8 research outputs found

    Gradient chitosan hydrogels modified with graphene derivatives and hydroxyapatite : physiochemical properties and initial cytocompatibility evaluation

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    In this study, we investigated preparation of gradient chitosan-matrix hydrogels through a novel freezing–gelling–thawing method. The influence of three types of graphene family materials (GFM), i.e., graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO), and poly(ethylene glycol) grafted graphene oxide (GO-PEG), as well as hydroxyapatite (HAp) on the physicochemical and biological properties of the composite hydrogels was examined in view of their potential applicability as tissue engineering scaffolds. The substrates and the hydrogel samples were thoroughly characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy, digital and scanning electron microscopy, rheological and mechanical analysis, in vitro chemical stability and bioactivity assays, as well as initial cytocompatibility evaluation with human umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs). We followed the green-chemistry approach and avoided toxic cross-linking agents, using instead specific interactions of our polymer matrix with tannic acid, non-toxic physical cross-linker, and graphene derivatives. It was shown that the most promising are the gradient hydrogels modified with GO-PEG and HAp

    Evaluation of EEG examination in diagnosis of Todd’s post-epileptic paralysis.

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    Porażeniem połowicznym ponapadowym, po raz pierwszy opisanym przez Roberta Bentleya Todda w 1849 roku, określamy schorzenie neurologiczne charakteryzujące się krótkim okresem paraliżu przejściowego, który występuje w następstwie ataku napadu drgawkowego. Niedowład zazwyczaj dotyczy kończyny przeciwnej do umiejscowienia ogniska padaczkorodnego. Zwykle ustępuje całkowicie w ciągu 48 godzin. Porażenie Todda może również wpływać na ośrodki mowy lub wzroku. Patofizjologia tego zjawiska wciąż jest nieznana. Szczególną uwagę zwraca się na możliwość występowania wyczerpania neuronalnego lub nadmiernych procesów hamowania.Cel pracy stanowi ukazanie znaczenia badania elektroencefalograficznego w rozpoznaniu niedowładu połowicznego po napadzie drgawkowym (porażenie Todda) na podstawie analizy przypadku. Niniejsza praca została opisana w formie studium przypadku. Do zebrania badań wykorzystano zarówno werbalne, jak i niewerbalne techniki zbierania danych: wywiad z lekarzem prowadzącym i opisującym badania elektroencefalograficzne oraz analiza historii medycznej i wyników badań przyjętego pacjenta.Analizie poddano przypadek 46-letniej kobiety, u której wykonano badanie EEG oraz badanie obrazowe mózgowia metodą rezonansu magnetycznego.Badanie elektroencefalograficzne jest podstawowym narzędziem diagnostycznym w rozpoznaniu i monitorowaniu porażenia Todda.Todd’s post-epileptic paralysis, first noted by Robert Todd in 1849, is a focal neurological deficits with typical short time of transient paralysis. This paralysis occurs following the seizure. Todd's paralysis generally occurs on one side of the body to opposite localized region of the brain by the seizure. Usually subsides completely within 48 hours. Todd's paralysis could be also affect speech or vision centers. Pathophysiology is not clear. It may be due to neuronal exhaustion or neuronal inhibition process. The aim of this study is to show relevance of the examination electroencephalographic in diagnosis of Todd’s post-epileptic paralysis. In this study apply the case study method. Typical for this research are verbal and nonverbal techniques as a interview with a doctor, analysis of medical history and test results of patient. The case of a 46-year-old woman with an EEG and brain MR imaging was analyzed. The study electroencephalogram is an essential diagnostic examination in the diagnosis of Todd’s post-epileptic paralysis

    Regenerating space within the historic tissue of the city. Valencia

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    This article presents the results of a student’s workshop organised under the title “Regeneration of housing and urban space within the historic tissue of the city”, which took place during an academic trip of the GROW Students’ Academic Club—which is affiliated with the Institute of Urban Design of the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology—to Valencia, Spain. Six Engineer’s diploma projects were prepared as a part of the workshop. The event was organised by the Cracow University of Technology in cooperation with the CEU—the Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia. The workshop was used to perform analyses aimed at familiarising students with the characteristics of the city, particularly its historic section, as well as performing on-site visits to plots presented by the Spanish university, which were later used as sites for the student projects

    Regenerating space within the historic tissue of the city. Valencia

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    This article presents the results of a student’s workshop organised under the title “Regeneration of housing and urban space within the historic tissue of the city”, which took place during an academic trip of the GROW Students’ Academic Club—which is affiliated with the Institute of Urban Design of the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology—to Valencia, Spain. Six Engineer’s diploma projects were prepared as a part of the workshop. The event was organised by the Cracow University of Technology in cooperation with the CEU—the Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia. The workshop was used to perform analyses aimed at familiarising students with the characteristics of the city, particularly its historic section, as well as performing on-site visits to plots presented by the Spanish university, which were later used as sites for the student projects

    Acclimation to Ex Vitro Conditions in Ninebark

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    Acclimation is the final phase of micropropagation and often decisive for its economic output. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate the effect of abscisic acid (ABA) and supplementary light on acclimation and leaf anatomy of the in vitro-rooted plants of ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius L.). The initial material came from 8–10-week-old in vitro cultures on ½MS supplemented with 1 mg·L−1 IBA. After potting, plantlets were sprayed with ABA solutions or distilled water and were grown either under natural daylight or under supplemental sodium light at 230 μmol·m−2·s−1 between 2 and 9 p.m. All measurements and anatomical observations were done after eight weeks in the greenhouse. Supplementary lighting significantly increased the percentage of acclimatized plants, plant height and the internode number. Plant growth was also positively affected by 1 mg·L−1 ABA. During acclimation, the photosynthesis rate increased while the transpiration and stomatal conductance dropped. The assimilation pigment contents increased under supplemental lighting while ABA had no detectable effect. However, relative to water controls, ABA increased photosynthesis, reduced transpiration, and stomatal conductance in plants growing under both light conditions. Leaves from the in vitro plants were about two times thinner than those from plants growing in soil, with only a single layer of the palisade parenchyma, hence with lower proportion in relation to the spongy parenchyma. Supplementary light during acclimation increased leaf thickness but only in the water control while it decreased it in the ABA-treated plants. ABA increased the mesophyll thickness but only in plants growing under natural light. In conclusion, supplementary light and treatment with ABA enhance acclimation of micropropagated ninebark plants