51 research outputs found

    Hydrogeographical characteristics of the Cetina river

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    Rijeka Cetina najreprezentativnija je krška rijeka u Hrvatskoj. Obilježava ju velika površina hidrogeološkog porječja koje prelazi državne granice, te obuhvaća velika polja u kršu jugozapadne Bosne. Na površini preko 4000 km2 javljaju se različite reljefne cjeline, od planina, polja u kršu do kanjona. Podzemnim otjecanjem vode u tok rijeke stvara se veliki hidropotencijal koji je dobro iskorišten gradnjom niza hidroenergetskih objekata. Posljednjih godina područje toka Cetine postaje i prepoznatljiva turistička destinacija. Međutim, pretjerano gospodarsko iskorištavanje rijeke predstavlja prijetnju. Stoga je nužno donošenje planova odgovornog i održivog gospodarenja vodom. Cilj je ovog rada predstaviti hidrogeografska obilježja rijeke Cetine, počevši od hidromorfoloških i hidroloških karakteristika do gospodarskih značajki.The Cetina River is the most representative karstic river in Croatia. It is characterized by a large hydrogeological watershed that crosses national borders, and includes large karstic fields of southwestern Bosnia. On the surface of over 4000 km2 different relief units occur, from mountains, karstic fields to a canyon. Underground runoff into the Cetina stream creates a large hydro potential that is well utilized by the construction of a number of hydropower facilities. In recent years, the Cetina stream area has become a recognizable tourist destination. However, excessive economic exploitation of the river poses a threat. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt plans for responsible and sustainable water management. The aim of this paper is to present the hydrogeographic features of the Cetina River, starting from hydro-morphological and hydrological characteristics to economic features

    Environmental influences on gene expression and penetrance

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    Molekula DNA sadrži informacije koje oblikuju žive organizme. Te informacije pohranjene su u genima koji kodiraju proteine. Učestalost ispoljavanja nekog gena u populaciji nazivamo penetrabilnost. Ekspresivnost gena predstavlja nivo do kojeg se penetrabilan gen ispoljava kod jedinke. Ekspresivnost i penetrabilnost ovise o genotipu i okolini. Kada kažemo da se neki gen eksprimira, mislimo na ekspresiju informacije koju on posjeduje, tj. nastanak proteina. Enzimi su specijalizirani proteini koji predstavljaju središnji dio svih biokemijskih procesa. Svaka stanica, ovisno o svojoj funkciji u organizmu, ima različitu ekspresiju gena. Kisik je bitan za sve aerobne organizme na Zemlji. Organizmi se stoga moraju prilagoditi stanju hipoksije, kako bi očuvali svoje biološke funkcije i nastavili pravilan rast i razvitak. Kod sisavaca HIF-1 faktor („hypoxia-inducibile factor“) ima funkciju kao glavni regulator kontrole kisika tijekom embrionalnog i postnatalnog razvoja organizma. HIF-1 ima dvije podjedinice α i β. Regulacija podjedinica ovisna je o hidroksilaciji prolil i asparagil kiselinskih ostataka. Kod biljaka u uvjetima hipoksije dolazi do prelaska s aerobnog metabolizma na fermentaciju te dolazi do bolje translacije stresnih proteina. Temperatura je također važan okolišni čimbenik koji utječe na ekspresiju gena. Kod sisavaca vidljive su promjene u fenotipu (boja krzna kod sijamskih mačaka), a kod gmazova je spol ovisan o temperaturi inkubacije jaja. Temperatura ima utjecaj i na ekspresiju gena kod biljaka. Zajedničko svojstvo toplotnog stresa i stresa uzrokovanog smrzavanjem i hladnoćom je ekspresija određenih gena i sinteza proteina HSPs („heat shock proteins“). Razlika je u tome što se za vrijeme stresa uzrokovanog hladnoćom ne smanjuje ekspresija uobičajenih („housekeeping“) proteina.The biological information fundamental to life is encoded in the DNA molecule. The DNA regions that encode proteins are called genes. The degree to which a gene is expressed in the phenotype is called penetrance. Gene expression is the extent to which the penetrable gene is expressed in an individual. Expression and penetrance depend on genotype and environment. When we say that gene is expressed, we mean that the expression of information which it possesses, i.e. the formation of proteins. Enzymes are highly specialized proteins with catalytic power. Because of that they are crucial to every biochemical process. Each cell, depending on its function in the body, has a different gene expression. The expression of genes in an organism can be influenced by the environment, including the external world in which the organism is located or developing, as well as the organism's internal world, which includes such factors as hormones or metabolism. Oxygen is essential for the development and growth of multicellular organisms. Organisms must therefore be adapted to hypoxia, to preserve their biological functions and continue proper growth and development. In mammals, HIF-1 factor ("hypoxia-inducible factor") is a main oxygen control regulator during embryonic and postnatal development of the organism. HIF-1 has two subunits, α and β. Subunit regulation depends on hydroxylation of prolyl and asparagil acid residues. In plants under hypoxia condition, a transition from aerobic metabolism to fermentation occurs, and there is a better translation of stress proteins. Organisms have developed a sophisticated physiological network to maintain oxygen homeostasis at the tissue level. One of the critical aspects of this network is the ability to sense and respond to low-oxygen conditions. Adaptation to hypoxia at the organism level includes regulation of many proteins at the level of gene expression. Temperature is an important environmental factor that affects gene expression. In mammals temperature have a visible effect on phenotype (coat colour of Siamese cats), and in many reptiles sex determination is temperature dependent. Expression of certain genes and synthesis of specific proteins are common to both heat and cold stress in plants. The difference is that during the stress caused by coldness the expression of common ("housekeeping") proteins is not reduced

