125 research outputs found

    Immobilized enzyme technology for debittering citrus fruit juices

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    There has been increased interest in the use of immobilized enzymes in fruit juice industry for debittering of citrus fruit juices due to their high efficiency to remove bitter flavonoids. The structure of naringin, responsible for immediate bitterness, and of limonin, responsible for &quot;delayed bitterness&quot; has been discussed. This chapter also discusses various attempts that have been made to immobilize enzymes on an appropriate support so as to enable their use in debittering of citrus fruit juices. These include physicochemical and enzyme biotechnological approaches which makes the fruit juice more acceptable and cost effective to the consumer. Despite of high volume of production of citrus fruits and fruit juices, suitable processes to produce non-bitter citrus juice by immobilized enzymes technology has not yet commercialized globally.<br /

    Pigmented Corneal Ulcer

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    Purpose: To report the clinical characteristics, laboratory findings, and treatment of a rare case of keratitis caused by pigmented fungi Bipolaris hawaiiensis. Case Report: A 55-year-old man presented with a history of trauma with vegetative matter in his left eye. Slit lamp biomicroscopic examination revealed the presence of a brownish-black pigmented plaque with surrounding infiltrates. Corneal scrapings revealed multiple septate hyphae. Culture revealed growth of the Bipolaris species. The patient was treated with topical natamycin 5%, topical voriconazole 1%, and oral itraconazole followed by intracameral amphotericin B (5 μg/mL). The patient responded well to the treatment. Conclusion: Brown pigmented infiltrates are an important clinical feature of dematiaceous fungi. B. hawaiiensis is a rare cause of corneal phaeohyphomycosis. Our patient responded well to intracameral amphotericin B, which obviated the need for penetrating keratoplasty

    Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis

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    Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Shigella spp. Among Gastroenteritis Patients at Tertiary Care Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal

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    Shigellosis, a disease caused by Shigella species. It is a major public health problem in developing nations like Nepal, where communities having poverty; poor sanitation, personal hygiene, and water supplies. The main aim of our study is to isolate and identify Shigella spp. from gastroenteritis patients and to find out its drug resistance pattern.A cross-sectional study was carried out based on routinely attending outpatients and inpatients.  A total of 225 stool samples collected from gastroenteritis patients were processed from 20 April to 24 September 2014 in Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal. Standard microbiological procedures were followed for the isolation of Shigella spp. After that slide agglutination kit method was used for identification of Shigella spp.  Finally, Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method was done for an antimicrobial resistance test.Of the total 225 gastroenteritis patients, 133 were detected as bacterial positive cases.  Among positive cases, Shigella spp. was identified in 10.5%.  Age wise, an infection rate of Shigella in patients &lt;15-years old was found higher i.e. 7.3% than in patients ≥ 15 years old i.e. 4.5% with the (p = 0.432) at 95% CI. The infection rate of S. dysenteriae, S. flexneri, and S. sonnei was detected in 28.6%, 57.1%, and 14.3% respectively. For the antimicrobial test, eight types of antibiotics were used.  The most resistance pattern of isolated Shigella spp. was found in nalidixic acid, and co-trimoxazole 92.8% followed by ampicillin 64.3% and ciprofloxacin 42.8% etc.Our study reported that endemicity of Shigellosis with S. flexneri is the predominant group in gastroenteritis patients. This finding suggests that co-trimoxazole, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin and ampicillin should not be used experimentally as first-line drugs for shigellosis treatment

    Securing Land Rights for All through Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration Approach:The Case of Nepal

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    After the political change in Nepal of 1951, leapfrog land policy improvements have been recorded, however, the land reform initiatives have been short of full success. Despite a land administration system based on cadaster and land registries in place, 25% of the arable land with an estimated 10 million spatial units on the ground are informally occupied and are off-register. Recently, a strong political will has emerged to ensure land rights for all. Providing tenure security to all these occupants using the conventional surveying and land administration approach demands a large amount of skilled human resources, a long timeframe and a huge budget. To assess the suitability of the fit-for-purpose land administration (FFPLA) approach for nationwide mapping and registration of informality in the Nepalese context, the identification, verification and recordation (IVR) of the people-to-land relationship was conducted through two pilot studies using a participatory approach covering around 1500 and 3400 parcels, respectively, in an urban and a rural setting. The pilot studies were based on the FFPLA National Strategy and utilized satellite imageries and smartphones for identification and verification of land boundaries. Data collection to verification tasks were completed within seven months in the urban settlements and for an average cost of 7.5 USD per parcel; within the rural setting, the pilot study was also completed within 7 months and for an average cost of just over 3 USD per parcel. The studies also informed the discussions on building the legislative and institutional frameworks, which are now in place. With locally trained ‘grassroots surveyors’, the studies have provided a promising alternative to the conventional surveying technologies by providing a fast, inexpensive and acceptable solution. The tested approach may fulfill the commitment to resolve the countrywide mapping of informality. The use of consistent data model and mapping standards are recommended

    EN-BIRTH Data Collector Training - Supporting Annexes

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    The EN-BIRTH study aims to validate selected newborn and maternal indicators for routine facility-based tracking of coverage and quality of care for use at district, national and global levels. The item contains consent forms and participant information, in addition to standard operating procedures (SOP) for adverse clinical events, and managing distress in interviews. The full complement of annex files used during the training can be requested via this site if required

    Bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma as a presentation of isolated microspherophakia in an adult: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Bilateral simultaneous angle closure glaucoma is a rare entity. To our knowledge this is the first reported case of bilateral acute angle-closure glaucoma secondary to isolated microspherophakia in an adult. CASE PRESENTATION: A 45-year-old woman presented with bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma, with a patent iridotomy in one eye. Prolonged miotic use prior to presentation had worsened the pupillary block. The diagnosis was not initially suspected, and the patient was subjected to pars-plana lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy for a presumed ciliary block glaucoma. The small spherical lens was detected intraoperatively, and spherophakia was diagnosed in retrospect. She had no systemic features of any of the known conditions associated with spherophakia. Pars-plana lensectomy both eyes controlled the intraocular pressure successfully. CONCLUSION: This case demonstrates the importance of considering the diagnosis of isolated microspherophakia in any case of bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma. Lensectomy appears to be an effective first-line strategy for managing these patients
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