form of self-image, where he plays two legs to endorse Ganjar and Prabowo regardless of Jokowi's corporate image as a PDIP who obeys party rules especially in implementing the party line to carry Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for president of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024. As for multi-image and personal appearance, Jokowi is a political actor as well as a King Maker who plays his role competing with other political actors such as Megawati Soekarnoputri, Surya Paloh, Jusuf Kalla who sometimes has hot and cold relations with them. Added to this, Jokowi's role outside of political parties with his ranks of volunteers adds to the impression that to present the next government, it remains to be All Jokowi Mens.Keywords: All Jokowi Mens, Jokowi, 2024 Indonesian Presidential General Election