    Hydrogeographical characteristics of the Cetina river

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    Rijeka Cetina najreprezentativnija je krška rijeka u Hrvatskoj. Obilježava ju velika površina hidrogeološkog porječja koje prelazi državne granice, te obuhvaća velika polja u kršu jugozapadne Bosne. Na površini preko 4000 km2 javljaju se različite reljefne cjeline, od planina, polja u kršu do kanjona. Podzemnim otjecanjem vode u tok rijeke stvara se veliki hidropotencijal koji je dobro iskorišten gradnjom niza hidroenergetskih objekata. Posljednjih godina područje toka Cetine postaje i prepoznatljiva turistička destinacija. Međutim, pretjerano gospodarsko iskorištavanje rijeke predstavlja prijetnju. Stoga je nužno donošenje planova odgovornog i održivog gospodarenja vodom. Cilj je ovog rada predstaviti hidrogeografska obilježja rijeke Cetine, počevši od hidromorfoloških i hidroloških karakteristika do gospodarskih značajki.The Cetina River is the most representative karstic river in Croatia. It is characterized by a large hydrogeological watershed that crosses national borders, and includes large karstic fields of southwestern Bosnia. On the surface of over 4000 km2 different relief units occur, from mountains, karstic fields to a canyon. Underground runoff into the Cetina stream creates a large hydro potential that is well utilized by the construction of a number of hydropower facilities. In recent years, the Cetina stream area has become a recognizable tourist destination. However, excessive economic exploitation of the river poses a threat. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt plans for responsible and sustainable water management. The aim of this paper is to present the hydrogeographic features of the Cetina River, starting from hydro-morphological and hydrological characteristics to economic features

    Analysis of spark ignition engine operation with fully variable valve timing system

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    Kako bi pratili sve razvoj motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem, proizvođači traže nova inovativna rješenja za poboljšanje značajki rada motora. U zadnje vrijeme puno se pažnje posvećuje optimizaciji rada motora, što možemo vidjeti kroz nove trendove poput downsizing-a. Jedan od smjerova poboljšanja značajki motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem je primjena potpuno varijabilnih ventilskih razvodnih sustava. Analizom rada motora s primijenjenim potpuno varijabilnim ventilskim razvodom prikazali smo moguća poboljšanja značajki rada motora. Ovaj rad je samo zagrebao površinu u pogledu analize primjene potpuno varijabilnih ventilskih razvoda jer su analizirana samo puna opterećenja, iako bi bilo zanimljivo analizirati poboljšanja značajki motora na pri djelomičnom opterećenju. U svrhu ovog završnog rada provedene su simulacije u programskom paketu AVL Boost™ na četverotaktnom Ottovom motoru. Simulacije su izvršene za različite brzine vrtnje motora a te brzine su: 1000, 1500, 1600, 2000, 2200, 2500 i 3000 min-1.In order to follow the development of the internal combustion engine, manufacturers are searching for new and innovative solutions to upgrade the performance of the engine. Lately a lot of attention is dedicated to the optimization of the engine processes. What can be seen thru new trends such as downsizing. One of the ways for improving the internal combustion engine is implementing a Fully Variable Valve Actuation systems. Analysis of the engine process with implemented Fully Variable Valve Actuation shows possible improvements of the engine performance. This Bachelor’s thesis has just scratched the surface in the direction of analysing the implementation of the Fully Variable Valve Actuation systems because it just analysed the full load of the engine, even though it would be interesting to analyse the improvements on the engine performance on partial loads. For purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis the simulations were conducted in the AVL Boost™ simulation program, on the four stroke Otto engine. Simulations were conducted for different rotational speeds of the engine, and those are: 1000, 1500, 1600, 2000, 2200, 2500 and 3000 min-1

    Analiza rada Ottovog motora primjenom potpuno varijabilnog ventilskog razvoda

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    Kako bi pratili sve razvoj motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem, proizvođači traže nova inovativna rješenja za poboljšanje značajki rada motora. U zadnje vrijeme puno se pažnje posvećuje optimizaciji rada motora, što možemo vidjeti kroz nove trendove poput downsizing-a. Jedan od smjerova poboljšanja značajki motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem je primjena potpuno varijabilnih ventilskih razvodnih sustava. Analizom rada motora s primijenjenim potpuno varijabilnim ventilskim razvodom prikazali smo moguća poboljšanja značajki rada motora. Ovaj rad je samo zagrebao površinu u pogledu analize primjene potpuno varijabilnih ventilskih razvoda jer su analizirana samo puna opterećenja, iako bi bilo zanimljivo analizirati poboljšanja značajki motora na pri djelomičnom opterećenju. U svrhu ovog završnog rada provedene su simulacije u programskom paketu AVL Boost™ na četverotaktnom Ottovom motoru. Simulacije su izvršene za različite brzine vrtnje motora a te brzine su: 1000, 1500, 1600, 2000, 2200, 2500 i 3000 min-1

    Environmental influences on gene expression and penetrance

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    Molekula DNA sadrži informacije koje oblikuju žive organizme. Te informacije pohranjene su u genima koji kodiraju proteine. Učestalost ispoljavanja nekog gena u populaciji nazivamo penetrabilnost. Ekspresivnost gena predstavlja nivo do kojeg se penetrabilan gen ispoljava kod jedinke. Ekspresivnost i penetrabilnost ovise o genotipu i okolini. Kada kažemo da se neki gen eksprimira, mislimo na ekspresiju informacije koju on posjeduje, tj. nastanak proteina. Enzimi su specijalizirani proteini koji predstavljaju središnji dio svih biokemijskih procesa. Svaka stanica, ovisno o svojoj funkciji u organizmu, ima različitu ekspresiju gena. Kisik je bitan za sve aerobne organizme na Zemlji. Organizmi se stoga moraju prilagoditi stanju hipoksije, kako bi očuvali svoje biološke funkcije i nastavili pravilan rast i razvitak. Kod sisavaca HIF-1 faktor („hypoxia-inducibile factor“) ima funkciju kao glavni regulator kontrole kisika tijekom embrionalnog i postnatalnog razvoja organizma. HIF-1 ima dvije podjedinice α i β. Regulacija podjedinica ovisna je o hidroksilaciji prolil i asparagil kiselinskih ostataka. Kod biljaka u uvjetima hipoksije dolazi do prelaska s aerobnog metabolizma na fermentaciju te dolazi do bolje translacije stresnih proteina. Temperatura je također važan okolišni čimbenik koji utječe na ekspresiju gena. Kod sisavaca vidljive su promjene u fenotipu (boja krzna kod sijamskih mačaka), a kod gmazova je spol ovisan o temperaturi inkubacije jaja. Temperatura ima utjecaj i na ekspresiju gena kod biljaka. Zajedničko svojstvo toplotnog stresa i stresa uzrokovanog smrzavanjem i hladnoćom je ekspresija određenih gena i sinteza proteina HSPs („heat shock proteins“). Razlika je u tome što se za vrijeme stresa uzrokovanog hladnoćom ne smanjuje ekspresija uobičajenih („housekeeping“) proteina.The biological information fundamental to life is encoded in the DNA molecule. The DNA regions that encode proteins are called genes. The degree to which a gene is expressed in the phenotype is called penetrance. Gene expression is the extent to which the penetrable gene is expressed in an individual. Expression and penetrance depend on genotype and environment. When we say that gene is expressed, we mean that the expression of information which it possesses, i.e. the formation of proteins. Enzymes are highly specialized proteins with catalytic power. Because of that they are crucial to every biochemical process. Each cell, depending on its function in the body, has a different gene expression. The expression of genes in an organism can be influenced by the environment, including the external world in which the organism is located or developing, as well as the organism's internal world, which includes such factors as hormones or metabolism. Oxygen is essential for the development and growth of multicellular organisms. Organisms must therefore be adapted to hypoxia, to preserve their biological functions and continue proper growth and development. In mammals, HIF-1 factor ("hypoxia-inducible factor") is a main oxygen control regulator during embryonic and postnatal development of the organism. HIF-1 has two subunits, α and β. Subunit regulation depends on hydroxylation of prolyl and asparagil acid residues. In plants under hypoxia condition, a transition from aerobic metabolism to fermentation occurs, and there is a better translation of stress proteins. Organisms have developed a sophisticated physiological network to maintain oxygen homeostasis at the tissue level. One of the critical aspects of this network is the ability to sense and respond to low-oxygen conditions. Adaptation to hypoxia at the organism level includes regulation of many proteins at the level of gene expression. Temperature is an important environmental factor that affects gene expression. In mammals temperature have a visible effect on phenotype (coat colour of Siamese cats), and in many reptiles sex determination is temperature dependent. Expression of certain genes and synthesis of specific proteins are common to both heat and cold stress in plants. The difference is that during the stress caused by coldness the expression of common ("housekeeping") proteins is not reduced

    Environmental influences on gene expression and penetrance

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    Molekula DNA sadrži informacije koje oblikuju žive organizme. Te informacije pohranjene su u genima koji kodiraju proteine. Učestalost ispoljavanja nekog gena u populaciji nazivamo penetrabilnost. Ekspresivnost gena predstavlja nivo do kojeg se penetrabilan gen ispoljava kod jedinke. Ekspresivnost i penetrabilnost ovise o genotipu i okolini. Kada kažemo da se neki gen eksprimira, mislimo na ekspresiju informacije koju on posjeduje, tj. nastanak proteina. Enzimi su specijalizirani proteini koji predstavljaju središnji dio svih biokemijskih procesa. Svaka stanica, ovisno o svojoj funkciji u organizmu, ima različitu ekspresiju gena. Kisik je bitan za sve aerobne organizme na Zemlji. Organizmi se stoga moraju prilagoditi stanju hipoksije, kako bi očuvali svoje biološke funkcije i nastavili pravilan rast i razvitak. Kod sisavaca HIF-1 faktor („hypoxia-inducibile factor“) ima funkciju kao glavni regulator kontrole kisika tijekom embrionalnog i postnatalnog razvoja organizma. HIF-1 ima dvije podjedinice α i β. Regulacija podjedinica ovisna je o hidroksilaciji prolil i asparagil kiselinskih ostataka. Kod biljaka u uvjetima hipoksije dolazi do prelaska s aerobnog metabolizma na fermentaciju te dolazi do bolje translacije stresnih proteina. Temperatura je također važan okolišni čimbenik koji utječe na ekspresiju gena. Kod sisavaca vidljive su promjene u fenotipu (boja krzna kod sijamskih mačaka), a kod gmazova je spol ovisan o temperaturi inkubacije jaja. Temperatura ima utjecaj i na ekspresiju gena kod biljaka. Zajedničko svojstvo toplotnog stresa i stresa uzrokovanog smrzavanjem i hladnoćom je ekspresija određenih gena i sinteza proteina HSPs („heat shock proteins“). Razlika je u tome što se za vrijeme stresa uzrokovanog hladnoćom ne smanjuje ekspresija uobičajenih („housekeeping“) proteina.The biological information fundamental to life is encoded in the DNA molecule. The DNA regions that encode proteins are called genes. The degree to which a gene is expressed in the phenotype is called penetrance. Gene expression is the extent to which the penetrable gene is expressed in an individual. Expression and penetrance depend on genotype and environment. When we say that gene is expressed, we mean that the expression of information which it possesses, i.e. the formation of proteins. Enzymes are highly specialized proteins with catalytic power. Because of that they are crucial to every biochemical process. Each cell, depending on its function in the body, has a different gene expression. The expression of genes in an organism can be influenced by the environment, including the external world in which the organism is located or developing, as well as the organism's internal world, which includes such factors as hormones or metabolism. Oxygen is essential for the development and growth of multicellular organisms. Organisms must therefore be adapted to hypoxia, to preserve their biological functions and continue proper growth and development. In mammals, HIF-1 factor ("hypoxia-inducible factor") is a main oxygen control regulator during embryonic and postnatal development of the organism. HIF-1 has two subunits, α and β. Subunit regulation depends on hydroxylation of prolyl and asparagil acid residues. In plants under hypoxia condition, a transition from aerobic metabolism to fermentation occurs, and there is a better translation of stress proteins. Organisms have developed a sophisticated physiological network to maintain oxygen homeostasis at the tissue level. One of the critical aspects of this network is the ability to sense and respond to low-oxygen conditions. Adaptation to hypoxia at the organism level includes regulation of many proteins at the level of gene expression. Temperature is an important environmental factor that affects gene expression. In mammals temperature have a visible effect on phenotype (coat colour of Siamese cats), and in many reptiles sex determination is temperature dependent. Expression of certain genes and synthesis of specific proteins are common to both heat and cold stress in plants. The difference is that during the stress caused by coldness the expression of common ("housekeeping") proteins is not reduced

    Menedžment u privatnom smještaju na primjeru apartmana „ANNA"― U MASLENICI

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    Turizam u Hrvatskoj ima uzlazni trend već desetak godina i Hrvatska postaje sve konkurentnija vodećim pruţateljima turistiĉkih usluga u Europi. Hrvatska obiluje prirodnim bogatstvima, oĉuvanim okolišem i ima bogatu kulturnu i povijesnu baštinu. Razgranata prometna mreţa doprinosi dobroj povezanosti unutar zemlje, ali i povezanosti s europskim trţištem. MeĊutim, Hrvatska još uvijek nema dovoljno razvijenu turistiĉku infrastrukturu kao što su suvremeni kongresni centri, tematski i zabavni parkovi, igrališta za golf, centri cjelogodišnjeg planinskog turizma, kapaciteti sportskog turizma, wellness, ljeĉilišni i medicinski kapaciteti, biciklistiĉke staze i kvalitetno osmišljene tematske rute te kapaciteti vezani uz ekoturizam i ruralni turizam. Posljediĉno tome, i dalje je najzastupljenija turistiĉka usluga vezana uz „sunce i more― što utjeĉe na izrazito veliku sezonalnost turizma u Hrvatskoj. Iako se u posljednje vrijeme primjećuje rast broja dolazaka i noćenja turista u razdoblju izvan glavne ljetne sezone radi razvoja gradskih kulturnih scena, glazbenih i filmskih festivala i raznih drugih kulturnih dogaĊanja, te sportskih i gastro dogaĊanja, ipak se i dalje glavnina turistiĉkog prometa u Hrvatskoj odvija tijekom srpnja i kolovoza.Tourism in Croatia is a rising trend in the past ten years and Croatia is becoming more competitive amongst the leading tourist services providers in Europe. Croatia is plentiful with natural riches, preserved environment and has a rich cultural and historical heritage. A well branched traffic network allows for a good connectivity within the country, but also with the european market. However, Croatia is still lacking a well developed tourrist infrastructure like modern congress centers, theme and amusement parks, golf courses, mountain destinations, sports tourism facilities, wellness, medical and healing centers, bike tracks, well thought out theme routes and accomodations connected with eco-tourism and rural tourism. Consequently, most common tourist offering is still „sun and sea―, which defines the seasonal nature of tourism in Croatia. Although in recent years there is a noted increase in tourist arrivals and overnight stays in the time period outside of main summer season due to development of culture events in cities, music and film festivals, sports and gastro events, still most of tourism in Croatia happens during the months of July and August

    Qualitative analysis of experience, beliefs, and attitudes of primary school children towards a STEM intervention programme: how to understand outcome and plan future STEM intervention

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    There is an increasing number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) interventions within the education system, and the question of their effectiveness as well as the optimal ways to determine their effectiveness are a growing subject of interest. This study qualitatively evaluates a two-year STEM intervention programme to gain a deeper insight into the students’ perception and understanding of a STEM intervention. The second aim was to provide some recommendations for planning future interventions in STEM, understanding a provided reason behind students’ satisfaction. Four focus group discussions were conducted with students in 4th through 6th grades ( N = 24) in 2016 and four focus groups with students in the 5th through 7th grades ( N = 34) in 2017. The use of a qualitative approach in the evaluation of the STEM intervention programme proved to be a good choice. The outcome of the analysis shows that such a STEM programme could be effective if we maintain the recency effect and interest in the activity, provide as many hands-on activities as possible, increase the sense of autonomy in students, develop collaborative learning, and put emphasis on robot-assisted learning and learning through play. Also, it is important to carry out early STEM interventions, emphasizing the importance and usefulness of the activities for everyday lives of students, and that, during the course of the programme, materials and resources are provided for out-of-school STEM activities (especially for students of lower SES)